Title: Podcasting
- Greg Schwartz
- greg.schwartz_at_gmail.com
- 3/23/06
2Podcasting 101
- A means of distributing audio content
- Extends RSS technology to audio
- Automatic downloading of new content
- Time-shifted content Listen to whatever,
whenever, wherever! - Plain old mp3s No iPod required
3Why listen?
- Control and Variety
- Information / Keeping Current
- The Daily SearchCast http//blog.searchenginewatch
.com/blog/podcast.html - Future Tense http//www.publicradio.org/columns/fu
turetense/ - IT Conversations http//itconversations.com
- Entertainment
- Coverville http//coverville.com
- Cinecast http//cinecastshow.com
- Ebert and Roeper http//tvplex.go.com/buenavista/e
bertandroeper/rss-podcast.xml - Drawback The limitation of time
4How do I listen?
- Two needs
- A way to find content - directories
- A way to download content - aggregators
- Discrete solutions vs. Integrated solutions
5NPR http//www.npr.org/rss/podcast/podcast_directo
6(No Transcript)
8(No Transcript)
9Look for the podcast feed
10Podcast Alley - http//podcastalley.com
12One-click subscription options
13Why produce audio content?
- As part of your overall web presence
- As part of your communications strategy
- Not just for the buzz factor
- Only if its right for your organization
14What types of content?
- Programming
- Bibliographic Instruction
- Tours
- Book Reviews, New Materials
- Service to the Visually Impaired
- Community News
- Whatever your imagination produces
15Pritzker Military Library http//www.pritzkermilit
16Listen Up!http//gpclibraryradio.blogspot.com/
Podcast Feed
17Thomas Ford Memorial Library YA
Podcast Feed
18What do you need to get started?
- A computer
- Microphone
- Audio recording software
- I recommend Audacity
- Open source
- Free
- Works on all platforms
19What do you need to get started? Pt. 2
- Server space or web hosting
- A way to transfer files FTP, SSH, etc.
- An RSS feed that handles media enclosures
- This can be hand-generated (tedious!)
- Better yet, blogging software generates RSS feeds
automatically - Post mp3 links to blog, let Feedburners
SmartCast feature handle the rest
20Podcasting made easier
- Server space and RSS feed
- Ourmedia http//ourmedia.org
- Liberated Syndication http//libsyn.com
- Audio recording tools
- podOmatic http//podomatic.com
- Odeo http//odeo.com
21Let me help!
- Questions, comments, etc.?
- Need help getting started?
- greg.schwartz_at_gmail.com
- IM or Skype (leave message) planetneutral