Title: Medieval Japan
1Medieval Japan
2Periods of Early Japanese History
- Jomon 8000 bce-300 bce prehistoric
- Yayoi ca. 300 bce-300 ce 1st Chinese
influence - Yamato or Kofun ca. 300 ce-645 ce writing
introduced - Asuka 645-710
- Nara 710-794
- Heian 794-1185 period of The Tale of Genji
- Gempei War Period 1156-1192 civil wars
- Kamakura Shogunate 1192-1333
- Ashikaga Shogunate 1333- 1467
- Onin War 1467-1477
3Jomon Period8000 bce-300 bce
- The earliest inhabitants of the Japanese islands
were gatherers, fishers and hunters. - Stationary communities of houses with flower
gardens, cemeteries and domesticated dogs. - Jomon is the name of the era's pottery the
earthenware pottery typically had rope like
patterns on the surface. Jomon means "pattern of
4Yayoi Periodca. 300 bce-300 ce
- Immigration of rice growers from China mixed
ethnically and culturally with Jomon-ji - Introduction of rice agriculture
- More advanced pottery techniques
- Access to metal wares bronze and iron
- Clan culture
- Emergence of nature religion, precursor to Shinto
5Rice Cultivation
- Farmers' life became the standard for the
Yayoi-jin. When the sun was up, they went to the
rice paddy for a day's work and when the sun was
down, they went home. Life became more managed,
otherwise, harvesting a satisfactory crop was not
possible. Management of the seeds, time, water,
and people became the main concern of the
6Yayoi uji clans
- Clans headed by single figure -- both war-chief
and priest - Women held prominent place in uji, perhaps even
serving as clan head or priestess - Each clan associated with a single god or kami
-- which represented a force of nature - When one uji conquered another, it absorbed its
kami into its own religious practices resulting
in a complex pantheon of kami
7Yamato or Kofun Periodca. 300-645 ce
- Yamato great kings
- Kofun giant tomb mounds
- Military aristocracy
- Capital at Naniwa (Osaka)
- Imported Chinese culture via Korea
- Writing
- Confucianism
- Buddhism
8Prince Shotoku573-621
- Regent during reign of Empress Suiko (r. 592-628)
- Wrote the Seventeen Article Constitution, the
earliest piece of Japanese writing and basis for
Japanese government throughout history - Led Japanese court in adopting Chinese calendar
and sponsoring Buddhism
Prince ShotokuKamakura period, early 14th
centuryGilt bronze
9Asuka Period645-710
- Capital in the Asuka District
- Establishment of Imperial Power under Taika
Reform Edict - Temple building and sculpture introduced with
Buddhism -- heavily influenced by Korean and
Chinese models
10Taika Reform Edicts 645Fusion of Buddhism and
- Influence of Chinese culture -- institutions,
language, philosophy concept of national unity
symbolized by Emperor's dual role - Shinto religious leader with elaborate rituals,
ceremonial functions - Chinese-like secular Emperor
- Emperor ruled by Decree of Heaven with absolute
authority and by descent from Amaterasu, the sun
goddess - United provinces ruled by central bureaucracy
- Government control of land culture
- Shinto is a general term for the activities of
the Japanese people to worship all the deities
(kami) of heaven and earth - Towards the end of the 6th century, the 31st
Emperor Yomei prayed before an image of Buddha
for the first time as an emperor for recovery of
his illness. In accepting Buddhism, a foreign
religion, the Japanese realized the existence of
a tradition of their own faith. - The Japanese called the worship ritutals 'Way of
Kami (the deity or the deities). - This indigenous faith, Shinto, has developed into
four main forms Koshitsu Shinto (Shinto of the
Imperial House), Jinja Shinto (Shrine Shinto),
Shuha Shinto (Sectarian Shinto), and Minzoku
Shinto (Folk Shinto).
12Shinto The Grand Shrines at Ise
- The present buildings reproduce the temple first
ceremoniously rebuilt in 692 CE by Empress Jito.
The first temple had been built by her husband
Emperor Temmu (678-686), the first Mikado to rule
over a united Japan. - Emperor Temmu had established Ise as the
principal cult shrine (jingu) of Imperial Japan,
but the site itself, and the cedar trees that
grew on it, were already sacred before then.
- Besides trees, at the Ise Shrine, are many
subsidiary shrines of rocks from the sea which
are regarded as the abodes (iwakura or rock
abodes) of deities.
Jingu http//www.isejingu.or.jp/english
13- Ise Grand Shrine is Japan's most important Shinto
shrine and serves as the center of all shrines
nationwide. - Situated near the banks of the Isuzu River, the
shrine is surrounded by 800-year-old Ise Grand
Shrine cedars. - The smooth pebble-lined approach to the shrine
lends the site a majestic air.
14- The shrine consists of two groups of buildings
the Imperial Shrine (Kotai Jingu), also known as
the Naiku (inner shrine), and the Toyouke Shrine
(Toyouke Daijingu ), the Geku or outer shrine. - The Naiku is dedicated to the Sun Goddess
Amaterasu Omikami (Heaven-Illuminating Great
Deity), and the Geku to the Goddess of Cereals
Toyouke Omikami (Abundant Food Great Deity). - Both shrines are constructed of wood, and every
twenty years both are totally rebuilt on an
adjoining site. The only building on the empty
site, which retains its sacredness for the
intervening twenty years, is a small wooden hut
(oi-ya) with post about seven feet high known as
shin-no-mihashira (sacred central post). The new
shrine will be erected over and around this post.
15The Naiku
- The most revered of all Shinto shrines, the
Naiku, is located at Ise. - The Naiku enshrines Amaterasu Omikami, the
ancestral goddess of Japan's imperial house and
the great ancestral deity of the Japanese people.
16Nara Period 710-794
- 710 first permanent capital established at Nara
- 712 A Record of Ancient Matters first book of
orally preserved historic legends - Emperors embraced Buddhism leading to rapid and
dramatic expansion - 759 The Manyoshu first poetry anthology
- 784Rise in political power of Buddhist
monasteries led to capital being moved to Nagaoka
18Earliest Japanese Literature
- 712 The Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) --
an anthology of myths, legends, and other stories
- 713 The Fudoki (Records of Wind and Earth),
compiled by provincial officials describe the
history, geography, products, and folklore of the
various provinces. - 720 Nihon shoki (Chronicle of Japan) -- a
chronological record of history.
19The Kojiki
- The Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) is
traditionally viewed as Japan's first book. It
was written in 712 by the courtier Ono Yasumaro
(? - 723) at the behest of Empress Gemmei
(661-721) and is in three volumes. - The Kojiki recounts the history of Japan from its
mythological origins to the era of the Empress
Suiko (554-628) in the Yamoto era and includes
myths, legends, Imperial genealogy, history, and
poetry. - Ono Yasumaru's work was based on the oral
recitations of Hieda no Are
20Wakawa-Japanese ka-poetry
- Waka were first composed orally to celebrate
victories in battle and love, or for religious
reasons - Around the 8th century the fixed forms Choka
(long poem) and Tanka (short poem) emerged. These
Waka are based on a set number of Mora
(syllables). - During the first great age of written waka in the
seventh and eighth centuries, nagauta or choka
'long poems were composed for performance on
public occasions at the imperial court. - At the same time, tanka 'short poems', consisting
of five 'lines' in the pattern of 5-7-5-7-7
syllables, became a useful shorthand for private
communication between friends and lovers, and the
ability to compose a tanka on a given topic
became an essential skill for any gentleman or
lady at court. - It was not uncommon for parties to be thrown just
to recite waka. One ritual was the Utokai. At
Utokai parties each guest would come with an
original waka and recite it to the group. All of
the waka would then be judged by the host and the
winner would be welcomed to eat at the head
21The Manyoshu
- Collected ca. 759
- Anthology of over 4500 poems
- Includes wide variety of poems courtly, rustic,
dialectical, military, travel - Identified and anonymous poets
- Syllabic poetry 5-7-5
- Choka indeterminate number of lines culminating
in a 7-syllable couplet - Tanka 31 syllable poem 5,7,5,7, 7
22Heian Japan
- 794-1185
- Capital at Heian present-day Kyoto
- Highly formalized court culture
- Aristocratic monopoly of power
- Literary and artistic flowering
- Ends in civil war with emergence of samurai
23Heian Style
- A culture more independent of Chinese influence
- miyabi courtlinessmakoto simplicityaware
melancholymono no aware evanescence - Emphasis on the exquisite and evanescent
- Literary poems, letters, pillow books
- Extreme sensitivity to nature
- Nocturnal
- Importance of convention andfashion
24Heian Society
- Patriarchal but women inherited matrilineal and
matrilocal - Polygamous
- Sexuality viewed as normal and necessary part of
life - Men exercised political power, but marriages
created political alliances, and women could
exercise significant political influence
25Heian Painting Yamato-e
- Otoko-e
- strong calligraphic outlines on figures with
washed colors so that these strong lines would
not be overwhelmed by the color - the medium for action subjects involving war or
conflict - primarily concerned with the public life outside
the court or house.
- Onna-e
- rich colors and subtle outlines.
- the medium for courtliness, appropriate to the
literature of miyabi, such as The Tale of Genji. - "cutaway" painting, in which interior scenes are
painted by "cutting away" the roof. - primarily concerned with the Japanese life that
goes on inside the court or house
26The Kokinshu(Collection of Ancient and Modern
- Anthology commissioned by Emperor Daigo (r.
897-930) - 1111 tanka poems in 20 books
- Set the pattern for later anthologies
- Books divided by subjectlove, seasons,
felicitations, parting, travel, names of things,
etc. - Poetic sequences linked narrations
- Renga 'linked verse' pairs or groups of poets
would compose jointly, with one poet supplying
the initial 5-7-5 of a verse and another the
concluding 7-7, often building up to hundred
verse sequences. - The initial 5-7-5 of a renga became a poetic form
on its own, the haiku
A confused array of red leaves in the current
of Tatsuta River. Were I to cross, I would
break the fabric of a rich brocade
27Japanese Writing
- Adapted from Chinese calligraphy, but a totally
different language - Kanji ideogrammatic use of Chinese characters
- Manyo-kana ideogrammatic and syllabic
- Kana syllabic
- Hiragana onna de or womens writing --
cursive, does not require knowledge of Chinese - Katakana -- cursive, derived from Chinese
28Heian Literature
- Men continued to write Chinese-style poetry
- Women began to write in Japanese prose
- First novel Genji Monogatari by Lady Murasaki
Shikibu - Diaries
- The Pillowbook by Sei Shonagan
- As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams by Lady
29The Tale of Genji
- The Tale of Genji has 54 chapters and over 1,000
pages of text in its English translation. - The novel has three gradual stages
- 1. The experience of a youth (Chapters 1-33)
Love and romance - 2. The glory and the sorrow (Chapters 34-41) A
taste of power and the death of Genjis beloved
wife - 3. The descendants (Chapters 42-54) After the
death of Genji - The Tale of Genji depicts a unique society of
ultra-refined and elegant aristocrats whose
indispensable accomplishments were skill in
poetry, music, calligraphy, and courtship. - The novel is permeated with a sensitivity to
human emotions and the beauties of nature.
30Gempei War Period Civil Wars
- 1156 Hôgen Disturbance--Taira (or Heike) and
Minamoto (or Genji) on both sides - 1160 Heiji Disturbance-- Taira were solidly
aligned against the Minamoto. A Taira victory
enabled the clan to become the new aristocracy at
court from 1160 until the early 1180s - 1180 Taira-Minamoto War -- Minamoto chieftains
rose in the provinces that led to the defeat of
the Taira
- Literally, "one who serves"
- Also known as bushi ("military gentry") -- the
warrior elite of pre-modern Japan that emerged in
the provinces from at least the early 10th
century and became the ruling class of the
country from the late 12th century until the
Meiji Restoration of 1868.
32Origins of the Samurai
- Failure of the central government in Kyôto to
maintain adequate administration - Samurai became active in managing provincial
governments - The first bushidan, or warrior bands, were
family organizations, military units recruited by
chieftains from among their kinsmen. - By the 11th century, however, bushidan had
developed into more permanent entities structured
on lord-vassal ties between fighting men - Taira and Minamoto clans emerged in the 10th
and 11th centuries
- Code of honor and conduct of the Japanese
nobility requiring unwavering loyalty on the part
of the vassal. - Borrowed heavily from Zen Buddhism and
Confucianism. - Emphasized loyalty to ones superior, personal
honor, and the virtues of austerity,
self-sacrifice, and indifference to pain. - Commerce and the profit motive were to be
scorned. - Formulated in the Kamakura period and put into
writing in the 16th c.
34Kamakura Shogunate 1192-1333
- The victor in the Taira-Minamoto War was
Minamoto no Yoritomo established the first true
warrior government in Japanese history, the
Kamakura shogunate (1192-1333) - Shogun the title that Yoritomo demanded when he
defeated the Taira Sei i tai shogun , "barbarian
conquering supreme general." - Feudalistic Society
35Japanese Feudalism
- Classes
- Warriors
- Daimyo feudal landowners
- Samurai knight/retainers loyal to the Daimyos
- Bushi warriors
- Peasants bound as serfs to the land who paid
harvest rent to samurai - A third class of merchants, craftsmen and
entertainers arose as peace settled in.
Merchants, especially, became powerful as they
became rich.
36Mongol Invasion of Japan
- Defining moment for the Kamakura dynasty
- In 1258, Kublai Khan had conquered the Korean
peninsula and in 1266, he declared himself
Emperor of China. - In 1266, representatives of the Mongolian court
came to Japan and demanded its immediate
surrender -- Japan refused. - In 1274, Kublai Khan sent a vast fleet to invade
Japan but it was destroyed by a hurricanethe
Japanese called this fortunate hurricane
kamikaze, or "wind from the gods." - Again in 1281, Kublai launched the largest
amphibious assault in the history of the ancient
and medieval worlds. Another hurricane struck,
and the bulk of the Chinese army sank with the
37Heike Monogatari
- Tales of the Heike War
- Told by professional storytellers, biwa hoshi ,
whose job it was to establish definitive versions
of various tales and commit them to memory--
their profession came to be known as heikyoku
("Tales of the Heike Narration"). - By the 13th century heikyoku constituted the
leading contemporary performing art form in
14th-15th century - During this period, the various tales were
written down so the composition of the Heike
monogatari can be said to have taken place
between 1200 and 1600.
38Noh Drama
- Emerged in the 14th c.
- Frozen in the 17th c.
- Invention attributed to Kanami Kiyotsugu
(1333-1384) - Perfected by his son, Zeami Morokiyo (1363-1443)
A scene from Aoi no ue based on The Tale of
39Noh Characters
- Conventional roles in all dramas
- Shite principal character -- the only true
person - Waki secondary character -- introduces story
and asks questions often a priest - Tsure shadowy companion to shiite and/or waki
- Kokata child
- Kyogen clown -- usually lower class
40Noh Conventions
- Very short, plotless, tragic in mood
- Highly stylized with very slow pace 200-300
lines of play can take an hour to perform - Integrate singing, speech instruments, and
dancing - No limitation in time or space
- Highly allusive, poetic, symbolic language
- Less about characters than emotions
41 Yugen haunting poetic quality, suggesting quiet
elegance and grace, and subtle and fleeting beauty
42Types of Noh Plays
- A Days Entertainment contains
- A god play
- A warrior play
- A woman play
- A realistic play
- A demon play
- Kyogen Plays placed between Noh plays as comic
relief - No music
- Broad humor
- About 20 minutes long
43In Japan, during the Fifteenth Century the bonds
of loyalty between the Ashikaga Shogunate and the
daimyo or lords grew increasingly frayed until
the outbreak of the Onin War (1467-77) and the
descent of Japanese society into the Warring
States period of the 16th Century.