Title: Male Sexual Dysfunction
1Male Sexual Dysfunction
2Computer Sex
3 4Male Sexual Response Cycle
- Arousal
- Plateau
- Orgasm
- Resolution
- Refractory Period
5Stage One - Arousal
- Vasocongestion contributes to erection of the
penis. - The inner diameter of the urethra doubles. The
scrotum pulls toward the body. - Muscular tension increases in the body. Heart
rate and blood pressure increase.
6Stage Two - Plateau
- Not much change in the penis, but it is less
likely for a man to lose his erection if
distracted during plateau phase than during
excitement. - The testes increase in size by 50 percent or more
and are elevated toward the body. - Muscular tension heightens and involuntary body
movements may increase as orgasm approaches.
Heart rate increases to between 100-175 beats per
7Stage Three - Orgasm
- Actual climax and ejaculation are preceded by a
distinct inner sensation that orgasm is imminent
(ejaculatory inevitability). Just after this the
man senses that ejaculation cannot be stopped. - The most noticeable change in the penis during
orgasm is the ejaculation of semen, even though
orgasm and ejaculation are separate functions and
may not occur at the exact same time. The
muscles at the base of the penis and around the
anus contract rhythmically. - Men often have strong involuntary muscle
contractions through the body during orgasm and
can also have involuntary pelvic thrusting. The
hands and feet show spastic contractions and the
entire body may arch backward or contract.
8Stage Four - Resolution
- Immediately following ejaculation, the male body
begins to return to its prearousal state. About
50 of the erection is lost immediately, and the
remainder of the erection is lost over a longer
period of time. - Muscular tension usually is fully relaxed within
five minutes after orgasm, and the man feels
relaxed and drowsy. - Resolution is a gradual process that may take as
long as two hours.
9Stage Five - Refractory Period
- During resolution, most males experience a period
of time in which they cannot be re-stimulated to
ejaculation or even maintain an erection. - On average, men in their late thirties cannot be
ready for more for about 30 minutes or longer. - Not many men beyond their teen years are able to
have more than one orgasm during sexual
encounters. - Most men feel sexually satisfied with one orgasm.
10Prevalence of MSD
- Between 10-52 of men at some point in their
lives will experience some type of sexual
dysfunction. One recent study in the Journal of
American Medical Association (1999) found sexual
dysfunction common in 31 of men age 18 to 59.
11Diagnostic Questions
- Onset
- Primary
- Secondary
- Context
- Global
- Situational
- Contributing Factors
- Physiological
- Mechanical
- Psychological
12The Big Three in MSD
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Premature Ejaculation
- Retarded Ejaculation
- The penis may be the most honest parts of the
male anatomy.
13Phases in Disorder
14Desire Disorders
- Hyperactive Sexual Desire
- Hypoactive Sexual Desire
- Sexual Aversion
15Hyperactive Sexual Desire
- Deregulation or lack of control over sexual
motivation - Have sex frequently, often having several orgasms
each day - Often preoccupied with sexual feelings and/or
thoughts to the extent that this interferes with
their functioning at work, and/or creates
problems in their relationships. - Compulsive sexual behavior, inadequate control of
sexual impulses and intense, and spontaneous
sexual desire. - Kaplan
16Hypoactive Sexual Desire Definition
- Deficiency or absence of sexual fantasies and
desire for sexual activity. - Must cause marked distress or interpersonal
difficulty. - Not better accounted for by an Axis I disorder,
substances, or a general medical condition.
17Hypoactive Sexual Desire Causes
- Stress, Anxiety
- Medications
- Drugs
- Alcohol
- Depression
- Hormonal Imbalances
- Relational Factors
- Sexual Arousal Disorder
- Endocrine Diseases
- Cushings Syndrome
- Hypothyroidism
- Diabetes
- Systemic Diseases
- Chronic Renal Failure
- Testicular Atrophy
- Chronic Pain
18Hypoactive Sexual Desire Treatment
- Treatment must be individualized to the factors
that may be inhibiting sexual interest. - Many couples will need relationship enhancement
work or marital therapy prior to focusing
directly on enhancing sexual activity.
19Hypoactive Sexual Desire Case Formulation
Hormones Testosterone / Estrogen
History of sexual activity
Hormone Supplements
Aschematic Sexual Self View
Cognitive Restructuring
Protective Partner Factors
Few positive romantic relationships / sexual
Low Desire
20Sexual Aversion Definition
- Aversion to and active avoidance of genital
sexual contact with a sex partner. - Must cause marked distress or interpersonal
difficulty. - Not better accounted for by an Axis I disorder,
substances, or a general medical condition.
21Sexual Aversion Causes
- Sexual trauma
- incest, sexual abuse, or rape
- Repressive family atmosphere
- Rigid religious training
- Pain during first attempts at intercourse
22Sexual Aversion Treatment
- Couples counseling may help resolve discord in a
relationship. - Psychotherapy may be needed for people who have
experienced sexual trauma. - Behavioral therapy in which a person is gradually
exposed to sexual activity, beginning with
nonthreatening activities and progressing to full
sexual expression, may also be effective. - Drugs may help relieve panic attacks associated
with sexual activity.
23Sexual Aversion Disorder Case Formulation
Negative Sexual Self-Schema
Traumatic Event (e.g. rape)
Cognitive Restructuring
Relaxation Training
Sexual Anxiety / Fear Response
Low arousal / sexual satisfaction
24Arousal Disorders
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Erectile Dyspareunia
25Erectile Dysfunction Definition
- Inability to attain or to maintain an adequate
erection until the completion of sexual activity - Must cause marked distress or interpersonal
difficulty. - Not better accounted for by an Axis I disorder,
substances, or a general medical condition.
26Erectile Dysfunction
- 20 of males over 50 experience significant
erectile dysfunction - 52 of men between 40 and 70 report some degree
of erectile difficulty - Between 18 and 30 million American men affected
by erectile dysfunction - 85 of men with erectile dysfunction do not seek
27Erectile Dysfunction Causes
- Depression
- Job loss
- Diabetes or other disorders impacting circulation
- Hypertension
- Medications
- Obesity
- Smoking and tobacco products
- Alcohol
- Age
- Rigid training
- Guilt
- Unreasonable expectations
- Fear
- Rejection
- Not able to satisfy wife
- Being compared to other men
- Losing erection
- Inability to ejaculate
- Ridicule
- Poor physical fitness
- Autosexuality
- Passive wife
- Sagging vagina
- Nagging
- Feminine dominance
- Unfavorable weather
- Burnt toast
28Erectile DysfunctionMay Disguise
- Paraphilic problem
- Homosexual orientation
- Gender identity disorder
- Lack of desire towards partner
- Immorality
- Adultery
- Pornography
29Erectile Dysfunction Treatments
- First Line
- Medications
- Excitatory sidenafil
- Inhibitory Alpha-1/2 blockers
- Vacuum Constriction Devices
- Therapy
- Cognitive correct thought distortions
- Behavioral sensate focus training
- Second Line
- Intraurethral Suppositories
- Injection Therapy
- Third Line
- Penile prosthesis
- Semi-rigid
- Inflatable
30Center for Marital and Sexual Health (CMASH)
- Gender Identity
- Object Choice
- Intention
- Sexual Desire
- Arousal
- Orgasm
- All these in context contribute to a sexual
equilibrium in the relationship, whether it is a
healthy one or dysfunctional one
31Erectile Dysfunction Case Formulation
Organic Factors / Medication Side Effects
Low Sexual Experience
Protective Factors Positive emotions, love
Medical Treatments
Non-demand Pleasuring
Dysfunctional Attentional Processes
Inhibited Parasympathetic Activity
Sensate Focus
Low Arousal
Negative Expectations
32Viagra (Sildenafil)
33Viagra Side Effects
- Headache
- Flushing
- Dyspepsia
- Consult a doctor if on Nitroglycerine for
possible cardiac effects
34Viagra Contraindicators
- A clear reason for recent onset of erectile
dysfunction - Severe marital discord
- Performance anxiety is the cause
- The client does not like to use medications
- Althof
35Conclusions on Erectile Dysfunction
- We must also attempt to address relapse issues
- Not everyone can be helped
- Helping a man attain an erection by medical means
may do more harm than good relationally - 44-91 success rate
- 20-50 discontinue therapy
36Erectile Dyspareunia
- Peyronies disease/Penile Induration
- Severe curvature of penis caused by scarring in
the tunica. Treated through surgery or
anti-scarring and anti-inflammatory drugs. Also
may cause pain during or prevent intromission. - Balanitis
- inflammation of the foreskin
- Balanoposthtis
- inflammation of prepuce and glans
- Frenular tethering
- scarring of frenulum results in loss of
elasticity - Paraphimosis
- opening of foreskin too small
- Chordee
- congentical curvature of the penis
- Neurologic damage
37Ejaculatory Disorders
- Premature Ejaculation
- Retarded Ejaculation
- Ejaculatory Incompetence
- Retrograde Ejaculation
- Ejaculatory Dyspareunia
38Premature Ejaculation
- Possibly the top complaint from men about sexual
dysfunction - In a study by Kinsey in 1948, 75 of men were
found to ejaculate within 2 minutes. - We have no empirical way to diagnose thisit is
very subjective. - Possibly universal for first sexual encounters
- Can lead to feelings of shame, guilt or
inadequacy as a man - 30 of men report they are not satisfied with
their ability to control orgasm. - Rapid orgasm seen as a problem for men and a
sought after attribute for women. - Women report men ejaculate prematurely 80 to 100
percent of the time, while men report it at 10 to
20 percent of the time.
39Premature Ejaculation Definition
- Onset of orgasm and ejaculation with minimal
sexual stimulation before, on, or shortly after
penetration and before the person wishes it. - Must cause marked distress or interpersonal
difficulty. - Not better accounted for by an Axis I disorder,
substances, or a general medical condition.
40Premature Ejaculation Causes
- Anxiety
- Performance pressure
- Novelty of experience or partner
- Interpersonal difficulties
- Conditioned to be quick
- Possible biological differences in men
41Premature Ejaculation Treatments
- Any one of millions of untested folklore remedies
(which may have harmful side effects) - SSRI/Antidepressants
- Therapy
- Cognitive Dispel myths
- Behavioral Desensitization (Squeeze Technique)
- Kegel Exercises
42Premature Ejaculation Case Formulation
Low Sexual Experiences
High Arousal Sensitivity
History Rewarding Speedy Circumstances
learned response
Premature Ejaculation
Pause squeeze Technique
Often disappears with age / experience
43Retarded Ejaculation Definition
- Delay in or absence of orgasm following a normal
sexual excitement phase. - Must cause marked distress or interpersonal
difficulty. - Not better accounted for by an Axis I disorder,
substances, or a general medical condition.
44Retarded Ejaculation Considerations
- Relatively rare
- The man is physically able to have an orgasm and
ejaculate, just not during intercourse. - May be a means of malingering
- Considered by some to be an arousal disorder in
that the man is never aroused enough to achieve
orgasm - Often the erection is maintained even when not
45Retarded Ejaculation Causes
- Damage to nerves in penis or nerves transmitting
signals to the brain lessening sensation in the
penis - Partner relational issues
- repulsed by partner
- using a lack of orgasm to punish partner
- being too focused on pleasing the partner
- Performance Anxiety
- Arousal Deficit
- Autosexuality
- Lack of personal responsibility for own pleasure
46Retarded Ejaculation Treatments
- Increase pressure to perform (could be too
relaxed) - Coutnerbypassing
- Control sexual content
- Woman verbalizes her worries about her partners
impatience, which are validated - Focus attention on self
47Retarded Ejaculation Case Formulation
Negative Affect / Self-schema
Medical Condition
Desire / Arousal Deficits
Low relationship satisfaction
Cognitive Restructuring
No Orgasm
Sensate Focus
Negative Expectations
48Ejaculatory Incompetence Definition
- Consistent inability to reach orgasm no matter
the duration or type of stimulation.
49Ejaculatory Incompetence Causes
- Neurologic diseases
- Traumatic injury
- Complication of surgery
- The nerves responsible for the signal for
ejaculation are most commonly injured after
spinal trauma resulting in paraplegia or
quadriplegia, major bowel or vascular surgery, or
surgery for testicular cancer.
50Ejaculatory Incompetence Treatments
- If the goal is to produce ejaculation for
impregnation, a reflex ejaculation can be
produced if the level of injury is not too severe
by using a vibrator with a designated frequency
and wave amplitude. If injury is too severe, the
prostate can be electrically stimulated to
51Retrograde Ejaculation Definition
- Upon ejaculation all or part of the semen travels
backward into the bladder due to the sphincter at
the bladder neck not closing. - This does not effect sexual functioning or
pleasure unless it is psychologically troubling
to not see any semen (in severe cases).
52Retrograde Ejaculation Causes
- Surgical damage to the muscle of the bladder
neck, or to the nerves that control this muscle - Prostatectomy
- Surgery on the bladder neck
- Extensive pelvic surgery, especially to treat
cancer of the testicles, colon, or rectum - Staging surgery for cancer in the pelvis or lower
abdomen - Certain types of surgery on the discs and
vertebrae of the lower spine - Nerve damage caused by medical illness
- Side effects of medication
- Amitriptyline (Elavil)
- Amoxapine (Asendin)
- Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
- Thioridazine (Mellaril)
- Guanethidine (Ismelin)
- Reserpine (Serpasil)
53Retrograde Ejaculation Treatments
- Alter medications that cause it
- If it is a mild muscle or nerve problem, drugs
proscribed to improve muscle tone at the bladder
neck - Pseudoephedrine
- Imipramine (Tofranil)
- In cases of severe nerve damage, a fertility
specialist may collect sperm from the bladder and
use washed sperm for an assisted fertilization
54Ejaculatory Dyspareunia
- Prostatitis
- Chronic or acute infection of the prostate often
caused by bacteria entering the urethra. Treated
with antibiotics. - Urethritis
- Chronic or acute infection of the urethra often
caused by bacteria entering the urethra. Treated
with antibiotics. - Neurologic damage
- Medications (antidepressants)
- Amoxapine, imipramine, and clomipramine
- It is uncommon to find one factor that is causing
100 of the problem. - It is uncommon to find one solution that will fix
100 of the problem. - Often, physical, relational, and psychological
factors are all involved in causing and being
impacted by male sexual dysfunction. - Male Sexual Dysfunction is more common than