Title: The Business of Ol Hiram 1890 1950
1The Business of Ol Hiram1890 - 1950
- A slide show exhibit
- Of
- Hiram College Archives
- All images and slides viewed here are the
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permission of Hiram College Archives - March 2008
21963-1964 Frosh Handbook
Attention Ladies!From the 1963-1964 Freshman
Handbook, page 37
3- Those who came to Hiram after its business
boom may be surprised to read such a statement
about the downtown area. You may even ask
yourself, WHAT downtown? - In the first 3 decades of the 20th century you
could find any number of businesses including
4- grocery stores, meat markets, barbershops,
livery stables, restaurants, a laundry,
bookstores, shoe repair, souvenirs and novelties,
apparel and accessories, print shop, photographic
supply and development, jeweler, baker, hardware
store, tavern, garage, and the YMCA.
- The following is evidence of those long ago
business interests. -
6This map was drawn for The Spider Web 1901, the
yearbook of Hiram College. Created by Vachel
Lindsay, it shows a number of businesses in the
Main St area near and around the East and West
Avenues intersection Kents, Everhards in the
Beaman Block, the Stone Jug, YMCA, and the
hotel. Today this is the intersection Routes 82
and 700.
7Main St., Hiram, ca. 1900 (looking north) The
building to the left was the YMCA and was located
where the current Bates Hall sits today. It was
destroyed by fire in 1935.
8The Icehouse ca. 1895 -- This building was
located on the southeast corner of what is now
Routes 82 and 700. It served a variety of
functions in its time, including a saloon known
as The Stone Jug.
9Ca. 1900 Note the location just south of Town
Hall which was south of the intersection of
Routes 82 and 700.
10Ca. 1900 no location given
11Built by D. H. Beaman, the Beaman Block was
home to the post office for several years. There
were also 6-8 other businesses there at any one
time. It was located where the Gray Hall section
of the Quad sits today. The building was
demolished in the 1920s.
12A business in the Beaman Block, which was
misspelled in the advertisement.
13Beaman Block in later years
14Hiram Post Office early 1900s The post office
was moved from the Beaman Block to a building
across the street and south of the YMCA. A
cobbler was located on the second floor. Today
this is a grassy area between Bates Hall and
Hiram Inn.
15(No Transcript)
16Mantles Store 1919Located on the west side of
Main St.
17Barbershop, Food, and Photography Hiram had it
18(No Transcript)
19Ye Hill Top Tea Room occupied the building that
would later be the Play Shop. This is now the
site of Peckham Hall.
20A map of Hiram, 1937 By the 1930s most
businesses were located in a central business
block on Hayden Ave. Highlighted in yellow from
left to right, The Hub, meat market, a
barbershop, Hurds Grocery, and the Post Office.
Directly across the street was the Telephone
Office and the Fire Department.
21Downtown Hiram in the 1940s
22(No Transcript)
23(No Transcript)
24Business Block, ca., 1950. Left to Right The
Hub, Meat Market, and Co-Op
25On the corner of Rt. 700 and Rt. 82, Hiram Garage
was also known as Hurds Garage and the Sohio
26Hiram, ca. early 1950s and the businesses of Main
Street had become but a memory.
27Archival Resources used for this presentation
- Spider Web yearbooks of Hiram College, 1890
1950 - Freshman Handbooks of Hiram College 1895 1965
- The Hiram College Photograph Collection
- Thank you for visiting the Hiram College Archives