Title: Make Movement a Part of Your Day
1Make Movement a Part of Your Day
- Physical Activity
- Webinar
2Factors of Childhood Obesity
- Lack of physical activity
- Lack of healthy eating habits
- Environmental influences within schools,
communities, and homes
3What is Physical Activity
- According to synthesis of research and a
consensus of experts, physical activity is - Bodily movement that is produced by the
contraction of skeletal muscle and that increases
energy expenditure.
US Surgeon General Report on Physical Activity
Health, 1996.
4What is Exercise
- Exercise is defined as
- Planned, structured, and repetitive bodily
movement done to improve or maintain one or more
components of fitness.
US Surgeon General Report on Physical Activity
Health, 1996.
5How Active Should Young People Be?
- Currently, the recommendation that is consistent
across numerous leading scientific organizations
- Among 6-19 year olds, 60 minutes of moderate to
vigorous physical activity on most, if not all,
days of the week
6Benefits of Physical Activity During the School
- Benefits on the behavioral and cognitive
functioning of youth. - Across studies, increased time for physical
education does not impact achievement in other
subjects. - Recess before lunch means less food waste
- Integration of classroom PA breaks might improve
on-task behavior during academic instruction.
Sources Tomporowski PD. Cognitive and behavioral
responses to acute exercise in youths a review.
Pediatr Exerc Sci. 200315348-359. Coe DP, et
al. Effect of physical education and activity
levels on academic achievement in children. Med
Sci Sports Exerc. 2006381515-19. SallisJF, et
al.. Effects of health-related physical education
on academic achievement project SPARK. Res Q
Exerc Sport. 1999 70127. Mahar, et al. Effects
of classroom-based program on physical activity
and on-task behavior. Med Sci Sprts Exer. 2006.
7Ways to Integrate PA
- Use a prepared fitness break
- Just A Minute (JAM)
- http//www.healthetips.com/jam-program.php
- Use as part of the classroom curriculum and use
them multiple times throughout the school day - PE teachers can use as a supplement , or as a
warm up to their regular programs - Combine several weeks to create a whole new
fitness routine - Use as a part of morning announcement and as a
kick-off to a school assembly - Students can lead their classmates as part of
their class duties
8Ways to Integrate PA
- Fitness Alarms
- Choose a time during the day where everyone is
active - Create School Goals/Competitions
- PA Opportunities Before or After School
9Ways to Integrate PA
- Implement a thematic approach
- Coordinate movement activities with content
- Use North Carolina Energizers
- http//www.ncpe4me.com/energizers.html
- Use Michigan Brain Breaks
- http//www.emc.cmich.edu/brainbreaks/
- Take 10!
- http//www.take10.net/whatistake10.asp?pagenew
10Ways to Integrate PA
- Teacher Toolbox
- http//www.aahperd.org/naspe/template.cfm?template
11Safe Routes to School
- Promote walking and bicycling to school
- School leaders should work with local governments
to ensure that students have safe routes for
walking and bicycling to school - Nation Center for Safe Routes to School
- http//www.saferoutesinfo.org/
12Elementary Physical Activity
- Recess
- Rescuing Recess
- http//www.cartoonrecessweek.com/
- Recess Before Lunch
- http//www.opi.mt.gov/schoolfood/recessBL.html
13Secondary Physical Activity
- Expand physical activity opportunities by
providing clubs, lessons, intramural sports, and
interscholastic sports programs that meet the
physical activity needs and interests of all
students - Teens exercise habits are influenced by a number
of factors, including social norms, personal
abilities and motivations, and family exercise
habits and support - Create a student committee to explore what types
of PA could be incorporated into the school day
14Secondary Physical Activity
- Create a positive physical activity environment
- During core classes, employ walk talks
- Assist adolescents in setting and working toward
a specific behavior-change goal
15Success Stories
- Veterans Memorial Middle School in Blue Island,
Illinois - Fitness Friday - physical activity during the
last half hour of the day - Walking club and a running club that meet twice
weekly - Weekly intramural sports for each grade level
- Yoga class
16Success Stories
- Arthur Eddy Academy - Saginaw, Michigan
- Boosting Activity program
- Students encouraged to track their physical
activity every day - Students receive pedometers at the beginning of
the school day, record their daily steps and
return the pedometers before leaving campus - The school has also added 15 minutes of daily
in-class exercise, in addition to its weekly
one-hour physical education class.
17Contact Information
Lisa Perry National PE/PA Manager PO Box
413 Kremmling, CO 80459 970-724-0088
office lisa.perry_at_healthiergeneration.org