Title: Fiscal Year End Close Process Overview Seminar
1Fiscal Year End CloseProcess Overview Seminar
- August 15, Tuesday (937-302)
- August 18, Friday (Perseverance Hall)
- Lesta Nadel
- Vertis Ellis
- Jeremy Coyne
- John Speros
- Barbara Gomez/Jill Stark
- Mary Clary
- The big picture
- Information sources
- The close schedule
- Direct programs, WFO Indirect Budgets
- Purchasing deadlines
- Accruals, prepaids travel
- Resource adjustment policy
- QA and Discussion
4The Big Picture and Information Sources
- Lesta Nadel
- CFO Field Operations, EHS, Facilities
5Year End Close Why do it?
- By act of Congress, all Federal agencies must
close their books on September 30 - LBNL is an integrated contractor this means
that our financial results are rolled up with
DOEs - All income and expense accounts must be closed
out to the balance sheet and accounts reconciled - All indirect costs must be fully distributed to
directly funded projects (ie, zero indirect
budget variance overall)
6How Different from Monthly Closes
- September 30 is a defined end point equivalent
to calendar year for personal income tax or
selected fiscal year for businesses - It is a summing up and accounting of all current
fiscal year economic activity - This means that some last minute costs for which
invoices have not been processed will need to be
accrued - Current year cash payments for invoices for goods
or services not received by 9/30 or for travel
occurring after 9/30 should not be reflected in
the current fiscal year expenses (pre-paid
expenses) - Suspense items (costs which have dropped out from
closed projectids) must be resolved
7Year End Close Challenges
- Timely review of cost activity and pressing
deadlines for corrections - Tracking status of POs- particularly cross check
of items ordered, shipped, received and posted to
the ledger - Accelerated close
- Reconciliation with other DOE sites where
8Information Sources
- ISS Close Status (recording) 486-4684 or
HUN-GOTH - Twice daily close status emails to Network
distribution - Web Site http//www.lbl.gov/Workplace/CFO/FY06_Cl
ose/index.html - Will include the schedule, forms, contacts,
guidelines, and procedure and policy
documentation - Today at Berkeley Lab Announcements
- Will include key deadlines and LETS Sweeps with
links to relevant details - Announcements will also be included on My Blis
Portal - September Finance Network Scheduled September
21st - A high level presentation of key changes and
dates - Available on the web site
- Formal Training Classes (August 15 and 18)
- A more detailed review of close functions and
9Information Sources
- FMS (Project Costing)
- Queries (Fiscal Year End Folder)
- N-vision
- Cost Browser
- Reports
- BR status reports (OCFO Web page)
10ScheduleVertis EllisGeneral Accounting
11FY 2006 Close Schedule - DRAFT
12FY 2006 Close Key Dates
Soft Close Schedule
- 9/07 First Soft Close
- 9/14 Second Soft Close
- 9/20 Final Soft Close
13FY 2006 Close Key Dates
- 9/12 Final submission of FY06 proposals, awards,
and waiver requests to SPO by 500 pm - 9/15 Requisitions to procurement
- 9/15 Final submission of all PAF forms due to
Payroll office by 300 pm - 9/15 Final travel expense vouchers due to Travel
Office by 500 pm
14FY 2006 Close Key Dates
- 9/15 Final Integrated Contractor (IWO) September
cost estimates due to AR by 600 pm - 9/18 Final submission of rate changes (org.
burden or recharges) due to Indirect Budget
Office by noon - 9/20 Final travel accruals (join the staff and
relocations) due to Travel Office by noon
15FY 2006 Close Key Dates
- 9/20 Final submission of miscellaneous invoice
requests due to AR by 400 pm - 9/21 Final requests to open projects (DOE and
WFO) in FMS by noon - 9/21 Final non-PO requests due to AP by noon
- 9/21 Final Invoice certifications due to AP by
16FY 2006 Close Key Dates
- 9/21 Tree Freeze No further project status
changes or reparenting after 900 pm - 9/22 Final LETS sweep at 500 pmAll feeders due
by 800 pm - 9/26 Final accruals due to AP by 300 pm
- 9/26 Final prepayment forms due to GA by 300 pm
- 9/26 Final submission of MLA, IJE, and IPA
accruals to AR by 400 pm
17FY 2006 Close Key Dates
- 9/27 Final divisional resource adjustments due
in FMS and labor adjustments due in HRIS by 1000
am - 10/4 Tentative New period opens New FY07
projects opened
18Jeremy CoyneIndirect Budget
Direct Programs, Work for Others Indirect
- Overview of the Close
- Communication
- Project Opening
- Preventive Maintenance
- Indirect Budgets
- Uncosted Balances
- Continuing Resolution
- The Lab is required to manage our Costs on all
projects at the most detailed funding level - Fund Type, BR, BRN, BRN Sub, Program task
Reimbursable Work Order - We are required to manage our Equipment and
Construction Liens at this same detailed level - We are required to manage our DOE Operating Liens
at the Obligational Control Level (Generally the
2 or 4 digit BR) - If you have a lien balance that appears to be
an issue you will be contacted by the Budget
Office Thursday September 28th 700
am-100 pm
- Each round of the Year End Close uses the same
processes as the monthly hard close. - Year End Close Resource Adjustments
- Should use appropriate resource categories and
projects - Unless they are accruals, should not be reversing
- No changes can be made to FY 2006 costs after the
final round of the year end close
- Budget Office Contacts
- Direct Michelle Bennett x6207 MLBlaha_at_lbl.gov
- Indirect Jeremy Coyne x4518 JDCoyne_at_lbl.gov
- Unlike prior years, you are not required to send
resource adjustment IDs to the Budget Office
prior to posting for Rounds 2 3 - Final resource adjustments should be in valid
status by September 27th 1000 am - If you are notified to do an adjustment in later
Rounds you will need to provide the journal ID to
the Budget Office
After each round of the Year End Close
- BR Status Reports will be published on the
CFO/Budget Office web page at http//fsdwprod.lbl.
gov/cfo/cfobnrList.asp - BR Status Reports reflecting Budget System data
will also be available via BLIS - Due to the implementation of the new Budget
System, we will be running parallel through the
year end close and into FY07
- FY06 Projects DOE, WFO Overhead
- Projects must be in FMS in requested status by
1200 noon on Thursday, September 21st - No changes should be made to projects after 1000
pm Thursday, September 21st until GA opens for
FY07 - Do not Close, Open, Reparent, change attributes
.. - FY07 Projects DOE Overhead
- New projects for FY07 and changes to the tree for
FY07 (ie effective 10/1/06 or later) will be
approved - Up to Noon, Thursday, September 21st, please
notify the Budget Office in advance - After GA opens for FY07
- FY07 Projects WFO
- New FMS projects will be open after GA opens for
FY07 and the awards have been generated
- Note Labor will go through closed projects with
LETS error notice
- What should I be doing now?
- Review project costs
- Verify BRs and other funding fields for
projects - Review commitment balances open POs and trips
- Consider what costs might need to be accrued
- Make any necessary corrections prior to the
September soft closes
- Science Divisions
- Organization Burden
- Recharges
- Overhead Divisions
- Organization Burden
- Recharges
- Institutional Overhead Budgets
- GA, Site Support, LDRD, Procurement, Travel, NN
and SS
- Budget Office plans for Org and Recharge budgets
to have a net zero variance at year-end Costs
Recovery - Let us know of any anticipated variances
- Budget Office plans for Overhead Departments to
meet their costs up to approved budgets - Let us know of any anticipated variances
- Notify the Budget Office of any rate changes by
noon on Monday September 18th
- At fiscal year-end, total recoveries must equal
total costs on BR YN0100000 at fiscal close
- Timing Occurs after the Year End Close is
complete - Guidance - Will be sent to divisions
- Justifications when needed are for the entire
uncosted balance of the program
Total Uncosted Balance for the program
S Divisional Uncosted Balances in 9-digit BRs
- The Budget Office will notify divisions about
which BRs will need a justification - This is not a deobligation request
- As always there is the probability that we will
be under a Continuing Resolution for FY07 - We are still required to keep our costs within
the funds provided - Chicago will be allocating funding based on the
WASs that have been received from the Programs - If an emergency situation arises, please contact
the Budget Office and we will work with you to
pursue available options
31Purchasing DeadlinesJohn SperosProcurement
32Procurement Requisitions
- Procurement will use its best efforts to process
requisitions so they can cost in FY06 - Requisitions should be sent to Procurement no
later than 9/15 if they are to cost in FY06 - Complex and long lead-time purchases may not cost
in FY06
33 Procurement Accruals
- Accrue through Division Contacts
- One-time Purchase Orders
- Procurement Card (PCard) purchases
- Blanket/RD/IUT/PSA/Consultant
- B2B System Contracts
- eBuy Purchase Orders
34 Procurement One-time POs
- One-time PO Cutoff Dates
- Orders received by Receiving by 9/22 COB (630
pm) will automatically be accrued/costed in G/L - FOB Destination Orders received after 9/22 and
received by COB 9/29 must be manually accrued - FOB Shipping Point Orders not received by 9/22
and shipped by 9/29 must be manually accrued - Pickups Deliver Packing List/Notify Receiving by
9/22 - Check IRIS or PeopleSoft to determine status
charges posted by 8 am 9/23
35 Procurement PCard Orders
- Procurement Card (PCard) Cutoff Dates
- FOB Destination Charges posted to the card after
9/21 and material received by 9/29 should be
manually accrued - FOB Shipping Point Charges posted to the card
after 9/21 and material shipped by 9/29 should be
manually accrued - Orders 1K not posted to the card by 9/21 but
received (FOB Destination) or shipped (FOB
Shipping Point) by 9/29 should be manually
accrued - Pickups Deliver Packing List/Notify Receiving by
9/29 - Procurement uploads bank statement at 10 am 9/22
Buyers match charges by 11 am 9/22 Charges post
to G/L by 11 am - G/L postings for orders posted to the card
through 9/21 available for lookup on 9/22 (IRIS
PCard software)
36 Procurement - Blankets
- Blanket / RD Subcontract / IUT / PSA /
Consultant Agreement Cutoff Dates - Charges invoiced and certified by 1200 pm 9/21
will be automatically costed to September G/L - Charges 1K incurred between 9/21 9/29 should
be manually accrued - Check G/L posting on IRISContact A/P
37 Procurement System Contracts
- B2B System Contract Cutoff Dates
- Orders placed and invoiced by 9/20 COB will post
to September G/L - Orders 1K placed after cutoff date and
received by 9/29 should be manually accrued - Check G/L posting on IRIS for OfficeMax, VWR,
Sigma Aldrich charges posted on 9/23 - See A/P Representative for others
38 Procurement eBuy POs
- eBuy (PSS/CE) Purchase Order Cutoff Dates
- Orders placed and invoiced by 9/22 will post to
September G/L - Orders 1K placed after cutoff date and
received by 9/29 should be manually accrued
39Procurement Cutoff Dates
40Accruals, Prepayments and Travel
- Barbara Gómez A/P
- Jill Stark Travel
41Accruals DOE Policy
- DOE Accounting Handbook, Chapter 11
- Liabilities recorded in financial statements
shall reflect both invoices received, and
accruals for any costs incurred, or assets
received for which progress billings, grant
reimbursement requests, and other billings have
not yet been received. - Maintain accounts on an accrual basis. Costs and
revenues shall be identified with and recorded in
the period in which they are incurred, even if
receipt of the revenue or payment for the
expenditure occurs in a subsequent accounting
42Accrual Policy- Manual accruals will be required
- Goods
- Items received by department, but the invoice was
not received by AP - Items were shipped but not received by September
30 and the subcontract terms are FOB shipping
point - Services
- If the service was provided during the fiscal
year but the invoice was not received or
certified - Reference LBNL Policy dated March 31, 2005
- FOB (Freight on Board) Shipping Point
- Title changes when shipped
- FOB Destination
- Title changes at destination
44Accrual Process
- The accrual procedure will be similar to previous
years - We will include a log on the web of all accruals
45Accrual Form Instructions
- Type or Print Clearly
- Please include the total
- All forms must be signed by approver
- Track the number of forms you send using the
Control Number Field limit 8 characters - Use one resource category per form
46Accrual Form (contd)
- All accruals will reverse in October
- FAX completed forms to x- 5995
- AP will call you to confirm receipt of your faxed
accrual request - Distinguish numbers from alphas on project ids
- Please adhere to naming convention
- Form is available on Year End website
47Prepayments DOE Policy
- DOE Accounting Handbook, Chapter 7
- Expenses should be prepaid only when required by
standard business practice. Standard business
practice usually requires prepayment for rent,
taxes, royalties, subscriptions, and insurance. - Prepayments shall be expensed over the period to
which they apply.
48Prepayments - LBNL Guidance
- Chapter 7 of the DOE Accounting Handbook states
that Prepayments shall be expensed over the
period to which they apply. - Example You owe 10,000 for a software
maintenance contract that runs from July 2006
through June 2007. If you pay the invoice related
to this service in September, note on the
certification that 2,500 is to be charged to
your project in FY2006 and that the 7,500
balance should be booked as a pre-paid expense. - General Accounting has a form for prepaid
expenses on the Year end website (Fax to Victor
Chan x 2878). - We do not accrue for recharges for Lab-provided
- Prepayment form is available on the Year End
Close website.
50Non-PO Requests
- Must be received in Accounts Payable by noon on
9/21 for the following - Reimbursements and Requests for Issuance of Check
- Stipends and Honoraria
- All invoice certifications
- Manual accruals will be required if
- Relocation expenses are incurred
- Local travel over 1k is incurred
- Division does not use TAs (Travel
Authorizations) - Automated accruals will occur on all approved
trips with TAs
52Travel for Lab Employees
- Divisions should-
- Review all open trips
- Request that Travel Department cancel those trips
never taken - Submit vouchers by cob 9/15
- Travel will accrue cost of trips which
- Are in approved status and TAs were used
- Will have been completed by 9/30
- Prorated accrual of trips spanning September and
October by days
53Join-the-Staff Change of Station Travel
- Divisions identify uncosted join-the-staff travel
expense - If not costed by 9/22, complete separate AP
accrual form where cost is estimated to be
gt1,000 - Fax to Jill Stark in Travel (FAX 486-6888)
- Jill will validate amounts as FY06 expenses and
forward to AP for processing
54Resource Adjustments
- Mary Clary
- Financial Policy Training
55What is a Resource Adjustment?
- A Resource Adjustment is an online process in
which costs are transferred from one LBNL project
or account to another.
- A Resource Adjustment is to be made only when it
meets the following criteria
Fully Documented Justified
- When the costs, as originally recorded, were
- Charged to an intermediate cost objective need
to be allocated to final cost objectives or - Coded improperly, thereby, charging wrong
project(s), suspense/dropout project(s), or an
inappropriate resource category or - Where there has been a justifiable appropriate
change in decision as to where a resource is to
be used.
- A Resource Adjustment is appropriate only when
costs are - Reasonable (prudent business judgment)
- Allocable to the receiving project (project
receives benefit) - Not expressly unallowed in Contract 31 (via
Federal Acquisition Regulations FAR)
59Fully Documented
- Documentation is subject to audit and should be
retained for three years according to Laboratory
archiving policies. - An email confirmation to the authorized requestor
is to be retained with other supporting data. - Documentation, including all approvals is to be
maintained by the originating division
60Approval Threshold
- Resource adjustments of 5,000 need approval
from a designated approver. - Threshold definition The amount of total direct
cost debits or credits of the Resource
Adjustment. - Exception to threshold
- Month end reversing adjustments/accruals by OCFO
- Recurring service center recharges require a
single, annual approval
61Labor Adjustments in HRIS
- Labor adjustments are resource adjustments.
- The same rules apply!
62Justifications Not So Good
- Moving the unallowable costs of from XXXXXX to
the appropriate account XXXXXX. - Project manager did not know who to contact to
change project id on telephone services. - Correction
63Justifications - Better
- Transfer travel costs to benefiting projects. Dr.
XXXX erroneously charged XXXXXX for her Dec trip.
Her time card shows XXXXXX should be the
benefiting project. - To reallocate Sep04 Fedex charges that
inadvertently went into the division dropout
acct. because the airbill was missing a project
id and/or had an invalid project id listed. This
RA will transfer costs to the appropriate
benefiting project. - Employee's effort went to the drop out project
ID. This adjustment moves the cost to the correct
project ID.
64Year End Close Challenges
- What challenges do you anticipate?
- How can we help you?