CORONAVIRIDAE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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III (avian) Infectious bronchitis virus of Tracheobronchitis, nephritis ... Outbreaks of infectious bronchitis have declined in recent years through use of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Crown viruses

General Characteristics- Coronaviruses
  • Single-stranded, positive sense RNA viruses
  • Enveloped and pleomorphic
  • Infect a wide range of mammalian and avian
  • Cause respiratory and enteric disease,
    encephalomyelitis, hepatitis, serositis, and
    vasculitis in domestic animals. In humans, common
  • Pronounced tropism for epithelial cells of the
    respiratory and the intestinal tract.
  • In general, mild or inapparent infections in
    adults but severe diseases in newborn or young
  • Stability of virus cold temperature relatively
    stable labile at room temperature highly

Viruses with ve RNA genomes
foot and mouth disease virus

porcine enteroviruses
feline calicivirus
equine arterivirus, PRRSV
flaviviruses (WNV)
pestiviruses (BVD)
equine encephalitis viruses
Classification and General Characteristics
  • Coronaviruses have also been associated with
    infections of the respiratory and enteric tracts
    and with central nervous system disease in
    monkeys, rats, rabbits, and other species.
  • Unusually large club-shaped peplomers projecting
    from the envelope give the particle the
    appearance of a solar corona pleomorphic 75-160
  • Family Coronaviruses have been divided into four
    antigenic groups (Table 1). Viruses within each
    group show some antigenic cross-reactivity, and
    there may be a number of serotypes within one
    virus species. Animals immune to one serotype are
    susceptible to infection with different serotypes
    of the same coronavirus.

Table 1. Antigenic Groups and Diseases Caused by
Antigenic Group Virus Disease
I (mammalian) Human coronavirus 299E Common
cold Transmissible gastroenteritis Gastroenteriti
s Feline infectious peritonitis Peritonitis,
pneumonia virus, meningoencephalitis, pano
phthalmitis, wasting Canine coronavirus Enteritis
II (mammalian) Human coronavirus OC43 Common
cold Mouse hepatitis virus (many Hepatitis,
encephalomyelitis, serotypes) enteritis Bovine
coronavirus Gastroenteritis Porcine
hemagglutinating Vomiting, wasting,
and encephalomyelitis virus encephalomyelitis
III (avian) Infectious bronchitis virus
of Tracheobronchitis, nephritis chickens (3
eight serotypes) IV (avian) Bluecomb disease
virus of Enteritis turkeys
Coronavirus Structure
  • The envelope carries three glycoproteins
  • S - Spike protein receptor binding, cell fusion,
    major antigen
  • E - Envelope protein small, envelope-associated
  • M - Membrane protein transmembrane - budding
    envelope formation In a few types, there is a
    third glycoprotein
  • HE - Haemagglutinin-esterase
  • The genome is associated with a basic
    phosphoprotein, N.

Coronavirus replication. Numbers of mRNAs and
locations of nonstructural (NS) proteins may vary
for different cornaviruses. Virions bind to the
cell membrane and enter by membrane fusion or
endocytosis. Viral genomic RNA acts as mRNA to
direct the synthesis of viral RNA-dependent RNA
polymerase. This enzyme copies the viral genomic
RNA to form full-length (-) strand templates.
These templates are copied to form new () strand
genomic RNA, an overlapping series of subgenomic
mRNAs, and leader RNA. All mRNAs are capped and
polyadenylated and form a nested set with common
3 ends. Each mRNA codes for a single
polypeptide. The N protein binds to novel viral
RNA to form helical nucleocapsids. E1, E2, and
E3 glycoproteins are produced on membrane-bound
polysomes. Some coronaviruses do not encode E3.
Cornaviruses that encode E3 cause hemadsorption
in infected cells. Virions are formed by budding
at membranes of the Golgi apparatus and the RER,
but not at the plasma membrane. Virions are
released by cell lysis or by fusion of
post-Golgi, virion-containing vesicles with the
plasma membrane.
SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Sydrome
  • February 2003 Guangdong, China
  • Viral pneumonia, fever cough,
  • dyspnea, headache, and hypoxemia
  • High case fatality

Lipsitch et al 2003, Science 300 1966
SARS Coronavirus
Where did SARS come from?
palm civet (paguma larvata)
SARS diagnosis
Serology ELISA, questionable Virology-PCR
Viruses of Veterinary Importance Coronaviruses
  • Bovine coronavirus (BCV)
  • Transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE)
  • Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP)
  • Infectious bronchitis disease virus (IBDV)

Bovine Coronavirus (BCV)
  • Viral diarrhea- Rotaviruses are the major cause
    of diarrhea in the young calf. Coronaviruses are
    also important. The pathogenesis is similar
    between the two viruses
  • Disease is most commonly seen in calves at about
    1 week of age, the time when antibody in the
    dam's milk has fallen to a low level. The
    diarrhea usually lasts for 4 or 5 days. The
    destruction of the absorptive cells of the
    intestinal epithelium of the small intestine, and
    to a lesser extent those of the large intestine,
    leads to the rapid loss of water and
  • Glucose and lactate metabolism is affected
    hypoglycemia, lactic acidosis, and hypervolemia
    can lead to acute shock, heart failure, and
    death, although coronavirus diarrhea is generally
    less severe than that caused by rotaviruses.
    Bovine coronaviruses may cause diarrhea in humans.

Viral causes of diarrhea in neonates
  • Rotavirus
  • Coronavirus
  • BVD
  • Bredavirus
  • Calicivirus
  • Parvovirus
  • Astrovirus

Susceptability of neonates
  • Rotaviruses 4 to 14 days
  • Coronavirus 4 to 30

4 days
Colostral Antibodies in gut
Susceptible period
  • FA of fecal samples
  • EM

  • Vaccination of pregnant animals
  • Colostrum for 2 weeks

vaccines against calf diarrhoea
Bovine Coronavirus (BCV)
  • Winter dysentery is a sporadic acute disease of
    adult cattle that occurs in many countries
    throughout the world, and it is believed to be
    caused by coronaviruses.
  • The clinical syndrome is characterized by bloody
    diarrhea accompanied by decreased milk
    production, depression, and anorexia.
  • Available vaccines are not effective, because
    they do not appear to contain sufficient
    antigenic mass and cannot be given early enough.
    Alternatives to vaccinating calves are to
    immunize the dam to promote elevated antibody
    levels in the colostrum or to feed antibody
    directly to the calf in colostrum.

Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus (TGEV)
Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus (TGEV)
  • TGEV of swine usually occurs in the winter months
  • Characterized by an explosive outbreak of
    vomiting and profuse diarrhea
  • Transmissible gastroenteritis is one of the major
    causes of death in young piglets in the a
    midwestern United States. Mortality is high,
    vaccines are of limited efficacy, and it appears
    to be difficult to prevent the introduction of
    the virus into herds.

Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus (TGEV)
  • Clinical
  • The disease is usually recognized at farrowing
  • The incubation period is usually 1-3 days, and
    all litters within the farrowing house are
    commonly affected at the same time.
  • The clinical signs in piglets are vomiting
    followed by a watery diarrhea and rapid loss of
    weight. The diarrhea is profuse, with an
    offensive odor, and often contains curds of
    undigested milk.
  • Piglets infected when under 7 days of age
    generally die within 2 to 7 days of the onset of
    signs piglets over 3 weeks of age usually live
    (may be unthrifty for several weeks). In growing,
    finishing, and adult swine the disease is
    commonly associated with inappetence and diarrhea
    of a few days' duration, and may even go
    unnoticed. Sows infected late in pregnancy may
    develop pyrexia, but they are otherwise normal
    and rarely abort.

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TGE IHC Immunocytochemistry Infected
Epithethial Cells
Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus (TGEV)
  • Diagnosis
  • presumptive diagnosis of TGE can be made from
    the sudden appearance of a rapidly spreading and
    often fatal disease of young piglets accompanied
    by vomiting and diarrhea.
  • clinical diagnosis can be confirmed by
    demonstration of specific antigen by
    immunofluorescence, isolation of virus, and
    demonstration of rising antibody titers in paired

Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus (TGEV)
  • Epidemiology and Control
  • Transmissible gastroenteritis occurs most
    commonly in the winter months (in North America
    between November and April), but its source is
    unknown. Its presence becomes apparent only when
    large numbers of piglets are born at a time when
    weather conditions favor transmission.
  • Control is difficult, although good management of
    the farrowing house can reduce the risk. The most
    widely used vaccination regimen involves
    vaccinating the sow with an attenuated vaccine 3
    weeks before farrowing, thus providing piglets
    with high levels of protective antibody in the
    colostrum during the critical first few days of

feline infectious peritonitis
Horzinek and H. Lutz An update on FIP Veterinary
Sience Tomorrow Jan, 2001
  • fatal disease of young cats (3-18 mo) in
    multi-cat houses or catteries
  • not seen before 1950
  • new virus?
  • old virus, new disease
  • systemic antibodies not protective, may even be
    harmful (antibody dependent enhancement, early

feline enteric coronavirus
  • closely related to dog, pig (TGE), human
  • species specific but K9CV can infect cats
  • two serotypes
  • serotype I
  • more common, 70-95 of isolates, does not cross
    react with K9CV
  • difficult to isolate

FeCV, serotype 2
Both serotypes can lead to FIP causing strains
  • very prone to making mistakes during replication
  • 1/10,000 nucleotides
  • quasispecies
  • invariant portion of genome
  • primers for RT-PCR
  • mild enteric or respiratory disease
  • grows mainly in epithelial cells
  • persistent infections
  • in balance with immune system
  • low levels of antibody

  • derived by mutation from FeCV
  • nature of mutation not defined
  • few obvious common mutations in FIP causing
  • No reliable technique for differentiating between
    non-virulent and virulent strains
  • not usually spread from cat to cat

  • Exposure to FeCV
  • 25 of cats from 1-2 cat households are
  • 75-100 of cats from catteries seropositive
  • susceptible cats become infected immediately
    following exposure
  • kittens can become infected in utero or soon
    after maternal antibodies drop below protective

epidemiology (FIP)
  • 15,000 in 1-2 cat households
  • 120 in catteries
  • sporadic
  • clustered9 (2-3 cats)
  • rarely epidemic - 40 mortality
  • no gender or breed predisposition

persistent infections
  • cats can shed virus (RT-PCR of blood and feces)
    for long time
  • persistence not reinfection
  • virus replicates in a few epithelial and lymphoid
  • immunohistochemistry
  • each cat has own collection of viruses
  • protected from infection by other strains
  • premunition
  • reason for rare horizontal transmission of FIP

FIP pathogenesis
Mild diarrhoea or respiratory illness
immune system
persistent infection
low level of replication in epithelial and
lymphoid cells

pregnancy in young queens
elective surgery
concurrent infections (FeLV, FIV ?)
weaning, sale, shipment, adaptation
immune system
increased virus replication -gt virulent mutants
increased ability to grow in macrophages
immune-mediated lysis of infected cells
cytokines draw in more susceptible cells
vascular permeability
immune complex related damage
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clinical signs
  • common signs
  • chronic antibiotic unresponsive fever
  • progressive anorexia, weight loss
  • stunting of growth
  • progressive increase in serum proteins
  • increase in globulins
  • anemia
  • serum, urine brown due to bilirubin

clinical signs
  • wet form
  • peritonitis
  • pleuritis
  • dry form
  • surface oriented granulomas
  • mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, kidneys, cecum
  • cloudiness in eye
  • neurological signs
  • can change from dry to wet

  • serology
  • prognosis?
  • no titer - no FIP but may still be infected
  • lt100 - less chance of developing FIP
  • gt100 - greater chance of getting FIP
  • increased globulins and protein (gt35g/L)
  • cytology
  • degenerate and non-degenerate PMN, macrophages,
    some lymphocytes, protein background
  • FeCV positive cells (FAT)

diagnostic alogrithm (Horzinek and Lutz)
diagnostic algorithm
diagnostic algorithm
  • vaccine
  • Primucell FIP
  • Intranasal ts virus
  • management
  • early weaning and separation

Viruses of Veterinary ImportanceAvian Infectious
Bronchitis Virus (IBV)
  • Avian infectious bronchitis (gasping disease) is
    one of the most important viral diseases of
    chickens. IBV is responsible for an acute
    respiratory disease which can produce very high
    mortality rates in young chicks.

Viruses of Veterinary Importance Avian
Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV)
  • Clinical Features
  • Outbreaks of infectious bronchitis are explosive.
    IBV spreads rapidly to involve the entire flock
    within a few days.
  • Chicks between 1 and 4 weeks of age show the most
    severe disease, which is recognized initially by
    coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge, and
    respiratory distress. Mortality in young chicks
    is usually 25-30 but in some outbreaks can be as
    high as 75.
  • In older birds the disease often goes unnoticed,
    but in laying hens there is a marked drop in egg
    production, with many soft-shelled and malformed
    eggs being laid.

Viruses of Veterinary Importance Avian
Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV)
  • Pathology and Pathogenesis
  • The course of the disease in young chicks is from
    7 to 21 days depending on the severity of the
    disease. Necropsy of young chicks dying from
    infectious bronchitis shows sinuosities,
    catarrhal tracheotis, bronchitis, and congestion
    and edema of the lungs. Caseous plugs may be
    present in the bronchi.
  • The primary target for viral replication is the
    trachea, but the virus also replicates in the
    lungs, ovaries, and lymphoid tissue.
  • IBV can establish persistent infection in some
    chickens, which results in shedding of virus in
    the feces for several months after initial
    exposure to the virus. When virus persists in the
    presence of high levels of antibody, severe
    nephritis can occur, which possibly reflects an
    immune complex-mediated disease.

Viruses of Veterinary Importance Avian
Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV)
  • Laboratory Diagnosis
  • In contrast to several of the coronaviruses, IBV
    can be easily isolated by the allantoic
    inoculation of 9- to 12-day-old embryonated eggs
    obtained from seronegative hens. Infected embryos
    are to a variable degree stunted or curled
    tightly. A range of cell and organ cultures can
    also be used for virus isolation.
  • At least eight genotypes of IBV exist and fall
    into two major groups virus isolates of widely
    differing pathogenicity occur within each
    antigenic group.

Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV)
  • Epidemiology and Control
  • IBV spreads between birds by aerosol and by
    ingestion of food contaminated with feces.
    Control of infectious bronchitis is difficult
    because of the presence of persistently infected
    chickens in many flocks.
  • Outbreaks of infectious bronchitis have declined
    in recent years through use of vaccines however,
    it may occur even in vaccinated flocks following
    the introduction of infected replacement chicks
    from another farm. To minimize this risk, most
    poultry farms purchase only 1-day-old chicks and
    rear them in isolation.
  • Attenuated vaccines, administered in the drinking
    water or as aerosols, are widely used to protect
    chicks and are usually given between 7 and 10
    days, and again at 4 weeks. Vaccination earlier
    than 7 days may be unsuccessful because most
    chicks have passive immunity up to this age.
  • Local immunity in the respiratory system is
    critical for protection and can be generated by
    heterotypic vaccine strains.

Avian infectious bronchitis. (A) One synonym for
the disease is gasping disease. (B) Thick
mucopurulent exudate in the trachea. (C)
Nephrosis. The kidney is pale and enlarged to
about five times normal size. (D) Embryos from
embryonated hens eggs inoculated via the
allantoic cavity with serial dilutions of virus
when 9 days old, and examined 11 days later.
Amounts of virus diminish in pairs from right to
left in the top row, and from left to right in
the bottom row.
Other coronaviruses of importance in veterinary
  • Porcine respiratory coronavirus (PRCV)
  • Porcine Hemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis virus
  • Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV)
  • Canine coronavirus (CCV)
  • Turkey coronavirus (Bluecomb disease of turkeys)
  • Mouse Hepatitis Virus
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