Title: Foundations of Special Education
1Foundations of Special Education
2What is Special Education?
- Special Education Specially designed instruction
to meet the unique needs and abilities of
exceptional students. - Special Education is relatively new.
- Historically, people with disabilities were often
placed in hospitals, asylums, or other
institutions that provided little, if any,
3For instance, Ancient Greece
- Physicians
- Hippocrates
- Mental Disorders
- Mania
- Melancholia
- Phrenitis
- Hysteria
4Ancient Greece - Praxis
- Physicians
- Balance of Humors
- Black bile Melancholia
- Yellow bile anxieties
- Blood mood swings
- Phlegm ?
- Treatment
- massage / diet /exercise
- Philosophers Apply knowledge
- Socrates "Know thyself"
- Epistemology
- Revelation insight, intuition
- Rationalism logic, if x then y
- Empiricism science of computation
6Socrates Teacher/Philosopher
7Greek Philosophers
- Socrates "Know thyself"
- Treatment Knowledge
- Reason to understand
- Plato -- "Forms" - Emotions
- Knowledge (reason)
- Treatment
- Education /Insight of psyche or mind (Socratic
method) - "Sophronesterim" (house of moderation)
8Philosophers History
- Aristotle - "Empiricism"
- Hot bile suicide and sexual impulse
- Rise of the Roman Empire - Social
- Greek decline ( "Post Aristotle" )
- Epicurus
- Cynics
- Skepticism
- Stoicism no emotion
- Disability not able
- Cicero
- Galen
93rd to the 17th Century
- "Dark Ages - Germanic tribes bring downfall of
roman empire - Middle Ages - Renaissance and Reformation
Rebirth - High Middle Ages - Bonadventure (1221-1274)
- Soul and body distinct
- Soul w/ body knows external world
- Soul also knows spiritual world
- Aquinas (1225-1275)
10High Middle Ages
- Roger Bacon (1214-1292) Bartholomaeus Angelicus
(1275) - "Madness is infection of the foremost cell of the
head... melancholy is the infection of the middle
cell of the head...in the beginning the patient's
head be shaven, and washed in lukewarm vinegar,
and that he be kept or bound in a dark place...
diverse shapes of faces and semblance of painting
shall not be shewed tofore him...he shall be let
of blood in a vain in the forehead, and bled as
much as will fill an egg-shell... with ointments
and balming men shall labour to bring him
asleep...the head that is shaven shall be
plastered with lungs of swine... or of a
sheep...if the woodeness wildness dureth three
days without sleep, there is no hope of
recovery." Book VII, De Proprietatibus Rerum
- Bacon, Roger (1214?-1294), English Scholastic
philosopher and scientist, one of the most
influential teachers of the 13th century
- Treatment - First asylum in Spain 1408/9 Valencia
- Moving into the scientific revolution
- 1533 Montaigne - 1600 Gilbert publishes de
Magnate - 1609 Galileo - 1610 Alonso Salagner witch trials without
torture - 1616 Harvey and blood circulation
- mid late 1600's outlaw burning of witches
13Jean Marc Gaspard
- French physician and educator Jean Marc Gaspard
Itard was one of the earliest teachers to argue
that special teaching methods could be effective
in educating disabled children. In 1801 Itard
discovered a young boy roaming wild in the woods
of France. Between 1801 and 1805 Itard used
systematic techniques to teach the boy, named
Victor, how to communicate with others and how to
perform daily living skills, such as dressing
14Edouard Séguin
- In 1848 French psychologist Edouard Séguin, who
had studied with Itard, immigrated to the United
States and developed several influential
guidelines for educating children with special
needs. Séguins education programs stressed the
importance of developing independence and
self-reliance in disabled students by presenting
them with a combination of physical and
intellectual tasks.
- In 1816 American minister and educator Thomas
Hopkins Gallaudet established the first public
school for deaf students in the United States.
- The first school for blind students in the United
States was founded in 1829 in Boston by American
physician John Dix Fisher. The school is known
today as Perkins School for the Blind and is
located in Watertown, Massachusetts. Special
education classes within regular school programs
began at the beginning of the 20th century.
17Ryerson, Adolphus Egerton (1803-1882),
- Canadian educator instrumental in establishing
general free education in Canada. - The public school system of Ontario was
established on the basis of Ryerson's Report
(1846), which he published after studying the
British and Continental school systems. By 1871
the goal of general free education had been
reached in Upper Canada (Ontario).
18Helen Keller A. Graham Bell
- In 1882, a baby girl caught a fever that was so
fierce she nearly died. She survived, but the
fever left its mark. She could no longer see or
hear. Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880 in
Alabama, the daughter of a newspaper editor.
There has never been a precise diagnosis of the
type and cause of the fever that struck Helen
(Royal National Institute for the blind, 1995).
The Kellers sought advice and remedies for Helen.
As she approached the age of 7, they visited
Alexander Graham Bell in Washington, DC. An
activist in deaf education, Bell recommended
they send Helen to the Perkins School for the
Blind in Boston. A recent graduate of the
school, Anne Sullivan, also known as Annie, was
offered to tutor Helen. In March 1887, Annie
arrived in Tuscumbia, Alabama to live with the
Kellers as governess she graduated!
19Hellen Keller
20Radcliffe did not want her!
- While still at Radcliffe College, Helen began her
writing career which continued for 50 years.
Helen proved to be a remarkable scholar. She had
phenomenal memory as well as shy determination to
succeed. While she was still at college she wrote
The Story of my Life which was an immediate
success (Tragedy to Triumph, no date). She
went on to write 11 other books and numerous
articles on blindness, deafness, social issues
and womens rights. She graduated cum laude in
21http//www.graceproducts.com/ keller/life.html
- In 1921, the American Foundation for the Blind
(AFB) was organized. Helen was invited to be
spokesperson for the organization. She traveled
extensively giving speeches and raising funds for
the blind (R.N.I B, 2001). She became a
suffragette and a socialist, demanding equal
rights for women and working-class people. - Helen Keller lived on into retirement. She often
walked the grounds of Arcan Ridge and could be
seen talking to herself with her fingers
(R.N.I.B, 2001). She died in the afternoon of
June 1, 1968, just before her 88th birthday.
22Progressive Movement in Education 1920s
- Many would call the decade of the American 1920s
the decade of the Progressive Movement in
Education. Progressive education espoused an
experiential philosophy an education derived
more from the student than from the teacher. It
was a student-driven, student-centered concept of
education that attempted to foster the precarious
balance between individualism and collectivism.
It was a grand and idealistic experiment, indeed.
Leading this pedagogical foray was the
unassuming, bespectacled former school teacher,
John Dewey. It may be argued that Dewey
single-handedly moved notions of progressive
education into the educational forefront often
with both criticism and cynicism.
23John Dewey Philosopher/Teacher
24Skinner - Behaviour
- Burrhus Frederick (Fred) Skinner was born on
March 20, 1904 in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania. He
completed his undergraduate degree in English at
Hamilton College in Clinton, New York. Upon
graduation Fred attempted to write a novel with
little success and decided to pursue studies in
Psychology where he was introduced to Watsons
book Behaviorism and found himself intrigued with
an empirical, scientific approach. After reading
Bertrand Russells book Philosophy (1927) with
his references to mentalistic terms in
behavioristic ways, Skinner referred to himself
becoming an instant behaviorist (Skinner,
1988). In his readings he also became interested
in the work of the Russian Physiologist Ivan
Pavlov who was studying conditioned reflexes at
the time.
25B.F. Skinner - Behaviorist
26APA award - Skinner
- At the American Psychological Association (APA)
annual conference in August, 1990 he received an
unprecedented award of Citation for Outstanding
Lifetime Contribution to Psychology. He died a
few days later at the age of 86 on August 18,
27Universal Declaration of Human Rights - 1948
- On December 10, 1948, the international community
adopted the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, which recognized the common inherent
dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all
people around the world. The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights was prepared under
the chairmanship of former U.S. First Lady
Eleanor Roosevelt. The document was passed
unanimously by the UN General Assembly in
December 1948.
28Article 26 1948 U.N.
- Everyone has the right to education. Education
shall be free, at least in the elementary and
fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be
compulsory. Technical and professional education
shall be made generally available and higher
education shall be equally accessible to all on
the basis of merit. - Education shall be directed to the full
development of the human personality and to the
strengthening of respect for human rights and
fundamental freedoms. It shall promote
understanding, tolerance and friendship among all
nations, racial or religious groups, and shall
further the activities of the United Nations for
the maintenance of peace. - Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of
education that shall be given to their children
29Blackboard Jungle 1950s
- The movie Blackboard Jungle is hard hitting and
probably a better representation of juvenile
delinquency in the nineteen fifties than Rebel
Without A Cause or The Wild One. The story
revolves around an idealistic teacher on his
first job in a tough urban all male high school.
The teacher, Richard Dadier, is played by Glenn
Ford who performs the role almost too passively.
He is surrounded by apathetic teachers and a
principle (Mr. Warneke, played by John Hoyt) who
has trouble admitting that the school has
discipline problems. The movie is based on the
novel The Blackboard Jungle by Evan Hunter.
30Teacher Student Relations
31The Report of the Provincial Committee on Aims
and Objectives of Education in the Schools of
Ontario Hall-Dennis 1968 - Purpose
- to identify the needs of the child as a person
and as a member of society - to set forth the aims of education for the
educational system of the Province - to outline objectives of the curriculum for
children in the age groups presently designated
as Kindergarten, Primary and Junior Divisions - to propose means by which these aims and
objectives may be achieved - to submit a report for the consideration of the
Minister of Education.
32Jerome Bruener
- 1961
- Jerome Bruner, one of the architects of Head
Start, publishes TheProcess of Education - This year, Harvard psychology professor Jerome
Bruner publishes The Process of Education, a book
that would be reprinted many times during the
decade and would influence a whole generation of
educators in the Canada and elsewhere. - Bruner divides the process of education into four
basic parts structure, readiness for learning,
intuitive thinking, and motives for learning.
These form the major chapter headings for the
33Benjamin Bloom publishes Taxonomy of Educational
Objectives The Classification of Educational
- 1965, Benjamin Bloom publishes a book that would
largely influence curriculum theory and practice
for many years. Indeed, the book was published
several times and translated into several
languages, and it was read in faculties of
education, teacher training programs and schools
all over the world. The book influenced almost
every aspect of formal education, from the way
curricula were designed at national and
provincial ministries of education to the way
teachers were evaluating student performance at
the classroom level. It is well known that Bloom
and his associates identified three main domains
of educational goals cognitive, affective and
psychomotor. What is not well known is the
history that led to the development of this
34Indian Control of Indian Education - 1972
- In 1972, the Chiefs of the National Indian
Brotherhood adopted the first written policy on
Indian education, entitled Indian Control of
Indian Education. It was presented to Minister
Jean Chretien, of Indian Affairs and Northern
Development, on December 21, 1972. This policy
was written as a comprehensive position paper
that articulated principles of local control,
parental responsibility and culturally based
curriculum. "We want education to provide the
setting in which our children can develop the
fundamental attitudes and values which have an
honoured place in Indian tradition and culture."
(National Indian Brotherhood, 1972, p.2)
35Parti Québecois - 1977
- Parti Québecois enacts Bill 101, restricting
access to an education in English - Designed to preserve and enhance the French
language in the province of Québec, Bill 101 was
passed into law on August 26, 1977, continuing
the centuries-long quest to make Canadas largely
francophone province as French as possible.
36Phase 1 1980-1991
- Amendments to the Education Act, (Revised
Statutes of Ontario, 1980 more commonly referred
to as Bill 82) brought into place mandatory
instead of permissive requirements for special
education, including a committee procedure for
determining the eligibility of students for
special education placement
371980 Act
- The 1980 Act was also innovative in mandating
universal access, and a right of appeal provision
whereby parents could appeal the designation of
their child as "exceptional" and the proposed
educational placement for the child.
38Court Challenges 1980s
- The 1980 Act included a provision for parental
choice, with an appeals and Tribunals hearing
procedure to deal with disputes between the board
and parents, but the system was biased in
over-representing the School Board on the Appeal
hearing panel, and the only issues open to
dispute were the designation as exceptional and
the placement of the student. Parents could not,
and still cannot, appeal the nature and content
of the programs or services provided by the
school within the placement (Metcalf, 1987). In
Booth's (2000) terms, the Act provided for access
to but not participation in educational programs.
39Fully Implemented by 1985
- This was challenged in the Ontario Court of
Appeal (Dolmage v. Muskoka Board of Education and
the Ministry of Education, (1985), 49 O.R. (2d)
546 (Div. Ct.)) in which the parents lost, but
not without an obiter dictum statement in the
judgment that led to further Tribunal hearings
and challenges in the courts (Barger v. North
York Board of Education, 27th June, 1984,
Regional Special Education Tribunal Ormerod v.
Wentworth (County) Board of Education, 5 June
1987,Regional Special Education Tribunal Hysert
v. Carleton Board of Education, 8752, Ont. H.C.)
that loosened the restrictive qualities of the
right of appeal provision.
40Parents fight for Inclusion!
- The Education Act (R.S.O.1980) was fully
implemented in 1985 after a phase-in period,
concurrent with the repatriation of the Canadian
Constitution to Ottawa from Westminster, and the
establishment of the Canadian Charter of Rights
and Freedoms. The latter contains an equity
clause, 15, prohibiting discrimination on the
basis of, among other things, disability. Since
1985, the courts have been the major recourse for
parents who had disputes about the provisions
supplied to their children with disabilities.
Foremost among these have been claims for
inclusive educational placements, with
appropriate programs and support services, such
as the landmark case heard at the Supreme Court
of Canada (Eaton v.Brant County, SCC 24668, 7
Feb. 1997).Other events in the 80s included new
perspectives. For Instance.....
41All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in
Kindergarten - 1986
- Robert Fulghum
- When Robert Fulghums book arrived in bookstores
in 1986 it was the beginning of a publishing
phenomenon not unlike the Harry Potter craze
today. His humorous, gentle stories convey a
clear message that it is important to form a
moral code and stick to it. The short, simple
collection of random but careful thoughts caught
the publics imagination and surged to the top of
the bestseller lists. The book and its sequels
have sold 15 million copies in over 90 countries.
Robert Fulghums uncommon ability to communicate
his wisdom, which is primarily basic common
sense, has made him a very wealthy man.
42All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in
Kindergarten - 1986
- Share everything.
- Play fair.
- Dont hit people.
- Put things back where you found them.
- Clean up your own mess.
- Dont take things that arent yours.
- Say youre sorry when you hurt somebody.
- Wash your hands before you eat.
- Flush.
- Warm cookies and milk are good for you.
- Live a balanced lifelearn some and think some
and draw and paint and sing and dance and play
and work every day some. - Take a nap every afternoon.
- When you go out into the world, watch out for
traffic, hold hands, and stick together. - Be aware of wonder.
43Changes 1991-1995 Ontario
- Under a left-leaning provincial government ,
elected on an equity and social justice platform,
the out-of-court settlement of one such court
case led to a statement by the Ministry of
Education in June 1994, that was the first
official indication that Ontario schools should
consider inclusion the integration of
exceptional pupils into local community
classrooms should be the norm in Ontario,
wherever possible, when such a placement meets
the pupil's needs and where it is according to
parental choice...We recognize that an integrated
setting will not be appropriate for every child"
(Memorandum to Directors, Superintendents, and
Principals, June 9th 1994).
44Ontario Education - Tensions
- In effect, the Ontario Education Act, as amended
in 1980, promoted categorical identification,
programs that were at the discretion of the
school system, and parental choice that was
limited to the two technicalities, the
categorical designation of the student as
exceptional, and the placement of that student.
Both of these could be stated in terms such as
"the student has a learning disability and will
be placed in a class for students with learning
disabilities". The parents' rights to challenge
the decision recommended by the school board were
limited to that wording and not to any of the
programs and services available in that
45MOE inflexible!
- Special education programs and services appeared
in the Act only as definitions and were not
mandatory, leaving their implementation to the
discretion of the school board. Consequently, the
provisions in the I.E.P. including such services
as speech training and counseling, and personnel
such as interpreters, social workers and
consultants to teachers for hearing impairment,
low vision and behavioral difficulties could not
be challenged by parents through appeals.
46Labels, Categories Past era
- The twelve categories of disability, under five
headings (intellectual, communicational,
behavioral, physical and multiple) were defined
by the Ministry, (Handbook for Special Education,
1984) and their use was required during annual
school board reports of category counts, even
though the prevailing government had made a major
shift in recognizing the rights of parents to
have their child placed in inclusive settings.
The categories continue to this day to be the
criteria used to allocate special educational
resource supplements to the school systems in
471990,s, 1995 Election P.C.
- The Harris government was elected on a platform
of lowered taxes, school reform and greater
public accountability. It represents a major
swing to the right compared with earlier
governments, and is committed to balanced
budgets, increased competition and privatization,
devolution of control to local school councils of
elected parents, while retaining resource
allocation at the centre with stringent auditing.
48Mike Harris North Bay to ?
- Mike Harris looks tough, talks tough and for
nearly seven years has run a tough government in
Ontario that has influenced cost-cutting
governments across the country.
49Turbulence 1995 to present!
- Inclusive classrooms have become the norm for
fiscal rather than moral reasons. Ontario teacher
morale is at an all time low. Teachers are
leaving the profession in significant numbers
fueled in part by an early retirement incentive,
but also by a professional perspective that is at
odds with the paradigm shift to the right. They
do not know how to cope with the multiple
innovations being demanded of them. In 1997 eight
major reform initiatives were implemented that
touched every corner of the teaching profession,
and in the Fall of 1998 the province's teachers
staged an illegal work stoppage, illegal since
they walked out on their contract with their
employers, the school boards.
50Liberals take root!
- "We want to make sure that money is focused on
the priorities we share -- and the results we
need. Lets deliver excellence for all in our
public schools...the health care we need...clean,
safe communities that work."Dalton McGuinty
51End Recursive?