Title: Malon Devine
1 Malon Devine Is A Highly Educated Individual
2Malon Devine is based in Florida and is a Board
Certified Anesthesiologist. He has years of
invaluable professional experience in Anesthesia
and is known to be a very highly educated
3He received his professional training from
Hershey Medical Center at Harrisburg PA for
anesthesia residency. After graduating in 2005,
Malon Devine immediately started working. He
earned a Masters Degree in Health Sciences and
Health Care Administration from La Roche
University in Pittsburg, PA.
4He also worked at the Bethesda Hospital for a
couple of years and currently he is actively
working for many organizations. At present, Malon
Devine is accredited as the President and CEO of
leading companies like Devine Anesthesia Inc.
which is known for offering locum tenens or
per-diem or temporary staffing for
5He has also been directly working for Dr. Douglas
Martin, a renowned neurosurgeon under the
designation of primary anesthesia provider. Other
than that, he has also been working for a
renowned pain management professional Dr. Sami
Dagher, based in Boynton Beach Florida.
6To his credits, Malon Devine is also the
President and CEO of a number of leading firms
like Relevant Topics Seminars LLC, Durable
Medical Equipment Exporting LLC, Care Givers Plus
Home Care Agency, Devine Entertainment LLC,
Devine Anesthesia Inc., etc. Besides, he is also
known for holding degrees like ARNP, MHA, DNAP,
CRNA etc. from the graduate school in PA.
7The company, Devine Anesthesia Inc. was
incorporated by Malon Devine in 2006 and since
then it is known as a leading supplier of
anesthesia staffing. His firm Relevant Topics
Seminars LLC offers people with an opportunity to
continue their education and also tax deductible
vacations for physicians.
8One of another firms operated by Malon Devine is
known as Durable Medical Equipment exporting or
DMEex aims at buying and selling of durable
medical equipment such as wheelchairs, syringes,
etc. Furthermore, it also helps them to export in
countries like Trinidad, Tobago, Barbados and
9Care Givers Plus is yet another establishment by
Malon Devine which focuses on providing excellent
home care agency or private duty home health care
faction to its clients. The firm is based in
Dade, Broward and Palm countries.
10Thank You