Title: VirusPhage Vectors:
1- Virus/Phage Vectors
- -Overcome the size limits, can specialize the
vector -SS DNA cloning -Expression cloning/gene
therapy - -higher efficiency (infection vs. transformation)
- Phage Lambda. A coliphage
- -Advantages Large inserts (50 kb!)-Headfull
packaging Central segments of genome
non-essential (outside arms or COS sites are
all that required)-These arms ligated to RE cut
donor DNA, chimeras are packaged into phage heads
in vitro. -These phage are infectious. -The
presence of a PFU automatically signals presence
of inserted donor DNA - Packaged Phage very stable, can be stored years
for future screens. - OVERVIEW ON NEXT SLIDE FIG. 12-7 TEXT
Read over SS phage systems M13 (ss DNA
packaged into phage ). Useful for
oligonucleotide site directed mutagenesis and for
DNA sequencing (Sanger method)
3Cosmid Cloning
Fig 12-8
-Hybrids of lambda and plasmids.-Replicate like
plasmid in cell, pack and deliver like the phage.
-Cos site cutting system packages phage
DNA-Requirements for packing 2 cos sites
separated by no less than 38 and no more than 54
4Expression Vectors
To over-express a gene product, assist in a gene
hunt (by using antibodies to detect the presence
of a foreign gene product) one can use expression
vectors. Some considerations -no introns
allowed often a cDNA is used -Vector has
appropriate txn/tln start signals (lac system
5- A DNA Library a collection of clones
representing a larger genome or sequence array
set. - -Shotgun cloning Random inserts of entire gene
set or genome or whatever! - -Could be a collection of phage (lambda) or
bacteria (plasmids or cosmids, BACs) or even
yeast (YACs) - -Different libraries
- Genomic library represents all genomic DNA
- cDNA library copy DNA from mRNA (FIG- 12-9)
Reverse transcriptase RNA dependent DNA
polymerase (Rtase) reverse transcribes RNA to
make a DS DNA copy - Thus a cDNA library has no introns, regulatory
elements 5 or 3.Ideal for expression based
cloning but not so good for promoter analyses or
getting at intron/exon organisation. - BUT cDNA cloning is very useful for cloning
overexpressed mRNAs (globin in reticulocytes)
6Shotgun library Large member library, gene
hunts more difficult -To increase chances start
with a genetic fraction where sequence is
pre-selected EXAMPLE PFGE (oscillating field)
isolate whole chromosomes by gel electro.Or flow
cytometry (selection separation based on
size)-when you know which chromosome has YFG
7Fig. 12-11
- Gene hunting Finding YFG
- Probe based DNA hybridization (simple rules of
C)A. PROBES from many sources -cDNA in
overexpressing tissue, like globin or ovalbumin.
Can use HOT mRNA as well-bioinformatics on
related organisms (conserved genes) or clone by
phone-Reverse TLN aa with minimal redundancy
reversed into DNA sequence (genetic code table)
Can make a cocktail probe or a degenerate probe
to screen library
8Denatured DNA sticks to nitrocellulose filter
Genomic Libary
Gives a replica of pfu on plate. Hybridize with
a 32P labeled DNA or RNA or oligo probe
Use witness marks to re-orient the filter on
the bacterial lawn showing plaques.
Fig. 12-10
9Gene hunting Finding YFG (continued) ANTIBODY
PROBESA. You have a purified protein inject
into mouse, rabbit, goat, OSU undergraduates,
etc. and make a monospecific ANTIBODY probe. B.
Screen an expression based library to find clone
expressing this ptn.
Fig. 12-12
10- An example Get the gene for albinism
- Mechanism based we know defect is in an enzyme
(tyrosinase) - Purify enzyme, inject rabbit, pull serum (use as
is or purify back IgG) - From mRNA cells known to synthesize tyrosinase,
make a cDNA expression based library (lambda) - cDNA clones identified by an AB screen with
above probe - cDNA clone grown sequenced and shown to be 1590
bp long (only Exons) - cDNA now used to back hybridize/screen a human
genomic DNA library - Genomic clone isolated, sequenced
- Exon/intron arrangements worked out
- Structure/function studies of tyrosinase carried
out (Mutagenesis of gene) - FUTURE carry out gene therapy expts to
correct defect in somatic cells. - Not feasible as yet.
5 reg. elements
3 stuff
Delivery vehicle replication proficient,
integrative?, harmless to host, tissue
specificitymany others?