Title: Stephanie Golski
1No Brain Left Behind Enhancing Student
Stephanie Golski Dept. of Psychology
2Survey Says The Good Old Days
- 1. Indicate your major field of study
- 2. What of your academic pursuits is currently
dedicated to that field of study? - 3. Thinking back, what of your academic
pursuits in ________ was devoted to this major
field of study? - a. Graduate school
- b. Undergraduate school
- Did you attend a liberal arts school for
undergrad? - c. High school
- 4. What disciplinary evidence predominates in
your major field? - Describe format of this evidence (e.g. research
article published in journal with intro, methods,
results, and discussion) - 5. What should a paper in your discipline from an
upper-level undergrad include? (in-text citation
of sources? Quotes? Data? MLA syle? New
3Us vs. Them
4A moment in their shoes
- Exemplars from other disciplines
5As you can see from this chart supply clearly
affects demand
6Clearly erosion and transport vary based on
several factors
7Note the difference in connectivity here for song
learning versus production
8The differing factors for star classification are
described on the H-R diagram
9Clearly, this scan reveals normal resting brain
activity in grey and white matter and CSF
10What type of neuroimaging scan produced this
slide? How do the pseudo colors relate to brain
activity? Where do the eyes go on this brain?
Orient yourself to the cortical lobes. Identify
grey and white matter. Identify CSF. Does the
activity appear as you would expect?
11What do we need to know about brains to teach
- Brains change
- Brains filter
- Students vary in expertise from us, and
encounter more disciplines than us - Brains have an arousal level at which they
function best - And their brains are still growing!
12In Psych terms those translate to
- Plasticity
- Brains change
- Use it or lose it
- Top-down Processing
- Fit it in frameworks
- What are your/their expectations?
- Optimal Arousal
- Depends on task
- Selective Brain Development
- Works in progress
13In Pedagogical terms these translate to Backward
- Allows us to Consider
- Brains, especially adolescent ones
- Course goals/Learning outcomes
14Psychology and Neurons
- Tying human behavior to neurons is difficult.
- 100 billion neurons in your NVS
- Each neuron has many connections (w/in brain M
10K) - Connections are changed through use and
importance of signal
- Neuronal changes produced by experience
- Spines on dendrites can appear within minutes of
stimulation - Existing structure will play a role, be modified
- Well have to pay attention to existing knowledge
16Long term potentiation
- Think about each term
- Change in neuronal response due to experience
- Could be easier to fire
- Or release more chemicals
- All because of previous firing
savings effect
17Changing Brains
- Neuronal response is enhanced if
- Stimulation is repeated
- Distributed practice
- Saturation avoided
- Smaller chunks
- Making connections
- Depth of processing
- Highlighters and flash cards dont cut it
- Overlearned/overlapping
savings effect
18Will they remember everything from intro?
- No, but may experience
- the
- Faster relearning asconnections are re-
- established and strengthened
savings effect
19Maximize Savings
- Assignment Design
- Manage timing
- review and reuse of critical concepts
- Increase frequency
- Include practice with smaller chunks
- Increase meaning of reading assignments
- Ungraded assignment sheet (did it?), can use
during exams - USE critical terms
- Key term web
20You talk
- Share an assignment
- Include maximization of savings?
- Revisions useful?
21Processing what comes in Bottom-Up
- Association Cortex for integration
- Primary Cortical nuclei
- Thalamic nuclei
- Receptor to transduce energy
22Processing what comes in Top-Down Filters
- Association Cortex for integration
- Primary Cortical nuclei
- Thalamic nuclei
- Receptor to transduce energy
23Theres a bathroom on the right
- Row,row,row your boat,gently down the
streammerrily, merrily, merrily,
merrily,lifes a butter dream - Early exposure to materialwill enhance ability
tohear - Inquiry-based activities
- Reading before lecture
24Blah blah blah
1.Orient 2.Familiarity alters processing
25Top-Down Processing
- Looking at a brain end of semester vs. first week
- Expertise
- Recognizing your friend from really far away b/c
you knew she would be here - Expectations
- Hearing the words to the song so clearly once you
read the lyrics - 20-20 Hindsight
- Raw sensory (biological) info
- past experiences
- context
- motivation
- expectations...
27Time for some demos
28Gossip by George Witherspoon
29Satan Also Came by George Witherspoon
30Go beyond cool
- Make the connection explicit
- HOW you saw the item was influenced by your
preparation - Once you see it one way it is difficult, but not
impossible, to see other ways - Reading ahead of time, slides/outlines available
can prime students to get the lecture - Previous knowledge (or rules of other
disciplines) can impact how they view the info
you teach them
31Top-down and Teaching
- Be aware of biases, prior info
- Can we think like Novices?
- The obvious is NOT obvious
- We see details, students need to be SHOWN
- Framework, knowledge reminders
- Point out patterns, themes
- Encourage/reward reading before class
32Existing neural networks/knowledge Top-down
- Use for
- Examplesconcrete, interesting
- Vocabulary breakdown
- Group work, explanations from students
- Teaching approach
- Memory of own student habits
33Existing neural networks/knowledge
- Help students find their own networks
- What does this make you think of?
- What makes this memorable to you?
- Use from one semester to another and/or one class
session to another (supplemental
instructor/tutor) - Language and/or technology barriers
- comparing apples to oranges
- I can do it on my computer at home
34What if their top is wrong?
- Focus on factually and conceptually correct
information - Asterisks in notes
- Error in previous thinking- show how it fits in
- Freud
- Negative correlation, negative reinforcement
- Polygraph
35You reflect
- What are likely to be problem areas of
understanding? - How can you think like a novice?
36Attention More Filters
- The Brain sees what it wants to see, not just
what you put in front of it - Same stimuli can be on retina- only cause brain
response when attended to - Optimal level of arousal
- Engagement/rewards
- Depth of processing again
37Arousal Helps Us Pay Attention- to a point
Tasks of avg. difficulty
38Optimal arousal level high for easy or passive
Tasks of low difficulty lecture, driving
39Optimal arousal level low for difficult tasks
Tasks of high difficulty stressful exam
40So Why Doesnt Fun Stuff Always Work?
- Increase arousal but students can miss the point
- Improvements add REFLECTION
- Blackboard excellent tool for journaling or
discussion - Games as review for test
- List topics strongest/weakest in
- Sensory illusions
- Use vocab words to summarize what was
41Managing Attention
- Assignment Design
- Know what is important and make that apparent
backward design - Match course contingencies to real value of
activities - Influence student perceptions of value
- practice and homework valued?
- What happens when you assign work that isnt
completed? - Class notes/ppts on Blackboard
42- Teacher sees important details, students need to
be shown - E.g. purpose of assignments (busy work!)
syllabus design can include(w/recurring patterns)
purpose, procedure, points
43- 10 Minute Reading Reinforcers (RR)
- Purpose Reinforce review of correct quiz
answers and previous class notes as well as
active reading of current chapter. - Procedure Twice during each unit several
questions (usually multiple choice) will be
projected during the first 10 minutes of class.
Please bring a pencil to class everyday (there is
a sharpener just outside the classroom on counter
in TLC office space). Notes can be used the
text book cannot. Latecomers will miss that
days reinforcer. Answers will be discussed
immediately afterwards. Because this is not
intended to take more than 10 minutes of class
time, if you have an Individual Education Plan
(IEP) through Rider Learning Center that
recommends longer time on assessments please
advocate for yourself by discussing this with me
early in the semester. You should plan regular
times throughout the week to read the text and
review your notes. Plan on reading about 30
pages per class session on average. - Points 9(5) 45 points possible (can skip one
w/out penalty or drop lowest) 12.7 of grade
44You share
- Syllabus modifications
- Point value
- descriptions
45(No Transcript)
46Selective Brain Development
- Still have some growing to do
- Problem is, it is in the region that manages
- Planning
- Response inhibition
- Emotional regulation
- Organization
- Whats our excuse?
47PFC and Teaching
- Encourage planning
- Interim deadlines
- Model applications/abstractions
- Sounds like scaffolding doesnt it?
- Use action to complete learning cycle
- Group work to test ideas, promote outward use of
terms and concepts - Encourage metacognition
- Knowing what you know, reflection
48Long term planning
- Assignment Design
- Use assignments that build on each other
- Linked
- Intermediate deadlines
49Could you
- Modify an existing assignment to include more
scaffolding? - Repeat an assignment to allow for visible
improvement? - Connect information across classes/units?
- Use action to complete learning cycle?
50My Course goal Increase professionalism
- Non-textbook sources
- Presentation
- Interest
- Application
- Why is this course goal important in teaching
this course? - Skills discipline-specific AND general
51Assignment Article Dissection
- Step-wise assignment can be used as stand-alone
or as research for presentation/paper - Scaffolding can be through gradual completion,
repeated completion, and/or revised completion of
assignment - Purpose To investigate primary resources
relating to human cognitive neuroscience and
practice summarizing scientific information in
your own words.
52Potential readings for your discipline.
- Procedure Use a search engine such as
PsycLit,ScienceDirect, or PubMed to search
peer-reviewed articles (note beware using a
search engine that returns articles from sources
like USA Today or Newsweek- those are not
appropriate for this assignment). Find a primary
resource that has an Introduction, Methods,
Results, and Discussion section- an article that
reviews the literature is not acceptable.
Readings assigned for class discussion cannot be
used for dissections, although you can search for
more articles by the same author or on the same
topic. You will submit a summary in the format
below- All in your own words, do not quote
article. First page of article, not abstract,
must be attached- if using an online article you
only need print the first page. You should also
attach any previous article dissections so you
can get credit for considering my editorial
suggestions. Complete sentences may not be
necessary- your article dissection should be a
clear summary in your own words- it should make
sense to me and also serve as an aid for your
- 1)APA format citation- list the author, title,
and source using appropriate American
Psychological Association (APA) format
55- 2) Why we should care - summary in your words of
importance or relevance- why should such a study
even be done?
56- 3) Three background facts/findings -these are NOT
results of the current study but background info
from intro section
57- 4) Research Question(s) what is the question the
researchers are trying to investigate?
58- 5) Primary Methodology- are they using human
neuroimaging? Drug studies in rats? Is it a
correlational study or controlled experiment?
59- 6) Three specific results- use good descriptive
language and the original variables of interest
(make sure your research questions in 2 and
results are related) try completing these
phrases in your results this is important
because, this means offset each point so
that three distinct results can clearly be
discerned rather than mushing it all into one
60- 7) Take Home Message- what should we walk away
knowing do not present new results here!
61- 8) Critique- potential biases, confounds, unclear
presentation, AND at least 2 lingering questions
include suggested improvements (such as, intro
could begin with more why we should care and a
graph instead of table would improve data
presentation) in confounds/critiques
specifically mention internal and external
validity and reliability include these specific
subheadings a) 2 lingering questions, b)
confounds/critiques, c)suggestions
62- 9) Content Tie-in discuss relevance to class
information, topics, vocabulary (dont just refer
to text pages, remind me and yourself about these
concepts)- even if it is obvious to you- state
it! this is like the word webbing we do for the
reviews- make connections and include
explanations- this should be a substantial
63- Points 4 article dissections(30) 120 points
possible (no skipping without penalty) - Proper format, including headings and attachments
2 pt. - Article a primary source not lit review 2 pt.
- Headings 1,2,4,5,7 2 pt. each 5(2)
- Headings 3,6,8,9 4 pt. each 4(4)
- You may ask to see sample article dissections.
- Students learn to read discipline-specific
materials for understanding - Structured format requires them to identify
background vs current research qsn, etc - Plagiarism almost completely eliminated
- Biggest improvement across 3 to 4 dissections is
in 6, 8, 9
Maximize savings, LTP, distributed processing
top-down processing
Be aware of and use existing knowledge, obvious
is not!, maintain arousal and direct attention
brain development
Selective, Promote and model abstraction,
long-term planning, active use of material
66And remember
- OUR brains are plastic too!
- Benefit of teaching is opportunity to change as a
result of experience