Title: Systemic stiffness: a determinant of blood pressure?
1Systemic stiffness a determinant of blood
- Cuno Uiterwaal Julius Centre
- Rick Grobbee Julius Centre
- Ralph Sakkers Paediatric orthopedics
- Paul Helders Child Physical therapy
- Ruud Bank TNO/LUMC
- Raoul Engelbert Child Physical therapy
2Background blood pressure
- early life origin of primary hypertension
- blood pressure - arterial wall stiffness
- arterial wall stiffness - atherosclerosis
- arterial wall stiffness - clinical disease
- blood pressure - connective tissue vascular wall
- Blood pressure partly determined by
- vessel wall connective tissue metabolism
- only localized metabolism or systemic?
- Connective tissue collagen, elastin,
- crosslinks
- many different forms
- tissue specific composition/metabolism
- some similarities in different tissues
5Childhood hypermobility syndromes
- Part of diagnostic tools
- Joint hypermobility
- skin hyperextensibility
- joint mobility and cardiovascular disease
- limited in diabetes mellitus (microangiopathy?)
- limited in hypertensives??
- very little research
- skin extensibility
- no research
7Research question general
- Is the relation between blood pressure and
tissue stiffness confined to the ardiovascular
8Research question specific
- Is blood pressure related to
- joint mobility
- skin extensibility
- muscle strength
- bone quality
- in prepubertal children?
9Childhood determinants of blood pressure
- Age
- gender
- body height
- body weight
- family BP levels
10Childhood determinants of joint mobility/skin
- age
- gender
- body height
- body weight
- family levels
- race
11 Study design subjects
- Cross-section of 95 Caucasian children
- two primary school in Zeist (NL)
- examined November 2000
12Study design measurements
- anthropometry
- blood pressure (OMRON)
- joint mobility goniometry
- skin extensibility standard vacuum pressure
- muscle strength score
- bone quality ultrasound os calcis
- questionnaires
13General characteristics
14Median (range) joint motion left
15Median (range) skin extensibility left
16Blood pressure and systemic stiffness
17Adjustment age, gender, weight, height
18Mutual dependence of various organs
- underpowered study
- selection/information bias?
- reverse causality?
- unknown or residual confounding?
- Part of the relation between blood pressure and
tissue stiffness may be systemic