The Transition from DO178B Certification to CC Evaluation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Transition from DO178B Certification to CC Evaluation


ADO Deliver and Operation (No Correspondence) elsewhere ... Formal Correspondence Demonstration partially derivable from DO-178B ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Transition from DO178B Certification to CC Evaluation

The Transition from DO-178B Certification to CC
  • Dr. Jim Alves-Foss
  • University of Idaho

University of Idaho
University of Idaho
  • Fact Book
  • Land Grant University est.1889
  • Located in Moscow, ID
  • pop. 20,000 10,000 students 8 miles from WSU
  • One of first 7 of 31 NSA Centers of Academic
    Excellence in Information Assurance
  • One of Americas 100 Best College Buys
  • Yahoos 13th most wired university
  • Distance Education MS and PhD (1 yr residency)
    via Video Tape delivery

  • Today we have heard discussion regarding
  • DO 178B Evaluation
  • What are the requirements
  • What is the process
  • What are the resulting work products
  • Common Criteria Evaluation
  • What are the requirements
  • What is the process
  • What are the resulting work products

High-Level Comparison - DO-178B Processes to CC
  • CC Assurance Class DO-178B Area
  • ACM Configuration Management Software
    Configuration Management
  • ADO Deliver and Operation (No
    Correspondence) elsewhere
  • ADV Development Software Development Process
  • AGD Guidance Documents (No Correspondence) -
  • ALC Life Cycle Support Software Planning
  • ATE Tests Software Verification Process
  • AVE Vulnerability Assessment (No
    Correspondence) testing?

Non-mapping CC Classes
  • Several CC classes dealing only with security
    issues could not be mapped to any DO-178B
  • These include
  • AGD Guidance Documents
  • ADO Delivery and Operation
  • AVA Vulnerability Assessment CC

Non-mapping CC Classes
  • Guidance documents refer to documents
    specifically related to the security aspects of
    administration and operation of the software.
  • DO-178B does not address documentation relating
    to just the security aspects of system operation.
    Nor does it address user or management
    documentation directly. This is typically the
    function of the integration requirements for the

Non-mapping CC-classes
  • The Delivery and Operation class seeks to insure
    that the software was delivered without
    interference or tampering and that the software
    is installed and initially started securely and
  • Again, no corresponding DO-178B process
    components addressed the security aspects of
    tampering and initial start-up. This is typically
    a requirement of integration although FAA looks
    at safety, not necessarily security.

Non-mapping CC Classes
  • AVA-Vulnerability Assessment
  • Vulnerability Assessment deals specifically with
    covert channel analysis, deliberate misuse and
    other security function assessments that are
    absent in DO-178B.
  • DO-178B requires structural coverage testing and
    traceability avoiding inclusion of unspecified
    features. Does fault tree analysis encompass
    security vulnerability analysis?
  • Specific security requirements can be added to
    the product specification, therefore requiring

Considerations ...
  • Certain considerations in Mapping CC to DO-178B
    need to be addressed ...
  • Differences exist between the intended purposes
    of the two documents which are important to the
    final outcome of merging requirements from both
  • DO-178B is intended to certify that software used
    in aircraft is developed with "best known"
    practices and does not contribute to aircraft
    safety hazards.
  • Emphasis in DO-178B
  • outlining general policies and procedures to
    produce safe software in terms of airworthiness
  • produce documentation to substantiate that the
    development requirements have been met.

Considerations ...
  • Consequently, language and content is high-level
    and abstract
  • A lot of compliance decisions are left up to the
  • CC higher EALs require more formalism in product
    requirements, development and analysis.
  • This formalism is not required by DO-178B, but
    can be added to specific product requirements
  • CC does not explicitly require 100 structural
    coverage testing only of security functions
    (ATE_COV), but this would be a bonus to support
    CC verification.

Considerations ...
  • CC
  • The Common Criteria (CC) is intended to specify
    security requirements that a system, hardware or
    software, must satisfy in order to achieve a
    specific level of assurance.
  • The CC only deals with security functionality of
    systems and does not address overall development
    issues except where they affect security.
  • CC can be considered guidelines for a subset of
    the system.

Considerations ...
  • Emphasis in CC
  • The CC is a much more detailed document in terms
    of specifying how compliance is achieved for an
    intended product.
  • Each component of each assurance class has
    specific action elements and evidence of
    compliance for both developers and evaluators.
  • DO-178B is not nearly as prescriptive. Good
    practices, and experience with certification
    authorities are the guidelines.

Considerations ...
  • Merging CC security requirements into DO-178B
    will need to address these differences in detail
    so that none of the CC functionality is lost.
  • Integrating security functionality into the FAA
    certification process needs to be addressed for
    the total system being evaluated, not just the
    software that will be integrated into the
    aircraft since the CC's scope encompasses entire
    systems. This involves other FAA regulations.

Considerations ...
  • Consequently, a mapping between DO-178B and the
    CC will only constitute part of the process for
    achieving certification by the FAA for a high
    safety level system and by NSA/NIST for a
    high-level assurance system.
  • In conclusion...
  • the mapping and integration of CC requirements
    will need to be extended beyond DO-178B to
    satisfy CC certification
  • Ex. DO-254 is digital hardware equivalent of

What work products are required for EAL n?
Formal Methods
EAL 7 Requirements
Formal Methods
Mapping DO-178B to EAL 7
  • Formal Methods
  • One of the major differences in DO-178B and CC
    EAL7 is the requirement of formal methods in EAL
    7. Specifically this requires the following work
  • Formal Security Policy can use existing
  • Formal Functional Specification -- derivable
    from DO-178 documentation
  • Formal High-Level Design -- derivable from DO-178
  • Semi-formal Low-Level Design -- derivable from
    DO-178 documentation
  • Formal Correspondence Demonstration partially
    derivable from DO-178B documentation, most
    requires proof efforts

Summary of ADV_SPM.3
  • Formal TOE Security Policy Model (TSP)
  • Developer shall provide TSP model and proof of
    correspondence between TSP model and FSP model.
  • Formal model, describe rules and characteristics
    of all policies of TSP that can be modeled with
    consistency and completeness of policies.
  • Correspondence to FSP shall be consistent and
    complete (this requires a formal proof of
    correspondence for EAL 7)

Security Policy
  • An information flow and data separation security
    policy must address
  • Exfiltration When the execution of a process
    affects that state of another process. This
    represents flow of information out of the
    executing process to another process due to the
    behavior of the executing process.
  • Infiltration When the execution of a process is
    affected by the state of another process. This
    represents the flow of information into the
    executing process from another process due to the
    behavior of the executing process.

Formal Policy for a Separation Kernel
  • Depends on the context of the separation
  • Are processes isolated for safety reasons?
  • What is the top-level, abstract view of the
  • How does the system architect view the system for
    purposes of separation and information flow?
  • Enclaves or complete separation?
  • Interprocess communication?
  • What assumptions are made about the environment?

Information Flow Example (Architects View)
  • Separation security policy enables this view

High Level Security Policy Example
  • System Model
  • Sys(K,P,M,A)
  • K is kernel state, P is set of n partition
    states, M is set of m memory blocks, A is access
    control map for memory blocks
  • Next(S,S)
  • Transition function of full system executing a
    single step of a partition, lets call that
    partition Pc, transits system from state S to
    state S
  • Portion of Policy (for every Next(S,S))
  • If Mi ? S, Mi ? S and Mi ? Mi then Pc must
    have written Mi and therefore write access for Pc
    to Mi must be in A
  • Read access controls are more complex

  • (defthm separation
  • (let ((segs (intersection-equal (dia seg)
  • (segs (current st1)))))
  • (implies
  • (and
  • (equal (selectlist segs st1)
  • (selectlist segs st2))
  • (equal (current st1) (current st2))
  • (equal (select seg st1) (select seg
  • (equal
  • (select seg (next st1))
  • (select seg (next st2))))))

Summary of ADV-FSP.4
  • Formal Functional Specification (TSF)
  • Developer provides functional specification
  • Description of TSF (TOE Security Functions) and
    external interfaces is formal internally
    consistent, complete.
  • Completeness involves
  • Method and use of all external TSF interfaces,
    detailing all effects, exceptions, error messages
  • Completely represents TSF
  • Includes rationale for claim of completeness
  • Description used

Functional Specification Example
  • (defun sm-model (st fsm n)
  • (if (zp n) st
  • (sm-model (cstep-model st fsm) fsm (1- n))))
  • (defun cstep-model (st fsm)
  • (DST (find-tr st (FSM-TR fsm)))
  • (defun find-tr (st tr-list)
  • (if (endp tr-list)
  • (make-state-trans src st dst st)
  • (if (equal st (SRC (car tr-list))) (car
  • (find-tr st (cdr tr-list)))))

Summary of ADV_HLD.5
  • Formal High-Level Design (HLD)
  • Developer shall provide high-level design of TSF
  • Description of TSF structure in terms of
    subsystems that is internally consistent,
  • Identifies and specifies functions of underlying
    hardware, firmware, and/or software required
  • Specifies separation of TOE into TSP-enforcing
    and other subsystems
  • Identification and justification of mechanisms
    for ensuring separation of TSP-enforcing from

  • (defun cstep-tps1 (input-m1)
  • (if (zerop (counter input-m1))
  • (context-switch input-m1)
  • (let ((m1 (dec-counter input-m1)))
  • (if (equal (current-p m1) 1)
  • (update-state 1 (cstep (st1 m1)) m1)
  • (update-state 2 (cstep (st2 m1)) m1)))))
  • (defun context-switch (m1)
  • (let ((new-partition
  • (if (equal (current-p m1) 1) 2 1))
  • (new-counter (get-quantum new-partition m1))
  • (new-quantum-list (get-quantum-list m1)))
  • (update-state 0 (list new-counter
  • new-quantum-list) m1)))

Summary of ADV_RCR.3
  • Formal Correspondence Demonstration
  • Developer shall provide analysis between adjacent
    pairs of TSF representations formal proof
    requires if pairs are formally specified
  • All relevant security functions of more abstract
    representation are correctly and completely
    refined by les abstract representation.
  • Analysis is formal/semi-formal, depending on the
    formality of the adjacent pairs.

  • (defthm equal-sm-no-interference2
  • (let ((tr2 (GetTr2 tr)))
  • (implies
  • (and (is-in tr (FSM-Tr m))
  • (FSM-equal (PI2 m) m2)
  • (not (equal (SRC tr2) (DST tr2))))
  • (is-in tr2 (FSM-tr m2))))
  • hints (("Goal" in-theory
  • (disable PI2 GetTR2 FSM-equal))))
  • (defthm model-exe-preserves
  • (and
  • (implies (compstate-p s)
  • (multi1-p (model-to-exe s)))
  • (implies (multi1-p s)
  • (compstate-p (exe-to-model s)))))

High-Level Step
Low Level - High-Level Mapping
Low Level - High-Level Mapping
Low-Level Step
Formal Methods Gotchas
  • Some difficulties that may occur with FM
  • Specifications are models, which necessarily
    abstracts away details.
  • Some of these details may be essential resulting
    in incomplete correctness proofs
  • Abstractions and models have implicit assumptions
  • Must fully document these assumptions
  • Must very consistency of assumptions
  • Specifications may contain errors
  • Must verify specification consistency and
  • Multiple individuals should validate the
    specifications and theorem statements. Machines
    can check the proofs.

Formal Methods Process From Here (where
University of Idaho fits in)
  • Obtain and review relevant DO-178B documentation
    from vendor.
  • Instantiate Protection Profile for specific
    Security Target.
  • Work with vendor to develop Functional
    Specification (TSF).
  • Prove correspondence (RCR) between TSF and TSP.
  • Work with vendor to develop formal high-level
    design (HLD).
  • Prove correspondence between HLD and TSF.

Estimated Effort
  • Estimated effort 1 person year per 1000 lines of
    kernel code for PhD formal methods mathematician.
  • Time frame for 1 RTOS verification complete by
    Sept 2003.
  • With student effort the FTEs increase but cost
  • Reuse is possible, reducing cost and effort for
    subsequent efforts.
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