Title: PERU: Country Report Technology Needs Assessments
1PERU Country ReportTechnology Needs Assessments
National Council of Science and Technology
- Dr. Eduardo Torres
2PERÚ A country on the move
- Peru is a beautiful country located in South
America, and is an APEC economy member since
1998. - Its population is about 26 million, distributed
in 1285,000 sq. km. of territory. - Peru is crossed over by Andes Mountain Range,
dividing the country in 3 principal regions a
desertical coast, a mountainous highland and the
Amazon rainforest. Thanks to this particular
geography, Peru has more than 84 ecological
levels from a total of 103 existing in the world.
3Identification of Technology Needs for Economical
Development and Green-House Effect Gases
Mitigation and Air Pollution
- This information was compiled by The National
Environment Council (CONAM) with the
participation of multidisciplinary national
consultants. This estimation summarizes our
national technological needs which at the same
time could have a sound-effect in the mitigation
of green-house effect emissions (GHE) and could
reduce countries vulnerability against climatic
4Expenses in Research and Development
5Sectors that should implement projects for
technology transfer
- Agriculture
- Food Industrie and agricultural industries
- Tourism
- Energy
- Biodiversity
- Biotechnology
- Infrastructure
- Public Health
- Government will promote public and private
6Perú exportation projections2000-2025
In 2025, Peru will export approximately 33 518
USD millions (Acummulated growth of 3,9 times in
respect to 2000 year). Emissions will increase
2,6 times between 1994-2025 (from 98 899.3 Gg
tons to 259 109.9 Gg tons of CO2 equivalents. In
the Energy Sector, emissions will increase more
than 3 times and the Non-energetic Sector in 2,5
7GEI emissions increment in CO2 equivalent (Gg)
- Energy sector
- Fuel Consumption will increase 3.4 times (From
22.25 in 1994 to 29 in 2025) - Industrial processes From 10 in 1994 to 19 in
2025 - Non-energetic sector
- Change of land use and silviculture in 1994 the
emissions were 41 of total emissions in 2025
will represent a loss of 14 of the total
forestry surface.
8Technological OptionsReliable Energy Commercial
Perú has large energetical reserves 467 FET
(Fuel Equivalent Tons), 65 from natural gas
and hydroenergy
9Primary Energy Production (1998)
Perú just produces about 13 FET millions
concentrating its present explotation in oil
production and biomass. Hydroenergy in lower
10Possible sequence of energetical options
Natural Gas
11Technologies for electricity generation
13Fuel Cells as Energy Generators
Anode H2 Source
Catode Air is taken And oxygen captured
Polimeric membrane
Principle Hydrogen is chemically secuestred from
different sources ( Air, Fuel,Gas, etc.) then the
O2 separates in a proton and electron. The proton
migrates to the catode and the electron to the
anode genrating electric energy. It is anon
-combustion process.
Fuel Flow
Gases Output
Force Digital Control
Fuel system
Electrical Output
User Interface
16Small Hydroelectrical Systems
18Solar Energy
19Oceanic Energy
20Geothermical Energy
21Eolic Energy
23Agriculture and Agroforestry
24Metodological Aspects in technological needs
identification process
National needs
Generation of priorized criteria Conciliation
Own adapted criteria
Proper cualitative criteria ?
Technology offer (multisectorial matrix
Barrier identification
Technical Commercial profiles
Proper quantitative criteria
Technological options / Recommendations
25Technology vs.Sound Effects
- Horizontal expenses reduction in Transportation,
Communications and energy - Agriculture, Cattle, Acuiculture and Forestry
activities expenses reduction
26Competitive Advantage Production and Technologies
Prospection in added value generation
- Selected Technologies must offer added value to
the production and quality life national
27Generation of Added-value
Selected technologies must offer added-value to
national production and quality life national
28Technological Offer vs. Actual Needs
- In the practice any recommendation of technology
transfer must be supported by actions as -
- Neck-bottle elimination
- Information development and competences both
technic and commercial which could induce
development and adaptability of technological
options - Know-how transference, habilities and development
of local capacities for use and proportional
tranfer technology adaptation and service.
29Priority Criteria
- National needs identification
- Priority quantitative and qualitative criteria
- Multisectorial matrix of technological options
- Profile group generation in different
technological options - Recommendation generation for technological
implementation in proposed sector (Energy,
Transportation Agroforestry)
30Capacitation Needs Evaluation for Technology
31Impact of Technology Needs over Economical
Development and GHG emissions
- Until 2025 a rate between 6 to 7 of national
Internal Rough Product (PBI) increase is expected - Social and economical development
- GHG emissions decrease
- Impulse of technology in the 3 areas proposed
Energy generation, Transportation,
Agroforestation and pastures.
32Action plan
- Constitution of Consultant Group for Technology
Transfer - Promote and defense of a Regional or sub-regional
Centre for Technology transfer sited in Perú as
well as a Capacitation Centre. - More effective measurements to allow technology
transfer from industrialized countries to less
developed countries and a improvement in
financing programs and projects. - To coordinateTechnology Transfer policies
portfolio of developed countries so there will a
real agreements implementation. - To facilitate technology transfer reducing
royalties costs and patent use in under
developed countries using instead colective
negotiations and alternatives incentives proposed
by multinational insitutions. - To create a special financial support project to
strengthen internal capacities in research,
development, innovaation and training.