Title: Caroline Waters
1Caroline Waters
2You Want What?
- a look at the way people are working in today's
PG world
3BT today
- Operating in 170 countries
- 20.7b turnover
- 2.5b profit before tax
- 3.2b capital expenditure
- World leading supplier of communications
solutions and services - Providing networked IT, telecommunications
services and higher-value - broadband and
- internet products
- and services
4Then to now
- 111,000 people
- in 55 countries
- 14,500 homeworkers
- 75,000 working flexibly
250,000 people All in UK Working conventionally
5BTs carbon footprint
1.6 MTonnes CO2
0.2 MTonnes CO2
6Engaging 111,000 BT people in 107 countries
- By 2012, we aim to have at least 20 of our
employeesactively reducing their carbon
footprint at work and at home
7PG world?
8A PG world?
Per month!
9Your PG world
Mobile phone
Lap tops
Face Book
Friends Reunited
User Provided Content
Do The Green Thing
My Space
You Tube
10PG world
- People want to be green
- - argument has been won
- - lets move on.
- Often too big
- Big expectations
- Comparisons with BG history irrelevant to many
- Dont punish the good guys
- Informed choice and help
- Work is a key facilitator of change
11You Want What?
Commute / Work from Home Meeting /
Discussion Remote / Close Full Time / Part
Time Flexible Working / Attendance Employing
the Best / the Most Convenient Work With /
Employed By
12PG world
Help me do the right thing Plastic
bags? Holiday at hotel with low emission
lights? Commute / Congestion
13You Want What?
14Carbon calculator
15ICT as a mode of transport
The use of conferencing by BT staff worldwide has
saved at least 97,000 tonnes of CO2 and
eliminated more than 860,000 face-to-face
meetings. In the last year, this equated to a
saving of 238 million and saved at least 40
million miles.
Total avoided CO2 emissions from using
Conferencing within BT
16Saving the climate _at_ the speed of light
Video Conferencing 20 of EU business travel
replaced by video conferencing would save 22.3
million tonnes of CO2 Audio Conferencing 50 of
EU business replacing one meeting a year with an
audio conference would save 2.2 million tonnes of
CO2 Flexi-work 10 of EU workers becoming
flexi-workers would save 22.17 million tonnes of
CO2 Online billing 100 million customers
receiving online bills would save 109,100 tonnes
of CO2 Online tax returns 193 million online tax
returns would save 195,000 tonnes of CO2
17Benefits of flexible working
- Liberating Talent
- Maximising Inclusion
- Increased Productivity
- Reduced Overheads
- Environmental Improvements
18I want to work Flexibly / Differently
You Want What!
19- 25 of Chinas population with the highest IQs
is greater than the total population of North
In India its top 28
20Caroline Waters