Title: Taking Total Cost of Ownership to the Classroom
1International Efforts Around Open Technologies in
K-12 DELC Conversation Dec 9, 2005 Keith
Krueger, CEO Consortium for School Networking
2- About CoSN
- Founded in 1992, the Consortium for School
Networking (CoSN), a national nonprofit
organization, is the premier voice in education
technology leadership. - Mission
- To advance the K-12 education communitys
capacity to effectively use technology to improve
learning through advocacy, policy and leadership
3- Members
- Key members are school districts, as well as
state and local education agencies, nonprofits,
companies and individuals - The primary contact in school district members
are key technology leaders - Chief Technology
- The greatest impediment to successful use of
technology in education in primarily HUMAN, not
technical nor technological.
5Purpose of Todays Presentation
- Building on Jims presentation on the political,
social financial context around open
technologies - Where is the rest of the world?
- What resources/tools do U.S. educators need
around this topic?
6World Is Flat and Getting Flatter
- Thomas Friedman in The World Is Flat identifies
Open Source as one of the 10 major trends that is
flattening the world and enabling globalization.
7Many countries are moving aggressively on open
- Brazil
- Africa
- Europe
- Australia
- India
- China
- Welljust about all of the world
8But Open Technologies is more than open source
- Interoperability of Data
- New Service Support Models
- New forms of Open Content
- Hardware devices utilizing open standards and
open source software
9International Examples of Open Course Management
- Canada Atutor is a full featured open LCMS
system - New Zealand Interact is an open source online
learning and collaborate platform - Australia Moodle is a complete online course
management system 1.6 million users
10International Research Standards Efforts
- Britain Australia formal studies of TCO of
open source - Standards
- Dublin Core
11New Commercial Models
- Australia
- School management tools built in open source and
utilizing open standards. Schools contract for
Managed Internet Services. - Example
- myInternet provides services to 1.5 million
teachers and students www.myinternet.com.au
12New Philanthropic Efforts
- Announced at WSIS meeting in Tunis last week is a
new Open Educational Resources initiative funded
by Hewlett Foundation - www.hewlett.org/Programs/Education/Technology/tuni
sia.htm - Range of programs by Shuttleworth Foundation in
Africa - www.shuttleworthfoundation.org
- World Bank UN promoting Free Open Software
13New Open Content
- Wikipedia - 850,000 articles
- Library of Congress World Digital Library NEW
- NY Public Librarys Digital Image
- Google Open Online Library
- MITs Open Courseware Project
- Open Content Alliance (Yahoo, Adobe, Microsoft)
- Etc., etc., etc.
- CoSNs Primer on Open Technologies
- School Forge at www.schoolforge.net
- Creative Commons Project at creativecommons.org
- Contract Commons project at dotank.nyls.edu/Contra
15CoSN Wants YOUR Ideas
- Yet, there really has been limited discussion of
Open Technology by U.S. educators. - CoSN is exploring the creation of a new
Leadership Initiative around this topic.
16Small Group activity
- For the next 25 minutes, work in your small group
and identify specific tools and resources that
U.S. educators need to better understand Open
Technologies. - (e.g. case studies, technical guides,
workshops, web tools, self-assessment tools, etc.)
17Small Group reports
- Identify a leader to report out your best ideas.
- If another group has indicated same type of idea,
simply indicate you agree.
18Tools Resources for Tech Leaders
- CoSN provides a range of resources for
educational technology leaders targeted for those
at the district level.
19Taking Total Cost of Ownership to the Classroom
www.classroomtco.org Helping School Leaders to
Plan and Budget More Accurately for Education
Technology, Including Ongoing Direct and Indirect
CoSN/Gartner FREE tool to allow you to calculate
TCO, plus 8 TCO case studies Platinum sponsor
Sprint Gold sponsors HP, Dell, Texas
Instruments Media partner CDW-G/EdTech Magazine
20Accessible Technologies for All Students
- www.accessibletech4all.org
- Increased Achievement and Success for All
Students Through the Use of Accessible
Case studies, resources and tips for
success Platinum sponsor Sprint Gold sponsors
AlphaSmart, Apple, ETS, gh LLC, IntelliTools,
Kurzweil Educational Systems, Verizon Media
partner eSchool News
21Cyber Security for the Digital District
- www.securedistrict.org
- Ensuring Security of School Networks
Tools to self assess security, plan for the
unexpected and improve communication between the
Superintendent and CTO Platinum sponsors
SurfControl, Symantec Gold Sponsors BellSouth,
Microsoft, Sun Microsystems Media partner
Technology Learning
22Data Driven Decision-Making
www.3d2know.org Enabling Educators to Think
Strategically about the Use of Data Driven
Free self assessment tool, case studies and an
overview reports Platinum sponsors ETS, IBM,
SAS Additional sponsors Co-nect, Dell, Pearson
School Systems, PLATO Learning, Power School,
SchoolNet, Texas Instruments Media partner
Scholastic Administr_at_tor
23CoSN Essential Leadership Skills Series
- www.cosn.org/resources/essential/
- Professional Development Resources for the
District Level Technology Decision Maker and Her
Smart Budgeting with Total Cost of
Ownership Backgrounder and workshop CD with
participant workbook Measuring Success How Will
We Know When We Get There? Backgrounder Technology
Planning Linked to Educational
Goals Backgrounder
24CTO Council
- www.cosn.org/resources/cto_council/
- Providing resources and professional development
opportunities for school district CTOs (Chief
Technology Officers) - Mission
- Professional Development
- Knowledge Sharing
- Knowledge Transfer
- Media partner Education Week
25Emerging Technologies Reports
- NEW Digital Learning Spaces 2010
- Hot Technologies for K-12 Schools
- Guide to Handheld Computing in K-12 Schools
- Guide to Wireless LANs in K-12 Schools
- updated Winter 2005
- Sponsors ADC Foundation, Alcatel, and Education
Networks of America - www.cosn.org/resources/emerging_technologies
26Keith Krueger, CEO CoSN 1710 Rhode Island Avenue
NW Suite 900 Washington, DC 200036 202.861.2676 ww