Title: Group 1 mini case Presentation Due on February 22
1Group 1
- Group 1 mini case Presentation Due on February 22
- Mini case
- Delta, Northwest Airlines, and Vancouver Airport
The business Value of Customer Self-Service
Kiosks (87)
2FUTURE of Media
- http//epic.makingithappen.co.uk/
3IT Hardware
- Left The on-board L2 cache.
- Right The Pentium Pro processor core with 5.5
million transistors.
Source Intel
4Learning Objectives
- Understand the history and evolution of computer
hardware. - Outline the major technologies and uses of
computer peripherals for input, output, and
storage. - Identify and give example of the components and
functions of a computer system.
5Learning Objectives
- 4. Identify the computer systems and peripherals
you would acquire or recommend for a business of
your choice, and explain the reasons for your
6Microcomputer Systems
- Personal Computer (PC) microcomputer for use by
an individual - Desktop fit on an office desk
- Laptop small, portable PC
7Microcomputer Systems
- Workstation a powerful, networked PC for
business professionals - Network Server more powerful microcomputers
that coordinate telecommunications and resource
sharing in small networks
8Information Appliances
- Hand-held microcomputer devices
- Personal digital assistants (PDA)
- BlackBerry
- Video-game consoles
- Internet enabled cellular phones
9Hardware Your Physical InterfaceCharacteristics
of CPUs and RAM
10Motherboard components
bus , chipset, CPU, memory
11Motherboard chipset
- components of the chipset
- memory controller
- I/O controller
- bus controller
- cache controller
- types of chipsets
12Motherboard bus system
- data bus
- address bus
- system/control bus
- expansion slots
- How local bus works? PCI vs VESA
- Bus speeds Pentium 4 and AthlonXP
13Whats a BUS?
- A collection of wires through which data is
transmitted from one part of a computer to
another. - A bus connects all the internal computer
components to the CPU and main memory. There's
also an expansion bus that enables expansion
boards to access the CPU and memory - Every bus has a clock speed measured in MHz
14- All buses consist of two parts -- an address bus
and a data bus. The data bus transfers actual
data whereas the address bus transfers
information about where the data should go. - The size of a bus, known as its width, is
determines how much data can be transmitted at
one time. For example, a 16-bit bus can transmit
16 bits of data, whereas a 32-bit bus can
transmit 32 bits of data.
15Semiconductor memory
- Microelectronic semiconductor memory chips
- Used for primary storage
- Advantage
- Small size
- Fast
- Shock and temperature resistance
- Disadvantage
- Volatility must have uninterrupted electric
power or lose memory
16Two types of semiconductor memory
- RAM random access memory
- Most widely used primary storage medium
- Volatile memory
- Read/write memory
- ROM read only memory
- Permanent storage
- Can be read but cannot be overwritten
- Frequently used programs burnt into chips during
17Bit and Byte
- Bit (short for binary digit)
- Smallest element of data
- Either zero or one
- Byte
- Group of eight bits which operate as a single
unit - Represents one character or number
18Representing characters in bytes
19Computers use binary system to calculate
- Decimal
- Octal
- Binary
20Measuring storage capacities
- Kilobyte (KB) one thousand bytes
- Megabyte (MB) one million bytes
- Gigabyte (GB) one billion bytes
- Terabyte (TB) one trillion bytes
- Petabyte (PB) one quadrillion bytes
21Main Memory
- basic concepts
- memory banks (0,1,2) 64 Meg to 1 Gig
- SIMMs (single in-line memory modules), DIMMS
(dual in-line memory modules), SDRAM (synchronous
DRAM) - SIMMs older, DIMMS old, SDRAM newer PCs
- additional references
- Upgrading memory
22Updating Memory
- RAM is sold in the form of chips contained on
small circuit boards called memory modules. - Most PCs have three DIMM sockets on their
motherboards, and one or two of them are usually
free. Adding RAM is as simple as plugging in new
23Disk drives
- Hard-drives
- Overview
- Speed
- Interfaces IDE, SCSI, SATA, IDE vs SCSI
- CD and DVD
- basics CD standard and DVD standards
- xA measurement of CD or DVD drive speed. Each x
translates to either 153,600 bytes of data per
second, the data rate of the CD-audio or
1,250,000 bytes per second, the data rate of the
DVD-video. - USB flash drives
- Overview
24Magnetic Disks
- Used for secondary storage
- Fast access and high storage capacity
Source Quantum.
Source Corbis.
25Types of magnetic disks
- Floppy disks
- Magnetic disk inside a plastic jacket
- Hard disk drives
- Magnetic disk, access arms, and read/write heads
in sealed module - RAID (Redundant arrays of independent disks)
- Disk arrays of interconnected hard disk drives
- Fault tolerant with multiple copies on several
26Optical Disks
27Uses of optical disks
- Image processing
- Long term storage of historical files of images
- Scan documents and store on optical disks
- Publishing medium for fast access to reference
materials - Catalogs, directories, etc.
- Interactive multimedia applications
- Video games, educational videos, etc.
28Disk drive performance
- Fragmentation
- Compression.
- Cache
- Swap file (paging file)
- Fragmentation means two things
- File fragmentation
- a condition in which individual files on a disk
are not contiguous but are broken up in pieces
scattered around the disk - Disk Fragmentation
- a condition in which the free space on a disk
consists of little bits of free space here and
there rather than only one or a few free spaces.
- In John F. Kennedy's 1961 inaugural address, he
delivered this famous line - "Ask not what your country can do for you -- ask
what you can do for your country." - The quote has 17 words, made up of 61 letters, 16
spaces, one dash and one period. If each letter,
space or punctuation mark takes up one unit of
memory, we get a total file size of 79 units. To
get the file size down, we need to look for
32"Ask not what your country can do for you -- ask
what you can do for your country."
- "ask" appears two times
- "what" appears two times
- "your" appears two times
- "country" appears two times
- "can" appears two times
- "do" appears two times
- "for" appears two times
- "you" appears two times our dictionary
Our sentence now reads
33"Ask not what your country can do for you -- ask
what you can do for your country."
- full phrase takes up 79 units.
- Our compressed sentence (including spaces) takes
up 37 units, and the dictionary (words and
numbers) also takes up 37 units. This gives us a
file size of 74, so we haven't reduced the file
size by very much.
- graphics cards
- monitors resolution, size, analog vs. digital
- printers ink, laser, color, speed.
- Modems phone lines, cable and DSL
- scanners
- digital cameras
35Hardware Your Physical InterfaceConnecting
- Connecting devices enable your hardware to
communicate with each other. - Busses system and expansion.
- Expansion slots and cards.
- Ports and connectors USB, serial, parallel, and
36Hardware Your Physical InterfaceConnecting
37Hardware Your Physical Interface
38Hardware Your Physical InterfaceConnecting
- Popular connectors include
- USB (universal serial bus) the most popular
means of connecting devices to a computer. - Serial connector usually has 9 holes but may
have 25, which fit into the corresponding number
of pins in the port. - Parallel connector has 25 pins, which fit into
the corresponding holes in the port.
39Hardware Your Physical InterfaceConnecting
40Hardware Your Physical InterfaceConnecting
- IrDA (infrared data association) ports are for
wireless devices that work in essentially the
same way as the remote control on your TV does.
41Radio Frequency Identification
- Tag and identify mobile objects
- E.g., store merchandise, postal packages, pets
- Use RFID chips to transmit and receive radio
signals - Chips half the size of a grain of sand
- Passive chips
- do not have power source and derive power from
signal in reader - Active chips
- Self-powered
42RFID versus bar codes
- Scan from greater distance
- Can store data
- Allows more information to be tracked
- Privacy concerns due to invisible nature
- RFID Controversy
- Most concerns revolve around the fact that RFID
tags affixed to products remain functional even
after the products have been purchased and taken
home and thus can be used for surveillance and
other purposes unrelated to their supply chain
inventory functions
43 44Case 1/p71
- What are some of the benefits that organizations
could realize by connecting all of their
employees by mobile devices? - Possible benefits could include
- Mobile sale forces could do product
demonstrations, check inventory and place orders
online while at the customer location. - Reduction of the time needed to locate other
employees, especially when they are off-site. - Keep employees abreast of any important news when
away on travel (conferences, meetings,
presentations). - Increased available productive time, as constant
connectivity allows for activities to be
performed anytime anyplace.
45Are the CIOs in the case saying that ROI is not
important when deploying mobile computing
- Not necessarily. ROI is always a consideration
companies have when making any investment. In
this particular case however, the estimated
benefits obtained by the adoption of these
communication devices are large enough that
outweigh cost considerations and thus displace
formal ROI analyses and concerns.
46Part 3
- Possible reasons could include
- Single and integrated device for voice and data
communications - Push technology data is routed to the user
rather than retrieved by him/her - Operates in several different networks and
countries - It is possible to view email attachments
- Design features high-resolution color display,
long battery life, improved keyboard, etc. - Integrated connectivity applications (SMS,
browser, organizer)
47- Can Computers Think Like People?
48Additional Readings
- www2.una.edu/compcenter/csglossary.htmwww.beginne
rspc.com - http//computer.howstuffworks.com/