Title: Blast Off
1Blast Off!
2Your Flight Team
- Donna Lutz
- Costner Elementary School donnalutz_at_yahoo.com
- Lisa Mitchell
- Bessemer City Central lmitchell_at_gaston.k12.nc.us
- Duane Orr
- Ashbrook High School duaneorr_at_hotmail.com
3Newton and the Jets
lesson 1
What are Newtons Laws of Motion?
lesson 2
Review of Key Concepts, Balloon Rocket Activity,
Alka-Seltzer Rockets, Journaling and Jet-Pardy
Text, Key Concepts- Laws and Vocabulary, Web
Activity- Rocket Design
How do Newtons Laws of Motion influence rocket
lesson 3
Newtons Laws of Motion in action.
Rocket Launch, Creative writing, Resources and
4Essential Question
- How do Newtons Laws of Motion influence rocket
5Our flight plan
- North Carolina 8th grade
- Science Objective 4.07
- Apply Newtons Laws of Motion to the way the
world works - Action Reaction
6Lift-off to Learning
- Interdisciplinary Connections
- Mathematics
- Language Arts
- Information Skills
- Technology Skills
- Visual Arts
As an introduction to rocketry, students
simulated rocket flight with a rocket of their
design using interactive software.
www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/k-12/airplane/rktsim.html htt
8Words to fly by with your rockets
9Words to keep you flying
passive controls
escape velocity
10Newtons Laws
- An object at rest will stay at rest. An object in
motion stays in motion with the same speed and
direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced
force. - The acceleration of an object is dependent upon
two variables. The net force acting upon the
object and the mass of the object. - For every action there is an equal and opposite
Sir Isaac Newton
11Newtons First Law
An object at rest will stay at rest. An object in
motion stays in motion with the same speed and
direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced
For additional information visit http//www.physi
12Newtons Second Law
Force Acceleration Mass
For additional information visit http//www.physi
13Newtons Third Law
For additional information visit
14Law application
Bob the Beaker hit a rock while moving on his
skateboard. He tumbled and broke. Which law of
physics applies to this situation?
Newtons 1st Law
Newtons 2nd Law
Newtons 3rd Law
15Why Newtons 1st Law?
- Bob the beaker is traveling 10 miles an hour on
his skateboard and being in motion, he wants to
stay in motion. When his skateboard stops due to
the rock, Bob still wants to carry on the motion
and he falls. - An object in motion stays in motion with the same
speed and direction unless acted upon by
an unbalanced force.
16 3rd Law application
During the 9th inning of the World Series, New
York Yankee Roger Clemens pitches the ball and
Atlanta Brave Kevin Millwood hits the ball out of
the park for a homerun. Which law of physics
applies to this situation?
Newtons 1st Law
Newtons 2nd Law
Newtons 3rd Law
17Why Newtons 3rd Law?
- Clemmons baseball forces Millwoods bat to the
right (an action) when they meet the bat forces
the ball to the left (the reaction). - For every action there is an equal and opposite
18What happens when you blow up a balloon and then
let it go?
- The air moves out of the opening in one
direction, (action) while the balloon
moves in the opposite direction
(reaction). The same is true of
rockets. Rocket fuel ignites at the base of
the rocket and the gases propel the rocket into
space, in the opposite direction.
19Balloon experiment
- Students are put into teams of 3.
- Each team gets 3 different sized balloons.
- The first balloon is inflated and launched on a
line using a straw to fly on the line. They will
repeat this with the other 2 balloons. - Option for Advanced Students that successfully
complete the first launches move on to a
two-stage balloon rocket. - Students record their findings and chart their
distances on a worksheet.
20Visual for Balloon Experiment
- String
- Straw
- Balloon
- Clothespin
- Tape
21(No Transcript)
22Visual for Two-Stage Balloon
Two-Stage Balloon directions available at
- Graphing Activity and Discussion
link to Student findings worksheet
24Law Application
- create a journal entry answering which of
Newtons laws applies to your balloon experiment,
defend your answer. How did the shape or size of
balloons affect the flight? - link to journal page
25Drawing Conclusions
Balloon Propulsion
27Further Exploration
- Making a Film Canister Rocket
- Create a cylinder and cone for the rocket shape,
add fin shapes of your choice. Decorate! - For propellant, place an
- Alka Seltzer tablet in the film
- canister and add water.
- and BLAST OFF!
- A modification to this lesson would be
- to use a stomp rocket instead.
Link to information on this project
28Law Application
- How does Newtons 3rd Law of motion influence the
flight of your film canister (or stomp)
rocket? - Write and diagram your answer
- link to journal page
- Link to Rocket Science Jet-pardy
31Ready to go exploring?
- Try your hand at one of these
- Stomp, Water, and Estes model rockets
- Use skills and knowledge gained to do some
creative writing. link to journal - Join the local Rocketry of Central Carolina at
Use skills and knowledge gained with your
imagination and creative skills in The Artists
of Space Technology
33Concluding Activities
Students watch the launch a model rocket for
closure to the Newton and the Jets 8th grade
Science Unit
34Teacher Resources
Dont reinvent the rocketsee these teacher
resources for information
Link to Teacher Resources
35Ready for some FUN
NASA for Kids on-line http//kids.msfc.nasa.gov
36Using Creativity
Create your own alien
Test your Space IQ
37Current Events
http//spaceflight.nasa.gov/shuttle/ NASA
space shuttle and International Space Station
tracking site.
38It is difficult to say what is impossible, for
the dreams of yesterday is the hope of today and
the reality of tomorrow Robert H. Goddard
393 2 1 Blast Off!
Donna Lutz Costner Elementary School
donnalutz_at_yahoo.com Lisa Mitchell Bessemer City
Central lmitchell_at_gaston.k12.nc.us Duane Orr
Ashbrook High School duaneorr_at_hotmail.com