Title: Network Measurements of a Wireless Classroom Network
1Network Measurements of a Wireless Classroom
- Carey Williamson
- Nuha Kamaluddeen
- Department of Computer Science
- University of Calgary
- Wireless technologies are prevalent today
continued growth in popularity - Example IEEE 802.11b WLAN (WiFi)
- Economical, convenient, flexible solution for
tetherless network access (11 Mbps) - Enabler for mobile computing
- Two possible modes of usage
- Infrastructure mode
- Ad hoc mode
3Infrastructure Mode
Access Point (AP)
- Observation The same wireless technology that
allows clients to be mobile also allows servers
to be mobile - Hybrid networking paradigm, combining
client-server and ad hoc networking, without
general Internet infrastructure - Portable, short-lived, ad hoc networks
- Portable networks
- Is this useful? How well does it work?
5Portable Network (1 of 2)
Access Point (AP)
6Portable Network (2 of 2)
7Portable Networks Concept
- Set up when needed, tear down after
- Typically needed for minutes or hours
- When and where not known a priori
- No existing network infrastructure
- General Internet access not available, but not
required either - Pre-defined content target audience
- Modest number of users mobile too
8Example Usage Scenarios
- Classroom area network (e.g.
legacy classroom) - Press conferences, media events
- Conventions and trade shows
- Disaster recovery sites
- Recruiting events
- Schools
- Voting...
9Classroom Experiment
- Winter 2003
- CPSC 641 graduate course at U of C (Performance
Issues in High Speed Networks) - Course content available online
- Mirrored copy of Web site provided in classroom
using wireless Web server - Students download desired content
- Review lecture notes
- Begin work on assignment (large trace file)
10Experimental Setup
Web Server
- IEEE 802.11b wireless LAN
- Ad hoc mode
- Web server (Apache)
- 13 students, sharing 6 laptops and 2
PDAs - Wireless network analyzer
11Results Analysis
- Overview
- Aggregate traffic profile
- Per-client traffic profile
- TCP-level analysis
- TCP connection-level statistics
- Throughput analysis
- HTTP-level analysis
- Web user behaviour
- Persistent HTTP connections
12Aggregate Traffic Profile (Feb03)
13Per-Client Traffic Profiles
14TCP-level Analysis
- Trace file
- Info about each TCP/IP packet exchanged
- 1400 seconds ( 23 minutes)
- 262 TCP connections observed
15Tutorial HTTP and TCP
- TCP is a connection-oriented protocol
Web Client
Web Server
16Example Web Page
Harry Potter Movies
As you all know, the new HP movie came out in
June and then there will be a new book shortly
after that Harry Potter and the Bathtub Ring
The classic approach in HTTP/1.0 is to use
one HTTP request per TCP connection, serially.
The persistent HTTP approach can re-use
the same TCP connection for Multiple HTTP
transfers, one after another, serially. Amortizes
TCP overhead, but maintains TCP state longer at
19TCP Connection Duration
- 56 lasted lt 10 seconds
- Some lasted gt 3 minutes
20TCP Number of Packets
21TCP Number of Bytes
- 92 transferred less than 2 MB
- One connection transferred 50 MB
- Contributed 20 of total traffic!
- Heavy-tailed behaviour
22TCP Connection Throughput
23HTTP Requests per TCP Conn.
- Persistent connection
- Download multiple HTTP objects in one TCP
connection - Most TCP connections are non-persistent, but most
HTTP transfers are on persistent connections - Heavy-tailed or power-law behaviours
24HTTP Number of Packets
25HTTP Number of Bytes
- Up to 24 MB
- Majority transferred lt 2 KB
26HTTP Transfer Throughput
- Higher average than TCP connection throughput
27Summary and Conclusions
- Portable networks a novel paradigm for the use
of wireless ad hoc networks - Adequate performance for small WLAN classroom
area network environment - Works well even for wireless media streaming of
audio and video with up to 8 clients
(French 217, March 2004) - Future work exploring other scenarios using
this networking paradigm