Title: Clean Coal Technology in Pennsylvania
1Clean Coal Technology in Pennsylvania
- Rising to the Challenge
- Powering Pennsylvania for Generations to Come
with Traditional Resources - June 4, 2009
2What is ACCCE?
- American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity
- Non-profit, non-partisan
- Companies involved in producing electricity from
coal - Balance coals role in affordable, reliable
electricity with environmental protection. - Development, deployment of advanced clean coal
technologies to produce electricity with
near-zero emissions.
3Pennsylvanias Unique Perspective
- Ranks 4th in coal production
- 12 billion tons reserve
- Coal generates 56 of electricity
- Jobs for 16,000 people
- Billion of in economic impact
- Competitive, affordable electric rates
- Electricity exporter
- Geology technology positioned for CCS
4CCS Clean Coal Technology
- Since 1970, use of coal to generate electricity
in the U.S. nearly tripled criteria pollutants
other emissions regulated by federal Clean Air
Act were cut by more than 90. - The coal-power generation industry already has
invested 90 billion in cleaner coal
5Clean Coal Technology around the U.S.
6Pennsylvania CCS Potential
- Shale coal seam sequestration
- DCNR starting geologic evaluation
- HB 80, SB 92 recognize CCS potential
- Wm. J. Clinton Foundation aid
- Federal stimulus climate change
- University, private, public resources
- Energy, jobs, economic benefits
7Unmineable coal seams
Carbon Sequestration Atlas of the United States
and Canada U.S. Department of Energy Office of
Fossil Energy NETL
8Deep saline formations
Carbon Sequestration Atlas of the United States
and Canada U.S. Department of Energy Office of
Fossil Energy NETL
9Benefits 65 GW
- 4.5 million job years and 240 billion in income
during construction - 153,000 jobs during operations with 10 billion
in labor income
10ACCCEs Climate StrategyTimely adoption of
federal carbon management legislation
- Technology investments
- Preserve reliability
- Protect consumers
- Maintain US and PA competitiveness
- Economy-wide program
- Framework for CO2 safe storage
- Deploy technology to other nations
- Broad-based reduction approach
- Credits for early reductions
11Thank You
- Cathy Coffey
- www.cleancoalusa.org
- www.americaspower.org