Title: selestas uab
1Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
37069816167 E-mail nasa.statyba_at_gmail.com
- Elastopor The Ideal Solution for Residential
and Industrial Insulation -
2Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- Polyurethane Spray Foam is the most widespread
type of insulation in the Iberian Peninsula. It
allows buildings to reach high levels of comfort
and energy savings. -
3Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- Main Properties that Characterize Polyurethane
- Rigid Foam
- Thermal Conductivity
- Reaction to Fire
- Water Absorption
- Vapour Permeability
- Compression Resistance
- Air permeability
4Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- Thermal Conductivity (1)
- The foam undergoes a natural aging process due
to the interchange of cell gas with air.
Gas interchange
Aged Value l lt 0,028 W/mK
Initial Value l lt 0,022 W/mK
In Spain, the aged lambda value is used for
5Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- Thermal Conductivity (2)
- The closed-cell structure and the presence of
gases with a low thermal conductivity, give
polyurethane its excellent thermal conductivity
values. -
6Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- Reaction to Fire
- Standard spray foam has a reaction to fire
classification of B2 according to the German
standard or Class E according to the European
standard UNE EN 13 501-1. - It is possible to obtain higher or lower levels
of fire protection, such as the Spanish M2 or M1
classifications or the German B3. - In order to select the correct foam, it is
necessary to keep national regulations in mind.
7Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- Water Absorption
- Spray foam has a very low water absorption due
to its closed-cell structure. As a result,
absorption only takes place at the surface - Long-term absorption by partial immersion lt 0,3
kg/m2 - Long-term absorption by total immersion lt 2
8Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- Water Tightness
- Spray Foam is watertight, and easily passes de
European standard for water tightness EN 1928 at
a pressure of 60 kPa (6 m column of water) - Also, a brick façade, insulated with spray foam
from the inside shows no water penetration when
tested according to European standard EN 12865,
which simulates rain combined with wind. The
insulated façade withstands the maximum pressure
of 1800 Pa, which corresponds to wind speed of
approximately 200 Km/h.
9Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- Vapour Permeability
- Closed-cell foam is impermeable to liquid water,
but does posses a certain permeability to water
vapour. As a result, the foam possesses excellent
hydrothermal properties. -
- m 70 -140 (Depending on the density)
10Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- Compression Resistance
- The rigid cell structure results in high
compression resistance values, which make the
foam ideal for floors and other applications
bearing loads.
11Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- The Advantages of Spray Foam
- The best thermal conductivity
- Prevention of thermal bridges/insulation without
joints - Insulation installed by trained professionals
- Fast installation
- Adhesion to the substrate
- Adapts to the shape of the substrate, easy to
insulate difficult areas such as columns, waved
roofs - Mobility
- Air tight
- Water Impermeability
- Moderate vapour permeability that reduces to risk
of condensations
12Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- Thermal Conductivity Coefficient
- Spray Foam has the best thermal conductivity
coefficient of any insulation used in
Insulation Material Thermal Conductivity Coefficient
Polyurethane Foam 0,028 W/mK
Expanded Polystyrene EPS 0,030 - 0,047 W/mK
Extruded Polystyrene XPS 0,029 - 0,037 W/mK
Mineral Wool 0,033 - 0,044 W/mK
13Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- Thermal Conductivity Coefficient
- Same insulation with less thickness
14Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- 2. Insulation without joints
- Being a continuous insulation, it is possible to
prevent thermal bridges. (eg. Leaving only 6 of
the surface without insulation results in a 30
increase in thermal conductivity.)
15Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- 3. Professionally Installed Insulation
- Companies and employees normally dedicate
themselves exclusively to the installation of
spray foam, making them experts in the
installation of insulation material. - In Spain, it is the only insulation material
whose installation can be certified through a
quality certification. In Germany a technical
approval is required. This includes that raw
material suppliers and the installing companies
need to perform internal and external quality
checks. Furthermore the installing companies have
to verify that they are qualified to carry out
spray foam insulations. -
16Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- 4. Fast Installation
- It is possible to apply up to 600 m2 of foam per
day. Other insulation materials generally do not
exceed 200 m2 per day. - 5. Adhesion to the substrate
- The product is self-adhesive and stays fixed to
the substrate, preventing any possible
detachment, common with other types of
17Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- 6. Adapts to the Shape of the Substrate
- Due to the nature of the application, the foam
adapts itself and reproduces the shape of the
substrate. As a result, it is easy to insulate
difficult areas such as columns, waved roofs, or
covers for blinds.
18Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- 7. Mobility
- Since the product is liquid, it is easy to
transport and store (It is not necessary to store
the product on the construction site).
19Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
8. Air Tight The continues application of spray
foam, without joints, means that the product is
airtight. This gives important energy savings,
highly valued in countries such as USA and
Canada. According to some studies, up to 40 of
energy can be saved, creating an airtight wall.
20Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- 9. Water Impermeability
- Due to its closed-cell structure and its
continuous application, the product is
impermeable to water. This results in the
following advantages - The possibility of insulating and waterproofing
in one step (densities above 50 Kg/m3) - It is not necessary to apply a cement coat to the
21Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
- 10. Moderate Vapour Permeability
- The balanced vapour permeability permits
- working without a vapour barrier, permitting the
surface to breathe. - only a small possibility of internal
22Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
Typical Insulation Solution for Walls in Spain
Gypsum board
Exterior Brickwork
Interior Bricks
23Insulation with Elastopor Spray Foam
Temperature profiles Conditions Outside 0ºC
Relative Humidity 60 Inside 20 ºC Relative
Humidity 80
Mineral Wool
Condensations !!!!!!