Title: Secondhand Smoke in Apartment Units
1Secondhand Smoke in Apartment Units
- A presentation by the American Lung Association
of MN
2What is secondhand smoke?
- Smoke from the burning end of the cigarette.
- Smoke breathed out by the smoker.
- When you breathe secondhand smoke, it is like you
are smoking.
3Surgeon General Richard Carmona
4Surgeon General Richard CarmonaJune 27, 2006
- There is no risk-free level of secondhand smoke
- The only way to protect people from the dangers
of secondhand smoke is to eliminate the smoke
5Secondhand Smoke and You
- People of all ages and backgrounds can be
affected by secondhand smoke - Vulnerable populations, such as senior citizens,
are at an increased risk from health problems
such as heart attacks
6Secondhand Smoke and Your Heart
- Increases the risks of heart disease, heart
attacks, and increased heart rate - Increases blood pressure
7Secondhand Smoke and Your Lungs
- Includes many chemicals and gases that are
dangerous for your lungs - Causes lung cancer in adults who dont smoke
8Secondhand Smoke and Your Breathing
- Asthma, COPD, emphysema, and other breathing
problems - Increases the risk of bronchitis and pneumonia
- Being around smoke makes you more congested and
cough more
9Secondhand Smoke and Other Health Effects
- Burning eyes and throat
- Ear infections
- Nose bleeds
- Headaches
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
- Low birth weight and pre-term babies
10Smoking and Fires
- There were 40 smoking-related fires in
multi-family dwellings in Minnesota in 2005 - Minnesota Fire Marshal, Fire in Minnesota, 2005
- Smoking also caused 50 of multi-family fire
deaths occurring in Minnesota in 2006 - Minnesota Fire Marshal, Fire Fatalities, 2006
11Smoke-free Housing Trends
- In 2002, 66 of households in US and in MN were
smoke free-- US Surgeon Generals Report on
Secondhand Smoke, 2006 - In 2005, 78.2 of homes were smoke free in NE MN
and NW WI a 40 increase in 5 years-- Bridge
to Health Survey, 2005
12Secondhand Smokein Apartment Units
- Gases expand to fill a space and cigarette smoke
contains a number of gases as well as small
particles - Secondhand smoke seeps between units through gaps
in construction and shared ventilation
13What can you do?
- Try quick fixes like
- Talking to the smoking neighbor
- Asking your landlord to improve air filtration
- Sealing off your apartment from the smokers
apartment - Moving to another unit that does not have any
smoking neighbors - Creating a log of when you are being exposed to
secondhand smoke to use when you talk with your
landlord - Work towards adopting a no-smoking rule
14No-Smoking Rules in Apartments
- Smoke-free apartments are legal
- Smokers are not a protected class
15Steps to a Smoke-free Building
- Make a plan
- Hold a meeting
- Survey tenants
- Amend new leases and/or adapt house rules
- Market buildings smoke-free status
16We can help!
- We believe everyone deserves clean airespecially
in their homes - Provide FREE assistance with
- Considering and adopting a no-smoking policy
- Setting up conference calls with other landlords
who have adopted no-smoking policies - Presentations to tenants, community groups, and
others - Tenant surveys
- Drafting a no-smoking policy
- Implementation and enforcement planning
17Contact Information
- www.alamn.org/smokefreehousing
- (218) 726-4721