Title: afea 1
1The role of caregivers of Alzheimers Disease
patients 16/05/2009, Saturday Electra Hotel -
Athens (18 - 20 Navarhou Nikodimou)
Athens Association of Alzheimers Disease and
Related Disorders www.alzheimerathens E-mail
info_at_alzheimerathens.gr, kentroalz_at_ath.forthnet.gr
2Lecturers Program
- Judy Triantafillou, Member of the Administrative
Council, 50 Hellas NGO. - Costis Prouskas, PhD, member of the Board of
Athens Association of Alzheimers Disease and
Related Disorders. - Areti Efthymiou, Supervisor of Dementia Day Care
Center in Athens. - Jolanda Elferink and Roos Scherpenzeel, advisors
informal care, MOVISIE - Dr Hilary ArkseySenior Research FellowSocial
Policy Research UnitUniversity of York. - Henk Nies, Vilans, Netherlands Centre of
Expertise for Long-Term Care.
0900 - 1030 Eurocarers General
Assembly 0900 - 1030 Coffee break
Situation in Greece
1100 - 1130 The role of the NGO 50 Hellas in
the support of Greek carers issues. , Dr.
Judy Triantafillou. 1130 - 1200 Caregivers
Situation in Greece, Dr. Costis Prouskas.
1200 - 1230 Caregivers Programs in Dementia
Day Care Center of Athens Association of
Alzheimers, Areti Efthymiou.
12.30a.m.-13.30p.m. Lunch
Research outcomes
14.00 p.m Lighten the burden, five
instruments to equip volunteers for the work
they do for care workers and their clients.
Jolanda Elferink and Roos Scherpenzeel 14.00
p.m. Care-giving in families in Europe
prevalence and impacts
on carers, Hilary Arksey. Presentation based on
the report Care Provision
within Families and its Socio-
Economic Impact on Care Providers (SPRU,
University of York and
Vilans, Netherlands Centre of Expertise for
Long- Term Care). 14.30
p.m. Plenary discussion, lead by Henk Nies,
Vilans, focusing on what
national organizations, Eurocarers and
researchers can
learn from this report, and what actions
can be taken. 15.45 p.m. Conclusions
Athens Association of Alzheimers Disease and
Related Disorders Tel. 210 7013271 fax
2106012239 www.alzheimerathens