Title: Sacramento County
1Sacramento County Snapshot Community Services
Planning Council Research Planning Center May
2Data Sources
- California Department of Finance
- U.S. Census Bureau
- 2008 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates
- Insight Center for Community Economic Development
- Employment Development Department
- Labor Market Information Division
- Easy Analytic Software, Inc.
- California Association of Realtors
- California Budget Project
- California Department of Education
- Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency
3Unemployment Rate
4Population Estimates
- Overall, Sacramento County increased by more than
200,000 residents between 2000 and 2008 - City of Sacramento increased by 68,725
- City of Elk Grove increased by 58,289
- City of Folsom increased by 20,706
5Population Estimates
There are 53 populated ZIP Codes in Sacramento
County. This map shows the estimated population
density by Zip Code
6Population Projections
Hispanics represent the fastest growing group in
Sacramento County
7Population Projections
The California Department of Finance projects
that Senior residents, age 65 and older, will
number more than 400,000 in 2040. This is an
addition of more than 245,000 Seniors or a 156
increase from 2008 (157,239)
It is estimated that nearly 20 of Sacramento
County residents are foreign born
29, or more than 369,000 of Sacramento County
residents, speak a language other than English at
10Languages ELL Students
11Languages ELL Students
- Nearly one-fifth (19) of students enrolled in
Sacramento County Public Schools are English
Language Learners - More than half (53) speak Spanish, 13 speak
Hmong, and 7 speak Russian - Nearly one-third (31) of all kindergartners
begin school as English Language Learners in
Sacramento County - One-fifth (21) of students in Grades 1 through
8 are English Language Learners
One-third (33.8) of households in Sacramento
County are family households with children under
the age of 18
13Families with Children Under 18
One-third (33.7) of family households with
children under 18 are single-parent families.
14Family Income
The Median Family Income for Sacramento County is
15Poverty Rate
Source U.S. Census Bureau, American Community
Survey 3-Year Estimates
The Self-Sufficiency Standard calculates the
income needed by working families to meet their
basic needs. The cost of housing, food, and
health care, as well as costs associated with
work including transportation, child care, and
taxes are included in the budget.
Self-sufficiency is the income level at which a
family can be sustained without relying on income
supports or public assistance
17(No Transcript)
18Self-Sufficiency How Much is Enough in
Sacramento County?
Source Insight Center for Community Economic
Approximately six out of 10 Sacramento County
households (61) owned their homes compared to
58.4 of households statewide.
20Housing Affordability
More than one-third (34) of all renters in
Sacramento County are family households with
children under 18 50 of all renters earn less
than 35,000 annually
21Housing Affordability Renters
The hourly wage needed to afford rent is based on
HUD recommendations that housing should cost 30
or less of household income
22Housing Single Family Home Resale Values
23Housing Foreclosure
According to the Sacramento Housing and
Redevelopment Agencys Foreclosure Tracking
Report, (Fourth Quarter 2008) 23,950 new default
notices and 17,282 newly bank-owned properties
were reported for Sacramento County in 2008.
In the Fourth Quarter (2008), the largest number
of foreclosures in Sacramento County Communities
were in South Sacramento, Franklin/Laguna, North
Sacramento, Land Park/Pocket/Meadowview, and
Citrus Heights.
Source Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment
Agency DataQuick Information Systems
24Housing Foreclosure
The largest number of foreclosures in Sacramento
City Neighborhoods in the Fourth Quarter (2008)
were located in Valley Hi/North Laguna,
Meadowview, South Natomas, Parkway, and Gateway
25Sacramento County Snapshot Community Services
Planning Council Research Planning Center May