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KNOWLEDGE-BASED SOLUTION TO DYNAMIC OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS USING ... a roulette wheel with three different ... The tables in each phase combine the runs ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • by
  • Saleh M. Saleem
  • Computer Science Department
  • Wayne Sate University
  • Detroit, MI 48202

  • Introduction
  • Applications in Dynamic Environments
  • Current Approaches for dynamic optimization.
  • Cultural Algorithm framework
  • System Description
  • Problem Generator DF1 description.
  • Example runs
  • Experiments setup
  • System performance in static environments
  • Experiments in Magnitude Dominant Environments
  • Experiments in Frequency Dominant Environments
  • System performance in deceptive environments
  • Conclusion and Future work

Our general problem area
  • In general we consider real-valued function
    optimization problems
  • max (f(x)) - min (f(x))
  • The problem is to find x to
  • Maximize f(x), X ( X1, .., Xn) ? ?n

  • Over the years many approaches have been
    developed to track optimal solution in real-time
    dynamic environments.
  • The motivation for this study is the fact that
    Cultural Algorithm (CA) naturally contains
    self-adaptive components that can make it an
    ideal model for dynamic environments.
  • Our goal in this study is to evaluate the
    different types of knowledge required to track
    optimal solutions in real-time dynamic
  • In this presentation we will show that
  • The search emerges into three main search phases.
  • One knowledge source is more active than others
    depends upon the problem dynamic behaviors and
    the phase of search.
  • Different knowledge sources interact
    symbiotically to solve a problem.
  • The CA becomes more useful as the problem
    complexity increases.

Applications in Dynamic Environments
  • Fraud detection in the AAA insurance claims
    Sternberg Reynolds 97. Used Cultural
    Algorithms in reengineering a rule-based fraud
    detection expert system when the perpetrators
    behind the fraudulent claims change their fraud
    producing strategies.
  • Job shop scheduling Bierwirth 94, Lin 97.
  • A new job arrives anytime and has to be
    integrated into the schedule.
  • Changing peaks problem Morrison De Jong 99,
    Branke 99. Finding the highest peak in
    multi-dimensional landscape where the peaks
    parameters are changing over time.

Current Approaches in Optimizing Dynamic Problems
  • Reinitializing approach Karr 95, 95b, Kidwell
    94, Pipe 94
  • Adapting mutation Cobb 90, Gefenstette 92
  • Self-Adaptation Reynolds Sternberg 97
  • Memory support Trojanowski 97, Mori 96
  • Modifying the selection operator Goldberg 87,
    Ghosh 98

The Reinitializing Approach
  • Simple restart from scratch with every
    environmental change Karr 95, 95b, kidwell 94,
    pipe 94.
  • Injecting some solutions from the old problem
    into the new initialized problem Louis 96, 97.

Adaptive Mutation
  • Hyper-mutation Cobb 1990.
  • Random-immigrants Gefenstette 1992.
  • Standard mutation.
  • A comparative study concludes that hyper-mutation
    performed best in slowly changing environments
    but with a big change, random-immigrants perform
    better Cobb 93.

Self-Adaptive Mutation
  • Using Cultural Algorithms to influence the search
    in self-adaptive way. Reynolds Sternberg 97
  • The belief space knowledge used to reason about
    and influence the mutation on the search space in
    self-adaptive way.
  • The mutation direction and step size dynamically
    adjusted by the influence function to meet the
    need of the new search.

Memory Support
  • Use memory to store the ancestors of an
    individual Trojanowski 1997
  • Store the best individual in every generation and
    use them to generate offspring Mori 96

Modifying the Selection Operator
  • To maintain diversity, Individuals in less
    populated area given boost in their performance
    score over those in crowded areas Goldberg
  • Taking the individuals age into account to
    maintain diversity Ghosh 1998.

Cultural Algorithms for Self-Adaptive Search
  • Developed by R. Reynolds in 1979 as computational
    framework in which to describe evolution of
    social system Reynolds 95
  • The CA is a dual inheritance evolutionary system
    derived from models of cultural evolution.
    Reynolds 93
  • Any of the dynamic approaches discussed above can
    be used within Cultural Algorithm framework.

Previous Cultural Algorithms Applications in
Dynamic Environments
  • Systems with offline historical dynamics
  • Nazzal 1997, Generates archeological minimum
    spanning trees for resource networks on the
    valley of Oaxaca. The change occurs offline over
    long period of time.
  • Sternberg 1997, Experiments on Fraud Detection
    when the perpetrators behind the fraudulent
    claims change their fraud producing strategies.
  • Real-Time Dynamic Optimization
  • Saleem 2000, Evaluates the contribution of the
    belief space knowledge for solving problems in
    dynamic environments.

Cultural Algorithms Components
  • Belief space.
  • Population space.
  • Communication channels
  • Acceptance function.
  • Update function.
  • Influence function.

Culture Algorithm framework
The Cultural Algorithm
  • Initialize population Pop(0)
  • Initialize belief Blf(0)
  • Initial communication protocol
  • t0
  • Repeat
  • Evaluate Pop(t)
  • Communicate (Pop(t), Blf(t)) acceptance
  • Adjust (Blf(t))
  • Communicate (Blf(t), Pop(t)) influence function
  • tt1
  • Select (Pop(t), Pop(t-1))
  • Until (halting condition)

Belief Space Configuration
  • The knowledge in the belief space represents
    generalizations of the properties of a good
    solution in the population space.
  • The Belief Space contains
  • Topographical Knowledge.
  • History Knowledge
  • Domain Knowledge.
  • Normative Knowledge
  • Situational Knowledge
  • Basic method for selecting which knowledge will
    influence the variation operators.

Belief Space Representation
Situational Knowledge Chung97
where is the best individual in the
population at time t.
Domain Knowledge
Normative Knowledge Chung 97
Updating the Normative Knowledge Chung 97
  • Lower bound
    Upper bound
  • Range of variable xi at time t.
  • A
  • B C
  • D
  • E
  • F

Updating the Normative Knowledge
  • Chung97

History Knowledge

  • The history knowledge was represented as a list
    (or window) of change events.
  • When a change event occurs, the history knowledge
    stores the current best and the moving direction
    from the previous optimum.
  • After each change event the history knowledge
    recomputed the average moving distance and
    direction over the events in the window size.
  • The window size used in this study was 2.
  • The history knowledge also detect stagnation in
    the population via checking progress in the best

Update History Knowledge
  • - ei-1.xj

Topographical Knowledge
  • Example of landscape grid
  • The topographical knowledge is a grid of cells
    mapping the problem landscape.
  • Only those cells containing promising solutions
    are divided and further divided into smaller
    cells, as shown in the example above.

Topographical Knowledge Representation
The data structures representation of the
topographical knowledge represent the grid size
as a list of cells where each cell contains the
interval boundaries in each dimension, the best
founded solution in that cell, and pointers to
the cells children (if the cell was divided).
Updating Topographical Knowledge
  • A cell is divided if it contains an accepted
    individual with a fitness value better than its
    current best.
  • When environmental change occurs
  • All links to children become nil.
  • Best solutions in the original grid are
    reevaluated and cells are divided if their
    fitness values were improved.

The Acceptance Function
  • The acceptance function determines which
    individuals and their behaviors can impact the
    belief space knowledge.
  • The acceptance function here is determined as the
    top 25 of the population size.

Influence Function
  • The influence function determines which knowledge
    will be applied to guide the problem solution.
  • Depends on the nature of the problem environment,
    the influence function can be different for
    different problem domain.

Situational Knowledge Influence Function Chung97
  • Best Exemplar

Normative Knowledge Influence function Chung97
  • Current interval
  • Lower upper boundary

Domain Knowledge Influence Function
  • The domain knowledge influence function mutate
    individuals relative to the difference in the
    fitness value form the best-founded solution so
  • When a change event occurs the step size will
    increase relative to the drop in the fitness
    value, ?

History Knowledge Influence Function
  • The history knowledge influence function
    generates individuals relative to the average
    moving distance and direction.
  • We use, hare, a roulette wheel with three
    different portion sizes to generate individuals
  • Relative to the moving distance from previous
  • Relative to the moving direction from previous
  • Relative to the entire domain range.
  • Note here, the highest percentage of generated
    individuals is in the overlap area between the
    moving distance and the moving direction, W3 in
    the next figure.

History Knowledge Influence Function (cont.)
In this study we use a 45 , ß 45 , f
Topographical Knowledge Influence Function
  • Maintain a list of the best n cells in the grid,
    ( bestcells ).
  • Use a roulette wheel with three different portion
    sizes to generate individuals
  • Within the best cell in the grid, bestcells0.
  • Within the best n cells in the gird, bestcells.
  • Within any cell in the entire grid.

In this study we use a 45 , ß 45 , f
Influence Demon
  • The influence demon determines which knowledge
    source to influence the search.
  • The Influence demon uses a roulette wheel to
    randomly select an influence function relative to
    its average performance
  • All influence operators are initialized with
    equal proportion of the wheel.
  • Portion size is then adjusted according to

Problem Generator DF1 Morrison 99
  • The problem is to find the highest peak in
    multi-dimensional multi-peaks N landscape in a
    real-time dynamic environments.

DF1 Dynamic Variables Morrison 99
  • The dynamics variables in the cones-world
    environments are
  • Height Hi ? H-base, H-baseH-range
  • Slope Ri ? R-base, R-base R-range
  • Location xi, yi ? -1, 1
  • The performance function
  • The fitness of any individual (x, y) is the max
    value on all cones, where N is the number of

Specifying The Dynamics Morrison 99
  • The problem generator provides a standard method
    to easily describe the dynamic behavior on each
    changing variable using the Logistic Function.
  • where A specify the change Magnitude in each
    dynamic variable change height Ah, Slope Ar, and
    Location Ac.

The Logistic Function
  • Examples
  • When A 2.2, gives Y0.5455
  • When A3.5, gives Y 0.3828, 0.5009, 0.8750

Embedding the DF1 into the CA framework
Performance Operators
Belief Space Update beliefs
DF1 Generator
Population Space
Example runs
  • Here, we will discuss two example runs in static
    environment to demonstrate how the system
  • when the search converges to the optimum
    solution in the first example, and
  • when the system initially converges to a false
    peak in the second example.

Problems Settings
  • The two examples have the same problem setting of
    32 cones in a static environment where the
    height, slope and locations are randomly
    generated in the ranges between 5 and 20, 20 and
    30, -1 and 1 respectively.
  • We consider the system to have found the optimum
    if the difference between the best solution and
    the optimum is less than or equal to 1E-10

First Example run
  • Numbers 1 represents the normative knowledge, 2
    represents the situational knowledge, 3
    represents the domain knowledge, 4 represents the
    history knowledge, and 5 represents the
    topographical knowledge influence operator.
  • As shown in the second figure, from left, the
    topographical knowledge operator (5) was the
    dominant operator at the beginning of the run
    until the best solution becomes close enough to
    the optimum (first figure) which is when the
    situational knowledge operator (2) becomes the
    dominant operator until the end of the run.

First Example run (cont.)
  • This figure shows the initial roulette wheel
    assignments of 1/5 for the five operators used by
    the system.
  • As shown the T operator wheel portion increases
    until around generation 11 when S and DS
    operators take the lead. The S and DS operators
    gain almost similar wheel percentages because of
    the indirect interaction between the knowledge

First Example run (cont.)
  • The above figure highlights different phases that
    the search takes in term of the type of knowledge
    structures used to guide the search. At the
    beginning of the run the T operators dominates
    the search in term of the number of selected
    solutions until around generation 9 when the
    number of selected solutions decreases for the
    benefit of the S operator.
  • It suggests that the search takes two main
  • First when the T operator determines the most
    promising region that may contains the optimal
    solution. From the start until around generation
    9, (coarse-grained phase).
  • The second phase when the S operator leads the
    search, as a fine-tuning operator, to search with
    in the suggested region by the T operator. From
    generation 10 until the end of the run,
    (fine-tuning phase).

First Example run (cont.)
These two figures show how different knowledge
structures indirectly influence each other. The
topographical knowledge range convergence helps
the normative knowledge interval to converge at
much faster rate than what we will see in the
next example.
Second Example run
  • In this example the search initially converges to
    a false peak, as shown in first figure, above.
  • The search begins as we have seen in the first
    example, T operator (5) leads the search at the
    beginning of the run until around generation 10
    when the search lead by situational (2) and
    Domain (3) operators before the search stagnate
    on a fitness value of 18.75.
  • As shown in the second figure, the normative
    knowledge (1) generates the first best solution
    that shift the search to a new promising region.
  • After that the topographical knowledge leads the
    search for a short period before Situational
    knowledge operator (2) dominates the search again
    and leads the search to the optimum solution.

Second Example run (Cont.)
  • This figure shows the normative knowledge
    interval range.
  • The normative knowledge converged initially to a
    false peak.
  • When a stagnation situation is detected, it
    triggers the system it introduce diversity to the
    population causing the normative knowledge to
    increase its interval for backtracking the
  • During the backtracking search, the normative
    knowledge completely controls the search and
    search for a new promising region within its
  • Note that the interval range did not converge as
    quickly as in the first example because normative
    knowledge here is not influenced by any other
    knowledge structures.
  • The normative knowledge slowly converged around
    the new promising region.
  • Note also, that the normative knowledge reduces
    the search space to the interval size, which
    suggest that it expedite the search for recovery.

  • The runs exhibit three phases of search where in
    each phase different knowledge structures
    dominates the search. The phases are called the
    Coarse-grained phase where the search is for the
    most promising region (first phase), followed by
    the Fine-tuning phase, where the promising region
    is explored in more detail, and the Backtracking
    search which occurs when the population stagnates
  • The search phases are defined based on the
    improvement in the best solutions fitness value
  • The Coarse-grained phase is when the improvement
    is gt c . (in our examples from start until
    generation 10)
  • The Fine-tuning phase is when the improvement is
    ? c.
  • The Backtracking phase is when the improvement is
    ? c/.
  • the constant c here was 0.01 and the c/ was

Experiments Framework
  • The problems generated by the Problem Generator
    DF1 are classified in terms of
  • Problem complexity
  • Number of cones (1 to 100).
  • Number of dimensions (1 to 10).
  • Dynamic behaviors
  • Shift magnitude.
  • Same step size
  • Small step size (1.05 1.80) ,
  • Large step size (1.81 2.90) ,
  • Different step size
  • Few different step sizes (2.91 3.50)
  • Chaotic step size (3.51 3.99).
  • Changing frequency.
  • High frequency ( lt 60)
  • Medium frequency ( 61- 100)
  • Low frequency ( gt 101)

Experiments Settings
  • In this studys experiments the problems selected
    according to the categories above to generate
    problems in
  • Static environments
  • Exponentially increasing problem complexity (4,
    8, 16, 32, 64 cones environments)
  • The run continues until a system reaches the
    optimum or to maximum of 1000 generations.
  • Dynamic Magnitude dominant environments.
  • Exponentially increasing problem complexity (4,
    8, 16, 32, 64 cones environments)
  • Changing Heights, Slopes, and Locations for
  • Large magnitude (selected randomly within the
    ranges in the table above)
  • Low frequency (change occurs every 300
  • Every run contains 10 change events.

Experiments Settings (cont.)
  • Dynamic Frequency dominant environments.
  • Exponentially increasing problem complexity (4,
    8, 16, 32, 64 cones environments)
  • Changing Heights, Slopes, and Locations for
  • Low magnitude (selected randomly between 1.05 and
  • High frequency (selected randomly between 20 and
  • Every run contains 10 change events.
  • Dynamic Deceptive environments.
  • Experiments on four cones environment for
    deceptive and non-deceptive environments.
  • Changing Locations for
  • Large magnitude (selected randomly within the
    ranges in the table above)
  • Low frequency (change occurs every 300
  • Every run contains 10 change events.

  • The experiments focus on
  • The contribution of different knowledge
    structures to the problem solving process.
  • Investigate how a system reacts to increases in
    problem complexity (scaling up the problem
  • All systems are compared with a population-only
    evolutionary system (Evolutionary Programming) so
    that the impact of adding knowledge in the belief
    space can be assessed.
  • The results of each experiment settings are the
    average of 20 runs for each system (CA and EP).
  • The systems were implemented on Java 1.2,
    JBuilder environments.
  • The experiments conducted on PC P-II 400 MHz, 128
    MB RAM, and windows 2000 operating system.

Static Environments
  • Here we investigate the impact of increasing
    complexity on the problem solving for static
  • Also, we identify the contribution of the various
    types of knowledge structures to problem solving
    in each of the three search phases.

4 Cones Experiments
Table Description
  • The above table presents the results for 20 runs.
  • The columns are
  • Run is the run sequence number.
  • Gen is the number of generations for CA and EP.
  • Difference gives the difference between the best
    and the optimal solution.
  • CPUtime gives the execution time, in
  • CA/EPtime gives the difference in CPU time for
    the CA over the population-only system.
  • T gives the number of generations that the
    Topographical knowledge produced the best.
  • H gives the number of generations that the
    History knowledge produced the best.
  • DS gives the number of generations that the
    Domain knowledge produced the best.
  • S gives the number of generations that the
    Situational knowledge produced the best.
  • N gives the number of generations that the
    Normative knowledge produced the best.

Success ratio
  • The success ratio for CA is much less sensitive
    to the problem complexity than EP.
  • It is clear from the results that knowledge in
    the CA contributes to achieve a success ratio
    higher than population only system for all
  • The relative advantage of the knowledge-based
    approach improves as problem complexity

CPU time
  • The CA produced higher success ratio than the
    population-only model and CA consumed much less
    CPU time than the population only approaches.
  • Also, CPU time taken by the CA rises more slowly
    than the population-only system with increasing
    problem complexity.

  • Belief space knowledge contribution to the
    problem solving process increases the success
    ratio and decreases the required CPU time
    relative to the performance of Population-only
  • The decrease in the CPU time suggests that belief
    space knowledge was significantly useful in
    expediting the search.
  • The increase in the success ratio suggest that
    belief space knowledge was significantly useful
    in selecting the most promising region and
    recovering from false peaks.

Contribution of Different Knowledge Structures
  • Now, we will look at the contribution of
    different knowledge structures in the
    Coarse-grained phase, the Fine-tuning phase, and
    the Backtracking phase across all environments,
    regardless of the complexity.
  • The tables in each phase combine the runs from
    all of the environments.
  • The tables show number of times that a knowledge
    structure produced the best solution in a
    generation (overall).
  • Each cell represents the likelihood that an
    operator produces the best solution in one
    generation (raw) is followed by operator that
    produces the best in the next.

Coarse-grain phase
  •  In this phase, as expected, the topographical
    knowledge operator is the dominant operator in
    guiding the search.
  • Row FG, here, represents first transition
    sequence when population randomly initialized in
    generation zero. In 60 out of 100 runs, the
    first transition was to the topographical
    operator T.
  • The Situational knowledge was the second
    contributor in that phase.
  • The highest transition percentage from the T
    operator to a different operator was to the S
    operator 31 and the highest transition sequence
    from S operator to a different operator was to
    the T operator, 38.
  • That suggests that the two knowledge structures
    work symbiotically.
  • History knowledge was not productive here since
    the experiment lacked the dynamic information
    content that it can exploit.

Fine-Tuning Phase
  • The dominant knowledge contributor, here, is the
    situational knowledge operator, S, 60.
  • Since the domain knowledge operator behaves
    similar to the situational knowledge operator, it
    competes with the situational knowledge operator
    in producing the best. Thus, The D operator is
    the second contributor in this phase.

Backtracking Phase
Backtracking phase (cont.)
  • Here, in this phase the normative knowledge, N,
    contribution increased, 25, from its percentage
    in coarse-grained and the fine-tuning phases.
  • The normative knowledge produces the first best
    solution to brake stagnation in the search. The
    chart shows an example of how normative knowledge
    proceed during the backtracking search.
  • The transition table shows that in 20 of the
    time T operator generates the best after N
    operator shifted the search to a new search
  • Reversing direction from T to N (only 2.7)
    suggests the control of the search is transferred
    form normative to topographical knowledge

  • The experiments in static environments show that
  • The Cultural system is less sensitive to the
    problem complexity than a population-only
    approach, in term of the solution quality and the
    excavation time.
  • Different knowledge structures can work
    symbiotically to solve a problem.
  • The dominant knowledge operators in the
    coarse-grained, the fine-tuning, and the
    backtracking phase are the topographical
    knowledge, situational knowledge, and the
    normative knowledge operators respectively.

Dynamic Environments withMagnitude Dominant
Environmental Changes
  • The Experiments here investigate the contribution
    of different knowledge structures in environment
    with infrequent changes of high magnitude.
  • The experiment settings were as we shown earlier
  • Exponentially increasing problem complexity (4,
    8, 16, 32, 64 cones environments)
  • Changing Heights, Slopes, and Locations for
  • Large magnitude (selected randomly within the
    ranges in the table above)
  • Low frequency (change occurs every 300
  • Every run contains 10 change events.

4 Cones Experiments
Table Description
  • The above table presents the results for forty
    consecutive runs (20 runs for EP and 20 runs for
  • The tables columns are
  • Run the run sequence number.
  • AvrGen the average number of generations
    required by CA and EP.
  • AvrDiffer the average difference of 10
    environmental changes between the best solution
    found by each system and the optimum solution.
  • AvrCPUtime the average execution time per change
    event, in milliseconds. CA/EPt a percentage
    difference in the CPU time for the Cultural
    System over the population-only system.
  • T, H, DS, S, N the number of generations for
    which each of the different CA knowledge
    structures produced the optimal solution
    (Topographical knowledge, T, History knowledge,
    H, Domain knowledge, DS, Situational Knowledge,
    S, and the Normative knowledge, N).

Success Ratio
  • Even in dynamic environments, CA produced better
    solution quality and was shown to be less
    sensitive to increase in problem complexity than
    the population-only system.
  • When the problem become dynamic CA shown to be
    even less sensitive than CA in static
    environments. The reason perhaps history
    knowledge becomes more useful in using its
    knowledge about previous environments.

CPU time
  • The difference in CPU time between CA and
    population-only system becomes larger when the
    problem shifts from static to dynamic. It
    suggests that as the problem become more complex
    the belief space knowledge become more and more
  • The increase rate in CPU time as the problem
    become more complex shows that CA in dynamic
    environments is less sensitive than CA in a
    static one, especially when the problem becomes
    complex as in 64 cones.

Contribution of Different Knowledge Structures in
Dynamic Environments
  • Now, we will look at the contribution of
    different knowledge structures in the
    Coarse-grained phase, the Fine-tuning phase, and
    the Backtracking phase.
  • The tables in each phase are the summary results
    of a total of 100 runs in dynamic environments.
  • The tables show the number of times and
    percentages that a knowledge structures have
    produced the best solution and the sequence of
    which influence operator generates the best in
    the next generation.

Coarse-grained phase
  • The history knowledge shows increase in its
    contribution to produce best solution.
  • The increase in the contribution of the history
    seems to affect the contribution of topographical
    knowledge more than any other knowledge source.
  • The reason is perhaps the history and the
    topographical knowledge operators are both
    coarse-grained operators and thus they compete to
    generate the best solution.
  • The other knowledge structure contributions are
    similar to that in static environments.

Fine-tuning phase
  • The D operator becomes less of a contributor, as
    expected, in the fine-tuning phase.
  • The reason perhaps, the D operator in static
    environments work in similar way as the S
    operator does as a fine-tuning operator, but in
    dynamic environments the D operator contributes
    in generating diversity to the population and
    become a diversity generator instead of a
    fine-tuning operator.
  • Since the D and the S were both fine-tuning
    operators in the static environment, S is more
    dominant in the dynamic environments, Thus, The
    S contributions increases to adjust to the change
    in the D operator.
  • The contributions of the other knowledge
    structures are the same as seen in static

Backtracking Phase
  • The backtracking search is needed when the
    prediction for most promising region by
    topographical and history knowledge failed.
  • Thus, as expected, the contribution of H and T
    operators decreased a bit from their contribution
    in static environments.
  • The D operator becomes more useful, as a
    variation generator in the backtracking phase.
  • The normative knowledge operator N is the main
    contributor in this phase because N operator
    generates the best new individual after
    stagnation which shifts the search to explore a
    new search space, as we have shown in the second
    example run earlier.

Dynamic Environments withFrequency Dominant
Environmental Changes
  • Here we investigate the affect of a high
    frequency of change coupled with low shift
    magnitude on CA versus EP performance in term of
    solution quality and execution time for
    exponentially increasing problem complexity.
  • Also, another goal of this experiments is to
    investigate the contribution of different
    knowledge structures and whether they behave
    differently than what we have seen in previous
  • The experiments settings were as we shown
  • Exponentially increasing problem complexity (4,
    8, 16, 32, 64 cones environments)
  • Changing Heights, Slopes, and Locations for
  • Low magnitude (selected randomly between 1.05 and
  • High frequency (selected randomly between 20 and
  • Every run contains 10 change events.

Success Ratio
  • First figure, from on the left, shows that the CA
    produces much higher success ratio than the
    population-only system in all of the experiments.
  • EP produced zero success ratios in all of the
    experiments, perhaps because EP requires at least
    105 generations to reach the optimum which is
    more time than allowed here.
  • The second chart suggests that a higher frequency
    of change makes the problem harder than high
    magnitude and has the greatest affect on the CA
    success ratio.
  • Although the success ratio is significantly lower
    than the previous two experiments the success
    ratio decreases almost linearly relative to the
    exponential increase in the problem complexity.

CPU time
  • In the first figure the increase in problem
    complexity did not show a consistent increase in
    the CPU time perhaps because changes occur so
    frequently causing both systems to run to the
    maximum allowable time.
  • Since the success ratio for the EP system was
    zero in all of the high frequency experiments,
    the CPU time for EP does not reflect the time
    required to reach optimum solution as in the
    previous experiments.
  • The second figure suggest that the CPU time for
    CA in high frequency environments is less
    sensitive to increase in complexity than in high
    magnitude environments.

Contribution of Different Knowledge Structures in
High frequency Environments
  • Now, we will look at the contribution of the
    different knowledge structures in the
    Coarse-grained phase, the Fine-tuning phase, and
    the Backtracking phase.
  • The tables in each phase are the results of total
    100 run.
  • The tables show the number of times and
    percentages that a knowledge structure has
    produced the best solution and the influence
    operators that generate the best in the next
    generation after a given operator has generated
    the best.

Coarse-grained Phase
Fine-tuning Phase
Backtracking phase
  • The backtracking search has shifted the search
    five times into unexplored search space but it
    has not succeeded in reaching the optimum
    solution because of the time limitation.
  • The results suggest that backtracking search is
    not as effective with very high frequency of
    change than with high magnitude low frequency

  • The results in the coarse-grained and the
    fine-tuning phases show that all the knowledge
    sources contribute in the same way as in high
    magnitude environments.
  • This suggests that changes from high to low
    frequency of change does not change the
    contribution percentage of the belief space
    knowledge sources.
  • The backtracking search was not useful in high
    frequency environments because of the time
    limitation which did not let the system continue
    to backtracking.
  • In general the knowledge contribution in
    magnitude dominant environments and frequency
    dominant environments are shown to be almost the
    same in all phases except for the backtrack
    tracking phase.

Deceptive Environments
  • The results of the comparative study between CA
    and self-adaptive EP motivate these experiments
    to see how the system behaves with problems in
    deceptive environments.
  • Goldberg 1987 defines a problem to be deceptive
    if it contains two blocks A and B where the
    average fitness of A is greater than B even
    though B includes a solution that has a greater
    fitness value than any other solution in A.
  • The experiment settings were as we shown earlier
  • Experiments on four cones environments complexity
    for deceptive and non-deceptive environments.
  • Changing Locations for
  • Large magnitude (selected randomly within the
    ranges in the table above)
  • Low frequency (change occurs every 300
  • Every run contains 10 change events.

Deceptive Environments Example
Experiments in Deceptive Environments
  • To ensure generation of deceptive environments,
    we imposed some restrictions on the problem
    generator DF1.
  • The slopes, and the heights were static but the
    locations were dynamic.
  • The cones heights were 10.0, 13.0, 14.0, 11.0
    and the slopes were 20, 20, 70, 20 respectively,
    where cones number 1 and 3 centered in same
    location and assigned the same moving directions
    to generate deceptive environments with cone
    number 2.
  • The following table gives the results of the 4
    cones experiments in deceptive environments.
  • The CA success ratio was 93 versus 100 in
    problem complexity for magnitude dominant
  • The experiments show the increasing use of the
    backtracking search (44 times out of 200 runs).

4 Cones Experiments in Deceptive Environments
Experiments in Non-deceptive Environments
  • Since the maximum success ratio that any system
    can attain is 100 and the CA success ratio in
    the four cones environments was 100 for the
    magnitude dominant environments, we will use the
    same environmental setting used there as our
    non-deceptive environmental setting for this
  • To achieve a fair comparison between our
    experiments in deceptive and non-deceptive
    environments we set the slopes, and heights of
    the cones to be static but the locations were
  • The results, as expected, 100 success ratio with
    one instance of backtracking search.

4 Cones Experiments in Non-deceptive Environments
Coarse-grained phase in Non-deceptive Environments
  • This chart compares knowledge sources
    contributions in magnitude dominant environments
    (Mag) where all cones variables are changing, and
    non-deceptive environments ( static H, S) where
    only the cones locations are changing.
  • The Domain operator (D) shows significant
    improvement in the coarse grained phase when the
    heights and slopes were static.
  • This improvement achieved, perhaps, because D
    operator generates step size relative to the drop
    in fitness value.
  • This suggest that D operator is sensitive to the
    change in heights and slopes.

Coarse-grained phase in Deceptive versus
Non-deceptive Environments
  • Although the deceptive experiments were static in
    heights and slopes, the contribution of the D
    operator was much less successful in
    non-deceptive environments.
  • The reason perhaps, the step size generated by D
    operator in deceptive environments is too large.
  • This also suggest that D operator is sensitive to
    the large differences in slopes.

Fine-tuning phase in Non-deceptive Environments
  • Also, in the fine-tuning phase the D operator
    increase its contribution in non-deceptive
    environments (static S, H) relative to the
    magnitude dominate environments where all cones
    variables are dynamic.
  • The increase in the D contribution, suggests that
    D operator works as a fine-tuning operator for
    dynamic environments with static heights and

Fine-tuning phase in Deceptive versus
Non-deceptive Environments
  • The main difference in knowledge contribution for
    the fine-tuning phase is still the domain
    knowledge operator.
  • The differences also, suggest that the D operator
    is sensitive to the large difference in slopes.

Backtracking phase in Deceptive Environments
  • The backtracking phase in deceptive environments
    shows an increase in the contribution of T, H, S,
    and N operators and decrease in the contribution
    of D operator from their contribution levels in
    the backtracking phase for magnitude dominant
  • The D operator contribution in deceptive
    environments is only for generating diversity.

  • The backtracking search using normative knowledge
    was successful in recovering from 31 false peak
    convergences, out of 44 total.
  • That suggests that a major player in the systems
    success is the role of the normative knowledge in
    the backtracking search.
  • Backtracking means going back to the basics (or
    going back to the basic interval schemata in the
    normative knowledge). It is analogous for
    rethinking to solve a problem in human society
    when the current method fails to solve it.
    Conservatives usually advocate going back to the
    basics and searching for a solution based on
    basic principles.
  • The normative knowledge backtrack the search and
    search within its interval to shift the search to
    a new unexplored search space, as shown in the
    following example in deceptive environments.

Example Run in Deceptive Environments
Example (cont.)
  • The goal was to investigate the role that
    knowledge plays in guiding the search of an
    evolutionary population in dynamic environments.
    The results compared against those of a
    population-only adaptive systems.
  • The five categories of knowledge taken together
    are effective in all of the classes of dynamic
    environments tested, magnitude dominant,
    frequency dominant, and deceptive environments.
  • However, each has a different role to play in the
    problem solving process.
  • In the coarse-grained phase the topographical
    knowledge operator was the main contributor in
    determining the region containing the most
    promising solution.
  • In the fine-tuning phase the situational
    operator is the main contributor for exploring
    local search.
  • In the backtracking phase the normative
    knowledge operator is the main contributor in
    backtracking the search and recovering the search
    from a false peak.

Conclusion (cont.)
  • Each of these phases emerged in all experiments,
    but depending upon the problem dynamics certain
    phase were more prevalent than others in problem
    solving (e.g. backtracking increased in deceptive
  • The knowledge sources interact with each other in
    terms of the population space in the sense that
    one knowledge structure generates patterns that
    are then exploited by others. This produces
    sequences of symbiotic operators (T?S, N?S, N?T,
    H?S, H?T) , and therefore the problem solving
  • The CA approach was less sensitive than
    population-only approach to scaling of the
    problem complexity in terms of the problem
    success ratio and the CPU time.
  • Also, the results suggest some social
    manifestation of these results (e.g. the notion
    of back to the basics)

Future Work
  • Future work for this study is to investigate
    whether the success ratios produced by the
    Cultural Algorithms using EP as the population
    model in different types of environments can be
    generalized to other population-only models, when
    a different population model is used such as GA
    or ES.
  • Another interesting study is to modify and expand
    this model of Cultural Algorithms for
    optimization and search to applications like the
    stock market.

The End
  • Thank you for your time.

  • Experiments in the CA problem solving process
    emerged into three phases of searches
    coarse-grained, fine-tuning, and the backtracking
    phases where the topographical, situational, and
    normative knowledge structures are the most
    problem solving contributors in these phases
  • The topographical knowledge shown to be useful in
    detecting the most promising region and avoiding
    the need for backtracking search.
  • The history knowledge is useful in detecting a
    stagnation situation in the search and
    contributing to guiding the search in the
    coarse-grained phase in dynamic environments.
  • The domain knowledge operator contribute to the
    search in different roles
  • Work as a fine-tuning operator in static
  • If the locations only are dynamic the operator
    contributes in more significant role in both the
    coarse-grained phase and the fine-tuning phase.
  • The domain operator is sensitive to large
    difference in slopes.
  • In completely dynamic environments where all
    variables are changing, the domain operator works
    as a diversity generator.

Conclusion (cont.)
  • The situational knowledge operator (S) works
    allows as a fine-tuning operator.
  • The normative knowledge operator (N) is a major
    player in contribution to the system success
  • The N operator backtrack and recover the search
    when other knowledge sources leads the search to
    a false peak.
  • It is, as we said, analogous for the
    conservatives rethinking and going back to the
    basics to solve a problem in human society when
    the current method fails to solve it.
  • Throughout all of the experiments, here, using
    knowledge shows that it can produce significant
    improvement over population-only systems in term
    of the solution quality and execution time.
  • The CA system is less sensitive to the increase
    in problem complexity than population-only

  • The runs exhibit three phases of search where in
    each phase different knowledge structures
    dominates the search. The phases are called the
    Coarse-grained phase where the search is for the
    most promising region (first phase), followed by
    the Fine-tuning phase, where the promising region
    is explored in more detail, and the Backtracking
    search which occurs when the population stagnates
  • The examples also, suggested that
  • The first 10 generations represent the
    Coarse-grained phase.
  • Backtracking phase start when a stagnation
    situation is detected until 10 generations after
    normative knowledge produces the new best.
  • Fine-tuning phase follows the the coarse-grained
    and the backtracking phases.
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