Title: Relational Evangelism Through the Local Church
1Relational EvangelismThrough the Local Church
- A Workshop for the Congregations
- Evangelism/Mission Teams
George R. Estes General Assembly Board of Missions
Program advances automatically.
- To help church members and ministers consider
afresh their calling to faith-sharing, and the
networks of relationships that are the context
for personal and corporate witness, with the goal
of seeing unchurched and spiritually lost people
become Christs disciples and responsible members
of his church.
Go, therefore, and make disciples Matt.2919
3Evangelism? Yikes!
What is evangelism to you?
- Your definition
- Your concerns
- Your expectations of your church in this regard
- Your involvement with unchurched folks
- How were WE reached?
- Impersonal
- Personal
4Evangelism is
Many people think we need a new method of
evangelism. What we really need is integrity of
life-style, prayer, confidence in the gospel. We
need every-member missionaries. - Green
- Not a method, but
- A message...
- Not a program, but...
- A Person!
- The Evangel
- The Word Incarnate
- The Living Lord
- Not what we do, but
- What Christ has done!
5Evangelism is
- A dynamic word engages reflection on biblical
understanding, differences in personality,
cultural norms and methods, doctrinal
perspectives, church life, etc. - In the Greek NT euangellion is gospel, good news
- How can we get the good news back in
evangelism? - NT speaks of a gift of evangelists and doing
the work of an evangelist
One of the most striking features in evangelism
in the early (church) was the people who engaged
in it. Communicating the faith was not regarded
as the preserve of the very zealous or the
officially designated evangelist. Evangelism was
the prerogative of every church member the
ordinary people of the church saw it as their
job Christianity was supremely a lay movement,
spread by informal missionaries. Michael Green
6Some Typical Styles of Evangelism Multiple
Styles and Approaches-May Overlap and Provide
- Confrontational (e.g., direct dialog about
salvation) - Conversational (e.g., listening, sharing)
- Intellectual (e.g., C.S. Lewis)
- Testimonial (e.g., How God changed my life)
- Interpersonal (e.g., seeker small groups)
- Invitational (e.g., to an outreach
event/concert) - Relational (e.g., networking with friends,
relatives, co-workers, Lifestyle or
Friendship evangelism) - Presentational (e.g., crusade, evangelistic
preaching, concert, drama, film) - Incarnational (e.g., Servant Evangelism,
intentional acts of kindness)
Sources Mittelberg, Towns, Arn, Hunter, Mead and
7Our Approach to Evangelism is...
- Evangelisms
- Golden Threads
- Being the Word
- Doing the Word
- Saying the Word
- Personal
- Genuine (its a heart thing)
- Foundational
- Biblical (back to basics John 316)
- Relational
- Person-centered ( seeing with
eyes of Christ) - Congregational
- Holistic (personal/social concern)
8Typical Church Activities with Potential for
Intentionality is the key!
- Warmth, welcoming, witness
- Ushers, Greeters, Hosts
- Worship services, evangelistic services,
recognition days - Multiple styles, times for worship
- Christmas, Easter
- Visitor follow-up
- Baptism
- Infant (parents, guests)
- Profession (invitations)
- Wedding/Marriage
- Couple, party, family, guests
- Church use by unchurched
- Pre-marriage
- Marriage/family pastoral care
- Sunday School
- Pastors Class for New Members
- Small Group Bible Studies
- Wednesday Youth Club
- VBS, camps, retreats, mission trips
- Funerals
- Grief support
- Stephen Ministry, Support groups
- New Neighbors Club
- Community use of facilities
- Communion
- Concerts, dramas, musicals
- Community Visitation
- Crisis Ministry
- Equipping, budgeting, prioritizing
- Local, global support
Mouse click to continue
9Four Stories for Faith-Sharing God created
people because God loves stories. Elie Wiesel
- Your story with God
- You are the authority on your relationship
- The difference Christ makes
- Gods story
- The Biblical message
- Spending time with the Word
- Your friends story
- Sensitive listening
- Folks dont care what you know till they know you
care - Your churchs story
- Church is not incidental
- A community of belonging, witness and service
- Since the Good News is a Person, not a method --
and - Most effective faith-sharing occurs in
relationships - Were called to widen our caring circle
- Christians often appear to know few unchurched
people - Our best model for relational evangelism is Jesus
Christ - Christ spent time with unbelievers, non-religious
as well as with devout people - Parable of Good Samaritan invites us to widen the
caring circle
- Who is God sending us to?
- Who is God sending to us?
- People we already know
- Family, friends, co-workers, neighbors
- Activities already doing
- Party with a purpose
- People we used to know
- Old classmates
- Previous work associates
- People we would like to know
- Strategic consumerism frequenting same stores,
cafes, gas stations to develop relationships - Arranging to meet community leaders
12General Guidelinesfor Relational Witness
- Pray for other person and for oneself
- Listen genuine evidence of care
- Build on common interests
- Be yourself, i.e. - authentic
- Be ready to drop spiritual hints early e.g.,
our daughter was at her church youth group last
week and
13Your Relationship Web
- Make a list of spiritually uninvolved folks you
know - Family, neighbors, associates, schoolmates, club
members, doctors, repairmen, grocers, etc. - Develop a Personal Profile for each of them
- Make your list a matter of disciplined prayer
14Getting Started with aSpiritual
Conversation(Presuming a Relationship)
- Sense Gods opening
- Direct Method
- Indirect Transition, bridge, from casual to
spiritual topic - Weather, nature
- Hobby, mutual interest
- Holiday, birthday
- Sports
- Music
- Problem or difficulty
- Invitational Method 1 in 4 would come if invited
15Some Tips
- Be willing to risk
- Be ready to make most of opportunity
- Keep it light
- Make it open-ended
- Invite continuing conversation later
- Four-part conversation-starter
- F -- Family
- O -- Occupation
- R -- Recreation
- E -- Experiences
- Focus on other persons interests.
- Better, discuss subject in which he or she has a
personal emotional stake. - Best, discuss a matter which involves a felt need
in the other person. - Find things in what the other person says to
agree with or at least - empathize with as a basis for more serious
conversation. - --- George Hunter