Title: Javascript
- http//www.csc.uvic.ca/csc100
2CSC 100 - Introduction to JavaScript -- Lecture 1
- Goals pg 492 502
- At the end of this lesson you will be able to
- Recognize the Object Hierarchy
- Insert JavaScript into HTML
- Define and display variables as text
- Define and display variables at numbers
- Concatenate string variables together.
3How do we experience the Web?
- What is your most common use of the Web?
- Static vs. interactivity
- JavaScript allows pages to respond to user
action. - Java programming languageJavaScript
Scripting language - JavaScript is client-side processing
4What is JavaScript?
- JavaScript is not Java
- Java from Sun
- JavaScript from Netscape
- Java can stand alone, JavaScript can not.
- Java is compiled, JavaScript is not.
- JavaScript is Object Oriented
- Typically JavaScript is run within a browser or
on a web server. - To be seen, the browser must support JavaScript.
5The Object Hierarchy
Properties .bgColor.title
Methods .open( ).write( )
6Write to Screen
- To write to the current window
- document.write(blah blah blah)
- document denotes the default html window (ie
its an object) - .write is the method to write text out to an
object, such as a window - denotes the end of a statement
7The Object Hierarchy window.document.write
(Hello World Wide Web)
Properties .bgColor.title
Methods .open( ).write( )
8Write to Screen Example
- ltHTMLgt
- ltHEADgt ltTITLEgt PG 494 example lt/TITLEgt lt/HEADgt
- ltBODYgt
- This is my first JavaScript Script
- ltPgt
- ltSCRIPT LANGUAGE"JavaScript"gt
- lt!-- conceal from older browsers
- window.document.write("Hello, World Wide Web")
- window.document.write("ltbrgt ltIgt This is CSC100
lt/Igt") - // --gt
- lt/SCRIPTgt
- lt/BODYgt
- lt/HTMLgt
- Run the example (pg
9Where can JavaScript go?
- Head
- JavaScript here will be executed and shown in the
BODY - Will appear in front of anything else in the
BODY. - Body
- JavaScript here takes its place where found.
EXAMPLE Head and Body JavaScript (pg. 499)
- var
- The keyword var declares and names a variable
(memory location) with the name given.
11Prompting for and storing User Input
- JavaScript Variable named memory location inside
computer. - var name
- name prompt(Please enter your name., " ")
Example pg 501
12Example code from pg 501
lt!-- var name nameprompt("Please enter your
name. " , " ") document.write(name)
document.write(", stay out of trouble!") //
--gt lt/SCRIPTgt lt/HEADgt ltBODYgt ltPgt Further
contents of the web page can go here.
lt/Pgt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
13Variable Types
- Javascript allows three types of variables
- String
- Ex var letters Hello World
- Numerical
- Ex var theAnswer 42
- Boolean (True or False)
- var youAreATrekkie youAreATrekkie
confirm(Do you like Star Trek?)
14String Variables
- Store Strings of text in variables
- String literals
- examples var greeting hello there
var numberCharacters 1 2 3 - Concatenation
- var dog Scooby Doo
- document.write(dog)
- Scooby Doo
- See types.html