How to protect DES against exhaustive keysearch - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How to protect DES against exhaustive keysearch


2- -n 1 lg m. Consequence: the effective key length of FX, with respect to key ... A then makes ( 2n 1-lg m 2n 2 ) ( 2 expected queries to the F(.)/F-1 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: How to protect DES against exhaustive keysearch

How to protect DES against exhaustive key-search
  • Joe Killian , Phillip Rogaway
  • July 28, 1997

1. Introduction
  • Susceptibility of DES to exhaustive key search
  • 1994 1 million dollar key search engine ? 3.5
    hours on average
  • (Wiener)
  • Many approaches to reduce this vulnerability
  • f.i. DES-based block cipher with longer key
  • triple DES
  • DESX (Rivest) a much cheaper alternative!

Problem (contd)
  • Rivest an extension of DES, called DESX, defined
  • DESXk.k1.k2(x) k2 ? DESk(k1 ? x).
  • hardly any computional overhead over ordinary
  • no longer susceptible to brute-force attacks of
    anything near 256 time.

1.1 Our Model
  • key-search strategies treat a cipher as a
    black-box transformation.
  • ? key length for a block cipher
  • n its block length
  • ideal block cipher a random map F0,1? ?0,1n
    ? 0,1n subject to the constraint that for
    every k ? 0,1?, F(k,.) is a permutation on
  • a key-search adversary A an algorithm that is
    given two oracles
  • a F(.,.) oracle that on input (k,x) returns
    F(k,x) and
  • a F-1(.,.) oracle that on input (k,y) returns

Our model (contd)
  • To apply this to DESX generalize the DESX
    construction. Given any block cipher F we define
    FX0,1?2n ?0,1n ? 0,1n by FX(k.k1.k2,x)
    k2 ? F(k,k1 ? x).
  • Notations Fk(x) and FXK(x) instead of F(k,x)
    and FX(k.k1.k2,x) met K k.k1.k2.
  • To investigate the strength of FX against key
    search we consider a key-search adversary A with
    oracles for F and F-1 and determine how well A
    can play the FX-or-? game. A is given an
    encryption oracle E that has been randomly
    chosen in one of two ways each with probability
  • A must guess which way E was chosen...

1.2 Our main result
Let m bound the number of ltx, FXK(x)gt pairs that
the adversary can obtain. Suppose the adversary
makes at most t queries to her F/F-1
oracles. Then the adversarys advantage over
random guessing is at most m t . 2- ? -n1 t .
2- ? -n1lg m. Consequence the effective key
length of FX, with respect to key search, is at
least ? n-1-lg m bits. ? infeasibility of key
1.3 Outline of the lecture
  • basic notation and definition
  • state and prove of main theorem on the security
    of the DESX construction
  • discussion
  • show that the analysis underlying our main result
    is tight.

2. Basic notation and definition
  • Pn the space of all permutations on n-bits
  • F 0,1? ? 0,1n ? 0,1n is a block cipher if
    for every k ? 0,1?, F(k,.) ? Pn.
  • B?,n the space of all block ciphers with
    parameters ? and n as above.
  • Given F ?B?,n, we define the block cipher FX ?
    B?,n by FX(K,x) k2 ? Fk(k1 ? x), where K
    k.k1.k2, k ? and k1k2n.

Preliminaries (contd)
  • Given a partially defined function F from a
    subset of 0,1m to a subset of 0,1n we denote
    the domain and range of F by Dom(F) and Range (F)
    and define (F) 0,1m - Dom(F)
    and (F) 0,1n - Range (F).
  • Denote by x S the act of choosing x
    uniformly from S.

Preliminaries (contd)
  • Definition 2.1 A key-search adversary is an
    algorithm A with access to three oracles, E(.),
    F.(.) and F.-1(.). Thus, A may make queries of
    the form E(P), Fk(x) or Fk-1(y). An (m,t)
    key-search adversary is a key-search adversary
    that makes m queries to the E(.) oracle and a
    total of t queries to the F.(.) and F.-1(.)

Preliminaries (contd)
  • We now define what it means for a key-search
    adversary A to have an attack of a certain
    specified effectiveness.
  • choose a random block cipher F having ?-bits and
    n-bit blocks
  • give A three oracles
  • one computes F.(.)
  • another computes F.-1(.)
  • the final oracle E(.) either computes FXK(.) for
    a random (? 2n)-bit key K or computes ?(.) for a
    random permutation ? Pn.
  • As job is to guess which type of encryption
    oracle she has. Her advantage is her probability
    of guessing right, normalized so that 0 indicates
    a worthless strategy and 1 indicates a perfect

Preliminaries (contd)
  • Definition 2.2 Let ?,n ? 0 be integers, and let ?
    be a real number.
  • Key-search adversary A is said to ? - break the
    FX-scheme with parameters ?, n if
  • AdvA Pr F B?,n K 0,1? 2n
    1 - Pr F
    B?,n ? Pn
    1 ? ? .

3. Security of the DESX construction
Main theorem
  • We will prove the following bound on the
    security of FX against key-search attack.
  • Theorem 3.1 Let A be an (m,t) key-search
    adversary that ? - breaks the FX-scheme with
    parameters ?, n. Then ? ? mt . 2- ? -n1.

Proof of main theorem
  • We will consider two different games that A
    might play. This amounts to specifying how to
    simulate a triple of oracles, lt E, F, F-1gt for
    the benefit of A
  • - A first game R
  • - A second game X

Proof of main theorem (contd)
  • Assume
  • A is deterministic
  • A always asks m queries of her first oracle,
    called the E oracle
  • A always asks exactly t queries (total) to her
    second and third oracles, called the F and F-1
  • A never repeats a query to an oracle
  • If F(k,x) returns an answer y, then there is no
    query of F-1 (k,y) .

Game R
  • Initially, let F.(.) and E(.) be undefined. Flag
    bad is initially unset. Randomly choose
  • Then answer each query the adversary makes as

Game X
  • Initially, let F.(.) and E(.) be undefined. Flag
    bad is initially unset. Randomly choose
  • Then answer each query the adversary makes as

Proof of main theorem (contd)
  • We have now seen two games R and X. We have
    reduced our analysis to bounding PrBAD.
  • We will now play game R a little bit differently
    instead of choosing k, k1, k2 at the
    beginning, we choose them at the end. Then we set
    bad to be true or false depending on whether or
    not the choices we made would have caused bad to
    be set to true in Game R.
  • We call the new game R.

Game R
  • Initially, let F.(.) and E(.) be undefined.
    Answer each query the adversary makes as follows

Proof of main theorem (contd)
  • Run the body of game R not having yet chosen
    k, k1, k2 and let us count how many of the
    2k2n choices for (k, k1, k2) will result in
    bad getting set.
  • Fix any possible values for E and F which can
    arise in Game R.
  • E number of defined values E(P) m
  • F number of defined values Fk(x) t
  • Fix E and F.

Proof of main theorem (contd)
  • Call (k, k1, k2) collision-inducing (with
    respect to E and F) if there is a some defined y
    Fk(x) and some defined C E(P) such that k
    k and ( P ? k1 x or C ? k2 y).
  • If (k, k1, k2) sets bad ? (k, k1, k2) is
  • Thus, it suffices to upper bound the number of
    collision-inducing (k, k1, k2) .

Proof of main theorem (contd)
  • Claim 3.7 Fix E, F where Em and Ft. There
    are at most 2mt.2n collision-inducing (k, k1,
    k2) ? 0,1? ? 0,1n ? 0,1n.
  • In Game R, we choose a triple at random,
    independent of E and F, so the chance that this
    triple is collision-inducing is at most 2mt.2n /
    2? 2n mt.2-? -n1. ?

4. Discussion
  • Health warnings
  • Structure in the block cipher F when F DES
  • Differential and linear cryptanalysis. Operations
    besides XOR.

5. Our bound is tight
Our bound is tight
  • The adversarys advantage ? ? t . 2-n-? 1lg m
    ? ? . 2 n ? -1-lg m ? t .
  • We will show that for a wide range of m, an
    attacker can achieve an ? advantage using very
    close to 2 n ? 4-lg m queries to the F/F-1

Our bound is tight
  • Theorem 5.1 Let m be even, m lt 2n and ? lt 1. Let
    block cipher F be uniformly distributed over B?,n
    and let key K be uniformly distributed over
    0,1?2n. There exists an attacker A(m, ?) that
    initially makes m distinct queries t1,..,tm to an
    oracle computing FXK. A then makes
  • ( 2n? 1-lg m 2n 2? ) (? ?2 )
  • expected queries to the F(.)/F-1(.) oracles.
    With probability at least ? it returns a K such
    that FXK(ti) FXK(ti) for 1 ? ti? m.

Our bound is tight
  • For reasonable values of m, the task performed by
    A(m, ?) is at least as strong as simply
    distinguishing FX from a purely random
  • consider any familie of permutations FXK on
    0,1n, where K ? 2n
  • ? is plausibel if for some K, ?(xi) FXK(xi) for
    1 ? i ? m
  • if ? is chosen at random, the probability that it
    is plausible is at most
  • ?(k,n,m)

Our bound is tight
  • Remark we want to convert the expectation into a
    worst case bound the resulting attack uses at
  • t ? ( 2n? 2-lg m 2n1 2? 1 ) (2?
  • ? ( 2n? 4-lg m 2n3 2? 3 ) ?
  • worst-case queries to the F.(.)/F.-1(.) oracles.
  • Since the advantage is ? - ?(?,n,m) we can set ?
    to be ?(?,n,m) bigger than the desired advantage.

Our bound is tight
  • Corollary 5.2 Let m be even, m lt 2n and ? lt ½ -
    ?(?,n,m). Let block cipher F be uniformly
    distributed over B?,n, key K be uniformly
    distributed over 0,1?2n and permutation ? be a
    uniformly distributed over Pn. There exists an
    attacker A(m, ?) that makes m queries to oracle E
    (computing either FXK or ? ) and makes
  • ( 2n ? 4-lg m 2n3 2 ? 3 ) (? ?(?,n,m))
  • queries to the F.(.)/F.-1(.) oracles. A solves
    the FX-or- ? game with advantage at least ?.

Our bound is tight
  • We will now prove theorem 5.1
  • Motivation of the attack view the FX block
    cipher as choosing a random key k and then apply
    the Even-Mansour construction to the function Fk.
  • We can adapt Daemens chosen plaintext attack on
    the Even-Mansour construction. We dont know the
    value of k, so we try all possible ones.

5.1 Preliminaries
  • Assume that m is even, m ? 2n and ? lt ½. Fix a
    constant C ?0,1n-0n. For any function G,
    define G?(x) G(x ? C) ? G(x).
  • Let the secret key K k.k1.k2. Let E be a
    synonym for FX.
  • EK?(x) FK?(x ? k1) FK?(x ? k1 ? C).

5.2 The key-search attack
  • A uses oracles computing FXK(.) and F.(.).
    Attacker A takes as parameters m (the max number
    of queries it is allowed to make to the FXK
    oracle) and ? (a required lower bound on its
    probability of producing a key K that gives
    consistent results on the m queries).

The key-search attack (contd)
5.3 Analysis of the attack
  • r is good if it is equal to xj ? k1 or xj ? k1 ?
    C for some j.
  • If r is good then for kk the attacker will
    obtain the correct values for k1 and then k2.
  • We now bound the expected cost of trying each r
  • for each random r selected, a total of at most 2?
    1mm2 ? -n expected queries are required.
  • We must now bound the number of rs that must be
    tried in order to select a good r with
    probability at least ?.
  • l ?

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