Title: Solar Based Navigational Planning for Robotic Explorers
1Solar Based Navigational Planning for Robotic
- Kimberly Shillcutt
- Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
- October 2, 2000
2Thesis Statement
- Sun and terrain knowledge can greatly improve the
performance of remoteoutdoor robotic explorers.
3Preview of Results
- New navigational abilities are now possible
- Sun-following, or sun-synchronous driving
- Sun-seeking, Earth-seeking driving
- Solar-powered coverage
- Time-dependent, environmental modeling is
incorporated in navigational planning - Prediction of solar power generation
- Robot performance improvements
- Motivation Goals
- Approach
- Sun Position Calculation
- Solar Navigation
- Coverage Patterns
- Evaluation Algorithms
- Results
- Field Work
- Simulations
- Conclusions Significance
- Future Work
- Robotic exploration of remote areas
- Autonomous
Close, continual contact not available
emergency assistance may not even be possible
- Robotic exploration of remote areas
- Autonomous
- Self-powered
Critical need for power solar energy is a prime
source, but is highly dependent on environment
and terrain
- Robotic exploration of remote areas
- Autonomous
- Self-powered
- Navigation-intensive
Systematic exploration is best served by
methodical coverage patterns, while extended
exploration requires long-range paths
8Goal 1
- Enable navigation throughout region while
remaining continually in sunlight.
- Polar regions
- Continual sun
- Low sun angles ?
- Long shadows
- Vertical solar panels
9Goal 2
- Long-range navigation
- Improve the efficiency, productivity and lifetime
of solar-powered robots performing coverage
- Fixed solar panels
- Emergency battery reserves
10Goal 3
- Long-range navigation
- Regional coverage
- Enable autonomous emergency recovery by finding
short-term paths to locations with sun or Earth
- Sun Position Calculation
- Solar Navigation
- Shadow maps
- Coverage Patterns
- Task simulation
- Solar power generation
- Pattern selection
12Sun Position Calculation
- Surface location ? planet latitude longitude
- Latitude longitude time ? Sun (and Earth)
position - Sun position terrain map ? shadowing
13Lunar Surface Example
Input robot location
Input time and date
14Shadow Map
- Shadowing determined for each grid cell of map,
for given date and time - Shadow snapshots combined into animation
- Example
- Lunar South Pole, summer (April 2000)
- Sun elevation 1.5 degrees at pole
16Sun-Synchronous Driving
17Solar Navigation
- Time-dependent search through terrain map, grid
cell by grid cell, identifying whether locations
are sunlit as the simulated robot arrives - Guided sun-synchronous search circumnavigates
terrain or polar features - Can access pre-calculated database of shadow maps
- Sun-seeking (or Earth-seeking) search finds
nearest location to be lit for required time - Utilizes a sunlight (Earthlight) endurance map
18Coverage Patterns
- Evaluation of navigational tasks
- Tasks occur over time
- Robot position changes over time
- Sun and shadow positions change over time
- Need to predict changing relationship between
robot, environment, and results
19Task Simulation
- Coverage patterns
- Straight rows, spiral
- Sun-following
- Variable curvature
20Task Simulation
- Simulate set of potential navigational tasks
under the applicable conditions - Coverage patterns
- Evaluate attributes of the tasks
- Power generation
- Power consumption
- Area coverage, etc.
- Select best task based on desired attributesfor
the robots mission
21Predicting Solar Power Generation
- Robot coordinates ? surface latitude longitude
- Latitude longitude time map ? sun and
shadow positions - Sun position solar panel normal ? incident
sunlight angle ? - Solar power cos(?) power/panel
22Other Evaluation Models
- Power consumption modeled on statistical field
data - Area coverage and overlap grid-based internal
map keeps track of grid cells seen - Time simple increment each pass
through simulation loop - Wind power generation assumes predictable wind
speed and direction
23Pattern Selection
- Sun position algorithm
- Coverage pattern algorithms
- Evaluation algorithms
- On-board planning library used infield work and
- Field Work
- Accuracy of solar power prediction
- Simulations
- Pattern characteristics
- Effect of pose uncertainty
- Potential numerical improvements
- Examples of solar navigation
26Robotic Antarctic Meteorite Search
Solar panel normal is 40 above horizontal
27Field Results
- Nomad tested in
- Pittsburgh
- Williams Field
- Elephant Moraine
- Straight rows spiral patterns performed at each
Recorded Values DGPS position Roll, pitch,
yaw Solar panel current output Motor currents
voltages Timestamp Wind speed direction Modeled
output of Solar power generation Area coverage
28Field Results - Pittsburgh
- Nomad tested in
- Pittsburgh
- Williams Field
- Elephant Moraine
- 32 days of data at slag heaps, 1998-1999
- Coverage pattern development
- Maneuvering tests
- Initial solar panel testing
29Field Results - Antarctica
- Nomad tested in
- Pittsburgh
- Williams Field
- Elephant Moraine
- 8 days of test data, Dec 1999-Jan 2000
- Image segmentation tests
- Final search integration
- Pattern trials
30Field Results - Antarctica
- Nomad tested in
- Pittsburgh
- Williams Field
- Elephant Moraine
- 17 days of test data, Jan 2000
- 10 official meteorite searches
- 5 meteorites autonomously identified
- Pattern trials
31Solar Power Predictability
- Two types of simulations
- Concurrent simulation, real-time, based on actual
robot pose and model of solar panels - A priori simulation, predictive, based on pattern
parameters and starting time - How does a priori simulation match actual power
generated? Is it sufficient to distinguish
between pattern types?
32Actual vs. Concurrent Simulation
Straight Rows
33A Priori Prediction Accuracy
mean error0.65
mean error1.25
Straight Rows
Time (s)
Time (s)
34Simulation Results
- Pattern characteristics ? eliminate unnecessary
simulations - Simple heuristics
- Analytical evaluations
- Including terrain shadowing
- Effect of pose uncertainty
- Potential numerical improvements
35Pattern Evaluation Heuristics
- Over 80 pattern variations evaluated
- Heuristics for limiting evaluation sets
- Straight rows solar power generation varies
sinusoidally with initial heading
- Spiral pattern direction makes little difference
in evaluations
36Analytical Evaluations
- Variable Curvature Patterns
- Most evaluation category totals can be
approximated as analytical functions of
curvature, for given row lengths - Solar energy generation depends on location and
latitude also - Resulting equations can be used in an
optimization function, given desired weighting of
each evaluation category, without complete
simulation of each pattern
37Area Coverage and Overlap
- Sharper curvature combined with longer rows
produces less coverage and more overlap
38Area Coverage and Overlap
y position (m)
x position (m)
Area Area
Coverage Overlap
-200m curvature
39Area Coverage and Overlap
y position (m)
x position (m)
Area Area
Coverage Overlap
-40m curvature
40Area Coverage
- 100m row length, 5m row width,3000m total length
- Area -878,395 ?-2 87 ?-1 1655
- ? radius of curvature, -300, 300m
- max d lt 5.8
- (using 4th order polynomial, max d lt 0.9)
41Solar Energy Generated
- Patterns start with optimal sun heading
- Sharper curvatures (small radii) remain in
optimal heading for shorter time, reducing power
42Terrain Shadowing
- Straight rows patterns covering two regions, with
variable starting positions, headings, and times
43Terrain Shadowing
Start Times
44Pattern Characteristics Summary
- Reduction of simulation set by using heuristics
to eliminate near duplicates - Analytical evaluation of variable curvature
patterns without complete simulation - Identification of similarities between starting
locations for patterns in shadowed terrain
45Pose Uncertainty
- Pose variations relative robot-sun angle
variations power generation variations - How unpredictable can the solar power variations
46Pose Uncertainty
- Simulations vary robot pitch and roll with a
randomized Gaussian distribution - 1 2 5 8
- Multiple pattern runs with each value of
uncertainty, at each location
47Minor Power Generation Effects
- Power varies as cosine of angle ? large angular
deviations required to produce noticeable
drop-off in results - Replaying actual field data without pitch/roll
results in evaluation differences of lt 1.3 from
original - Differences between straight rows and spiral
patterns in Elephant Moraine were gt 50
48Mission Scenarios
- Power model
- Solar power generation
- Battery reserve charging/discharging
- Power consumption
- Mission
- Total driving time/path length specified
- Randomized target stops lasting about 5 minutes
each, with/without point turns to optimal
headings - When battery state lt 20 capacity, robot stops,
point turns to best heading, recharges to 99
49Sample Results
Lifetime time until first recharging stop
Mission Time total time to completion
50Results 60-89ºS range
- Lifetime improvements, no targets
- 23-143, Earth
- 123-161, Moon
- Productivity improvements, Earth
- 16-51 savings, with target stops
- 14-24 savings, no target stops
- Time savings, Earth
- 21-58 savings, with target stops
- 18-31 savings, no target stops
51Solar Navigation Results
- Sun-synchronous, long-range paths
- Sun-seeking, emergency recovery paths
52Sun-Synchronous Navigation
- Haughton Crater, Arctic, July 15, 2001
- 75 23 N latitude
- Sun elevation 7-36 degrees
- Autonomous path search inputs
- Starting point and time
- Direction of travel
- Robot speed
54Sun-Seeking Navigation
- Hypothetical, deep crater at 80S, Earth
- Robot must find nearest location which will be
lit by the sun for at least 3 hours after robot
55Sun-Seeking Navigation
- Knowledge of sun and terrain enables continual,
autonomous operation at poles. - Continually sunlit paths
- On-board identification of recharging and
communication locations - Modeling of environment enhances efficiency of
robotic explorers. - Lifetime improvements of over 160
- Productivity improvements of over 50
- Time savings of over 50
- Coverage pattern results can be accurately
predicted. - Solar panel modeling errors insignificant
- Pose uncertainty effects ltlt pattern differences
- Number of patterns to be simulated can be reduced
by heuristics or analytical equations.
58Significance of Research
- New robotic navigational abilities are possible
for the first time. - Sun-synchronous paths
- Sun-seeking, Earth-seeking paths
- On-board robotic planning structure uses
time-dependent environmental modeling, including
solar power generation. - Expandable to new models
- Step-by-step evaluation for temporal aspects
59Significance of Research
- Solar position algorithm is integrated with
robotic planners and terrain elevation maps. - Precise prediction and evaluation tool
- Any Earth and moon locations, dates and times
- Confirmation of observational data
- Detailed analysis performed of new coverage
patterns. - Sun-following polar pattern
- Characteristics and heuristics for reducing
evaluation set
60Future Work
- Solar Navigation
- More efficient path searches
- 3-D search space, variable robot speed
- Identifying slopes and obstacles from terrain
knowledge - Autonomously select multiple waypoints
- More accurate modeling for example, power
consumption and wind resistance
61Future Work
- Automatic sky condition monitoring, for adapting
solar power predictions and vision algorithms - Solar ephemeris for Mars, Mercury and other
planetary surface locations
62The End
- Solar algorithm
- Other evaluation details
- Elephant Moraine patterns, path following
- Wind power generation modeling
- Further calibration details
64Solar Algorithm - Earth
- Coordinate system transformations
65Solar Algorithm - Moon
- Coordinate system transformations
66Solar Algorithm
67Terrain Elevation and Occlusions
68Evaluating Power Consumption
- Modeled on field data statistical results
- Base locomotion power 290 W
- Base steering power 65 W
- Point turns 88 W
- Changing turning radii 15 W
- High/low pitch 60 W
69Evaluating Area Coverage
- Grid-based
- Depends on sensor parameters
70Elephant Moraine patterns
71Evaluating Wind Power Generation
- Power ? e A d v3 cos ?
- e turbine efficiency
- A turbine area
- d air density
- v air speed
- ? angle between wind direction and turbine
- How predictable is wind power generation?
72Wind Predictability
- Antarctic regularity is predictable
73Multiple-Parameter Evaluations
- Varied initial angles between sun azimuth and
robot heading, and between sun azimuth and
primary wind direction
- Other variables are wind speed, pattern length,
and latitude - Wind turbine is assumed fixed, with 1m radius
blades - Only Earth locations and straight rows patterns
are considered
74Wind vs. Solar Energy Generation
160 more power than alternatives
75Cloudy Day Calibration
- Diffuse lighting conditions
- Reflective snow and ice
76Insignificant Modeling Error
Patterndifferenceof 16.37
Straight Rows mean error 0.65
Cumulative Solar Energy (kJ)
Spiral mean error 1.25
Time (s)