Title: A Discovery of Eric Carle
1A Discovery of Eric Carle
- Created by Brenda Taylor
- Educ. 592 with Regina Chatel, Ph.D.
- Summer 2005
2 Scavenger HuntFind the answers to all of
the questions below with the help of a computer
buddy by clicking on Eric Carle's Website, and
then selecting his photograph. Turn and talk
with your buddy after youve found the answers to
the questions together. Your computer buddy
could be either a teacher, a parent helper, a
classmate, or an older peer. Good luck and have
- 1) Eric Carle was born in 1929. What city was he
born in? - 2) How old was he when he moved to Germany?
- 3) What school did he attend in Germany?
- 4) Who helped Eric Carle to get a start as
- an illustrator of childrens books?
- 5) What is the title of this book?
3The Scavenger Hunt continues
- 6) What technique does Eric Carle use in
- designing his illustrations?
- 7) What steps are used in his distinct
- creations?
- 8) How else does Eric Carles books appeal
- to children?
- 9) What were the first two childrens books
- that Eric Carle wrote and illustrated?
- 10) What is the major theme in Eric Carles
stories? -
- STOP! Do not continue until youve
found the answers!
4 The Story of Eric CarleCheck to see how you did
in your scavenger hunt!
- Eric Carle was born during the year of 1929 in
Syracuse, New York. - He was only six years old when he moved to the
country of Germany. - He was educated in Germany throughout his
childhood. He graduated from the prestigious
art school called Akademie der bildenden Künste,
in Stuttgart. This is where he learned the
skills of picture making and collage.
5The Story of Eric Carle continued
- Bill Martin Jr., a respected
- educator and author, helped
- Eric Carle to get a start in
- his career. He called Eric
- Carle to see if he would
- illustrate a story he had just
- written, after seeing an
- advertisement that Carle had
- recently created.
- This is Bill Martin Jr.,
- educator and author.
- Eric Carle excepted Bill Martins
- offer, and created the illustrations
- in the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear,
- What Do You See?.
6The Story of Eric Carle continued
- Eric Carle uses the collage
- technique when designing
- his illustrations.
- He begins his illustrations by first
hand-painting - pieces of paper. Then he cuts and
layers - these pieces of paper on top of one
another, so that the - images have a multidimensional effect.
- Eric Carle uses additional effects in his books
that appeal particularly to children. Some of
these effects include die-cut pages, the
twinkling lights like those found in The Very
Lonely Firefly, and the lifelike sound of - a crickets song as in The Very Quiet Cricket.
7The Story of Eric Carle continued
- The first two childrens
- books that Eric Carle wrote
- and illustrated were
- 1,2,3 to the Zoo and
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
- Mother nature is the
- major theme in Eric
- Carles stories.
- Click on the icon below to learn more about
- The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art.
8Now that youve learned more about Eric
Carleplease take a look at some of my favorite
Eric Carle books!Have you read any of these
books recently?
- __
- __________________________________________________
_______________ -
- I have selected three of the above books for
you to explore in the final slides. I have
provided a review on each, along with
questions for you to ask yourself as an
informed reader. You will need to read the
story together first, and then discuss your
findings with your computer buddy.
9The Tiny Seed is a story about the journey of a
tiny seed as it slowly grows throughout the
changing seasons.
- Dont forget to read, turn talk about the story
with your buddy. - 1) Why did the tiny seed finally fall to the
ground in the story? - In what season did the tiny seed begin
- to send its roots down into the earth?
- Name the steps that it took for the tiny
- seed to grow into a giant flower.
- What happened to the giant flower in
- the autumn?
- Click on The Great Plant Escape
- to learn more about what plants
- need to grow!
10Little Cloud is a story about a little cloud that
slips away from its parent clouds, turning itself
into many different forms before rejoining them
to perform a rain storm as one big cloud.
- Dont forget to read, turn talk about the story
with your buddy. - 1) Name all of the shapes that little cloud
- changed into throughout the story.
- How did little cloud know how to make
- himself into the shape of both an airplane
- and a shark?
- Why did little cloud change into a hat?
- How did the other clouds get little cloud to
- rejoin them at the end of the story?
- Click on the
- Web Weather For Kids
- to learn more about the types
- of cloud formations, and enjoy
- some educational games!
11Does A Kangaroo Have A Mother, Too? is a story
about a baby kangaroo who is curious about the
mothers of other baby animals he sees along
their adventure together.
- Dont forget to read, turn talk about the story
with your buddy. - 1) Use the glossary at the back of the book
- to define what a joey is.
- 2) What is the first animal that little joey
- asks his mother about?
- 3) What is the last question that joey asks
- of his mother?
- 4) Use the glossary at the end of the book to
name your favorite - baby animal(s).
- Click on the Online Story Picture Book For
Young Children to - learn more about animal babies and their
mothers! -
- Congratulations! You have completed
12 Resources
- Required Childrens Books
- Carle, E. (1970). The tiny seed. Toronto, CA
Fitzhenry Whiteside Limited. - Carle, E. (1996). Little cloud. New York, NY
Philomel Books. - Carle, E. (2000). Does a kangaroo have a mother,
too? NY Harper Collins Publishers. - Websites used in Author Study
- The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art -
http//www.picturebookart.org/ - The Great Plant Escape - http//www.urbanext.uiuc
.edu/gpe/case1/c1facts3a.html - The Official Eric Carle Web Site -
http//www.eric-carle.com - The Online Story Picture Book For Young Children
- http//cgcreations.org/babyanimals/