Title: Fore Ever in our Hearts
1Fore Ever in our Hearts
Youre invited
- The 10th Annual Steve Reid Memorial Golf Outing
- Sponsored by the SPS Community Team
2Fore Ever in our Hearts 10th Annual Steve
Reid Memorial Golf Outing
- Every 16 minutes someone in the United States
dies by suicide
- . . . Every 17 minutes someone is left to make
sense of it
- Did you know
- At least 750,000 productive years of life (under
age 65) are lost to suicide annually?
- Suicide is the eighth leading cause of all
deaths, third in age group 15-24?
- In the past 40 years, the suicide rate in 15-19
year olds has quadrupled?
- People can do something about suicide?
- Many suicides are preventable if people get the
appropriate treatment?
- Your participation in the Steve Reid Memorial
Golf Outing will help raise money to support
existing crisis intervention teams in the
community and will assist in saving lives!
3Fore Ever in our Hearts 10th Annual Steve
Reid Memorial Golf Outing
- The Steve Reid Memorial Golf Outing is
dedicated to the memory of Steve Reid and other
victims of depression and suicide. Steve was an
employee of Purchasing Procurement Governance
(now SPS) for almost twenty years. Steve made
many valuable contributions to Allstate
throughout his career. He is survived by his
wife Alexis and daughter Bianca.
4Fore Ever in our Hearts 10th Annual Steve
Reid Memorial Golf Outing
Golfers and Non-Golfers Invited!
- Friday, June 26, 2009
- Golfers - Tee Times Begin at 200 p.m.
- Everyone Beverages and appetizers served at
- Dinner buffet begins at 600
- Located at Heather Ridge Golf Course, Milwaukee
Avenue, Gurnee
- 45 per person includes green fees and cart for
nine hole scramble and a buffet at the home of
Keith Lisa Wernli. Beverage coupons
(redeemable at the course) distributed upon check
in. - Golfers will be able to pre-purchase a bouquet of
four mulligan balloons for 5, enabling that
extra try!
- Other 5 and 10 events will take place at the
course, more details to follow
- out-drive the pro
- water shot opportunity
- 15 per person for the buffet and festivities
only - spouses and guests are encouraged to
5Fore Ever in our Hearts 10th Annual Steve
Reid Memorial Golf Outing
- Golf includes the chance to win prizes for
Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, and Low
Scoring Foursome. Buffet is included for all paid
golfers. - Buffet includes food, beverages and FUN
- Please RSVP your intention (golf buffet /
buffet only / donation) to Lisa Wernli by June 5,
- Should you have questions regarding the outing,
please contact Lisa Wernli.
- Payment for golf required before June 12, 2009.
Make checks payable to Lori Delmar and send to
- Lisa Wernli
- Allstate Insurance Company
- 2775 Sanders Road, Suite E6
- Northbrook, Illinois 60062
- Maps for paid participants will follow.
6Fore Ever in our Hearts 10th Annual Steve
Reid Memorial Golf Outing
- All proceeds will be donated to Suicide
Prevention Services in Steve Reids name. Suicide
Prevention Services is an organization dedicated
to reducing and eliminating suicide and suicide
attempts. Their mission is to save lives and
restore hope through prevention, intervention and
postvention. We encourage you to visit their
website for additional information
http//www.spsfv.org/ including how to purchase
an Awareness Bracelet.
7Fore Ever in our Hearts 10th Annual Steve
Reid Memorial Golf Outing
- If you are unable to attend, please consider
other ways to contribute to the success of this
- A tax deductible donation to Suicide Prevention
- Please forward donation checks (made payable to
Suicide Prevention Services) to Lori Delmar so we
can include all contributions to SPS in Steves
name. - Help defer costs of the event with a gift of
dessert, beverage or golf prize thereby
increasing the amount of proceeds
- Purchase of raffle tickets for a chance to win
cash (50/50 split) or other great prizes!
- Tickets (1 each or 6 / 5) will be sold by
Community Team members beginning June 1st. They
will also be available at the event, prior to the
drawings. - Consider Suicide Prevention Services as a
beneficiary in the Allstate Giving Campaign or
your other charitable contributions.