Impact of Knowledge on organizational behavior - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Impact of Knowledge on organizational behavior


In 2000, daily world net usage was 24'000 terabits (305 times the volume of ... In 2005, daily world net usage will exceed 2.2 million terabits (approx 30'000 times ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Impact of Knowledge on organizational behavior

Impact of Knowledge on organizational behavior
  • Bangkok University
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Second Semester, 2002
  • Knowledge on OB

I dont know. Lukas Ritzel, March 23, 2002
March 23, 2002
  • Structure of todays lecture
  • What is Knowledge?
  • Workshop
  • Impact on individuals!
  • Workshop
  • How does it impact an employees life?
  • How does it impact a managers work?
  • What should you look at in your case study?

What is Knowledge?
What is this?
  • US citizen, Tom likes spicy food, particularly
  • Lukas coming from Switzerland is eating more
    PrikiNgu than most Issan people
  • Survey in Bangkok post
  • country     name            spice level
    1-10    favorite Thai snack
  • uk             russell          1                 
  • canada      sean             8                    
  • nz             anthony        7                   
        larb moo
  • australia    jim               4                  
         nam tok
  • japan         misuko        8                     
  • korea         twai            9                  
          papaya pokpok
  • some customer feedback after 'free somtam'
    promotion at siam square (like it 1-10)
  • 10 europeans            average 7
  • 15 us                        average 8
  • 15 asiana                    average 8

From Data to
build tables...sort, filter, categorize, correct
errors, condenses (summarized)
  • About spicy Issan food
  • Continent Like-level 1-10 average
  • 12 Europe 70110/ 12 6.75
  • 17 Americas 120810 /17 8.12
  • 19 Asia 707489 / 19 5.15

From Information to
  • Its not real true that Americans can eat most
    spicy of all, but it might be the novelty factor
    that they gave a very positive feedback on the
  • Its certainly not true that Asians in general do
    like Issan food the least
  • I know a lot of people they hate to eat Somtam
    because they do not like Fish sauce
  • We might consider to export Somtam to other

compare to other situations, your own
experience! what are the implications? how does
it relate to others? what do others think about
this information?
Why does this matter
  • Knowledge is close to action, therefore knowledge
    can lead to something better in the
  • Process
  • Marketing
  • Sales

Knowledge as Prasena defines it
  • This characteristic of the Cybernetic Revolution
    qualifies the tendency of any entity/ activity/
    technology to acquire and develop more and more
  • partly due to the time freed by virtue of the
    other cyber-characteristics (more time to acquire
    and share knowledge)
  • partly due to the pressure put by other
    cyber-characteristics (more motivation to learn
    and teach)
  • partly due to the availability of information
    offered by the other cyber-characteristics (more
    sources of knowledge)
  • partly due to the fact that technologies
    themselves have been given the capacity to learn
    (new sources of knowledge)

Impact on You?
What is the Motto of Bangkok University?
University Motto Knowledge with Virtue
  • Any university has the responsibility to help
    students acquire knowledge.   Knowledge with
    Virtue means we should blend knowledge with moral
    purposes.  Combining knowledge with virtue
    requires reflection to see how we fit into a
    society and how we can make that society better.
  • Virtue goes beyond efficiency and effectiveness.
      It goes to excellence.   Excellence blends
    knowledge with moral purpose.   It blends
    competence with character.   Virtue means we have
    taker important life values and made them part of
    our own personal character.   We no longer see
    ourselves as the center of the universe.  
    Rather, we see that we are part of a larger
    whole.   We see that we need to respect others,
    not manipulate them.   We see that we can live to
    make the world a better place for everyone.
  • Acquiring knowledge can be as simple as
    memorizing facts.   Combining knowledge with
    virtue requires reflection and discussion.  
    Combining knowledge with virtue requires us to
    see how we fit into society and how we can make
    that society better.
  • Aristotle defined wisdom as the pursuit of noble
    ends by worthy means.   We must learn both about
    noble ends and worthy means.   We must learn to
    combine our knowledge with virtue.   Bangkok
    University's motto Knowledge with Virtue reflects
    this ideal.

Our education system is a second-rate,
factory-style organization, pumping out obsolete
information in obsolete ways. Schools are
simply not connected to the future of the kids
theyre responsible for.Alvin Toffler,
Business 2.0 (09.00)
The time bomb in every classroom is that
students learn exactly what they are
taught.Frank Smith, Insult to Intelligence
Old fashioned
Learning by heart
Non global
Not linked to business
Non prioritized
Information overflow
The best evidence that our schools are set up to
school and not be usefully educationally lies
in the look of the rooms where we confine kids.
Rooms with no clocks, no telephones, no fax
machines, no stamps, no envelopes, no maps, no
directories, no private space in which to think,
no conference tables on which to confer. Rooms in
which there isnt any real way to contact the
outside world where life is going on.A
Different Kind of Teacher, John Taylor Gatto
Who knew everything?
  • Is this still possible today?
  • Can one be a Universal genius covering all
    sciences from Arts to Physics?
  • Do you think that you have to learn more today
    than your parents did at school?
  • Where do you get your knowledge from?

Facts Figures (Bangkok Post March 20, 2002)
  • In 2000, daily world net usage was 24000
    terabits (305 times the volume of information
    stored at US library of Congress)
  • Before 2003 Internet will pass voice traffic
  • In 2005, One billion Internet users predicted
  • In 2005, daily world net usage will exceed 2.2
    million terabits (approx 30000 times the volume
    of information stored on US library of Congress)

New Environment, New Education The Two Must
MeetTom Peters 07.11.01
Impact on Employees
A new Era is unfolding
  • Era
  • Tool making revolution
  • Urban revolution
  • Industrial revolution
  • Cybernetic revolution
  • Technology
  • Tools crafting
  • City technology system
  • Mechanization, Assembly line
  • Automatic control systems

Industrial Revolution
  • Shift from a traditional agriculture-based
    economy to one based on the mechanized production
    of manufactured goods in large-scale enterprises.
    This shift is marked by the general introduction
    of power-driven machinery or by an important
    change in the prevailing types and methods of use
    of such machines

My ancestors were printers in Amsterdam from
1510 or so until 1750 and during that entire time
they didnt have to learn anything new.Peter
Drucker, Business 2.0 (08.22.00)
Knowledge becomes obsolete incredibly fast. The
continuing professional education of adults is
the No. 1 industry in the next 30 years mostly
on line.Peter Drucker, Business 2.0
Knowledge in the eConomy
  • In the e-conomy, more and more of the added-value
    will be created by brain rather than brawn.
  • Products themselves have knowledge content
  • Knowledge workers
  • Learning becomes a lifelong objective
  • Sharing and spreading knowledge is essential
  • Infostructure supports the preservation of
  • Intranets
  • Warehouses
  • On line dB
  • Communication networks

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.O-O Be7
6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.c3 O-O 9.h3 h6 10.d4 Re8
11.Nbd2 Bf8 12.Nf1 Bd7 13.Ng3 Na5 14.Bc2 c5 15.b3
Nc6 16.d5 Ne7 17.Be3 Ng6 18.Qd2 Nh7 19.a4 Nh4
20.Nxh4 Qxh4 21.Qe2 Qd8 22.b4 Qc7 23.Rec1 c4
24.Ra3 Rec8 25.Rca1 Qd8 26.f4 Nf6 27.fxe5 dxe5
28.Qf1 Ne8 29.Qf2 Nd6 30.Bb6 Qe8 31.R3a2 Be7
32.Bc5 Bf8 33.Nf5 Bxf5 34.exf5 f6 35.Bxd6 Bxd6
36.axb5 axb5 37.Be4 Rxa2 38.Qxa2 Qd7 39.Qa7 Rc7
40.Qb6 Rb7 41.Ra8 Kf7 42.Qa6 Qc7 43.Qc6 Qb6
44.Kf1 Rb8 45.Ra6 1-0
Machine vs. Man
May 1997
Men vs. Machines
NEC factory in Japan 2000
Impact on Managers
A bureaucrat is an expensive microchip.Dan
Sullivan, consultant and executive coach
Divas do it. Violinists do it. Sprinters do it.
Golfers do it. Pilots do it. Soldiers do it.
Surgeons do it. Cops do it. Astronauts do it. Why
dont businesspeople do it very much?
The average knowledge worker will outlive the
average employing organization. This is the first
time in history thats happened. So the center
of gravity of higher education is shifting from
the education of the young to the continuing
education of adults.Peter Drucker, Business 2.0
Training must be integrated into work life
  • Train on the job!
  • Use internal people for training!
  • Build competency centers/ expert centers!
  • Add training to the employees Responsibilities!
  • Train on what is needed to do business!
  • Train constructively!

Rules for constructive learning
  • Learning should be relevant
  • Instructional goals should be consistent with the
    learner's goals.
  • Cognitive demands and tasks in the learning
    environment should be consistent with cognitive
    demands and tasks for the environment for which
    the learner is being prepared.
  • Teachers' role is to challenge the students'
  • Students' ideas should be tested against
    alternate views through social negotiation and
    collaborative learning groups.
  • Encourage reflection on the learning process

Train always
  • In the e-conomy, education is a lifelong process,
    and knowledge development is vital for the
    organizations survival
  • People need to acquire many skills during their
    professional life
  • Just check what is required to know- how to
    handle the information and communication overload
    pouring from SMS, voicemail, WAP, inter- intra-
    and extranets, virtual web spaces, Net-meeting,
    e-mail, public folders and PDAs!

OB and Knowledge summery
  • Definition
  • The Organizational Behavior is knowledge-oriented
    when each employee is a knowledge worker, expert
    in his/her own right (therefore valuable
    individually and recognized as such) and
    contributor to what is becoming the greatest
    asset of an organization -its intellectual
  • Workforce Trends
  • Re-curving
  • Anti-sabbatical practice
  • OB Knowledge Competitiveness
  • Knowledge workers dont need to be told what to do

The Man who wrote We dont need no eductation!
Bangkok, April 10, 2002
Knowledge-products where will it lead us?
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