Title: Female Bronchial Asthma
1Female Bronchial Asthma
- Dr Muhammad El Hennawy
- Ob/gyn specialist
- Rass el barr central hospital and
- dumyat specialised hospital
- Dumyatt EGYPT
- www.geocities.com/mmhennawy
2Diseases of chest
- COLD----Chronic obstructive lung disease
- reversible (bronchial asthma )
- Irreversible (chronic bronchitis
chronic obstructive emphysema) - Reversible and irreversible
asthmatic bronchitis - SLD (supurative lung diseases)
- Bilateral---bronchiectasis
- --- infected
systemic lung - Unilateral---lung abscess
- --- empyema
- Syndrome of multiple negative pleural
thickning, - Pleural effusion ,lung fibrosis
3Definition Of Asthma
- It is reversible chronic obstructive lung
disease , characterized by recurrent episodes of
wheezing, chest tightness, and coughing
alternating with periods of relatively normal
breathing. - . Asthma symptoms can occur spontaneously or may
be triggered by allergens, environmental factors,
exercise, cold air, infections, and stress.
4there is strong evidence that estrogen and
progesterone may actually improve lung function
and asthma
- Progesterone has been shown to suppress the
immune system and so in that sense it's
protective or helpful. It may reduce the
increased inflammation that's occurring. - both progesterone and estrogen have been found to
reduce constriction of the airways and relax the
bronchial smooth muscle in the airways
Breast feeding
6- hormone levels are lower during the premenstrual
and menstrual phases--asthmatics have been found
to experience an increase - Oral contraceptives, which really dampen and
smooth out these fluctuations in hormone levels,
have been found to improve pulmonary function in
some women as well. - women move through and into the menopausal period
because at this time estrogen, progesterone also
rapidly decrease -- experience an increase - hormone replacement therapy in asthmatic
menopausal women have better pulmonary function
and less pulmonary obstruction but the increased
risk of asthma to HRT on the basis of an
observational study in healthy menopausal women
7Menstruation and asthma
- Asthma is more common in boys than in girls
before puberty, - but then girls "catch up," suggesting a
possible hormonal influence initiating the onset
of asthma at menarche - asthma symptoms can begin to worsen from three to
seven days before the onset of menses(premenstrual
asthma), and can last until the bleeding ceases
(menestrual asthma) - half of cases the woman's attack struck within
four days of the start of her menstrual period. - one-third of women think their symptoms are worse
just before or during menstruation.
8Contraceptive pills and asthma
- Oral contraceptives, which really dampen and
smooth out these fluctuations in hormone levels,
have been found to improve pulmonary function in
some women as well - Some women who use birth control pills may have
greater difficulty controlling their asthma.
(pill asthma)
9Menopause and asthma
- Variations in asthma presentation have been
observed during the time when serum estradiol
levels decreased sharply after a prolonged peak.
These findings suggest that these monthly
variations in this hormone may influence the
severity of asthma in women. - The changing hormone levels of menopause may
cause some women to develop asthma for the first
time others may experience worsening symptoms
10Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and asthma
- hormone replacement therapy in asthmatic
menopausal women have better pulmonary function
and less pulmonary obstruction - but the increased risk of asthma to HRT on the
basis of an observational study in healthy
menopausal women
11Ashtma with pregnancy, delivery,postpartum and
breast feeding
- 7 percent of women in their childbearing years
- 4 percent of all pregnancies .
- It can cause serious complications for both
mother and child if not controlled properly
during pregnancy. - The good news is that asthma and allergies can be
controlled, and when they are, the risks to
mother and baby are extremely low.
- allergen exposure --dust mites, cockroaches, and
animal danders. pollens, molds, pet dander, house
dust mites and cockroaches - Other non-allergic substances also may worsen
your asthma and allergies. These include tobacco
smoke, paint and chemical fumes, strong odors,
environmental pollutants (including ozone and
smog) and drugs, such as aspirin or beta-blockers
(used to treat high blood pressure, migraine
headaches and heart disorders). - Chronic sinusitis ---the bacteria, toxins, and
inflammatory mediators contained in aspirated
nasal secretions irritate the mucosa of the lower
airways of asthmatic patients, thereby worsening
the control of their reactive airway disease - Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is
commonly associated with asthma. GERD can cause
worsening of asthma by either a vagally mediated
mechanism or direct aspiration of acidic gastric
contents into the respiratory tree - exacerbated by stress and anxiety
- Aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
can cause bronchospasm in some patients with
asthma - . Hormonal factors (ie, menses, use of exogenous
hormones by female patients, and hyperthyroidism)
also can exacerbate asthma
- The muscles of the bronchial tree become tight
- the lining of the air passages become swollen,
reducing airflow and producing the wheezing sound
- Mucus production is increased.
15Diagnosis and Monitoring
- objective measurements are important in
evaluation of difficult-to-manage cases - objective evidence of airflow obstruction (a
tightness in chest and wheezing, shortness of
breath and/or coughing. )that is reversible
either spontaneously or through treatment with a
bronchodilator - Because both patient and physician may have a
poor perception of the severity of the patient's
asthma, - Spirometric measurement at each office visit
or routine use of a peak flow meter by the
patient is needed to confirm the effectiveness of
the treatment strategy.
16- You would not consider managing hypertension
without a sphygmomanometer, - or diabetes without a glucometer
- accurate and objective assessmentand management
of asthma is not possible - without a spirometer or peak flow meter
- A spirometer
- in a doctor's office
- gives a more accurate measure of lung function
- diagnose asthma, classify its severity, and help
decide what is the best way to treat asthma - done periodically
- The total volume patient exhale is called "forced
vital capacity," or FVC - measures the volume of air patient exhale in the
first second. (This is referred to as "forced
expiratory volume in one second," or FEV1.) - Patient will be given a bronchodilator and
repeat the measerment
- A peak flow meter
- at home
- the convenience and ease of use
- measure the PEFR (peak expiratory flow rate) by
taking a deep breath and then blowing into a tube
on the meter as hard and as fast as patient can.
- every day, sometimes several times a day, and
keep track of these rates over time --are
compared with charts that list normal values for
sex, race, and height.
17The effect of asthma on pregnancyspecially if
untreated well
- Increase emergency department visits,
- Increase hospitalizations,
- Increase Hyperemesis
- Increase vaginal hemorrhage
- and accidental haemorrhage due to severe
coughing - Increase CS
- Increase respiratory failure,
- Increase high blood pressure
- and preeclampsia,
- Increase death..
- increased low birth weight,
- Increase premature delivery,
- Increase fetal demise
- Increase neonatal hypoxemia
- low newborn assessment scores
- increased perinatal mortality
18The effect of pregnancy on asthma
- Some patients experience an improvement of their
symptoms during pregnancy The exact reason for
this is unknown, but the increase in the body's
cortizone level during pregnancy may be an
important cause of the improvement which can
occur. Many women experience less asthma during
the last four weeks of pregnancy. This may be
due, in part, to the increase of prostaglandin E
reported to occur during this time period of
pregnancy, or it may be that the "dropping" of
the baby in the final weeks of pregnancy takes
pressure off the lungs, resulting in easier
breathing - others have increased symptoms . Some women
experience gastroesophageal reflux causing
belching and heartburn. This reflux, as well as
sinus infections and increased stress, may
aggravate asthma. Asthma has a tendancy to worsen
during pregnancy in the late second and early
third trimester. - and some see no noticeable change in their
asthma at all.
19During delivery
- Only about 1 in 10 women with asthma have
symptoms during delivery. - Most asthmatic women are even able to perform the
Lamaze breathing techniques during delivery
without difficulty. - The increase in plasma epinephrine that occurs
during labor and delivery may contribute to the
absence of asthma symptoms during this critical
time period
20postpartum and asthma
- If you've been pregnant before, you can probably
expect your asthma to behave the same way in
subsequent pregnancies. Within three months of
your baby's birth, your asthma probably will
return to the way it was before you became
21Breastfeeding and asthma
- there is some evidence to suggest that
breastfeeding may reduce the risk of your baby
developing asthma - child has a one in ten chance of inheriting the
condition from its mother, which rises to one in
three if both parents have asthma. But a recent
long-term study showed that breastfeeding for the
first six months of life significantly reduces
the risk of the child's developing allergic
breathing problems by age 17, compared to babies
who are breastfed for less than six months.
22The goal of asthma therapy during pregnancy
- It is virtually the same as in non-pregnant
patients. - The goal is ---to prevent hospitalization
- ----and emergency room
visits - -----as well as lost time
at work and chronic disability. - Since the symptoms associated with asthma and
allergies can vary from day to day, month to
month, or season to season, regardless of
pregnancy, treatment plan will be based on the
severity of disease and previous experience using
specific medications during pregnancy
- Decrease or control exposure to known allergens
and irritants by staying away from cigarette
smoke, exposure to pets - removing animals from bedrooms or entire houses,
- and avoiding foods that cause symptoms.
- Alcohol should be doubly avoided by the pregnant
woman with asthma, because it can harm the
developing fetus and because it can cause
bronchial constriction as it is exhaled through
the lungs - Allergy desensitization is rarely successful in
reducing symptoms
24If a patient tests allergic to a specific
trigger, allergists-immunologists recommend the
following avoidance steps
- Remove allergy-causing pets from the house.
- Seal pillows, mattresses and box springs in
special dust mite-proof casings (your allergist
should be able to give you information regarding
comfortable cases). - Wash bedding weekly in 130 degrees F water
(comforters may be dry-cleaned periodically) to
kill dust mites. Keep home humidity under 50
percent to control dust mite and mold growth. - Use filtering vacuums or "filter vacuum bags" to
control airborne dust when cleaning. - Close windows, use air-conditioning and avoid
outdoor activity between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m., when
pollen and pollution are at their highest.
- The pregnant asthmatic should be monitored
carefully and the selection of medications should
be reviewed by a specialist. - Doctors are very cautious about the use of drugs
during the first three months of pregnancy - even though most anti-asthmatic medications are
considered safe during pregnancy. - The medications do not appear to be associated
with increased congenital malformations, nor is
there is any evidence that anti-asthmatic drugs
(theophylline, beta agonists, cromolyn sodium, or
steroids) will adversely affect a nursing infant.
the potential risks of asthma medications are
lower than the risks of uncontrolled asthma,
which can be harmful to mother and baby. - As long as the asthma is controlled, the
pregnancy and its outcome do not appear to be
adversely affected by the mother taking cortisone
(steroids) orally or by inhalation. - Aerosols and sprays are preferable to oral
medication - Time-tested older medications are preferred
26Self-management of asthma outpatient management
of asthma
- Teach the patient self-management (Level of
EvidenceA - The patient should have good knowledge of
self-management. - The components of successful self-management are
acceptance of asthma and its treatment effective
and compliant use of drugs - a PEF meter and follow-up sheets at home
- written instructions for different problems
- As a part of controlled self-management the
patient can be given - a PEF follow-up sheet with individually
determined alarm limits and the following
instructions (Level of EvidenceB - If the morning PEF values are 85 of the
patients earlier optimal value, the dose of the
inhaled corticosteroid should be doubled for two
weeks. - If the morning PEF values are below 50 - 70 of
the optimal value the patient can start a course
of prednisolon 40 mg daily for one week and
contact the doctor by telephone.
27Treatment Protocol
28New Asthma Treatment Algorithm
29Categories of medication
- 1. "Relievers" (for intermittent symptoms)
- -short-acting ß2-agonists
- -ipratropium (rarely)
- 2 ."Controllers" (maintenance therapy)
- ---anti-inflammatory medications
- -inhaled/oral glucocorticosteroids
- -leukotriene receptor antagonists
- -anti-allergic agents (cromoglycate, nedocromil)
- ----bronchodilators
- -long-acting inhaled ß2-agonists
(salmeterol,formoterol) - -theophylline
- -ipratropium
31Inhaled Steroids
- The best option for initial anti-inflammatory
treatment (Level I) - initial daily dose 400-1000 µg BDP or equivalent
(Level III) - initial daily dose in children 200-1000 µg BDP
or equivalent (Level IV) - once best results are achieved, reduce dose to
minimum required for control (Level III) - use a spacer with MDI delivery (Level I)
- Low to moderate doses provide the best
risk-benefit profile (Level I) - Adults using high doses should consider bone
densitometry (Level III - monitor IOP in glaucoma patients (Level V)
- avoid getting aerosolized steroids in the eye
(Level V) - regular users should rinse after use (Level I)
- patients requiring consistent high doses should
be referred (Level IV)
32Leukotriene receptor antagonists
- may be considered as an alternative to increased
doses of inhaled steroids as add-on therapy to
glucocorticosteroids (Level II) - There is insufficient data to recommend LTRAs for
regular therapy in place of inhaled
glucocorticosteroids (Level IV)
- should not be added to an established regimen of
inhaled / systemic steroids (Level I) - may be used as a less effective alternative to
short-acting ß2-agonists to prevent
exercise-induced symptoms (Level I) - may be an alternative to low-dose IHS in children
with mild symptoms (Level I) unwilling to take
inhaled glucocorticosteroids - may be used for short-term allergen exposure
(Level I)
- is not recommended for first line therapy of
asthma - may be considered as a less effective alternative
to short-acting ß2-agonists to prevent
exercise-induced bronchospasm (Level I) - may be a modestly effective alternative to
low-dose inhaled glucocorticosteroids in children
with mild symptoms (Level I)
- not recommended as 1st-line therapy (Level I)
- may be used as an alternative to increased doses
of inhaled glucocorticosteroids (Level II) - dose must be titrated slowly (Level III) because
of the narrow therapeutic range and the potential
for severe side effects
36Anticholinergic bronchodilators
- not recommended as 1st-line therapy except in
patients who cannot tolerate ß2-agonists (Level
37long-acting inhaled ß2-agonists
- These work in the same way as the ordinary
relievers such as salbutamol and terbutaline,
with the difference that they stick to the cells
in the body on which they act, and so work for
much longer. The side-effects are the same,
namely tremor, increased pulse rate, and
palpitations ,They have been introduced much more
recently, but no hazards in pregnancy are known.
38Other therapies
- in chronic severe asthma unresponsive to moderate
doses of oral glucocorticosteroids confounding
factors should be assessed before increasing
therapy - patients who need regular oral glucocorticosteroid
s should be referred to a specialized centre
(Level III) and should receive prophylactic
osteoporosis treatment (Level I) - immunosuppressive agents should be reserved for
patients dependent on long-term high-dose
glucocorticosteroids (Level III) followed in
specialized centres - no apparent benefit for most unconventional
therapies acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy,
naturopathy, osteopathy, herbal remedies (Level I
to III, depending on the therapy)
39Other treatments for asthma
- Antihistamins
- Antihistamines have very limited effect in
asthma (Level of EvidenceB - They can be used to alleviate other symptoms
of allergy. - Antibiotics
- Only clear signs of bacterial infection are an
indication for antibiotics. - Most infections causing exacerbations of
asthma are of viral origin. Remember sinusitis, - but avoid unnecessary antibiotics.
- Antitussives
- Cough is usually a sign of poor control.
- Increase the intensity of treatment,
- or give a short course of oral
40Delivery devices
- inhaled drug delivery is recommended for
ß2-agonists and glucocorticosteroids (Level I) - use the inhalation device that best fits the need
of the individual (Level III) - health professionals must teach technique when
devices are dispensed (Level I) - patients' technique must be reassessed and
reinforced at each contact (Level II) - HFA-propellant devices are recommended over CFC
devices (Level IV)-- CFC-free inhalers use
hydrofluoroalkanes (HFAs) as the propellant. HFAs
are less likely to affect the ozone layer. - home wet nebulizers rarely indicated (Level III)
- in children, conversion from mask to mouthpiece
is strongly encouraged (Level II) - spacers recommended in certain patients
especially in those on high dose IHS (Level I) - MDIs with spacers for children lt5 (Level II)--
Metered Dose Inhalers - dry-powder inhalers adequate for age 5 (Level
II) -- They are dry powder devices and do not
contain a propellant.
41Related evidences
42Levels of evidence (based on AHCPR 1992).
- Ia Evidence obtained from a meta-analysis
of RCTsIb Evidence obtained from at least one
RCTIIa Evidence obtained from at least one
well-designed, controlled study without
randomisationIIb Evidence obtained from at least
one other type of well-designed
quasi-experimental studyIII Evidence obtained
from well-designed, non-experimental, descriptive
studies, such as comparative studies, correlation
studies and case-control studiesIV Evidence
obtained from expert committee reports or
opinions and/or clinical experience of respected
43Related evidence 1
- Antileukotienes alone are less effective than
inhaled steroids for improving lung function and
quality of life (Level of EvidenceB - There is not enough evidence to evaluate the
benefits of influenza vaccination in patients
with asthma (Level of EvidenceD - Physical training in patients with asthma
improves cardiopulmonary fitness but does not
change lung function (Level of EvidenceB - There is limited evidence that breathing
exercises may be of some benefit in asthma (Level
of EvidenceC - Methotrexate may have a small steroid sparing
effect in adults with asthma who are dependent on
oral corticosteroids (Level of EvidenceB - Use of cyclosporin may reduce the need of oral
steroids in asthma but side effects are common
(Level of EvidenceC - Gold may reduce the need of steroids in asthma,
but given the side effects and necessity for
monitoring the treatment cannot be recommended
(Level of EvidenceC - Use of limited asthma education as it has been
practiced does not appear to improve health
outcomes (Level of EvidenceC
44Related evidence 2
- There is no overall improvement of asthma
following treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux
(Level of EvidenceC - There is insufficient evidence to assess the
benefits of different ways to organise asthma
care(Level of EvidenceD - Inhaled corticosteroids are as effective as a
daily dose of 7.5 to 10 mg or prednisolone,
probably with fewer adverse effects (Level of
EvidenceB - Inhaled beclomethasone has a small dose-response
effect (Level of EvidenceB - There is no conclusive evidence of differences in
relative efficacy between beclomethasone and
budesonide, although there is some data to
suggest that BUD via Turbohaler is moreeffective
than BDP via either Rotahaler of metered dose
device (Level of EvidenceB - Doses of fluticasone in the range of 100 µg to
1000 µg are more effective than placebo in the
treatment of asthma, low doses being almost as
effective as high doses in mild-moderate asthma
(Level of EvidenceA
45Related evidence 3
- Higher potency compounds such as fluticasone may
be more effective, but there is an excess of
systemic activity with fluticasone propionate
compared with other inhaled corticosteroids when
therapeutically effective doses are compared
(Level of EvidenceA - Nedochromil sodium is as effective as
cromoglycate for exercise-induced asthma (Level
of EvidenceB - There is insufficient evidence to compare the
effectiveness of holding chambers versus
nebulisers in chronic asthma (Level of
EvidenceD - There are no significant differences for any
important outcomes between standard CFC
containing pMDI and other devices in the delivery
of beta-2 agonist for non-acute asthma (Level of
EvidenceA - In patients under 60 years of age there is no
evidence of an effect of inhaled corticosteroids
at conventional doses given for two or three
years on BMD or vertebral fractures (Level of
EvidenceB - There is some evidence that macrolides may be
beneficial in some subgroups of asthmatic
patients, but further studies are needed (Level
of EvidenceD - There is no evidence to support the use of
dehumidification for asthma patients (Level of
EvidenceD - lBreathing techniques including slow deep
breathing, physiotherapy, respiratory muscle
strengthening, and yoga breathing exercises, are
not proven to be effective for asthma (Level of
- Because asthma is a common disease it should be
mainly treated and followed up by a general
practitioner. - A patient on medication should meet his own
doctor regularly. - In mild cases one follow-up appointment yearly
is sufficient. - A two-week measuring of PEF values at home is
usually sufficient as follow-up
examination,eventually complemented by a simple
spirometer examination.
47Expectations (prognosis)
- Asthma is a disease that has no cure.
- With proper self management and medical
treatment, most people with asthma can lead
normal lives.
48Dyspnea of pregnancy"
- The important physiologic changes that happen
during pregnancy include some changes in the
cardiopulmonary system. Beginning in the first
trimester and continuing throughout pregnancy,
mothers experience some "dyspnea of pregnancy"
whether or not they have asthma elevated
progesterone levels stimulate increased breathing
depth and relative hyperventilation.
Additionally, oxygen consumption is increased
during pregnancy
49(No Transcript)