Title: Woundcare for Open Abdominal Wounds
1Woundcare for Open Abdominal Wounds
- Patricia Wijnands
- Woundcare specialist STER
- Stuivenberg/St.-Erasmus
- Indication for open abdominal wounds
- Problems conservative treatment
- Treatment with VAC
- Apply VAC on open abdomen
- Case report
- Cost
- Conclusion
3Indication for open abdomen
- Obstruction or perforation intestine
- Pancreatitis
- Necrotising faciitis
- Abdominal trauma
- Intra-abdominal hypertension
- Abdominal Compartiment Syndrome
4Treatment open abdomen (temporary closure
- Skin approximation
- Marlex with Zipper
- Absorbable Mesh (Vicryl)
- Bogotá bag
- Vacuum Assisted Closure
Kaplan. et al
5Problems conservative therapy
- Difficult, heavily labor and time due to dressing
changes - Leakages
- Generation of skin injuries due to moisture
- Delayed woundhealing
- Fistula and hernia
- Re-exploration daily
- Risk for sepsis ?
- Extended hospital and IC stay
- Mortality rate ?
6Conservative therapy
7Treatement with VAC?
- Vacuum Assisted Closure
- Non-invasive, active wound healing technique
- Fully controlled negative pressure
- Maligne tissue
- Fistula
- Bloodvessels or organs
- Necrotic tissue
9Objectives VAC Open Abdomen
- Removal oedema and excessive wound exsudates
- Approximation wound edges
- Improves new bloodvessels
- Stimulates new tissue formation
- Removes infectious materials
- Protecting against contamination
- Protecting fascia (rectraction)
- exposed to air fistula
- damage to fascia hernia
(Jones et al, 2005 and Banwell et al, 2002),
(Kaplan. et al)
10Bandages Open Abdomen
- Abdominal dressing and Granufoam (black)
- Special layer ? protecting intestine
- Large drainage capacity
- Formation granulation tissue
- Woundcontraction
- Exsudating wounds
- Infection
11Point of interest
- Specific odeur interaction between foam and
exsudates, bacteria, proteins etc - Rinsing wound
- Changes dressing
12Apply VAC Open Abdomen in operating theatre!!!
13Removal PU-film
14Evaluating woundbed and depth
16Preparation foam
17Choose size
18Prepare foam and PU-film
19Create opening in PU-film and place Trac-Pad
20(No Transcript)
22Case report 1
- Morbide obesity
- Bariatric surgery
- Anastomosis leak
- Necrotising fasciitis (clostridium perfringens)
- Aspergillus pneumonia
- Transfer for HBO
32 years
Septic shock
23Re-explorationHyperbaric Oxygen therapy
Day 0
Day 1
25Re-exploration and start VAC
Day 2
26VAC treatment
27VAC treatment
28VAC treatment
29Day 2
Day 12
Day 17
Day 26
30VAC treatment pressure sore
31Case report 2
- Short bowel obstruction (bride)
- Re-anastomosis
- Evisceration
- Leakage short bowel
80 years
32Treatment with VAC
33Adapt paste
34(No Transcript)
35Treatement cost 3 days
- VAC-therapy
- Abdominal dressing
- Rent VAC-unit
- 50/ 300 euro / 3 d.
- (use of foam)
- Nursing cost ICU none
- Explor. laparotomy 1 x
- Admission (LOS) ?
- Conservative therapy
- (gauze)
- Bandage, tape, sterile fluid, cavillonspray,
scheet, geri-care, clovs - Cost bandage 180 euro/ 3 d.
- Nursing cost ICU 18u / 3 d. (3u/day X 2 nurses)
- Explor. laparotomy 3 x
- Admission (LOS) ?
36Treatement cost Open abdomen
- 8.235 euro
Reduce 27 LOS
Song, D Wu, L Lohman, R Gottlieb, L
Franczyck, M. Vacuum Assisted Closure for
Treatment of Sternal Wounds The Bridge Between
Debridement and Definitive Closure. Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery 2003 Vol 11 92-97
37Treatement cost Philbeck et al
Wound closure/ day 0,090 cm2
0,23 cm2 Calculation healing
time? wound 22.2 cm2
247 days 97 days Conclusion VAC
cost effective in use
38Conclusion VAC
- A BIG step forward in treatment of the open
abdominal wounds - Woundhealing ? comfort ?
- Complications ? (sepsis, mortality)
- Heavy Labor ? and Staff ?
- Detailed examination of pharmaco-economical
efficiency - Not reach out for life saving technology due to
lack of insight real costs.
Kaplan M (2004) Negative Pressure Therapy in the
Treatment of the Opened Abdomen Where are we Now
and Will We get There? Presented at the VAC
National Educational Conference, New York.
39Relevant publications Open abdomen, e.o.
www.woundvac.com/ KCI Medical BV.
40Bookavailableat WSACSBooth
23 chapters 308 pages 43 tables 148 figures
41Thanks for your attention