Title: P1247676902WZXkm
1Jak se ije v USA anebCtirad a Lenka vyrazili
do sveta ?Speciál - Cesta na západ
2Se dvema Ãlenými ridici a porádným americkým
autem (Ford Taurus) jsme se zase vydali poznat
kus Ameriky ?.
3Pres Jinà Dakotu (SD) jsme dojeli a do Wyomingu
4Badlands vyprahlá pustina (SD)
5Mt. Rushmore (SD)
Tahle velká turistická atrakce nám nesmela ujÃt
6Blackhills (SD)
Výlet na dohled nejvyà hory Jinà Dakoty.
7Crazy Horse Memorial (SD)
Tak na tomhle indiánském nácelnÃkovi se pracuje
u asi 60 let, mel by sedet na koni
8Divocina Jinà Dakoty
9Deadwood (SD)
Wikipedia In 1874 Colonel George Armstrong
Custer led an expedition into the Hills and
announced the discovery of gold on French Creek
near present-day Custer, South Dakota. Custer's
announcement triggered the Black Hills Gold Rush
and gave rise to the lawless town of Deadwood.
It attained notoriety for the murder of Wild Bill
Hickok, and remains the final resting place of
Hickok and Calamity Jane. It became known for its
wild and almost lawless reputation, during which
time murder was common, and punishment for
murders not always fair and impartial.
10Devils Tower (WY)
Wikipedia American Indian legends tell of a few
Sioux girls who were picking flowers when they
were chased by bears. Feeling sorry for them, the
Great Spirit raised the ground beneath the girls.
The bears tried to climb the rock, but fell off,
leaving their scratch marks on the sides.
11A zase zpátky domu