Title: Cyberbullying in the context of ELearning
1Cyberbullying in the context of E-Learning
- Nathalie Noret
- York St John University
- E2BN Learning Conference
- 5th December, 2007
- Cyberbullying which can occur in the context of
E-learning - Prevalence
- Nature
- How E-Learning can be used as a tool to tackle
Cyberbullying - Curriculum links
- Resources
- Study Cyberbullying within the context of
bullying as a whole - Nansel et al (2004) define bullying as
- Aggressive act
- Experienced repeatedly over time
- Intent to harm
- Cambell (2005) defines cyberbullying as bullying
which occurs through media and communication
4Childrens use of the internet
- European commission study on childrens internet
use highlighted - Young children use the internet to play online
games - As children get older
- Boys continue to play online games
- Girls like to use social networking sites,
instant messenger programmes - At all ages children teenagers report
frequently using the internet to find information
for homework - This however was found to have lower levels of
enjoyment attached to it
5Prevalence of Cyberbullying
- Ybarra Mitchell (2004)
- Survey of 1501 adolescents in the US
- 19 had been involved in some form of online
aggression - Kowalski et al (2005)
- Survey of 3767 adolescents in the US
- 25 of girls and 11 of boys had been
cyberbullied - Li (2006)
- Survey of 264 Canadian adolescents
- 25 of males and 25.6 of females had been a
victim of cyberbullying - However 22.3 of males and 11.6 of females
reported cyberbullying someone else
6Prevalence of Cyberbullying
- Survey of 770 young people
- 20 had been cyberbullied
- 5 in internet chat rooms, and 4 by email
- Survey of 518 adolescents
- 11 had been a victim of cyberbullying
- Smith et al (2004)
- 22 had been a victim of cyberbullying
- No research to date however has been conducted on
cyberbullying which occurs in classes
7How technology is used to Cyberbully
- Websites
- Youtube
- Blogs
- Personal websites
- Online Polling
- Online Gaming sites
- Email
- Social Networking Sites
- BEBO/ MySpace/ Facebook
- Paste nasty messages
- Create a page about someon
- Instant Messenger
- Such as MSN messenger
- Send nasty messages
- Hack into account
8CyberbullyingBy Instant Messenger
- Nasty threatening messages
- From friends
- From strangers
- Being ignored
- Friends can block you
- Account can be hacked into and messages sent to
your friends list
9Cyberbullying usingSocial Networking Sites
- Have your own personal page
- Personal information
- Usually a wall or message board
- On these message boards where bullies post nasty
or threatening messages
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11Cyberbullying usingYoutube
- Number of stories in the press discussing how
videos of children being bullied are being pasted
onto Youtube - Discussions under a video clip provide an
interesting insight into bullying - One of the earliest and most famous cases of
cyberbullying can still be seen on Youtube - The story of the Star-Wars Kid
12Cyberbullying usingYoutube
- The Star Wars Kid
- Rated the most watched Viral video (BBC 2006)
- Sent as an email attachment/ link to millions of
people around the world - Become a cult classic
- The Real Star Wars Kid Ghyslain Raza from Quebec
- Made the video for himself
- Stolen by friends
- Loaded onto the net and sent to other people who
sent it on - Ghyslain spent a year in psychiatric care
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vHPPj6viIBmU
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14Cyberbullying which occurs through other webpages
- Creation of specific website about a person
- Rumours
- Share persons secrets
- Insulting
- Invite comments
- Send Web link to other person
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16CyberbullyingHow does it differ?
- No Escape
- Cyberbullying does not end at school
- Relationship between bully and victim
- Do not always know the bully or who is actually
doing the bullying - Breadth of audience
- http//www.wiseuptoit.com.au/lauren_ordeal.html
17Does not just affect Children/ Teenagers
- Variety of tools can be used to cyberbully
- Usually focus around
- Distributing humiliating/ embarrassing photos
- Sending/ Posting nasty, threatening or name
calling messages - Research suggests that girls are more likely to
be victims of cyberbullying occurring through
social networking sites - Boys more likely to experience cyberbullying
through online gaming sites - However research on gender differences is limited
19- Using E-Learning to tackle
- Cyberbullying
20- Is it possible to use this technology within an
E-learning context to tackle Cyberbullying?
Good relationships
Social Moral dilemmas
Personal safety
Importance of media
Legal Rights
Appropriate use of Media
ICT use in general
22Teaching about CyberbullyingCurriculum Links
(outside ICT)
- Citizenship
- 1a-Legal rights
- 1h- Importance of media
- 2a-Topical news issue
- 2b-Justifying views in speech and writing
- 2c Contributing to class discussion
- 3a- considering others experience
- English
- en1Group discussion and interaction
- en3- Writing to explain, persuade and describe
- 1b-Exploring own sense of self
- 2bKeeping healthy
- 2cGood relationships and the need for balance
- 2d-Understanding the need and value for laws and
rules - 3a-Bullying
- 3b-Empathy
- 3c-Nature of Friendship
- 3e-Friendship and family pressures
- 4g-Social and moral dilemmas
Taken From B-Aware Teacher Notes
23Tackling Cyberbullying
- DCFS in their new guidance set out a number of
ways to tackle cyberbullying - Amend AUP and Anti-Bullying Policies
- Monitor the prevalence nature of ICT within
school - Increase awareness of Cyberbullying
- Increase understanding of Cyberbullying
24Tackling Cyberbullying
- DCFS in their new guidance set out a number of
ways to tackle cyberbullying - Amend AUP and Anti-Bullying Policies
- Monitor the prevalence nature of ICT within
school - Increase awareness of Cyberbullying
- Increase understanding of Cyberbullying
- Securus and other monitoring software
- Monitor activity of ICT use in schools
- Can the screen shots produced be incorporated
into teaching? - Use violation information as the basis of class
discussions - Appropriate ICT use
- Appropriate communication
- Bullying Peer relationships
- Cyberbullying survey
- Regularly collect and analyse information
- on the incidence of bullying, taking full
- account of pupils views
- OFSTED (2003), pg 3
- The department and local authorities should work
towards creating a culture where schools are open
about any bullying taking place within them. We
recommend that all local authorities, in
partnership with schools, develop a robust system
for the collation, evaluation and reporting of
bullying for the purpose of effectively improving
and tackling the management of this issue across
all schools in their area. - Commons Parliamentary Select Committee (2007), pg
- Cyberbullying survey
- Can focus on cyberbullying in schools
- Alternatively the whole topic of bullying in
school with questions on cyberbullying as part of
the survey - Online tools www.surveymonkey.com
- Pupils involved in discussions in the creation of
tools to measure problem behaviours within school
28Increase Awareness understanding
- Definition problems
- Pupils understandings
- Provide examples of cyberbullying (as perceived
by adults!) - Screen shots provided by monitoring software
- Published research
- Youtube
- Screen shots from Social Networking sites
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30Contact Details
- Nathalie Noret
- Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
- York St John University College
- Lord Mayors Walk
- York
- YO31 7EX
- (01904) 876311
- n.noret_at_yorksj.ac.uk
- http//ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities
mary_report_en.pdf - http//www.wiseuptoit.com.au/lauren_ordeal.html
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vXyvCEGkroT4
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?v8iIUgVVcpig
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?v8af1MWUwKdU
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vu215XyQZjAs
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vYxKYU3SIDhI
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vtQkG7zaaSgs
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?v7fdHOsde9qI
- http//www.wiseuptoit.com.au/lauren_ordeal.html