Title: Dennis Halls
- Dennis Hall
- 10x US National Champion
- 3x US Olympian
- 1996 Olympic Silver Medalist
- 1995 World Champion
- 1994 World Bronze
- Stephen Abas
- 2004 Olympic Silver Medalist
- 3x NCAA National Champion
- NCAA 75th Anniversary Team
Dennis Halls Preseason World Gold Wrestling Camp
Featuring Dennis Hall and Stephen Abas November
10th -12th Davison High School Davison, MI
Dennis Halls World Gold Wrestling 2211 Lepak
Drive Plover, WI 54467
Gold Wrestling Preseason Camp will provide you
with the technique, training, and intensity that
it takes to prepare you for the upcoming season!
This camp is designed to prepare you mentally and
physically. CAMP INFORMATION All wrestlers will
check in from 530-630 pm on Friday November
10th at Davison High School in Davison, MI.
CAMP COST 150 for all wrestlers and wrestlers
will receive a camp t-shirt if registered by
October 15th. To pay by credit or debit card
register online at www.worldgoldwrestling.com or
make checks payable to World Gold Wrestling and
mail registration form to Dennis Hall 2211 Lepak
Drive, Plover WI 54467. CONTACT If you have
any questions e-mail Tom Reif at
treif651_at_uwsp.edu or call him at 262-224-2393.
TECHNIQUE Each day you will learn a variety of
technique from two of the best wrestlers to ever
wear red white and blue. Dennis Hall and Stephen
Abas will teach you the skills it takes to be a
champion! LIVE WRESTLING At the end of each
session Dennis and Stephen will put the wrestlers
through a hard work out that will prepare them
for the upcoming season. This workout will be
geared at letting you work on some of the new
technique that is shown during each session. It
is important that you come to camp in
shape. CAMP SCHEDULE Friday 530-630 Check
in 630-830 Wrestling 830-900 Mental
Preparation Saturday 900-1100
Wrestling 1100-1200 Break 1200-200
Wrestling 200-300 Break 300-500
Wrestling Sunday 900-1100 Wrestling 1100-1200
Break 1200-200 Wrestling
- Make checks payable to
- World Gold Wrestling and mail to Dennis Hall
- 2211Lepak Drive Plover, WI 54467 or register
- online at www.worldgoldwrestling.com to pay by
- credit or debit card.
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