The Tempest (2): Discourses of Colonization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Tempest (2): Discourses of Colonization


Ariel obedient but expecting rewards (l. 243); Caliban ... savage, a cannibal, a woodwo, a masterless man, an irish rebel, . . .(Wilson 14) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Tempest (2): Discourses of Colonization

The Tempest (2) Discourses of Colonization
  • Nature, Art, Identity and Power in Act I II

The Tempest various interpretations
  1. Art vs. Nature (Prospero vs. Caliban)
  2. Usurpation and vengeance
  3. Colonization
  4. Initiation of Miranda (the question of sex
  5. Authority gained, lost and re-constructed

  • A New Critical Reading of Act I Nature vs. Art
  • A New Historicist Reading of Act II of Colonial
    Others? Interchangeable roles in discourses
  • A Cultural Materialist Reading of the Two Acts
    of Histories and Power Relations ? uncertainties
    and conflicts
  • References

A Traditionalist Reading by Frank Kermode --Nature
  • 1. Natural Man -- Contemporary views of
    primitivism as pure or wicked or the
    natural as corrupted by men, or as defective.
  • E.g. Montaigns Of Cannibals and Man -- The
    essay, like the play, is concerned with the
    general contrast between natural and artificial
    society and men, though Montaigne assumes, in his
    naturalist way, that the New World offers an
    example of naturally virtuous life uncorrupted by
    civilization, whereas Shakespeare obviously does
    not. (xxxv)

A Traditionalist Reading by Frank Kermode (2)
  • 2. the Wild Man (Savage and deformed)
  • -- Syrocrax belongs to the Old World, but not the
    New. (xl)
  • -- Caliban a slave quoting Aristotle and other
    sources those inferior are slaves by nature .
    . .His origins and characters are natural in the
    sense that they do not partake of grace,
    civility, and art he is ugly in body, associated
    with an evil natural magic, and unqualified for
    rule or nurture . . . An inverted pastoral hero,
    against whom civility and the Art which improves
    Nature may be measured (xlii - xliii)

A Traditionalist Reading by Frank Kermode (3)
  • Seeds of Nobler Race Miranda (compared with
    Spensors The Faerie Queen)
  • Prosperos Art two functions
  • The disciplined exercise of virtuous knowledge
  • Symbolic of the better natures and qualities.
    (since to control nature, it needs virtue and
    temperance) (xlviii) e.g. the importance of
    chastity, self-discipline, learning vs. politics,
    the contemplative vs. the active life.
  • In all respects, then Prospero expresses the
    qualities of the world of Art, and of the non
    vile. These qualities become evident in the
    organized contrasts between his world and the
    world of the vile. . . (li)

The Tempest A New Critical Reading
  • Questions Can you find ex

Act I different systems of order
  • How is Nature opposed to Culture in this scene?
  • How are the major characters here, Boatswain,
    Gonzalo, Sebastian and Antonio characterized?
    Why does Boatswain not have a name?
  • If an order or a balance is to be maintained
    between Art/Human and Nature, who/what is
    disruptive in Act 1? How do the characters try
    to maintain order?

Act I different systems of order
  1. The storm and the boatswain (seamanship)
    Boatswain listens only to his master, and
    speaks to the storm (What cares theseroarers
    for the name of king? )
  2. Sebastian Antonio (curses), impatient and
    cursing (A pox o' your throat, you bawling,
    blasphemous, incharitable dog! )
  3. Gonzalo (fate, legal system, royalty and
    religion, yearning for land.) (the joke about
    drowning and hanging)

Act I different systems of order
  • 3. Miranda vs. Prospero How does he lose his
    power? Could the story be told otherwise?
  • Human compassion (life vs. death) ? ? a)
    fatherly love and b) history
  • Frequent addresses to the daughter (ll. 55 78
    95) evoke her repressed memory (l. 132)
  • Prosperos account (multiple messages) i.
    management vs. sponging ii. Antonios Falsehood
    vs. conflicting views (Indulgence in knowledge ?
    Political disorder (ll 79 -)

Act I different systems of order
  1. How is Ariel characterized? And Caliban? In
    what sense is Caliban close to nature? (ll. 323
  2. How does Prospero defend himself in front of
    them? (ll. 250 345 - )

Act I different systems of order
  • 4. Ariel vs. Prospero in contrast to Caliban
  • Ariel mobile (l. 190) Calibanconstrained and
    rebellious (with both violence and words)
  • Arielobedient but expecting rewards (l. 243)
  • Prosperos responses using history (of rescuing
    or education), naming (my slave) and his Art
    (threats). ? representative of colonial control

Act I different systems of order
  • 4. Ferdinand vs. Prospero another imbalance of
    order when Ferdinand assumes himself to be the
    king and the best (l. 430)
  • ? More control is needed, but there are seeds of
    compromise (since the marriage of Miranda means
    an exchange of power but not regaining absolute
    power.) ? Alonsos daughter in Tunis ?
    intersection between gender and colonization

A New Historicist Reading of Act II
  • of the Colonial Others

What New Historicists Do
  • 1.Practice They juxtapose literary and
    non-literary texts, reading the former in the
    light of the latter
  • 2. Practice They try thereby to 'defamiliarise'
    the canonical literary text, detaching it from
    the accumulated weight of previous literary
    scholarship and seeing it as if new
  • 3. Concerns They focus attention (within both
    text and co-text) on issues of State power and
    how it is maintained, on patriarchal structures
    and their perpetuation, and on the process of
    colonisation, with its accompanying 'mind-set'

What New Historicists Do (2)
  • 4. Theoretical Framework They make use, in doing
    so, of aspects of the post-structuralist outlook,
    especially Derrida's notion that every facet of
    reality is textualised, and Foucault's ideas of
    social structures as determined by dominant
    'discursive practices'
  • (From Peter Barry, Beginning Theory, 1995)

NH Identity
  • "self-fashioning occurs at the point of encounter
    between an authority and an alien and what is
    produced in this encounter partakes of both ...
    and hence ... any achieved identity always
    contains within itself the signs of its own
    subversion or loss". (GREENBLATT, Renaissance
    Self-Fashioning, p. 9)

Context as texts
  • "A play by Shakespeare is related to the contexts
    of its production - to the economic and political
    system of Elizabethan and Jacobean England and to
    the particular institutions of cultural
    production (the court, patronage, theatre,
    education, the church). Moreover, the relevant
    history is not just that of four hundred years
    ago, for culture is made continuously and
    Shakespeare's text is reconstructed, reappraised,
    reassigned all the time through diverse
    institutions in specific contexts". (DOLLIMORE
    SINFIELD, Introduction, Political Shakespeare, p.

Context as texts (2)
  • CON-TEXT -- "Con-texts with a hyphen, to signify
    a break from the inequality of the usual
    text/context relationship. Con-texts are
    themselves texts and must be read with they do
    not simply make up a background (Barker 236).

Context as texts (3)
  • the historicity of texts the cultural
    specificity, the social embedment, of all modes
    of writing - not only the texts that critics
    study but also the texts in which we study them.
  • the textuality of history 1) we can have no
    access to a full and authentic past, a lived
    material existence, unmediated by the surviving
    textual traces of the society in question -
    traces whose survival we cannot assume to be
    merely contingent but must rather presume to be
    at least partially consequent upon complex and
    subtle social processes of preservation and
  • 2) those textual traces are themselves subject
    to subsequent textual mediations when they are
    construed as the 'documents' upon which
    historians ground their own texts, called
    'histories'". (Louis A. Montrose, 'Professing the
    Renaissance The Poetics and politics of
    Culture', p. 242)

Context as texts (e.g.)
  • New Critical Approach to History the 'raw
    material' that the artist fashioned. As either
    stable antithesis or stable background
  • NH their interaction . . .and hence to the
    permeability of their boundaries. 'When I play
    with my cat', writes Montaigne, 'who knows if I
    am not a pastime to her more than she is to me?'
    When Shakespeare borrows from Harsnett, who knows
    if Harsnett has not already, in a deep sense,
    borrowed from Shakespeare's theatre what
    Shakespeare borrows back? Whose interests are
    served by the borrowing? And is there a larger
    cultural text produced by the exchange?"
    (GREENBLATT, 'Shakespeare and the Exorcists')

Context as texts (e.g. 2)
  • A traditional reading of The Tempest
  • Source Bermuda pamphlets Of Cannibals
  • Genre pastoral romance
  • Canon important because being written the last
    and placed the first in 1623 Folio.
  • ? NH sees the play as being embedded in a
    conflicting field of discourses.

Starting Questions
  • How do the characters-- Alonso, Sebastian,
    Antonio, Gonzalorespond to being stranded on an
  • How is the island described? In what

The Island
  • Adrian Though this island seem to be desert . .
    . Uninhabitable, and almost inaccessible . . .
    It must needs be of subtle, tender, and delicate
    temperance, where the air breathes upon us . .
    . most sweetly (II.i.4247
  • Gonzalo ll. 145 utopian vision?
  • Sebastian and Adrian bantering, but also
    undercutting the over-sentimentalism of the other
  • Alonso unresponsive.

The Island (2)
  • Their views compared with Calibans
  • can find it both a place of terroras when he
    enters, frightened and overworked in Act II,
    scene ii
  • and of great beauty as in his the isle is full
    of noises speech (III.ii.130138).
  • Their views compared with Montaignes Is it
    proper? The island is on the Mediterranean.

Montaign Of Cannibals (1)
  • still very close to their original naturalness.
    . . .
  • The poets and philosophers could not imagine a
    naturalness so pure and simple as we see by
    experience nor could they believe that our
    society could be maintained with so little
    artifice and human solder.. . .
  • no sort of traffic, no knowledge of letters, no
    science of numbers, no name for a magistrate or
    for political superiority, no custom of
    servitude, no riches or poverty, no contracts, no
    successions, no partitions, no occupations but
    leisure ones, no care for any but common kinship,
    no clothes, no agriculture, no metal, no use of
    wine or wheat. The very words that signify lying,
    treachery, dissimulation, avarice, envy,
    belittling, pardon unheard of.

Montaign Of Cannibals
  • . . . everyone gives the title of barbarism to
    everything that is not in use in his own country
    as, indeed, we have no other level of truth and
    reason than the example and idea of the opinions
    and customs of the place wherein we live. There
    where we live is always 'the perfect religion,'
    there 'the perfect government,' there 'the
    perfect' everything.
  • Montaigne compares cannibalism, the "barbarous
    horror" of roasting and eating a dead man, to the
    European torture of "tearing a body limb from
    limb by racks and torments." (source)

The allegory of power (1) sleep and wakefulness
  • In both Act 1 and 2, sleeping is a recurrent
    motif. What can it mean in general (e.g. p. 127
    l. 486) and here in 21 (p. 138) Sebastians talk
    with Antonio while the others are asleep?
  • The pervasive power of Prospero ? all the
    actions are, in a sense, staged by P, and its
    hard to say how much free will these characters

The allegory of power (2) confusion of
  • Sebastians and Antonios attempted murder in
    21 prepares us for Calibans in Acts 3 4.
  • Colonial identities are mixed in another farcical
    way Caliban and Trinculos becoming a
    four-legged animal. How are the Calibans,
    Trinculos and Stephenos identities mixed but
    still opposed? (fantasies of monsters vs.
    reality of oppression liquor vs. labor)

The network of power
How do Trinculo and Stefano treat Caliban differently from Prospero? Is Caliban a natural slave in being attracted to the liquor and thus submissive to the one that owns it? (ll. 119-)
The network of power
Caliban and Prospero
--Prospero initially made much of Caliban (II.ii.336)-- that he gave Caliban Water with berries int (II.ii.337) -- Caliban showed him around the island -- Prospero later imprisoned Caliban, after the latter becomes dangerous.
The network of power
Trinculo and Stefanos
-- Caliban initially mistakes Stefano and Trinculo for Prosperos spirits, but alcohol convinces him that Stefano is a brave god and decides unconditionally to kneel to him (II.ii.109110) -- Stefano calls Caliban first shallow, credulous ridiculous monster, and then a brave monster, as they set off singing around the island.-- Stefano and Trinculo give Caliban wine, which Caliban finds to be a celestial liquor (II.ii.109). Moreover, -- Stefano immediately plans to inherit the island (II.ii.167), using Caliban to show him all its virtues.
  • gabble like / A thing most brutish
    (I.ii.359360) upon Prosperos arrival
  • he now is willfully inarticulate in his

Colonial Identities
  • Defined in terms of its others.
  • Caliban, represented by his colonizers, has no
    other ways to define what freedom is, while those
    he face want nothing but to subject him to their

From New Historicism to Cultural Materialism
  • Culture and History

  • Renaissance Self-Fashioning
  • Began with an intention to explore the role of
    human autonomy in the construction of identity.
  • The emphasis fell more and more on cultural
    institutionsfamily, religion and the Sateand
    the human subject itself began to seem
    remarkably unfree, the ideological product of the
    relations of power in a particular society (qtd
    Dollimore 47)
  • Materialist culture is not only made by
    history, but it can also makes history. -gt the
    possibility of subversion, or at least,
    conflictual meanings.
  • In a word, it is more political than NH.

What Cultural Materialist Do (1)
  • 1. They read the literary text (very often a
    Renaissance play) in such a way as to enable us
    to 'recover its histories', that is, the context
    of exploitation from which it emerged
  • 2. At the same time, they foreground those
    elements in the work's present transmission and
    contextualising which caused those histories to
    be lost in the first place, (for example, the
    'heritage' industry's packaging of Shakespeare in
    terms of history-as-pageant, national bard,
    cultural icon, and so on)
  • political agenda 3. They use a combination of
    marxist and feminist approaches to the text,
    especially in order to do the first of these
    (above), and in order to fracture the previous
    dominance of conservative social, political, and
    religious assumptions in Shakespeare criticism in

(From Peter Barry, Beginning Theory, 1995)
What Cultural Materialist Do (2)
  • 4. They use the technique of close textual
    analysis, but often employ structuralist and
    post-structuralist techniques, especially to mark
    a break with the inherited tradition of close
    textual analysis within the framework of
    conservative cultural and social assumptions
  • 5. At the same time, they work mainly within
    traditional notions of the canon, on the grounds
    that writing about more obscure texts hardly ever
    constitutes an effective political intervention
    (for instance, in debates about the school
    curriculum or national identity)

(From Peter Barry, Beginning Theory, 1995)
Starting Questions
  • In the network of power the characters form,
    does Prospero, or anyone else, have absolute
  • How do different characters histories (e.g.
    Calibans vs. Prosperos) interact with each

The Tempest Act 1-2Miranda and Prospero
  • Is Miranda as innocent, meek and passive as she
    appears to be? Whats her views of knowledge
    and the past?
  • --She is sweet, kind, but with a desire to know,
    a memory repressed and some hints of an interest
    in sex and marriage (11. 21, 35 42050 55 119).

The Tempest Act 1-2Prospero and Ariel
  • Is Ariel all obedient? (ll. 189 220 242)
    --his use of pains.
  • Why and how does Prospero tells Ariels story to
  • By describing once a month in great details
    Ariels past history of tortures, scolding him
    and naming him (my slave). (ll 250 -

The Tempest Act 1-2Prospero and Caliban
  • Caliban, for sure, is disobedient but needed by
    Prospero (p. 118, l. 310). How is Calibans
    version of Prosperos arrival different from the
    previous two he tells Miranda and Ariel
    respectively? (ll. 30) How is his story

The Tempest Act 1-2Prospero, Miranda and
  • How is authority constructed and denied?
  • What does Prospero do to achieve what he wants
    (marrying Miranda to Ferdinand)? In his
    intervention, how is his power challenged by the
    other powers? (e.g. pp. 126-27)
  • Arent Ariels songs (pp. 122-123) enchanting?
    Analyze the sound patterns.

Caliban multiple interpretation
  • Kermode the thing unregenerate, ordinary
    nature, the base . . . Ground against and upon
    which the moral battle for civilization is
    defined and played out
  • Aime Cesaire the thing given its full dignity
    as the supreme, ordinary good, the good that is
    politically repressed and exploited, yet which
    promises to return in the future.
  • Brown an effect of a multiplicity of texts and
    forces he is a native of the Indies, a slave, a
    savage, a cannibal, a woodwo, a masterless man,
    an irish rebel, . . .(Wilson 14)
  • Which do you agree with?

  • Kiernan Ryan (ed.), New historicism and cultural
    materialism a reader(London and New York
    Arnold, 1996).
  • Scott Wilson. Cultural Materialism Theory and
    Practice. Blackwell Publishers, 1995.
  • WILLY MALEY. Cultural Materialism and New
    Historicism http//
  • Francis Barker and Peter Hulme. Nymphs and
    Reapers Heavily Vanish The Discursive Con-texts
    of The Tempest, in John Drakakis (ed.),
    Alternative Shakespeares (London Methuen, 1985).
  • Frank Kermode. Introduction. The Tempest
    (Arden Shakespeare S.)
  • Robert Scanlan. Shakespeare's NEW WORLD
    FANTASIA. lthttp//
  • Michel de Montaigne's "Of Cannibals"
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