Title: Using Expect to automate repetitive tasks in the Innopac
1Using Expect to automate repetitive tasks in the
- Mark Dahl
- Lewis Clark CollegeWatzek Library
2The problem repetitive tasks
- Updating featured lists
- Running lists forstatistics, collection
development reports, etc. - Initializing and verifying backups
- Moving order information to item records
- Maintaining external databases (journal title
database, acquisitions database, etc.)
3The solution Expect (or)
- Expect an extension to the TCL programming
language for controlling interactive programs - OCLC Macro Language (an extension of Visual
Basic) - Macro Express (a powerful Windows-based
automation tool) - Other???
4What is Expect?
- A little robot that can go into III and do
whatever you want it to whenever you want it to.
5Features of Expect
- Powerful programming language features if/then
logic, functions, regular expressions, variables,
etc. - Runs nicely in a Linux/Unix environment
- Expect scripts can be set to run at a certain
time using cron - Already many scripts available
6What an Expect Script Looks Like
get books from gen send -h "b" send -h
"" expect "P BARCODE " send -h "\n" send -h
"O" expect -- "OR" send -h "u" expect --
"ID" send -h "" expect "ID " send "\r" send
-h "s" name the review file expect -- "What
name would you like to give this file of
records?" send -- "Patbcs\r" may need to add
some sleep/timeout security here if search is
lengthy! expect " to continue" send -- "
" list completed, now print out
7A simple use of Expect and III update a list
8expect "Choose one (S,D,C,O,M,A,X)" send -- "m"
9expect "Choose one (I,A,G,P,R,F,V,C,L,S,Q) send
-- "l"
10send -- initials
send -- password
11Expect BOOLEAN Send 03
12Expect LOCATION Send Expect LOCATION
Send vid\r Expect Enter action Send S
13A Patron File
- A comma delimited file of current library
patrons, their id numbers, and addresses is
needed for various applications mounted on a
Linux server ereserve authentication, proxy
server authentication, interlibrary loan
requesting, etc.
14Patron File Script
- Logs into III
- Enters create lists, finds a free list
- Creates list of patrons based on given criteria
- Creates output file in comma-delimited format
- Puts file on server using FTS
- Runs 7X a day via cron
15OPAC Usage Statistics
- OPAC search stats on III are only available for
the last 10 days - This script captures these statistics once a
month and emails them so that you have a record
of search statistics
16OPAC Usage Statistics Script
- Logs in
- Goes to the Public Catalog Search Statistics
pages in III - Captures values
- Emails search values
17OPAC statistics results
- To mdahl_at_cocc.edu
- Subject Catalog Usage
- Fri Mar 16 142724 2001
- Number of USER keyed searches......... 3345
- Number of SYSTEM suggested searches... 444
- Number of RECORDS retrieved........... 205,438
- Number of searches LIMITED............ 0
- Number of EXPORTED records............ 0
- Number of DISPLAYS invoked............ 7807
18Tech Services Statistics
- There was a need to monitor acquisitions and
cataloging - volume on a monthly basis
- There were categories of cataloged items, such as
- government documents and gift books that could be
- distinguished from one another in create lists.
- The expect script would run once a month and send
an - email with the statistical data
19Tech Services Statistics Script
- Log into III
- Pick a free list
- Run several searches using date-specific criteria
- Email the results of those searches
20Tech Services Statistics Results
- To mdahl_at_cocc.edu
- Subject Tech Services Stats for previous month
- Sun Apr 1 050002 2001
- New order records created
- Orders received
- Total number of books cataloged
- Total number of books copy cataloged
- Total number of books PromptCat cataloged
- Total number of gift books cataloged
- Total number govt. docs. cataloged
21III Backup Initialize and Verify
- With Expect around, why go through the tedious
process of initializing and verifying tapes? - Backups need only involve only the changing of
tapes and entry on a paper log - A full backup can be run every day even without
staff in attendance
22Initialize Script
- Log in, enter backup area
- Initialize tape
- Include date in tape name
- Log out
- Run at 11pm right before backup
23Verify Script
- Log in, go to backup area
- Verify current tape
- Log out
- Run early in the morning after backup finished
24Backup results
- Unattended Backup Log
- Date Time ID Type Tape Name
Status - 01 M 10-14 0313 1737 Full backup1014
COMPLETED, VERIFIED - 02 Su 10-13 0313 1736 Full backup1013
COMPLETED, VERIFIED - 03 Sa 10-12 0313 1735 Full backup1012
COMPLETED, VERIFIED - 04 F 10-11 0313 1734 Full backup1011
COMPLETED, VERIFIED - 05 Th 10-10 0313 1733 Full backup1010
COMPLETED, VERIFIED - 06 W 10-09 0313 1732 Full backup1009
COMPLETED, VERIFIED - 07 Tu 10-08 0313 1731 Full backup1008
COMPLETED, VERIFIED - 08 M 10-07 0313 1730 Full backup1007
COMPLETED, VERIFIED - 09 Su 10-06 0313 1729 Full backup1006
COMPLETED, VERIFIED - 10 Sa 10-05 0313 1728 Full backup1005
COMPLETED, VERIFIED - 11 F 10-04 0313 1727 Full backup1004
COMPLETED, VERIFIED - 12 Th 10-03 0313 1726 Full backup1003
COMPLETED, VERIFIED - 13 W 10-02 0313 1725 Full backup1002
COMPLETED, VERIFIED - 14 Tu 10-01 0313 1724 Full backup1001
COMPLETED, VERIFIED - 15 M 09-30 0313 1723 Full backup0930
COMPLETED, VERIFIED - 16 Su 09-29 0313 1722 Full backup0929
25Moving order data to item record
- III feature that allows you to archive order
record data to item records - Useful because III charges lots for order records
- Script came from Old Dominion U
26Moving order data script
- Script takes a create-list of bibliographic
records - Records can only have one order record and one
item record - Script goes into Update Existing Records-Review
File Records and parses through the file
27Moving Order Data, cont.
- Goes into each item record and imports order data
- I modified script to add the selector name to a
note field in the item record - Script produces a results file with errors, etc.
28Moving Order Data results
- B1000824x Last updated 04-04-02
Created 11-09-94 Revision 5 - LANG eng LOCATION watzk BIB LVL m
a COUNTRY cau - 090 PS3552.U4bB8
- 100 1 Bukowski, Charles
- 245 10 Burning in water, drowning in flame
- 260 Los Angeles,bBlack Sparrow Press,c1974
- I10008706 ITEM Upd 04-04-02
Crtd 11-09-94 Rec. 1 of 4383 - COPY 1 PATRON 0 ODUE DATE
- - LOANRULE 0 - ICODE1 3 LPATRON 1006775 IUSE3 0
wmain OPACMSG - DUE DATE - -
- 979 o126136b35961cc05-25-99d5448e06-04-99
f21.00h06-04-99kwbna - lwrep mfnbp-q-r-s-
- BARCODE 35209004065500
29Moving Order Data results, cont
- Results summary (update items)
- 4850 done
- 152 had too many records
- 0 had no item records
- 0 had orders with copies 0
- 0 had busy records
- 3 had orders with no paid fields
- 35 had a 979 already
- (mark orders for deletion)
- 4850 done
30Journal Title Database data
- Goal to make a comprehensive print and
electronic journal database - Serials Solutions provides the electronic data
- III provides the local print/microform holdings
data - Need to output both bibliographic and checkin
record data on a regular (weekly) basis
31Journal Title Database script 1
- Logs in, enters create lists, finds empty list
- Searches for bibliographic records for all
journals (everything with a 222 or 229) - Outputs comma delimited file of journal title,
alternate titles, .b, publisher, etc.
32Journal Title Database Script 2
- Log in, go to create lists, find free list
- Script searches for all checkin records with
location codes that apply to serials - Outputs file with lib has data and parent
bibliographic record numbers
33Expect script(running as a cron job)logs into
ILSand instructs systemto produce text
filelist and ftp it to external server
Web form sendsquery to PHP page
Text list ftped to serverin delimited text
PHP page queriesSQL database
PHP pageproduces htmlwith results of query
Text file opened upby Perl script and
loadedinto external SQL database
SQL databaseon external server
34(No Transcript)
35Strategies to reduce coding
- Beware, with each release of III, menus change,
and Expect scripts may break - Have your scripts share a file of procedures that
achieve common tasks in III (logging in, finding
an empty list, searching for a particular value
in a list, etc.)
36Example of procedure
- PROCEDURE to get into the featured lists area
of III - proc getin
- global initials expectinitials
- expect "M,A,X)"
- send -- "m"
- expect "L,S,Q)"
- send -- "l"
- expect "Please key your initials "
- send -- initials
- expect "Please key your password"
- send -- "expectinitials"
37Example of script using procedures
- Login to III and get into create lists
- login
- getin
- Now do the list
- startlist b
- marcfield "222\r" "" "\r"
- boolean "a"
- enterfield "7" "BCODE3" "" "-"
- boolean "o"
- marcfield "229\r" "" "\r"
- boolean "a"
- enterfield "7" "BCODE3" "" "-"
- finishlist "serials"
- Expect web site
- http//expect.nist.gov/
- A good expect/III tutorial from Central
Washington University - http//www.lib.cwu.edu/systems/expect/
- A good book on Expect
- Don Libes. Exploring expect a tcl-based toolkit
for automating interactive programs. Sebastopol,
CA O'Reilly Associates, Inc., 1995.
39Contact Info
- Mark Dahl
- dahl_at_lclark.edu
- 503-768-7339
- http//www.lclark.edu/dahl/