Introduction to Database Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Database Systems


Instead of using a preprocessor, we can use a library of functions and call them ... to an integer that can be used by SQLBindcol to provide additional information ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Database Systems

Introduction to Database Systems
  • CS363/607
  • Lecture 20

  • Instead of using a preprocessor, we can use a
    library of functions and call them as part of an
    ordinary C program.
  • The library for C is called SQL/CLI Call-Level
  • Embedded SQLs preprocessor will translate the
    EXEC SQL statements into CLI or similar calls,
  • It is an adaptation of ODBC

Data Structures
  • Header file sqlcli.h
  • C connects to the database by structs of the
    following types
  • Environments represent the DBMS installation.
  • Connections logins to the database. (SQLHDBC)
  • Statements records that hold SQL statements to
    be passed to a connection. (SQLHSTMT)
  • Descriptions records about tuples from a query
    or parameters of a statement. (SQLHDESC)

Environments, Connections, and Statements
  • Function SQLAllocHandle(hType,hIn,hOut) is used
    to create these structs, which are called
    environment, connection, and statement handles.
  • hType is the type of handle desired, e.g.,
  • hIn is the higher-level element in which the
    newly allocated element lives.
  • hOut (address of) output handle.
  • It returns a value of type SQLRETURN(an integer)
    0 (no error occurred).

  • Break executives netWorth into ranges
  • include sqlcli.h
  • SQLHENV myEnv
  • SQLHDBC myCon
  • SQLHSTMT execStat
  • SQLRETURN errorCode1, errorCode2, errorCode3
  • errorCode1SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV,
  • if(!errorCode1)
  • errorCode2SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC,
    myEnv, myCon)
  • if(!errorCode2)
  • errorCode3SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT,
    myCon, execStat)

Processing statements
  • SQLPrepare(sh, st, sl)
  • A statement handle sh
  • A pointer to an SQL statement st, and
  • A length sl for the character string pointed to
    by st. If dont know the length, SQL_NTS can be
  • SQLExecute(sh)
  • Causes the statement to which handle sh refers to
    be executed.

Example (Cont.)
  • SQLPrepare(execStat, SELECT netWorth FROM
    MovieExec, SQL_NTS)
  • SQLExecute(execStat)
  • Another approach If we will execute a statement
    S only once, we can combine PREPARE and EXECUTE
  • SQLExecDirect(execStat, SELECT netWorth FROM
    MovieExec, SQL_NTS)

Fetching Tuples
  • When the SQL statement executed is a query, we
    need to fetch the tuples of the result.
  • That is, a cursor is implied by the fact we
    executed a query, and need not be declared.
  • SQLFetch(sh) gets the next tuple from the result
    of the statement with handle sh.

Accessing Query Results
  • When we fetch a tuple, we need to put the
    components somewhere.
  • Thus, each component is bound to a variable by
    the function SQLBindCol(sh, colNo, colType, pVar,
    varSize, varInfo).
  • sh is the handle of the statement involved
  • colNo is the number of component whose value is
  • colType is the type of variable into which the
    value of the component is to be placed.
  • pVar is a pointer to the variable into which the
    value is to be placed
  • varSize is the length in bytes (pVar)
  • varInfo is a pointer to an integer that can be
    used by SQLBindcol to provide additional

Example (Cont.)
  • include sqlcli.h
  • void worthRanges()
  • SQLHENV myEnv
  • SQLHDBC myCon
  • SQLHSTMT execStat
  • SQLINTEGER worth, worthInfo
  • SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, myEnv, myCon)
  • SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, myCon,

Example (Cont.)
  • SQLPrepare(execStat, SELECT netWorth FROM
    MovieExec, SQL_NTS)
  • SQLExecute(execStat)
  • SQLBindCol(execStat, 1, SQL_INTEGER, worth,
    size(worth), worthInfo)
  • while(SQLFetch(execStat)!SQL_NO_DATA)
  • digits1
  • while((worth/10)gt0) digits
  • if(digitslt14) countsdigits
  • for(i0ilt15i)
  • printf(digitsd number of execs d\n, I,

Passing parameters to queries
  • Use SQLPrepare to prepare a statement in which
    some portions, called parameters are replaced by
    ?. The ith ? Represents the ith parameter.
  • Use function SQLBindParameter to bind values to
    the places where the ?s are found.
  • Execute the query with these bindings, by calling

  • / get values for studioName and studioAddr /
  • SQLPrepare(myStat, INSERT INTO Studio(name,
    address) VALUES(?, ?), SQL_NTS)
  • SQLBindParameter(myStat, 1,, studioName, )
  • SQLBindParameter(myStat, 2,, studioAddr, )
  • SQLExecute(myStat)

  • Java Database Connectivity
  • Similar to CLI.

Course Table
Student Table
Enrollment Table
Domain Constraints
  • domain constraint

Primary Key Constraints
  • Primary key constraint

Foreign Key Constraints
  • Foreign key constraint

Domain Constraints
  • Domain constraints specify the permissible values
    for an attribute. Domains can be specified using
    standard data types such as integers,
    floating-point numbers, fixed-length strings, and
    variant-length strings. The standard data type
    specifies a broad range of values. Additional
    constraints can be specified to narrow the
    ranges. You can also specify whether an attribute
    can be null.

  • Create table
  • Drop table
  • Describe table
  • Select
  • Insert
  • Delete
  • Update

create table Course ( courseId char(5),
subjectId char(4) not null, courseNumber
integer, title varchar(50) not null,
numOfCredits integer, primary key (courseId) )
create table Student ( ssn char(9),
firstName varchar(25), mi char(1), lastName
varchar(25), birthDate date, street
varchar(25), phone char(11), zipCode
char(5), deptId char(4), primary key
(ssn) )
Examples, Cont.
  • create table Enrollment (
  • ssn char(9),
  • courseId char(5),
  • dateRegistered date,
  • grade char(1),
  • primary key (ssn, courseId),
  • foreign key (ssn) references Student,
  • foreign key (courseId) references Course
  • )

Examples, Cont.
  • Create table
  • Drop table
  • Describe table
  • Select
  • Insert
  • Delete
  • Update

drop table Enrollment drop table Course drop
table Student
Examples, Cont.
  • Create table
  • Drop table
  • Describe table
  • Select
  • Insert
  • Delete
  • Update

describe Course
Examples, Cont.
  • Create table
  • Drop table
  • Describe table
  • Select
  • Insert
  • Delete
  • Update

select firstName, mi, lastName from Student where
deptId 'CS' select firstName, mi, lastName
from Student where deptId 'CS' and zipCode
02176' select from Student where deptId
'CS' and zipCode 02090'
Examples, Cont.
  • Create table
  • Drop table
  • Describe table
  • Select
  • Insert
  • Delete
  • Update

insert into Course (courseId, subjectId,
courseNumber, title) values ('10000', CMPSC',
131', Introduction to Programming', 3)
Examples, Cont.
  • Create table
  • Drop table
  • Describe table
  • Select
  • Insert
  • Update
  • Delete

update Course set numOfCredits 4 where title
'Database Systems'
Examples, Cont.
  • Create table
  • Drop table
  • Describe table
  • Select
  • Insert
  • Update
  • Delete

delete Course where title 'Database System'
Why Java for Database Programming?
  • First, Java is platform independent. You can
    develop platform-independent database
    applications using SQL and Java for any
    relational database systems.
  • Second, the support for accessing database
    systems from Java is built into Java API, so you
    can create database applications using all Java
    code with a common interface.

Database Applications Using Java
  • GUI
  • Client/Server
  • Server-Side programming

The Architecture of JDBC
The JDBC Interfaces
  • Loading drivers
  • Establishing connections
  • Creating and executing statements
  • Processing ResultSet

Developing JDBC Programs
  • Loading drivers
  • Establishing connections
  • Creating and executing statements
  • Processing ResultSet

Statement to load a driver Class.forName("JDBCDri
verClass") A driver is a class. For
example Database Driver Class
Source Access
sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver Already in
JDK MySQL com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Website Oracle oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleD
river Website The JDBC-ODBC driver for
Access is bundled in JDK. MySQL driver class is
in mysqljdbc.jar Oracle driver class is in
classes12.jar To use the MySQL and Oracle
drivers, you have to add mysqljdbc.jar and
classes12.jar in the classpath using the
following DOS command on Windows classpathclass
Developing JDBC Programs
Connection connection DriverManager.getConnectio
n(databaseURL)   Database URL Pattern
Access jdbcodbcdataSource
MySQL jdbcmysql//hostname/dbname
Oracle jdbcoraclethin_at_hostnameportor
acleDBSID   Examples For Access Connection
connection DriverManager.getConnection
("jdbcodbcExampleMDBDataSource") For
MySQL Connection connection DriverManager.getCo
nnection ("jdbcmysql//localhost/test") For
Oracle Connection connection
DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbcoraclerodgex
u_at_notitia.mcs.suffolk.edu1521orcl", "scott",
  • Loading drivers
  • Establishing connections
  • Creating and executing statements
  • Processing ResultSet

Developing JDBC Programs
  • Loading drivers
  • Establishing connections
  • Creating and executing statements
  • Processing ResultSet

Creating statement  Statement statement
connection.createStatement() Executing
statement (for update, delete, insert)  statement
.executeUpdate ("create table Temp (col1
char(5), col2 char(5))") Executing statement
(for select) // Select the columns from the
Student table ResultSet resultSet
statement.executeQuery ("select firstName, mi,
lastName from Student where lastName " "
Developing JDBC Programs
  • Loading drivers
  • Establishing connections
  • Creating and executing statements
  • Processing ResultSet

Executing statement (for select) // Select the
columns from the Student table ResultSet
resultSet stmt.executeQuery ("select
firstName, mi, lastName from Student where
lastName " " 'Smith'") Processing
ResultSet (for select) // Iterate through the
result and print the student names while
( System.out.println(resultSet.
getString(1) " " resultSet.getString(2)
". " resultSet.getString(3))
import java.sql. public class SimpleJdbc
public static void main(String args)
throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException
// Load the JDBC driver Class.forName("com.mys
ql.jdbc.Driver") System.out.println("Driver
loaded")   // Establish a connection
Connection connection DriverManager.getConnectio
n ("jdbcmysql//
exu") System.out.println("Database
connected")   // Create a statement
Statement statement connection.createStatement()
  // Execute a statement ResultSet
resultSet statement.executeQuery ("select
firstName, mi, lastName from Student where
lastName " " 'Smith'")   //
Iterate through the result and print the student
names while (
System.out.println(resultSet.getString(1) "\t"
resultSet.getString(2) "\t"
resultSet.getString(3))   // Close the
connection connection.close()
ExampleAccessing Database from Java Applets
  • This example demonstrates connecting to a
    database from a Java applet. The applet lets the
    user enter the SSN and the course ID to find a
    students grade.
  • FindGrade

Processing Statements
  • Once a connection to a particular database is
    established, it can be used to send SQL
    statements from your program to the database.
    JDBC provides the Statement, PreparedStatement,
    and CallableStatement interfaces to facilitate
    sending statements to a database for execution
    and receiving execution results from the database.

Processing Statements Diagram
The execute, executeQuery, and executeUpdate
  • The methods for executing SQL statements are
    execute, executeQuery, and executeUpdate, each of
    which accepts a string containing a SQL statement
    as an argument. This string is passed to the
    database for execution. The execute method should
    be used if the execution produces multiple result
    sets, multiple update counts, or a combination of
    result sets and update counts.

The execute, executeQuery, and executeUpdate
Methods, cont.
  • The executeQuery method should be used if the
    execution produces a single result set, such as
    the SQL select statement. The executeUpdate
    method should be used if the statement results in
    a single update count or no update count, such as
    a SQL INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, or DDL statement.

  • The PreparedStatement interface is designed to
    execute dynamic SQL statements and SQL-stored
    procedures with IN parameters. These SQL
    statements and stored procedures are precompiled
    for efficient use when repeatedly executed.
  • Statement pstmt connection.prepareStatement
  • ("insert into Student (firstName, mi, lastName)
  • values (?, ?, ?)")

Example Using PreparedStatement to Execute
Dynamic SQL Statements
  • This example rewrites the preceding example using
  • FindGradeUsingPreparedStatement

Retrieving Database Metadata
  • Database metadata is the information that
    describes database itself. JDBC provides the
    DatabaseMetaData interface for obtaining database
    wide information and the ResultSetMetaData
    interface for obtaining the information on the
    specific ResultSet.

DatabaseMetadata, cont.
  • The DatabaseMetaData interface provides more than
    100 methods for getting database metadata
    concerning the database as a whole. These methods
    can be divided into three groups for retrieving
    general information, for finding database
    capabilities, and for getting object

General Information
  • The general information includes the URL,
    username, product name, product version, driver
    name, driver version, available functions,
    available data types and so on.

Obtaining Database Capabilities
  • The examples of the database capabilities are
    whether the database supports the GROUP BY
    operator, the ALTER TABLE command with add column
    option, supports entry-level or full ANSI92 SQL

Obtaining Object Descriptions
  • the examples of the database objects are tables,
    views, and procedures.

DatabaseMetaData dbMetaData connection.getMetaDa
ta() System.out.println("database URL "
dbMetaData.getURL()) System.out.println("database
username " dbMetaData.getUserName()) System
.out.println("database product name "
dbMetaData.getDatabaseProductName()) System.out.p
rintln("database product version "
dbMetaData.getDatabaseProductVersion()) System.ou
t.println("JDBC driver name "
dbMetaData.getDriverName()) System.out.println("J
DBC driver version " dbMetaData.getDriverVers
ion()) System.out.println("JDBC driver major
version " new Integer(dbMetaData.getDriverMaj
orVersion())) System.out.println("JDBC driver
minor version " new Integer(dbMetaData.getDri
verMinorVersion())) System.out.println("Max
number of connections " new
Integer(dbMetaData.getMaxConnections())) System.o
ut.println("MaxTableNameLentgh " new
Integer(dbMetaData.getMaxTableNameLength())) Syst
em.out.println("MaxColumnsInTable " new
Integer(dbMetaData.getMaxColumnsInTable())) conne
ExampleCreating an Interactive SQL Client
SQL Client.
Batch Updates
  • To improve performance, JDBC 2 introduced the
    batch update for processing nonselect SQL
    commands. A batch update consists of a sequence
    of nonselect SQL commands. These commands are
    collected in a batch and submitted to the
    database all together.
  • Statement statement conn.createStatement()
  • // Add SQL commands to the batch
  • statement.addBatch("create table T (C1 integer,
    C2 varchar(15))")
  • statement.addBatch("insert into T values (100,
  • statement.addBatch("insert into T values (200,
  • // Execute the batch
  • int count statement.executeBatch()

The executeBatch() method returns an array of
counts, each of which counts the number of the
rows affected by the SQL command. The first count
returns 0 because it is a DDL command. The rest
of the commands return 1 because only one row is
Example Copying Text Files to Table
  • Write a program that gets data from a text file
    and copies the data to a table. The text file
    consists of the lines, each of which corresponds
    to a row in the table. The fields in a row are
    separated by commas. The string values in a row
    are enclosed in single quotes. You can view the
    text file by clicking the View File button and
    copy the text to the table by clicking the Copy
    button. The table must already be defined in the
  • CopyFileToTable

Scrollable and Updateable Result Set
  • The result sets used in the preceding examples
    are read sequentially. A result set maintains a
    cursor pointing to its current row of data.
    Initially the cursor is positioned before the
    first row. The next() method moves the cursor
    forward to the next row. This is known as
    sequential forward reading. It is the only way of
    processing the rows in a result set that is
    supported by JDBC 1.
  • With JDBC 2, you can scroll the rows both forward
    and backward and move the cursor to a desired
    location using the first, last, next, previous,
    absolute, or relative method. Additionally, you
    can insert, delete, or update a row in the result
    set and have the changes automatically reflected
    in the database.

Creating Scrollable Statements
  • To obtain a scrollable or updateable result set,
    you must first create a statement with an
    appropriate type and concurrency mode. For a
    static statement, use
  • Statement statement connection.createStatement
  • (int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency)
  • For a prepared statement, use
  • PreparedStatement statement connection.prepareSt
  • (String sql, int resultSetType, int
  • The resulting set is scrollable
  • ResultSet resultSet statement.executeQuery(query

Example Scrolling and Updating Table
  • Develop a useful utility that displays all the
    rows of a database table in a JTable and uses a
    scrollable and updateable result set to navigate
    the table and modify its contents. defined in the
  • TestTableEditor TableEditor NewRecordDialog

(No Transcript)
  • Database can store not only numbers and strings,
    but also images. SQL3 introduced a new data type
    BLOB (Binary Large OBject) for storing binary
    data, which can be used to store images.
  • Another new SQL3 type is CLOB (Character Large
    OBject) for storing a large text in the character
    format. JDBC 2 introduced the interfaces
    java.sql.Blob and java.sql.Clob to support
    mapping for these new SQL types. JBDC 2 also
    added new methods, such as getBlob,
    setBinaryStream, getClob, setBlob, and setClob,
    in the interfaces ResultSet and PreparedStatement
    to access SQL BLOB, and CLOB values.
  • To store an image into a cell in a table, the
    corresponding column for the cell must be of the
    BLOB type. For example, the following SQL
    statement creates a table whose type for the flag
    column is BLOB.
  • create table Country(name varchar(30), flag blob,
  • description varchar(255))

PHP Overview
  • Easy learning curve
  • Syntax Perl- and C-like syntax. Relatively easy
    to learn.
  • Large function library
  • Embedded directly into HTML
  • Interpreted, no need to compile
  • Open Source server-side scripting language
    designed specifically for the web.

PHP Overview, Cont.
  • Conceived in 1994, now used on 10 million web
  • Outputs not only HTML but can output XML, images
    (JPG PNG), PDF files and even Flash movies all
    generated on the fly. Can write these files to
    the filesystem.
  • Supports a wide-range of databases (20 ODBC).
  • PHP also has support for talking to other
    services using protocols such as LDAP, IMAP,
  • Refer to php manual
  • http//

PHP Tags
  • PHP code must be surrounded with special tags
  • lt? PHP Code In Here?gtlt?php PHP Code
    In Herephp?gtltscript language"php"gt PHP
    Code In Herelt/scriptgt
  • Write text to the browser with the echo command
  • To write Hello, World! to the browser, include
    the following in hello.php
  • lt?php echo lth2gtHello, Worldlt/h2gt ?gt

PHP Variables
  • Variables Are the symbols we use to represent
  • Variable names can be of any length can include
    letters, numbers and underscores cannot start
    with a digit case-sensitive and can have the
    same name as a function.
  • To assign values to variables
  • foo bar Data Type String
  • foo 1 Data Type integer
  • foo 5.34 Data Type Double
  • foo array(bar,united) Data Type Array
  • Data Types are automatically assigned though you
    can force a data type by type casting. For
  • foo Hello
  • bar (int)foo
  • bar now equals 0
  • Almost all variables are local. Globals include

Array names0 'Helen' names1
'Susan' names2 'Marc'
PHP Operators
  • Operators Operators are symbols that you can use
    to manipulate values and variables by performing
    an operation on them.
  • Includes
  • Assignment (e.g. , , )
  • Arithmetic (e.g. , -, )
  • Comparison (e.g. lt, gt, gt, )
  • Logical (e.g. !, , )

PHP Comments
  • // This is a one-line comment
  • // another line of comment
  • print "Hello name" // Welcome to the user
  • / This is a multi-line comment. Anything between
    the asterisks and the slashes will be ignored. It
    is important that you always close this type of
    comment as not doing so could make your script
    not work /
  • Good code will use indents and comments.

PHP Control Structures
  • Control Structures Are the structures within a
    language that allow us to control the flow of
    execution through a program or script.
  • Grouped into conditional (branching) structures
    (e.g. if/else) and repetition structures (e.g.
    while loops).
  • Example if/else if/else statement
  • if (foo 0)
  • echo The variable foo is equal to 0
  • else if ((foo gt 0) (foo lt 5))
  • echo The variable foo is between 1 and 5
  • else
  • echo The variable foo is equal to .foo

PHP - Forms
  • Access to the HTTP POST and GET data is simple in
  • The global variables _POST and _GET contain
    the request data lt?php
  • if (_POST"submit")
  • echo "lth2gtYou clicked Submit!lt/h2gt"
  • else if (_POST"cancel")
  • echo "lth2gtYou clicked Cancel!lt/h2gt"
  • ?gt
  • ltform action"form.php" method"post"gt
  • ltinput type"submit" name"submit"
  • ltinput type"submit" name"cancel"
  • lt/formgt

  • Table contacts(
  • first char(10),
  • last char(10),
  • phone char(12),
  • mobile char(12),
  • fax char(12),
  • email varchar(20),
  • website varchar(30)
  • )

Example, Cont.
  • query.php
  • insert.php
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