Title: version 1
1 NCFE Regional Event Closing the Skills
Gap Wednesday 24 January 2007 Presentation by
Julie Robson Regional Skills Director
- Economic Restructuring
- Occupational change
- Changing Skills Demand
- Demography
3A range of service sectors are driving
employment growth in the region
Over a 5 year period..
And more recently
Source ABI
Source ABI
4The service sector will be the focus
for new job creation
5Significant future demand for labour
across the full spectrum of occupations
New job growth focused on higher skilled and
customer facing occupations
But job losses in manual and unskilled
occupations offset by replacement demand
Source Working Futures II
Source Working Futures II
6The Region has the highest proportion
of the population with no qualifications
in England
7Employment rates among black minority
ethnic groups are low in the Region
8Ethnicity impacts upon attainment of
9Closing the Skills Gap
Challenges (1)
- Demography
- replacement demand
- fastest growing groups least qualified
- concentrations of unqualified adults in urban
- areas (½ million people in 55 most
- disadvantaged wards 45 workless and 42
- no qualifications)
- Skills shortages in traditional industries
10Closing the Skills Gap
Challenges (2)
- Accelerating Skills Demand
- 40 drop in jobs without skills/qualifications
- Occupational change
- growth in managerial professional and specialist
technical jobs - 35 growth in Level 3/4 jobs
- Graduate retention and the knowledge economy
11Closing the Skills Gap
Challenges (3)
- Education, Training and Skills Performance
- Improving quality and responsiveness
- demand-led workforce skills
- raising success rates
- Structural/system weaknesses
- fragmented skills and employment systems
- disconnection of higher level skills
- post-14 progression routes
- Matching skills supply to demand
- Employer investment
12Priorities (1)
- Integrated employment and skills system
- Progressive system Skills Escalator
- upskilling those in work to Level 3 and 4
- pull through people not in work through mass
adult apprenticeship - Prioritising public investment through
- commissioning
- Basic skills
- Adult Level 2
- Level 3 skill shortages
13Priorities (2)
- Demand-led employer skills system
- single employer service Train to Gain
- integrating business support and skills brokerage
- driving employer investment
- accredited, specialist providers
- Regional strategy for higher level skills
- Lifelong Learning Networks
- Specialist provider networks
- Graduate retention a priority for the RES
14Integrated Employment and
Skills System
- City Region model
- City Strategies Pathfinder
- Joint Investment Plans
- Jobcentre Plus, Local Authorities and LSC
- Sector jobs and skills plans
- Neighbourhood Action Plans
- Employment and Skills Boards
- employer leadership/ownership of diversity
- critical role for public service employers
- Targeting the most disadvantaged client groups
- and neighbourhoods
- Progressive pre and post employment support
15Integrated System End-to-End
Improved client engagement
Individual skills assessment
Commissioned/Tailored programmes matching skills
need to job content/skill requirement
Active involvement of employers in programme
Detailed scoping of job content/skill requirement
Improved employer engagement
16Demand-led Skills Service
Train to Gain
- Single regional Business Support and Skills
- Brokerage Service
- 1st August Train to Gain
- 1st April Integrated Service
- Train to Gain
- employer choice Organisational Needs Analysis
- employer skills need Training Needs Analysis
- preferred provider network
- Core offer
- Essential, functional skills
- 1st Level 2
- West Midlands Level 3 Trial
17Prioritising Public Investment
- Basic skills
- 80 accredited provision targeting most
disadvantaged - Adult Level 2
- 80 increase in 06-07
- 78,000 adults upskilled to Level 2
- RSP/LSC skills priorities
- Skills Balance Sheets
- Increased investment through commissioning
- 38 increase in FE Level 3 (05-06)
- ESF priorities
18Improving Performance (1)
- Adult Basic Skills
- 115 of 2006/07 target achieved to date
- 78,500 Accredited Basic Skills
- Level 2 at 19
- 2003/04 West Midlands 8th of 9 regions
- 2004/05 West Midlands 6th of 9 regions
- Best improvement nationally
- 10 points improvement in urban FE
- Adult Level 2
- Met National PSA target
- Closed the gap by 26 against national average
- Increase of 13 points between 2002/03 and
19Improving Performance (2)
- Apprenticeships
- 20 points increase in Framework Success Rates
- 2005/06 West Midlands 3rd of 9 regions
- Level 3
- 6 increase in 16-18 Level 3
- 30 increase in number of Adult Level 3
- 10 increase in Level 3 Success Rates