Title: 110308 110708 Week of November 3 7
1110308 110708
Week of November
3 7
Planner Portfolio creation and implementation
Monday Portfolio due EOC FRI. Tue Designs due
BOC Wed Fri Studio Friday Portfolio due
EOC ______________________________________________
______ Read Pg. 13 (Blue Text) for
directions Side 1 Personal Design (Due EOC
Tues) -will FIRST be completed on a 4 X 6 note
card Side 2 Name Design ( Due EOC Tues) -will
First be completed on a 4 X 6 note card -Bubble
letters -5 icons per letter Designs must be
approved before placing on portfolio Monday
Lesson (Do not write this in your
planner) What is a portfolio? Why is it
important? What is the procedure for completing
one? How do you know you are finished?
2Claus Oldenburg
Lettering types Warm ups Write
alphabet Within these formations Monday
Circle bubbles/ freeform Tuesday Freeform
bubbles --Megaphone Wednesday Megaphone
Descend/Crescendo Thursday Caterpillar/
Block Friday Block Bubble/ Ribbon/ Icicles Extra
Credit Ribbon
3110608 - 110708
- Studio both days.
- Follow substitute protocol!
- Assignments due EOC on Friday
- Circle bubble ABCs
- Free form ABCs
- Megaphone Crescendo ABCs
- Megaphone Decrescendo ABCs
- Caterpillar ABCs
- Geo/ Free Form Symmetrical Design
I pledge to work to the best of my ability in art
class and promote the art room as a place where I
can learn about art and express appropriate,
personal creativity in a safe and supportive
atmosphere. I realize the consequences for not
following protocol inhibit the class and me from
learning. I have read the protocol, the
consequences and understand these
guidelines. Signed _______________________________
4Week of 110308 -110708Planners Out and ready to
input assignmentsBrain Drain/ Warm up
- Note card Design
- Side 1 Name Design
- Side 2 Geo/Free form design
5(No Transcript)
6Examples of Abstract Lettering