Title: Course Redesign Workshop
1Course Redesign Workshop Session VII
Developing a Targeted Tutoring Program (Jeanne
This work is supported by U.S. Department of
Education FIPSE grant number P116B06011.
2Math TLC Tutor Lab Overview
- All sections of Math 010 and 110 are taught in a
single, dedicated, technology-enhanced classroom
that is adjacent to a tutor lab staffed 50 hours
a week by the course instructors and student
tutors. - Our teachers spend three hours a week in the
tutor lab per 4-credit course, credited towards
the eight weekly office hours required of all
university faculty and teaching staff. - Our undergraduate peer tutors are trained
specifically in the content, software and methods
used for teaching these courses via weekly online
review assignments and biweekly training
meetings. - The usage statistics and survey comments show the
value to students of the convenience of having
their own tutors and teachers accessible right
out the back door of the classroom, every day,
before and after every class.
3Recruitment of TAs/Tutors
- Sources
- Math majors
- Other campus tutoring programs
- Students whove been successful in Math TLC
classes and show interest in helping other
students. (Referred by instructor.) - Web site http//mathtlc.uwstout.edu/Staff.html
- (Staff directory, with link to tutor application
and profiles of current tutors.)
4Link to current tutor bios Click here
Link to application form Click here
Suggestion Post bios/photos of student tutors
and instructors in classroom or tutor lab.
5(No Transcript)
6Information on Math TLC Teaching Assistant
- Background The Math TLC (Teaching and Learning
Center) was started in the fall semester of 2004
to provide students taking the Math 010 and Math
110 algebra courses with an integrated
online/classroom/ tutor lab environment to
maximize their opportunity to master the course
material and move on to the next level of math.
An important part of creating this environment is
employing and training qualified UW-Stout
undergraduate or graduate students to work
one-on-one with students in the Math TLC Open Lab
and to serve as teaching assistants in the
7Job Description
- Math TLC TAs are responsible for
- One-on-one tutoring of Math 010 and 110 students
in the Math TLC Open Lab - Completing a set of review problems each week in
preparation for the material to be covered in
classes the following week - Attending biweekly training sessions on
strategies for teaching algebra to students with
poor math skills and high anxiety levels. - Assisting teachers and students during scheduled
class periods, including assisting with homework
problems and helping proctor tests and quizzes - Assisting the Math TLC director in maintaining
and improving the environment in the Math TLC
classroom and open lab room
8- Minimum qualifications
- Successful completion of Math 110 in the Math TLC
with a grade of A or A- and a recommendation from
your instructor - - OR -
- Completion of Math 120 or higher with a grade of
at least B - - OR -
- Math Placement Test score of Level 4 or higher
and concurrent enrollment in calculus - Preferred Qualifications
- Previous experience as a math tutor or teaching
assistant at any level (including pre-college) - Familiarity with the CourseCompass/MyMathLab
software that is used for the course - Successful completion of calculus or higher math
courses - Career plans that include teaching in any field
and/or working with applications of math or
computer science
9Sample TA Application Form (also available on
workshop website and CD-ROM)
10TA Training Meetings
- Held biweekly
- Agenda
- Go over any issues that instructors have brought
to directors attention. - Ask TAs if they have any situations theyd like
to discuss. - Go over general teaching points dealing with
math-phobic students, etc. - Provide teaching points on material coming up in
class sessions the next two weeks. - Sometimes give pop quiz on TA review homework.
11Sample Agenda for first TA training meeting (copy
included on CD-Rom and workshop website)
12Sample Agenda for first TA training meeting
13Scheduling of Tutor Lab Staff
- We schedule one TA as a classroom aide for each
class session. - We generally have two staff (tutors and/or
instructors) in the tutor lab most hours, with
three scheduled for peak times
14Sample Form for Scheduling Tutors (copy included
on CD-Rom and workshop website)
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
17Evaluation of Tutors/TAs
- Done by director, project coordinator and all
Math TLC instructors twice each semester (middle
and end of semester.) - Director reviews results with each TA after each
evaluation. - Each TA receives a written evaluation report
showing their current ratings compared to
previous rating period and relative to all other
18TA Evaluation Form(Sample evaluation form and
report form included on workshop website and
19Sample TA Evaluation Report
20Next up
- Krystle Bernard
- Perspective From a Veteran Tutor