Writing Across the Curriculum - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Writing Across the Curriculum


Book Buffet---1 minute browse which book could you use as a mentor text why? * List: * * Which one would you use why? * * * Assessment: What is. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Writing Across the Curriculum

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What Content Writing Is Not
  • An add-on to the schools curriculum
  • Accomplished by assigning a paper in every class
  • Designed to add more work for you
  • Busy work
  • Journal response/free writes that never receive
  • An effort by reading/writing to have others do
    their work for them
  • Always a report.

What Content Writing is
  1. Evidence of learning and thinking
  2. Communicating
  3. Practicing a process
  4. Real life application
  5. Complex
  6. Modeled
  7. Rooted deeply in meaningful content
  8. Frequent and Routine
  9. Many different formats and lengths

Fletchers Core Beliefs About Writing
  • Conditions for Real Writing
  • Personal Choice
  • Social interactions
  • Time/Space to do quality writing
  • Pay-off (purpose/feedback)
  • Writers Need
  • Time
  • To separate composing from editing
  • Response
  • Responsibility

Five Categories of Non-Fiction Writing
  • Recount Writing
  • Report Writing
  • Explanatory Writing
  • Procedural Writing
  • Persuasive Writing
  • 99 Types of Writing pdf

Types of writing List pdf List of Genre examples
pdf Explanations of Types of writing
Writing Strand
  • Text Types Purposes

3 Standards- Text Types 1. Argument 2.
Informative/Explanatory 3. Narrative
Range of Writing
Production Distribution of Writing
10. Writing Routinely for both extended and
shorter time frames
3 Standards 4. Produce Clear and Coherent
Writing-organization and form 5. Quality writing
using the writing process-planning, revising,
editing 6. Publish and Produce Collaborate
through Technology
Research to Build Present Knowledge
3 Standards 7. Short and Sustained Research
Projects 8. Gather, categorize, and evaluate
information from Multiple Sources-take notes and
paraphrase 9. Text Evidence to support Analysis,
Reflection and Researchcompare 2 books, compare
2 settings/characters/problems, etc OR explain
how author supports his/her points/argument.
Good Writing Begins With Good Conversation!
  • 1. Begins with teacher directed first
  • Push students elaborate-to notice
  • Encourage complete sentences and the use of
    academic/content vocabulary
  • Predictions about content/vocabulary
  • 2. Teacher directed between students
  • Model read-then think and talk using Index card
  • Key vocabulary predictions and evaluations
  • 3. Small group conversations without teacher
  • Use Index card, chart paper-silent talk, sentence
    frame cards
  • Key vocabulary predictions and evaluations
  • Organize key concepts/vocabulary to create
  • 4. Later, inner conversation with self
  • Notes, drawings, journals, graphic organizers
  • 5. Lastly, the conversation ends up on paper!

Power Writes!
  • What is it?
  • 5 min of writing for every segment of the day
  • Brief, intense, focused bursts of writing in
    every subject area including small group
  • Various forms (letters, descriptions, lists,
    poems, responses to reading, summaries,
    directions, etc.)
  • Why?
  • To remember, to think, to understand
  • Increases retention and understanding
  • Supports academic vocabulary

CCSS Style Notes
  • A ___________ is like ____________________
  • It __________________________________________
  • I think__________________________________________

  • Ex
  • A herons beak is like a fork.
  • It stabs food.
  • I think it must be cool to always have a fork

I think I wonder I feel
Understandings I noticed Interpretation Why? How? I think Connections This is like

RAN Chart.pdf RAN CHART LABELS.pdf http//el
gAnimalsSM.pdf Ran charts
Two Word Summary
  • After Reading
  • What? Help students synthesize information/learnin
    g-used with fiction or informational text.
  • How?
  • READ or listen to information/story/poem/drama
  • Write 2 words about the text/video/audio
  • Turn to partner and read their words and explain
    their selections
  • Write a sentence (2-3 if a longer piece of text)
    and underline the two words selected in the
  • Share writing with a partner.

  • What Think-INK-Pair-Share
  • Similar to Think-Pair-Share but with added
    writing step.
  • Increases individual accountability and
  • How
  • Jot down ideas before turning to a partner to
  • Walk and see who understands the concept
    (formative assessment).
  • Share responses with partner and small/whole
  • Probable Passages/Word Splash
  • How
  • Using a word bank (new/familiar words) students
    write predictive sentences. After instruction,
    they evaluate and revise these sentences.

Power Writes
  • Activity
  • Students write for 60 seconds about a topic, or
    write using as many ____ (adverbs, adjectives,
    sensory imagery etc.)
  • Circle all of the __ and set a goal before they
    write again
  • After another 60 seconds-see if they met or beat
    their goal 
  • Evaluate-did they meet the goal? Fall short? How?
  • Example
  • Teach about onomatopoeia/alliteration/even
    numbers/habitats. Students write as many examples
    of onomatopoeia or___ as they can in one minute.
  • After 1st round, students count examples of
    onomatopoeia or_____
  • Set a goal for the next round.
  • Evaluate-did they meet the goal? Fall short? How?
  • Add to list from group/class
  • NOW YOU try!

Sketch to Stretch
  • After Reading
  • What? Children quickly draw what they know and
    then turn to someone close to them and show and
    tell about their understanding of a text.
  • How?
  • Students read a thought providing story or
  • Students draw (quick sketch) to show
    understanding of text
  • Students talk about their drawing with a
    partnerStudents write text to accompany their
    sketch.(Labels, sentences, summary, etc.)
  • Or Notes with Pictures pdf

(No Transcript)
How to Use RoundingMath Journaling
T Chart Method
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Diamante Poems (Compare/Contrast)
rain forest damp, dark raining, dripping,
steaming monkey, jaguar, frog, anaconda climbing,
stalking, slinking furry scaled endangered . Noun
Adjective Adjective Participle participle
participle Noun noun noun noun Participle
participle participle Adjective
Adjective Noun Evaluating Weather Proverbs -
Myth or Science? http//lstalessons.wikispaces.com
Diamante Biography Diamond Poem Form
Templates for Many Writing Types
I AM POEMS After reading(ie. Write the poem
as if they are Ruby from The Story of Ruby
Bridges) or they could take the role of a person
or object from a cross-curricular subject (ie.
Write the poem as if they are a Gas after
studying the States of Matter). I AM POEM I
am (name) I see (what do you see around
you) I hear (sounds you hear) I need (something
you need) I feel (how do you feel inside) I
fear (something that you fear) I cry (something
that makes you sad) I believe (something that you
believe in ) I dream (something you dream
about) I am (repeat first line)
More Ideas
Writing Letters Students write letters to others,
including elected officials, family members,
friends, people who made a difference. Ex
Letter to Dr. Martin Luther King about the
progress we have made on racism since his
death. Business Letter Form Online Letter
Generator   Take a Stand Students discuss their
opinions about a controversial topic-Exwhat
caused the dinosaurs to become extinct- an
asteroid, or a volcano? What If
Scenarios  Students respond to prompts in which
information is changed from what they know, and
they predict outcomes. Ex students may be asked
to respond to the question, What would be
different if honeybees disappeared? Write a
Play Students write about content in play form.
Sample Blank Script
Informational WritingUsing Mentor Texts
4th Grade http//www.albany.k12.or.us/departments/
Papers/Writing_Binder_Grade_4_Section_4.pdf 5th
Grade http//www.pps.k12.or.us/files/curriculum/G5
Lesson Lists F/NF all grades http//www.lausd.net/
All About Kayaking pdf
All About Penguins pdf
How To Make Braids pdf

CCSS Writing Samples K-5 Link
Learning How to Make Books From Authorities
ALL GRADES Writing Units Grade K-5 pdf
NF Unit K/1 http//literacyandlaughter.blogspot.co
Habits are at first cobwebs, then cables.
Spanish Proverb
Question/ Answer Texts
Nonfiction Writing Templates abc all about me
book.doc How-To Books Good writers learn about
How-To books.    All About Books Good writers
learn about All About books.   Good writers
understand the structure of All About books.  
Reports and More...
Click on Docstoc for downloadable
template http//aplacecalledkindergarten.blogspot.
     Nonfiction conventions chart.doc Download
All about reports http//timmonstimes.blogspot.com
How Could These Be Used In Content Writing?
Sight Word poems http//www.scholasticdealer.com/p
Sight Word poems http//www.trcabc.com/wp-content/
uploads/myveryownpoetry.pdf http//warehouse.teckn
oquest.com/samples/ENTr/csd804097ebs.pdf Sight
Word Games http//k-5resourcepage.wikispaces.com/f
How To/Procedural Writing
Types of NF writing Posters http//www.teachingide
How to paper.doc
Additional Ideas How to Study for a ________
Test How to Solve a ______ Problem How to Make
the King Angry How to Read A Word You Dont Know
Opinion and Informational Writing

My favorite part was when Frances looked out the
window. She saw the man and the monkey outside
the window.
Foldables Author Study Eric Carle http//kindergar
tencce.wikispaces.com/K-AuthorEricCarle Basic
Foldable Directions http//curriculumspot.wikispac

Great JoyMy favorite part is when Frances said
behold. This is at the end of the
story. http//hkidshighlights.blogspot.com/2007/12
Persuade People to..Be a FirefighterSave a
BearUse Arrays to Solve ProblemsRecycle
  • OREO Template
  • http//blog.wsd.net/ebonnemort/files/2012/04/Persu
  • Persuasive Words/Phrases
  • http//www.teachingideas.co.uk/english/files/persu
  • Sample Lessons with 4 Square
  • http//jc-schools.net/writeaway/canned-lesson.ppt
  • http//www.greenville.k12.sc.us/taylorse/About/Wri

Additional Suggestions
  • Writing Prompts - Discovery has excellent
    resources/writing prompts. Students can respond
    to images and videos about content material.
    UseTruetube for thinking and debating
    controversial topics.
  • B. Blogging - Blog about their learning and
    ideas about content . Wordpress, Blogger
  • C. Ebooks - Create online books and share them
    with you online. Lulu Mixbook Storybird
  • D. Wikis - Students to design and collaborate on
    wikis and discussions about content material.
    Wikispaces and Wetpaint and EduBlog
  • E. Desktop Publishing - create brochures,
    newsletters, presentations letterpop on content
  • F. Found Poetry Pull words/phrases to make
    poems example
  • More examples Directions

Using Technology Make Writing Meaningful
Storybird - www.storybird.com -create a page
turning book with illustrations and text that is
available online.Story Jumper -
www.storyjumper.com - create page turning,
illustrated books, using various backgrounds,
characters, props and images. (Up to 16 pages)
Free to see online. Pay for hard copy!Voki -
www.voki.com Create a talking avatar-select
from a variety of avatars or make your own and
then record narration by either typing text,
speaking in a microphone or calling it in on a
phone. Blabberize http//www.blabberize.com/
Upload a picture an create a simple animation of
the mouth moving to the sound of the voice.
Example Biography Glogster - www.glogster.com -
Import image, audio, video, or link from YouTube,
URL, etc. Tools also for recording audio/video.
Create "glogs" or posters with media, text tools,
frames for media, layer media. ZooBurst
-digital storytelling tool that lets anyone
easily create his or her own 3D pop-up books.
Enter Answer Here
Enter Fact 1 Here
Enter Name Here
Enter Fact 4 Here
Enter Fact 2 Here
Enter Fact 3 Here
When inserting clip art and other graphics, it
may be necessary to ungroup the objects then
regroup them to be able to free rotate the
graphic as needed.
To get rid of a border around a text box,
double-click on the text box border to open the
properties. Under the Colors Lines tab, select
No Line.
To change the direction of text in a text box,
select the text box, then go to Format ? Text
Direction. This template is designed so that the
text/graphics are on the outside of the pyramid.
This is used as a preposition describing the
position of an object as in She walked to the
This is used to show the quantity or order of
something. Example He ate two hamburgers.
This is used in place of the word also. Ex I am
going to ride the roller-coaster, too.
Cut all the way across this line.
John F. Kennedy 1917-1963
John F. Kennedy 1917-1963
John F. Kennedy 1917-1963
John F. Kennedy 1917-1963
Image and citation
Image and citation
Image and citation
Image and citation
Most Significant Contribution
Most Significant Contribution
Most Significant Contribution
Most Significant Contribution
Another quote
Another quote
Another quote
Another quote
Hello from the Catskills
Enjoying my new home in The Catskills
Place your stamp here
From Sam Grandpas Farm Catskill Mountains
Brian, Sorry I had to leave so suddenly without
telling you exactly where I was going. I am on
the remains of Great Grandpas old place here in
the Catskills. I am living off the land, eating
nuts, wild berries, and fish that I catch in the
river. You would be surprised how good I am at
fishing now. I live in the inside of a hollowed
tree trunk- its not that big, but it keeps me
warm and dry and protects me from the wild. I
also have a pet falcon that keeps me safe and
warns me of danger. I go into town once every
two or three months to the library to learn how
to live off the land better. It was rough at
first, but Ive adapted well. Come see me some
time- but only if you promise not to make me
return home. I like it here. Sam
To Brian Smith 123 Main Street Arlington, TX
Photo StoryWhat is it?
  • a software for creating digital stories
  • Uses pictures, music, voice, transitions, and
    effects to make stories come to life
  • Tutorial Photo Story Tutorial
  •  Microsoft Photo Story 3 free to download
  • More information
  • http//schools.spsd.sk.ca/curriculum/techyteacher/
  • Examples

nter.html http//www.eaglepnt.k12.or.us/Files/Char
les20Lindbergh.wmv http//www.eaglepnt.k12.or.us/
Files/Flat20Stanley.wmv http//www.eaglepnt.k12.o
r.us/Files/Our20Snow20Day_1.wmv http//www.eagle
pnt.k12.or.us/Files/What20Bird20is20It.wmv http
//www.booktrailersforreaders.com/Stellaluna http
//www.booktrailersforreaders.com/Swindle http//ww
w.schooltube.com/video/74f5e57dda2d4f43aa33/ http
//www.schooltube.com/video/fb7d295c32c04771a40b/ h
ttp//schools.spsd.sk.ca/brightwater/?page_id40 h
What Do You Do with Writing Once You Get It?
  • Respond To give informal reactions to text.
  • Assess To see how a students, or a classs,
    body of work lines up with program or
    institutional objectives.
  • Evaluate To compare work with some sort of
    marker, benchmark, or standard.
  • Grade To condense all data into one symbol.

Some Evaluation Options
  • Credit/No credit
  • Read and possibly share with class
  • Accept/Revise
  • Rubric (for 1 or more than one criteria/ 6 1
  • Self /Peer Evaluate
  • Group Evaluation
  • Improvementpull worst and best
  • Not every thing has to be gradedbut
  • a little feedback much improvement!

Modeling, Modeling Modeling
Sharing and Publishing
Hot Seat
  • Before the beginning of class, the teacher
    prepares 4-5 questions related to the topic of
    study and writes them on sticky notes.
  • Place the sticky notes underneath student desks
    so they are hidden from view.
  • At beginning of class, inform students that
    several of them are sitting in Hot Seats and
    will be asked to answer the questions.
  • Have the students check their desks for the
    strategically placed sticky notes.
  • Students who are in the Hot Seats take turns
    answering the questions.

Silent Gallery Walk
  • Choose 4 writing activities/strategies
  • Write them in the center of a page
  • Around the activity/strategy list as many ways
    you can think of for using that strategy-plus, as
    many content areas as you can work it into
  • Label the content areas (Math, Science, Spelling,
    Reading, Grammar, Social Studies, etc)
  • Count them and put the number in a circle in the
    upper right corner!

Recount Writing
  • Purpose To retell past events usually told in
    the order (sequence) in which they occurred
  • Examples of Recount Writing
  • A School Trip
  • A Science Experiment
  • A Current Event

Explanatory Writing
  • Purpose To explain how and why something
    happens or works often combined with report or
    recount writing
  • Examples of Explanatory Writing
  • Describe how the cotton gin works.
  • Answer the question What causes rust to develop?
  • Explain the key factors that caused WWII.

Procedural Writing
  • Purpose To instruct others how to carry out a
    process or procedure
  • Examples of Procedural Writing
  • How to get to my house
  • A favorite recipe
  • How to make a model
  • Rules for games
  • A science experiment
  • The steps in solving a Math problem

Persuasive Writing
  • Purpose To persuade others to a particular
    point of view, not necessarily ones own
  • Examples of Persuasive Writing
  • Create advertising posters
  • Make up jingles
  • Write speeches for a debate
  • Write a book or movie review
  • Write a Letter to the Editor
  • Create a book or movie trailer video
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