Title: Tourism Research
1Tourism Research
2Measurement of Visitor Expenditure
3Measurement of Visitor Expenditure in Jamaica
- Method
- exit surveys.
- Procedure
- questionnaire administered by interviewers
- data collected
- for one week each month, throughout the year, at
the two international both airports, and
- at the cruise ship piers when there are calls.
- Sampling unit is head of the party
4Measurement of Visitor Expenditure in Jamaica
- Expenditure category
- accommodation
- Room, Food
- Food beverage outside accommodation
- restaurant, nightclubs
- entertainment
- attractions, sports
- transportation
- taxi, car rental, air (inland), transfer, other
5Measurement of Visitor Expenditure in Jamaica
- Expenditure category
- shopping
- in-bond, clothing, straw products beads, wooden
articles, other craft.
- Miscellaneous expenses
6Measurement of Visitor Expenditure in Jamaica
- Important Issues
- questionnaire design
- Sequencing,
- Key questions - length of stay, party size,
- Control - Q6 G
- Package information Q.4
- Controlling bias
- editing/coding - use of additional information,
treatment of commissions and international
7Measurement of Visitor Expenditure in Jamaica
- Important Issues
- Data analysis
- Accumulate - expenditure, number of persons,
- Compute three measures - amount per person,
amount per person per night, the average length
of stay.
- Check for bias in sample
- Do various distributions cross tabulations
- Estimate gross expenditure NExp/person/nightl
8Measurement of Visitor Expenditure in Jamaica
- Important Issues
- Estimating Cruise Passenger Expenditure
- Expenditure Categories- Food beverage,
attractions, transportation, shopping, other.
- Estimate computed - amount per person
- treatment of
- pre-paid tours
- percentage of passengers not disembarking
9Measurement of Visitor Expenditure in Jamaica
10Visitor Expenditure 2005
Total Expenditure, US1,545 million
11Distribution of Visitor Expenditure 2005
All Accommodations
12Distribution of Visitor Expenditure2005
All Hotels
13Distribution of Visitor Expenditure2005
All-Inclusive Hotels
14Distribution of Visitor Expenditure2005
EP Hotels
15Average Expenditure Per Person Per Night by Month
16Expenditure By Package/Non-Package Tour
17Ave. Expenditure per person per night by Length
of Stay
18Ave. Expenditure per person per night by Purpose
of Visit
19Ave. Expenditure per person per night by Area of
20Expenditure By First and Repeat Visitors
21Ave. Expenditure per person by Country of Origin
22Ave. Expenditure per person per night by Country
of Origin
23Ave. Expenditure per person by Type of
24Ave. Expenditure per person per night by Type of
25Distribution of Stopover Expenditure 2005
Average Expenditure per Stopover Visitor per day