2(Babuska and Cara, 1991)
3(No Transcript)
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6(Babuska and Cara, 1991)
ANISOTROPY (Babuska and Cara, 1991)
- Teleseismic P-wave arrival times
- Isotropic model gt 50 initial data variance
- Anisotropic model
- What is the cause of misfit to the data ?
- Noise in arrival times
- Inadequate ray tracing or non linear effects in
the inverse theory - Anisotropy
- Trade-off between seismic anisotropy and
heterogeneity - A stack of isotropic layers (h layer thickness)
- hltlt ? (seismic wave length) gt
- Heterogeneous Isotropic Model or Homogeneous
Anisotropic Model - You can not distinguish them !
8- Anisotropy or large scale heterogeneties gt
Love/Rayleigh wave discrepancy - Average phase velocity
- Average group velocity
9- Classical linear inversion schemes of
surface-wave dispersion curves should not be
applied to regions of too strong lateral
heterogeneties. - Correct for the effects of lateral
heterogeneties to reduce the risk of misleading
interpretation of an observed Love/Rayleigh wave
10 A two-block isotropic model A homogeneous
anisotropic model
- Ray path 1 t1w / V1 V(?)Vo? V cos(2??o)
- Ray path 2 t2(L1/V1)(L2/V2) ?o0 gt 2
unknowns - Vo(w / t1 L / t2) / 2
- ?V(L / t2 w / t1)/2
- ?o unknown gt 3 unknowns gt more data
are needed. - Both models can fit equally well the two data t1
and t2 !
11- Heterogeneity X Anisotropy
- Resolving local anisotropy from a finite set of
travel-time data gt ?? - A priori information is necessary.
- Bounds on the local velocity distributions
- Spatial correlation lengths for the physical
parameters - Bounds on the local azimuthal variations of
12Seismic Anisotropy Inverse Methods
- Problems
- Model parameters in anisotropic case ?
- Differences in the physical units of the model
parameters - (elastic parameters, angles and density) ?
- Solutions
- Add appropriate petrological constraints and
reduce the number of unknowns - Example Olivine in the upper mantle
- a-axis gt Vmax // Flow direction
- Hexagonal symmetry (5 elastic constants) of
Olivine ? Special case of Orthorhombic (9 elastic
constants) of ?-spinel
13- Reduce the number of anisotropic parameters
based on the physical grounds - Example
- Randomly oriented fluid filled cracks with the
normals to their surface statistically oriented
on one direction gt hexagonal symmetry - A problem of physical inhomogeneity of the model
- Variation of single physical parameter (Lets say
P) of oriented cracks - Specific problems in the inverse theory (the
consistency problem) - Solution State the problem by using the
independent physical parameters.
14- In this case, a coherent setting of the priori
covariance matrices have been necessary to make
the inverted models consistent. - BODY- WAVE DATA
- Causes of the azimuthal variations of refracted
wave velocity - Shape of the horizon on which refraction takes
place - Anisotropy of the underlying layer
- If no constraint is put on the anisotropic
velocity model (i.e. hexagonal symmetry with
horizontal axis of symmetry), more than two
profiles at right angle are necessary to retrieve
the anisotropic parameters.
15- See Short Notes for particle motion, polarization
and shear wave splitting. - S-wave polarization was strongly distorted only
if the incidence angle was larger than the
critical angle - icarcsin (Vs/Vp)
- Different windows of incidence angle for each
interface ! - Inner windows The transmission coefficients of
shear waves are real and very little distortion
occurs. - External window The transmitted polarization is
more and more perturbated by converted
inhomogeneous waves. - Problem Sources of the apparent shear-wave
splitting ? - Anisotropy
- Wave conversion at a planar interface
16Case studies Shear wave polarizations near NAF
in Turkey (Booth et. al., 1985 Crampin and
Booth 1985)
- Location NW Turkey, NAFZ (Turkish Dilatancy
Project) - Methods
- 1) Shear wave Splitting Anisotropy above the
earthquake foci - Stress induced cracks gt Crack induced anisotropy
- 2)Variation of velocity with direction
- 3) Polarization Anomalies
- 4) Attenuation with directions
- Conclusions
- Shear wave splitting stress induced cracking
- Polarization of faster split shear waves //
distribution of parallel vertical cracks - Orientation of the effective crack induced
anisotropy derived from - the shear wave polarizations is consistent with
the common directions of compression and tension
in fault-plane mechanisms of the earthquakes
- Study Area Mount Hood , Oregon Region USA
(Cascade volcanoes and geologically complex area) - Source Controlled source
- Instruments 100 seismic stations and 6 shot
points - Method Time Term Analysis (Berry and West, 1966
Willmore and Bancroft, 1960) - Objective of the method Determining local time
delays under each recording site to refine the
estimate of P wave velocities
18(Kohler et al., 1982)
19(Kohler et al., 1982)
20(Kohler et al., 1982)
21(Kohle et al., 1982)
22Time Term Method
- Assumptions
- V(z)
- Refractor velocitygtconstant
- Slope and curvature of the refracting surfacegt
small - Travel time relation
- tij travel time between shot (i) and recorder (j)
- ?ij shot-recorder distance
- V refractor velocity
- ai,aj time term for site i and site j
- N1 number of shot sites
- N2 Number of recorder sites
- Observed data tij and ?ij
- Unknowns ai and aj
23P-wave anisotropy
- The apparent refractor velocity
- The data points are fitted with a sine curve of
the form - V A D cos2? E sin 2?
- ? is the shot to recorder azimuth.
24(Kohler et al., 1982)
25(Kohler et al., 1982)
26(Kohler et al., 1982)
27(Kohler et al., 1982)
- The region around Mount Hood is characterized
by a time term low (fast rocks at shallow depths)
Intrusion of batholith - Velocity gt azimuthal dependency
- Possibilities
- 1) Maximum velocity lies in the direction of
maximum principal stress gt - The effect is caused by the action of the stress
field on fractures in the rocks. - 2) Unrecognized structural complexity
- Profile Length 200-3500 km (long-range
refraction profiles) - Source Controlled source or earthquake data
- Observations Sequence of high and low velocity
layers in the upper most mantle - (Vp 7.7-8.8 km/s)
- Impossible to explain in terms of isotropic
models - Examples S. Germany Pn anisotropy 7-8
- W. USA
- W. Europe 60-100 km depth anisotopic layer
- Siberian plateau 200 km depth anisotropic
layer - 70-100 km depth high velocity layer
- 130-170 km high velocity layer
- Anisotropy Several tens of km Olivine
orientation - Heterogeneity Dipping Structures
- Anisotropy Heterogeneity
30(Cerveny, 1986)
31(Babuska and Cara, 1991)
- Isotropic model
- SKS is a pure SV phase, nearly vertical beneath
the station and radially polarized in the
horizontal plane - Anisotropic model
- S wave splitting will occur and yield 2 SKS waves
polarized at a right angle from each other. Two
split SKS waves can arrive at the station with a
noticeable time differences.
33For a spherical Isotropic Earth
- s(t) A radially polarized SKS signal
- s1(t) and s2(t) The projections of the ground
motion on 2 directions - s1(t)s(t) cos ? // symmetry axis
- s2(t)s(t-?t) sin ? ? symmetry axis
- R(t) s(t) cos2 ? s(t-?t) sin2 ?
- T(t)s(t)- s(t-?t)/2 sin 2?
- For a weak anisotropy occuring withn the
lithosphere, - ?t gt0 T(t) gt 1st derivative of R(t)
- Large heterogeneity in the orientation of
symmetry axis may destroy overall anisotropy. - Olivine in the upper mantle gt 10 shear-wave
34Observations of transversely polarized SKS
(Silver and Chan, 1988)
- Because SKS has been converted from a P-wave to
an S-wave at the core mantle boundary, it will be
polarized in the vertical plane of propagation
for a sphericallysymmetric isotropic Earth.
Thus, the transverse component of energy SKST
will be identically zero. - Both anisotropy and aspherical structure will
tend to produce a nonzero SKST through shear-wave
splitting and perturbations to the ray path,
respectively. - Asperical structure gt Rectilinear particle
motion - Shear wave splitting gt Elliptical partical
35- Best distance range for splitting measurements gt
85o-110o - gt 85o gt SKS is isolated from S and ScS.
- lt110o gt sufficiently energetic.
- Since SKST should be identically zero in the
absence of anisotropy, - the method is based on a search for the pair ?
and ?t in inrements of - 1 degree and .05 s to remove the energy on the
transvese component. - Depth extent
- L(?t ?o)/?
- L thickness of layer ? the fractional
difference in velocity between the fast and slow
directions 4 ?o shear velocity ?t the delay
time between the fast and slow velocities.
36Jeffreys-Bullen travel time curves for surface
focus (Bullen and Bolt, 1985)http//www-gpi.physi
37(Babuska and Cara, 1991)
38(Babuska and Cara, 1991)
39(Brechner et al., 1998)
40Case Study Tomographic Pn velocities and
anisotropy structure (Al-Lazki et al., 2003) in
the eastern Turkey
41Case study SKS anisotropy in the eastern Turkey
(Sandvol et al., 2003)
- Love/Rayleigh wave discrepancy
- The upper mantle anisotropy could be observable
on the surface wave dispersion curves. The
observed phase velocities of the Love-wave
fundamental mode are too high compared with the
velocities predicted from a Rayleigh-wave study.
43The azimuthal variation of phase velocity
- C(?) Co ? C(?)
- C(?) A2 cos 2? A3 sin 2? A4 cos 4? A5
sin ? - Co, An are linear combinations of the partial
derivatives of a transversely isotropic model
with the vertical axis of symmetry. - Once the local phase velocity Co is found
together with its 2? and 4? azimuthal variations,
Co, A2-A5 can be inverted in terms of depth
varying properties. - The polarization anomalies in surface wave
particle motion - Strong anomalies in the particle motion of
Rayleigh waves have been observed. - The main problem in interpreting these
observations is difficulties in the separtion of
the effects of lateral heterogeneities beneath
the station from the anisotropy.
44(Babuska and Cara, 1991)
- The particles of the medium involved in the wave
process leave their equilibrium positions and
perform oscillatory motion in space describing
definite trajectories about the equilibrium
positions. After the elastic wave has passed, the
particles return their original equilibrium
positions. The trajectories of particle motion
are not the same for different types of waves.
The different waves may have different
polarizations (linear or elliptical).
47(Scherbaum and Johson, PITSA, 1992)
- Polarization is a preferential direction of wave
motion. For example, the component of S wave
whose motion is confined to a horizontal plane is
called as SH wave. - The parameters of polarization may generally
dependent on the type of wave and inhomogeneties
of the source and the Earth. - Examples for different polarization types
- 1) Linearly polarized wave
- 2) Elliptically polarized wave
491) Linearly polarized wave
- The sum of 2 oscillations with identical
frequencies and - displacement directions but different phases ?
- A1A01 sin (w?1)
- A2A02 sin (w?2)
- Superposition
- A2A012A0222A01A02 cos (?1- ?2)
- tan?(A01 sin ?1 A02 sin ?2)/(A01 cos ?1 A02
cos ?2) -
502) Elliptically polarized wave
- The sum of 2 oscillations with the same frequency
polarized in different directions. - a) The osciallations are in phase, ?1- ?2 ? 2?n.
? The trajectory of motion is - a straight line.
- The oscillations are in opposite phases, ?1- ?2
? (2n1)?. The osciallation is linearly polarized
but perpendicular to the trajectory considered in
the first case. - The phase difference is ?1- ?2 (?/2) ? 2?n. The
oscillation is elliptically polarized (the
coordinate axes coincide with the principle axes
of the ellipse) with the particle moving
clock-wise. - d) The phase difference is ?1- ?2 (?/2) ?
(2n1)?. The trajectory coincides with that of
preceding case, but the particle moves
counter-clock wise.
51(Galperin, ??)
52Polarization angles of body-waves
- The polarization angle (?) of a S-wave is
- ?tan-1(uH/uV)
- uH instanteneous particle displacement SH
component of incident - S-wave
- uV instanteneous particle displacement SV
component of incident - S-wave
- The incidence angle jo
- The critical angle sin-1 (Vs/Vp)
53 (Nuttli, 1961)
54- jo lt sin-1 (Vs/Vp) gt For incident S-wave,
reflected P S waves in phase gt Linear
particle motion - jo gt sin-1 (Vs/Vp) gt For incident S-wave, total
reflection - 3 waves (SH, horizontal component of SV and
vertical component of SV) are out of phase gt - Nonlinear particle motion
- jo gt35 elliptical polarization except for ?0,
?90 or jo90, jo45 (Pure - SV, Pure SH) which show linear polarization.
- In anisotropic media, an incident shear wave is
polarized into orthogonal directions travelling
with different velocities (Babuska and Cara,
1991). The delay between the shear waves
properties along the ray path.
56(Babuska and Cara, 1991)
57(Babuska and Cara, 1991)
- Babuska, V. And Cara, M., 1991, Seismic
Anisotropy in the Earth, Kluwer - Academic Pub.
- Thomsen, L., 2002, Understanding Seismic
Anisotropy in Exploration and - Exploitation, EAGE.
- Galperin, E.I., The polarization method of
seismic exploration, D.Reidel Pub. - Company.
- Silver, P.G. And Chan, W. W., 1988, Seismic
Anisotropy from Shear-Wave - Splitting Implications for Continental
Structure and Evolution, Nature. - Kohler, W.M., Healy, J.H. and Wegener, S.S.,
1982, Upper crustal structure of - the Mount Hood, Oregon, Region as revealed by
Time Term Analysis, Journal of - Geophysical Research, V 87, No B1, 339-355.
59Seismic Anisotropy Studies in Turkey
- Booth, D.C., Crampin, S., Evans, R. and Roberts,
G., 1985, Shear-wave polarizations near the North
Anatolian Fault - I. Evidence for
anisotropy-induced shear-wave splitting, Geophys.
J. R. Astr. Soc. , 83, 61-73. - Crampin, S. and Booth, D.C., 1985, Shear-wave
polarizations near - the North Anatolian Fault - II. Interpretation in
terms of crack-induced anisotropy, Geophys. J. R.
Astr. Soc. , 83, 75-92. - Sandvol E., N. Türkelli, E. Zor, R. Gök, T.
Bekler, C. Gürbüz, D. Seber, M., 2003 Barazangi,
Shear wave splitting in a young
continent-continent collision. An example from
Eastern Turkey, GRL 30, 24, 8041,
doi10.1029/2003GL017390, TUR 4-1/4-4. -
- Al-Lazki, A.I., D. Seber, E. Sandvol, N.
Türkelli, R. Mohamad, M. Barazangi, 2003
Tomographic Pn velocity and anisotropy structure
beneath the Anatolia plateau (eastern Turkey) and
the surrounding regions, GRL 30, 24, 8043, doi
10.1029/2003GL017391, TUR 6-1/6-4.
60- Nuttli, O., 1961, The effect of the Earths
surface on the S wave particle motion, BSSA, V51,