Title: Bonny Specker, Ph.D.
1National Childrens Study
- Bonny Specker, Ph.D.
- South Dakota State University
Brookings, Yellow Medicine, Pipestone Lincoln
Counties (BYPL) Vanguard Center
2What is the National Childrens Study (NCS)?
- Largest nationwide study of childrens health
- Authorized by the Childrens Health Act of 2000
- Supported by the National Institutes of Health
(NIH), Centers for Disease Control Prevention
(CDC), and the Environmental Protection Agency
3Outline of Talk The National Childrens Study
- Reason for doing the study
- Important facts about how the Study will work
- Background on the Vanguard Centers
- Things about the BYPL Vanguard Center that might
be of interest
- Timeline of events
- BYPL Brookings, Yellow Medicine, Pipestone,
Lincoln counties
4Some Childhood Conditions are Increasing
of Children with Asthma 1981-2003
5Some Childhood Conditions are Increasing
of Children Overweight 1963-2002
6Some Childhood Conditions are Increasing
- We suspect that the environment plays a part in
these childhood conditions
- Birth defects
- Prematurity
- Autism
- Cerebral palsy
- Type I diabetes
- Mental retardation
- Obesity
- Asthma
- Injuries
7Children are NOT Little Adults
- Children behave differently
- Children are physically different
- Harm is more possible at certain times in
8Children Behave Differently
- Explore the world through touch and taste
- Spend more time outdoors
- Diet and eating habits differ
9Children are Physically Different
- Pound-for-pound, kids
- Breathe more air than adults
- Drink more water than adults
- Eat more food than adults
10Children are NOT Little Adults
- Most chemicals to which children are exposed have
not been tested
- 80,000 chemicals in commerce
- Danger to growing children is known for less than
20 of these chemicals
11Some Things Partly to Blame for Childhood Diseases
- Mothers infections during pregnancy ?
- Heavy metals (lead in paint, mercury in fish) ?
developmental problems
- Mothers exposure to pesticides ? developmental
- Stress during pregnancy ? childhood asthma
- Child television watching super-size me
portions ? obesity
12Why Do We Need the NCS?
- The NCS will identify what is
- Harmful
- Harmless
- Helpful
- to child development
13Facts about the NCS
- Focuses on priority areas
- National in scope (105 U.S. counties) and the
group enrolled will provide a snapshot of all
U.S. families
- Families followed from before conception or in
early pregnancy until age 21 years
- Many different aspect of environment will be
studied chemical, physical, social behavioral
- Biological specimens will be stored so scientists
can use these to answer health questions in the
14How Will Families be Identified?
- 105 study locations were drawn from the full list
of about 3,000 counties in the U.S.
- Certain neighborhoods in these counties will be
- We will go door-to-door looking for women to
- We also will ask for help from doctors caring for
pregnant women.
15Vanguard Locations
- Precede other Study locations by two years
- Finalize exactly what information will be
- Pilot testing
- 7 Vanguard Sites
- BYPL Counties, South Dakota Minnesota
- Duplin County, North Carolina
- Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
- Orange County, California
- Queens County, New York
- Salt Lake County, Utah
- Waukesha County, Wisconsin
16NCS Locations
17Vanguard Center Comparisons
in 2003 LBWLow Birth Weight (less than 5½
pounds) Each site will contribute 1,250 births to
18Types of Data Collected
- Questionnaires Interviews medical history,
dietary intake, product use
- Environmental Samples Observations air, dust,
soil, water, home observations
- Physical Examinations fetal ultrasound
measures, height, weight, blood pressure
- Observation of Behavior mother-child
- Biological Samples blood, urine, umbilical cord
blood, placenta, breast milk
19Schedule of Visits
20Large Size of the NCS
- The NCS is large, long, and extensive because
most studies
- do not enroll enough children need large
numbers to pull apart all the effects of
different environmental influences
- last for short periods of time do not follow
the children as they get older and cannot see
diseases resulting from long-term exposure to
something harmful - are only done in one place may not represent
all U.S. children
21Associations Interactions in the NCS
22Expected Benefits of the NCS
23The National Childrens Study
- What might be interesting about the BYPL counties?
24The BYPL Communities
- Land Area 2,555 square miles
- Population 21 people/square mile
- 44 live in urban clusters (2,500-5,000 people)
- 56 live in rural areas (12 are actively
- 85 are high school graduates
- 19 elementary schools
- 17 high schools
- 23 have a 4-year college degree
- 12 live below poverty
- 77 are affiliated with a church (137 churches)
25Births in the BYPL Counties
26Environmental Exposures in the BYPL Communities
- Agricultural-related exposures
- Pesticides
- Accidents injuries
- Significant number of older housing units ?
possible increased lead exposure
- In 2002, Brookings County ranked among the
dirtiest/worst 20 of all counties in the U.S. in
terms of air releases of recognized developmental
27BYPL NCS Vanguard Center Collaborators
- South Dakota State University
- EAM Program in Human Nutrition, Nursing,
Engineering, Exercise Physiology, Human
Development, Rural Sociology
- Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center
- Childrens Environmental Research Center
- University of Cincinnati
- Department of Environmental Health
- Numerous local hospitals, clinics and physicians
28BYPL Vanguard Center
- 11 segments will be identified 7 of these
randomly chosen
- All women in these 7 segments will be approached
(4,000 enrolled)
- Expect 250 births/y for 5 years (N1,250)
BYPL Contract awarded to SDSU
1st Annual CEH Seminar
Community Outreach and Engagement Activities BEGIN
20 Additional Centers Funded
Listing Training Site Visit
Media Event
Recruitment BEGINS!!
Healthcare Meetings BEGIN
CAC Initiation Meeting
2nd Annual CEH Seminar
FY 07 Funding issues
Pilot Listing Completed
Hypotheses / Planning / Study Development- ONGOING
County Assessment Research - ONGOING
30A Healthy Environment Means Healthier Children
NCS Website www.nationalchildrensstudy.gov