Title: A Culture in Crisis
1the of
2Michael ManwellerPolitical Science
ProfessorCentral Washington University
- America is at a once-in-a-generation crossroads
more than an election hangs in the balance. Down
one path lies retreat, abdication and a reign of
3Michael ManwellerPolitical Science
ProfessorCentral Washington University
- Down the other lies a nation that is aware of
its past and accepts the daunting obligation its
future demands. If we choose poorly, the
consequences will echo through the years of
4Of the 21 Great Civilizations studied by Arnold
Toynbee in his work, A Study of History,
America alone has survived!
5Yet, every symptom of decay that preceded the
fall of the other 20 great civilizations of
world history
is present in America today!
6Alexis de Tocqueville (Democracy in America
- America is great, because she is GOOD and if
she ever ceases to be GOOD, she will also cease
to be great!
7from point of view?
8Deut. 78-11
- 9 Understand, therefore, that the LORD your God
is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps
His covenant for a thousand generations and
constantly loves all those who love Him and obey
His commands.
9Deut. 78-11
- 10 But He does not hesitate to punish and
destroy those who hate Him. 11Therefore, you must
be careful to obey all these commands, laws, and
regulations I am giving you today.
10Ezekiel 69-10
- 9 I was hurt by their adulterous hearts, which
turned away from Me, and by their eyes, which
lusted after shameful things. But soon they will
hate themselves for the evil and disgusting
things that they have done. 10Then you will know
that I am the LORD and that the disaster I
promised was not an empty threat. - .
11Ezekiel 611-13
- 11This is what the Almighty LORD says Clap your
hands, stomp your feet, and say, Oh no! because
the people of Israel have done evil and
disgusting things. So I will punish them, and
they will die in wars, famines, and plagues.
12Plagues will kill those who are far away. Those
who are near will die in wars, and anyone who is
left and has escaped will die in famines. This is
how I will unleash My anger against their sins.
13Then you will know that I am the LORD.
12Ezekiel 614
14 I will use My power against them and destroy
their land, from border to border.
- Then they will know that I am the LORD.
13Lamentations 1
- 1 Look how deserted Jerusalem is! Once the city
was crowded with people. Once it was important
among the nations. Now it is like a pitiful
widow. - Once it was a princess among the provinces. Now
Jerusalem has become an impoverished slave!
14Lamentations 15
- 5 Jerusalems enemies are now in control, and
laugh at her calamity. The LORD made Zion suffer
for her many rebellious acts. Her children have
been taken captive by her enemies, because of her
sins against the Lord.
15Lamentations 19-10
- 9 She defiled herself with immorality with no
thought of the punishment that would follow. Now
she lies in the gutter with no one to rescue her.
LORD, see my deep misery, she cries. The enemy
has triumphed over us. 10The enemy has plundered
her completely, taking everything precious that
she owns.
1610 Warning Signs of
a in
171. An increase in lawlessness throughout the
18In America, the national crime rate rose over
300 in just two decades between 1960 and 1980!
1. An increase in lawlessness throughout the
19- Loss of economic discipline and self-restraint.
- indebtedness!
20- As of TODAY, our national debt is
9,398,710,880,004.37 - 9.4 TRILLION Dollars!
- 2.52 Trillion in consumer debt!
- Nearly 50,000 per family!
2. Loss of economic discipline and
self-restraint. INDEBTEDNESS
213. Rising bureaucracy, governmental regulations
22government of the people, by the people and for
the people vs. BUREAUCRACY!
3. Rising bureaucracy, governmental regulations
23BUREAUCRACY always increases commensurate to
the decrease of individual social concern,
responsibility initiative!
3. Rising bureaucracy, governmental regulations
244. A decline in the quality and relevance of
25A continual Dumbing Down of America!
4. A decline in the quality and relevance of
26Weve gone from Johnny cant read to Johnny is
a total moron!
4. A decline in the quality and relevance of
275. A weakening of the foundational principles
that contributed to the greatness of the nation.
28Our Foundation as a Nation
- It was the Lord who put it in my mindI could
feel His hand upon methe fact that it would be
possible to sail from here to the Indies - All who heard of my project rejected it with
laughter, ridiculing me
Christopher Columbus
29Our Foundation as a Nation
- There is no question that the inspiration was
from the Holy Spirit, because He comforted me
with rays of marvelous illumination from the Holy
Scriptures For the execution of the journey to
the Indies, I did not make use of intelligence,
mathematics, or maps.
Christopher Columbus
30Our Foundation as a Nation
- It is simply the fulfillment of what Isaiah
prophesied. No one should fear to undertake a
task in the name of our Savior, if it is just and
if the intention is purely for His ServiceThe
fact that the Gospel must still be preached to so
many lands in such a short timethis is what
convinces me.
Christopher Columbus
31The Puritan Covenant
- Resolved that we must shake off the yoke of
anti-Christian bondage and join ourselves by a
covenant unto the Lord into the fellowship of the
Gospel to walk in all His ways, whatsoever it
shall cost us the Lord assisting us.
32The Mayflower Compact
- A solemn covenant to serve God, walk in all His
ways, and create a society that would be a model
of Christian charity to the world.
33Patrick Henry
- The Bible is worth all other books which have
ever been printed.
34George Washington
It is impossible to rightly govern the world
without God and the Bible.
35Our Foundation as a Nation
- It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the
Providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to
be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to
implore His protection and favor.
George Washington
36Our Foundation as a Nation
Benjamin Franklin
- He who shall introduce into public affairs the
principles of primitive Christianity will change
the face of the world.
37Our Foundation as a Nation
- How has it happened, Sir, that we have not
hitherto once thought of humbly appealing to the
Father of lights to illuminate our
understandings? In the beginning of the contest
with Great Britain, when we were sensible to
danger, we had daily prayers in this room for
Divine protection.
Benjamin Franklin
38Our Foundation as a Nation
- Our prayers, Sir, were heard and they were
graciously answeredI have lived, Sir, a long
time and the longer I live, the more convincing
proofs I see of this truth that God governs in
the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall
to the ground without His notice, is it probable
that an empire can rise without His aid?
Benjamin Franklin
39Our Foundation as a Nation
Benjamin Franklin
- We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred
writings that except the Lord build the house,
they labor in vain that build it. - I firmly believe this
40Abraham Lincoln
- I believe that the Bible is the best gift God
has ever given to man.
41Andrew Jackson
That book sir, is the rock on which our republic
42The Christian Life and Character of the Civil
Institutions of the United StatesB.F. Morris
- The great vital and conservative element in our
system is the belief of our people in the pure
doctrines and divine truths of the gospel of
Jesus Christ.
The US House of Representatives 1854
43Our Foundation as a Nation
Supreme Court Ruling 1892
- In the court case "Church of the Holy Trinity vs.
United States the U.S. Supreme Court documented
many precedents from American history as evidence
toward its declaration that America is a
Christian nation.
44Church of the Holy Trinityvs the United States
Supreme Court Ruling 1892
- "There is no dissonance in these declarations.
There is a universal language pervading them all,
having one meaning they affirm and reaffirm that
this is a religious nation.
45Church of the Holy Trinityvs the United States
Supreme Court Ruling 1892
- These are not individual sayings, declarations
of private persons they are organic utterances
they speak the voice of the entire people....
46Church of the Holy Trinityvs the United States
Supreme Court Ruling 1892
- These, and many other matters which might be
noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations
to the mass of organic utterances that this is a
Christian nation.
47Our Christian Heritage
- No truth is more evidentthan that the Christian
religion must be the basis of any government
intended to secure the rights and privileges of a
free people.
Noah Webster
48Ted Turner - CNN
- ...the Biblical Ten Commandments do not relate
to current global problems. We're living with
outmoded rules. - The Ten Commandments are too old!
49- Prayer forbidden in schools.
- Bible reading forbidden in schools.
- The Ten Commandments forbidden in public forums!
- References to God forbidden in public forums!
- The Pledge of Allegiance deemed politically
incorrect due to the mention of God!
5. A weakening of the foundational principles
that contributed to the greatness of the nation.
506. Loss of respect for established religions.
51Wilhelm Frick
Separation of Church State?
- We Nazis demand a separation of Church and State
in the entire public life of the country. What is
the sense in still having Catholic associations
of civil servants?... - They are often active in areas which the Nazi
State claims for itself in fulfillment of its
tasks. All these things are designed to disturb
the unity of the German people, which Adolf
Hitler created after fifteen years of struggle
for the soul of Germany.
52Adolf Hitler
Separation of Church State?
- We have brought the priests out of the Partys
political conflict, and led them back into the
Church. And now it is our desire that they should
never return to that area for which they were not
53Martin Niemöller
- We preferred to keep quiet. We are certainly not
without guilt and I ask myself over and over
again what would have happened if 14,000
evangelical ministers and the Evangelical
communities, all over Germany, had defended the
truth with their very lives in the year 1933 or
1934, when there must have still been a
54- If we had said then that it is not just for
Herman Goering simply to throw 100,000 of our
people into concentration camps to perish? - I can imagine that 30 to 40 thousand Evangelical
Christians would have been shortened by a head,
but I can also imagine that we would have thus
saved 30-40 millions of lives, for this is the
price that we now have to pay.
Martin Niemöller
55German Evangelical Church
- We know ourselves to be one with our people in a
great company of suffering and in a great
solidarity of guilt. With great pain do we say
Through us endless suffering has been brought to
many people and countries
56German Evangelical Church
- We accuse ourselves for not witnessing more
courageously, for not praying more faithfully,
for not believing more joyously, and for not
loving more ardently.
57Matthew 513-14 13You are the salt of the earth.
But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor?
Can you make it useful again? It is worthless,
good for nothing except to be thrown out and
trampled underfoot. 14You are the light of the
worldlike a city set on a hill, shining in the
night for all to see.
6. Loss of respect for established religions.
587. An increase in materialism.
59He who dies with the most toys wins! Vs. He
who dies with the most toys was a fool!
7. An increase in materialism.
608. The lure of alien gods.
618. The lure of alien gods.
628. The lure of alien gods.
63- New Age
- Hinduism
- Buddhism
8. The lure of alien gods.
64- New Age
- Hinduism
- Buddhism
- Islam
8. The lure of alien gods.
65- New Age
- Hinduism
- Buddhism
- Islam
- Wicca
8. The lure of alien gods.
66- New Age
- Hinduism
- Buddhism
- Islam
- Wicca
- Occult
8. The lure of alien gods.
679. A decline in the value of human life.
68 One in every three children conceived
9. A decline in the value of human life.
699. A decline in the value of human life.
7010. A rise in immorality.
71Romans 124-28
- Pornography!
- Fornication!
- Adultery!
- Homosexuality!
- Pedophilia!
- Bestiality!
- Incubus!
- Since they would not honor God in their
thinking, He gave them over to a depraved mind,
to do what should never be done.
10. A rise in immorality.
72Leviticus 1822, 24
- Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman
that is detestable. Do not defile yourselves in
any of these ways, because this is how the
nations that I am going to drive out before you
became defiled.
73Barack Obama
- I think that it is a legal right that they
should have that is recognized by the state. If
people find that controversial then I would just
refer them to the Sermon on the Mount, which I
think is, in my mind, for my faith, more central
than an obscure passage in Romans.
74Romans 124-28
- Therefore God gave them over in the sinful
desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for
the degrading of their bodies with one another.
They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and
worshiped and served created things rather than
the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen.
75Romans 124-28
- Because of this, God gave them over to shameful
lusts. Even their women exchanged natural
relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the
men also abandoned natural relations with women
and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men
committed indecent acts with other men, and
received in themselves the due penalty for their
76A Culture in Crisis
Renowned British anthropologist, J.D. Unwin,
whose studies chronicled 86 different cultures
throughout world history, discovered that every
nation that rejected monogamy in marriages
disintegrated morally in less than one generation.
77Proverbs 1434
- Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a
reproach to any people.
78Job 1223
- God makes the nations great, then destroys them
He enlarges the nations, then leads them away to
79Michael ManwellerPolitical Science
ProfessorCentral Washington University
- I believe that 100 years from now historians
will describe the election of 2004 as the moment
America joined the ranks of ordinary nations
80Michael ManwellerPolitical Science
ProfessorCentral Washington University
- or they will describe it as the moment the
prodigal sons and daughters of the greatest
generation accepted their burden as caretakers of
the City on the Hill."
81John Winthrop First Governor of Massachusetts
- We must consider that we shall be a city upon a
hill. The eyes of all people are upon us, so that
if we shall deal falsely with our God in this
work we have undertaken, and so cause Him to
withdraw His present help from us, we shall be
made a story and a byword through the world.
82John Jay
- Freedom is now in your power. Value the heavenly
gift. Remember, if you dare to neglect or despise
it, you offer an insult to the Divine Bestower.
1st Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
83Thomas Jefferson
- Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure
when we have removed their only firm basis - a
conviction in the minds of the people that these
liberties are of the gift of God? That they are
not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I
tremble for my country when I reflect that God is
just that His justice cannot sleep forever.
84the of
85God's for AMERICA...
86I Timothy 21-2 1 Most importantly, I encourage
you to make petitions, prayers, intercessions,
and prayers of thanks for everyone, 2 but
especially for rulers, and for everyone who has
authority over us. Pray for these people so that
we can have a quiet and peaceful life always
lived in godliness and reverence.
PRAY for those in authority
872 Chronicles 714
- if My people who are called by My name will
humble themselves and pray and seek My face and
turn from their wicked ways
882 Chronicles 714
- then I will hear from heaven and will forgive
their sins and heal their land.
892 Chronicles 714
- if My people who are called by My name will
1humble themselves and 2pray and 3seek My face
and 4turn from their wicked ways
902 Chronicles 714
- then I will hear from heaven and will forgive
their sins and heal their land.
91the of