Title: 9 : Defining Problems and Generating Solutions
19 Defining Problems and Generating Solutions
- In Architecture, as in all other Operative Arts,
the End must direct the Operation. The End is to
Build Well. Well Building hath three conditions
Commodity, Firmness and Delight - Sir Henry
Wotton, 1624
2Defining Problems and Generating Solutions
- tame and wicked problems
- solving the briefing problem
- solving the design problem
- the cult of wickedness
- the management of design
- tools for managing the briefing process
3Tame and Wicked Problems
- the conception and planning of the artificial
- problems with bounds and optimal solutions
- messy problems with robust solutions
4Tame and Wicked Problems
5Solving The Briefing Problem
- briefing as a problem in information
- public information
- private information
- blind information
- uncertainty
- reasons for impactedness
- the role of visualisation
- virtual
- physical
- the Johari window
6The Johari Window
known to client
unknown to client
known to designer
unknown to designer
7Solving the Design Problem
- the nature of scientific rationality
- the linear model
- tame problems
- the conjectural model
- wicked problems
8The Linear Model
tame problem
9The Conjectural Model
wicked problem
10The Cult of Wickedness
- the insistence that all design problems are
wicked - the dimensions of the model
- absolute uncertainty
- mission emphasis
- tameness and wickedness in the design problem
11Tameness and Wickedness in the Design Problem
mission uncertainty
incremental adaptation
push the envelope
mission emphasis
bright idea
iconic architecture
12The Management of Design
- internal to the design practice
- the primary generator
- propose and dispose
- the crit
- within the project coalition
- managing the Johari window
- project reviews
13Tools for Managing Briefing and Design
- quality function deployment
- functional analysis (FAST)
- whole life costing
14Quality Function Deployment
- Japanese shipbuilding
- Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
- the voice of the customer
- market research data
- the voice of the supplier
- engineering possibility
- house of quality matrix
- possibility and desire
15Functional Analysis
- understanding the business process
- people and material flows
- verb/noun couplets
16Functional Analysis
provide pleasant environment
act as focal point for site
attract customers
be visible within building
be a world class research centre
facilitate interaction
be extendible
provide for future change
be flexible and adaptable
have low running costs
17Whole Life Costing
- the CAPEX/ OPEX trade-off
- a good idea, but difficult in reality
- problems in whole-life costing
- the problems of discounting to the future
- the lack of performance data
- the new opportunities for WLC
- low inflation
- the growth of concession contracting