451617 Fundamentals of Positioning Technologies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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451617 Fundamentals of Positioning Technologies


Prepared by Dr A. Kealy, Department of Geomatics, University of ... sets now a big problem. ... 'squashed' at the poles and bulges at the equator due to forces ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 451617 Fundamentals of Positioning Technologies

451-617 Fundamentals of Positioning
Technologies Lecture 2 Geodetic Datums and Map
Projections http//www.colorado.edu/geography/gcr
aft/notes/coordsys/coordsys_f.html http//www.colo
At the end of this lecture students should know
  • How to interpret coordinates described in
    different coordinate systems.
  • What is a projection.
  • What is a datum.
  • Different ways of representing the shape of the
  • The relationship between datums, projections and
    coordinate systems
  • What are conversions and transformations and why
    are they necessary.
  • The coordinate systems, datums and projections
    used in Australia.

  • Until recently in-depth knowledge of datums were
    confined to geodesists.
  • Developments in GIS, GPS and remote sensing
    techniques have changed the way in which we
    acquire data.
  • More data available, more people have the means
    and the need to use it.
  • Combining data sets now a big problem.

Typical problems
  • Geo-referencing a satellite image with ground
    control points that have been established using
    GPS, and with others that have been obtained from
    a published map.
  • Combining digital map data from two different
    survey organisations, for example as part of a
    cross-border collaboration between neighboring
  • Carrying out a survey with high precision GPS and
    bringing it into sympathy with existing mapping
    in a local coordinate system.
  • Using handheld GPS receivers on charts prepared
    in a local datum

(No Transcript)
The height of the point is 3.122m The height
above mean sea level is 10.983m The latitude is
32o 10 12.23 The northings of a point are 152
A datum is a framework that enables us to define
coordinate systems. The framework includes a
definition of the shape of the Earth
Handling spatial data
What is a coordinate system?
  • In this map, the Blue Lake is located by the
    reference Page 10, D8. This kind of system is
    used in street directories and defines only the
    grid square in which the feature exists. Though
    the coordinate system is repeated on each page,
    by specifying the page number each grid is
    uniquely identified.
  • For map reading purposes, an infinite combination
    of lines can be used to divide Australia up into
    equal portions. A common example of a division of
    this kind is the local street directory. Street
    directories use sets of evenly spaced lines,
    known as a coordinate system, to break large
    areas of land into parcels. By giving each
    portion a reference marker in the north-south and
    east-west direction as well as a unique page
    number, features in the directory can be
    identified more efficiently as the area in which
    the feature exists is much smaller.

What is a coordinate system?
  • In this map, the Blue Lake is located by the
    reference 472 500E, 5 802 500N. Though the system
    is more complex it allows features to be located
    more exactly by interpolating coordinate values
    in both directions. Like a street directory, the
    coordinate system is repeated but instead of on
    each page, it is only between zones.

The coordinate system in Australia
  • In Australia, maps are divided into zones. Zones
    cover a much larger area than a single page in a
    Street Directory and are numbered according to a
    world wide convention. Australia is covered by
    zones 49 to 56, each zone covers 6 degrees of
    longitude. Zones are related to the Universal
    Transverse Mercator projection and used by many
    countries to map the Earth.
  • The coordinate system used in Australia enables
    features to be pinpointed to a greater degree of
    accuracy than a Street Directory where a grid
    area, in which the feature exists, is defined
    rather than the feature itself. Street
    directories generally use a letter and a number,
    topographic maps use a consecutive range of
    numbers in both directions. The range of numbers,
    allows the position of features to be
    interpolated to much greater degree of accuracy.

The coordinate system in Australia
The coordinate system in Australia
  • The type of coordinates found in a street
    directory and on Australia's topographic maps are
    known as Cartesian Coordinates. Cartesian
    Coordinates are related to a line in the
    east-west direction, known as the X axis, and a
    line in the north-south direction, known as the Y
  • Movements by a point away from the axes are
    recorded as a set of two values, known as
    coordinates. Coordinates tell you how far away
    from the origin of the axes, that you are. By
    convention, the point's position is identified by
    quoting the distance along the X axis first, and
    distance along the Y axis second, thus each point
    has a unique name.
  • These are the mathematical coordinates you find
    on a map. In cartography and surveying, the X
    axis coordinates are known as Eastings, and the Y
    axis coordinates as Northings.

Cartesian Coordinates Grid Values X, Y, Z
  • Cartesian Coordinates can define a point in
    space, that is, in three dimensions. To do this,
    another axis must be introduced. This axis will
    represent a height above the surface defined by
    the x and y axes. This new axis is known as the Z
    axis. For local 3D cartesian coordinate systems,
    the Z axis represents "up".

Cartesian Coordinates Grid Values X, Y, Z
  • This diagram shows the earth with two local
    coordinate systems defined on either side of the
    earth. The Z axis points directly up into the
  • These coordinates are read like the 2D Cartesian
    System only there is now an extra coordinate in
    the direction of Z instead of (X,Y) it is

The coordinate system in Australia
  • The new cartesian coordinate system that is used
    in Australia is known as the Map Grid of
    Australia 1994 (MGA94).The cartesian system that
    is being phased out is called the Australian Map
    Grid, there are two versions of the coordinates
    from this system, the originals from 1966 and
    their subsequent update in 1984 AMG66/84.

Geographic Coordinates - Longitude and Latitude
  • Lines of longitude intersect both the North and
    South poles. They are numbered using degrees
    beginning at the Royal Greenwich Observatory in
    England, which is designated as 0, and continue
    both East and West until they meet at 180.Lines
    of latitude are measured as an angle from the
    equator (0) to either Pole, 90 South and 90
    North. The equator is a line of
    latitude.Latitude and longitude are collectively
    known as geographic coordinates.
  • So any point on the earth's surface can have a
    set of geographic coordinates and a corresponding
    set of cartesian coordinates.

Geodetic Coordinates - Longitude and Latitude
As with Cartesian coordinates, one point on the
earth can have many different geographic/geodetic
coordinates assigned to it, depending on how the
shape of the Earth (reference system) was
defined. The Geocentric Datum of Australia
(GDA94) will have longitude and latitude values
that relate to a reference surface called the
Geodetic Reference System 1980 GRS80.
Figures of the Earth
The terrestrial surface refers to the earth's
topography. It is very complex with mountain
ranges and oceans and it is the surface upon
which we live and measure. Because the earth is
not even, it is not suitable for exact
mathematical computations.
The first simplification estimates the earth's
surface using mean sea level of the ocean with
all continents are removed - this surface is
called the Geoid. Due to variations in the
earth's mass distribution (oceans and land), the
Geoid has an irregular shape that is described as
"undulating". It is an equipotential surface.
This means that potential gravity is the same at
every point on its surface.
The ellipsoid can be further simplified into a
sphere. To define a sphere, only the radius is
required. The radius often used when modeling the
earth as a sphere is 6371 000 meters. This shape
is a close approximation of the earth's shape and
is a suitable approximation for most
Measurements have shown that the earth is in fact
slightly "squashed" at the poles and bulges at
the equator due to forces acting upon whilst it
spins. Mathematically this shape is described as
an ellipsoid of revolution, an oval that revolves
about its shortest dimension. It is a
mathematical approximation of the Geoid. This
shape is used for exact measurements over long
distances, across continents or oceans.
Geodetic Datums
  • Geodetic datums define the reference systems that
    describe the size and shape of the earth, and the
    origin and orientation of the coordinate systems
    used to map the earth.

Why did we change Datums in Australia?
Why did we change Datums in Australia?
  • compatibility with satellite navigation systems,
    such as the Global Positioning System (GPS)
  • compatibility with national mapping programmes
    already carried out on a geocentric datum,
  • single standard for the collection, storage and
    dissemination of spatial information at global,
    national and local levels.

The geoid
Map projections
  • World globes are a good estimation of the earth's
    surface but their scale is too small to allow you
    to plan trips across town. A flat map of the
    region that we can fold up and put in our pocket
    is more functional.
  • To convert the round earth to flat map is
    complicated. The best way to illustrate the
    difficulty in doing this is by thinking of the
    earth as a rubber ball with the land and water
    painted on it. To flatten the rubber ball into a
    flat square we need to cut it up and stretch it.
    Because the rubber ball is being stretched, the
    land shown on it will be distorted from its
    original shape.This same, cutting and
    stretching process is used to make maps through
    mathematical formulae called 'Projections'.
    Projection formulae take the geographic
    coordinates from the spherical earth (longitude
    and latitude) and convert them to cartesian
    coordinates (X Y). There are many projection
    formulae that can be used and consequently maps
    can look very different.

The ideal map
  • Areas on the map would maintain correct
    proportion to areas on the Earth
  • Distances on the map would remain true to scale
  • Directions and angles on the map would remain
  • Shapes on the map would be the same as on the

Map Projections
Type of geographical representation
  • Equidistant - correct representation of distances
    (generally in one direction only)
  • Equivalent - correct representation of area
  • Conformal - correct representation of shapes

Developable surfaces
Most projections are classified firstly according
to the shape of the developable surface, which is
dictated by the geographical area to be mapped,
but also in part by the function of the map, and
secondly by the features on the sphere which are
to be preserved on the projection
(No Transcript)
So how does this all fit together?
E, N, h coordinates
f, l, h coordinates
X, Y, Z coordinates
  • Name Australian Geodetic Datum (AGD66/84)
  • Ellipsoid Australian National Spheroid (ANS)
  • Map Grid UTM projection, Australian Map Grid
  • Name Geocentric Datum of Australia(GDA94)
  • Ellipsoid Geodetic Reference System (GRS80)
  • Map Grid UTM projection, Map Grid of Australia

At the end of this lecture students should know
  • How to interpret coordinates described in
    different coordinate systems.
  • What is a projection.
  • What is a datum.
  • Different ways of representing the shape of the
  • The relationship between datums, projections and
    coordinate systems
  • What are conversions and transformations and why
    are they necessary.
  • The coordinate systems, datums and projections
    used in Australia.
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